HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 19.11. a 0 0 f t• 6 -66 • nIst 0. • • • . „ , . ' ^ 0 " • " 001, /010100 0 00,44 ').0 00 00 0 0,•110 Vil- 1) • 0 ,t1.0* 0 • t. 660 •, 6.'0 0'0,11-4 lt-1441WigitiP4e#211Vjer 44?11frig' " t, I. u 0^ 1,0.0 Pv0., ' . t: u °*4.''*'*h."00.*,,,‘0(',4'0,141•00.101'spa, •0 00tt0 10'0'0 0,4" n 40 0 .•e• 0,1 • • 4.*".• % 1".fitirdiaki. , P / WEDNESDAy, 'DECEMBER 23rd, 1970, • - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,.1CKNOW,, ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN, iocai Dar! Stuckey, a teacher at the. F. E. Madill Secondary .School in • Wingham , has arrangements com- • pleted for a skiing trip which will take a group of about 15 young people from the area to Austria over the Christmas holiday,' The. group left Tueiday of this week and will return Sunday, January 3. ng People Spend On Austrian Ski Trip in co-operation with Ship's School Association, they fly to Innsbruck, Austria, one of the best-known ski resorts in the world. Mr., Stuckeyresponsible .fOr arrangements, through the same association, which took a groUp of yOung people to ExPo 7Q in. Japan Outing the past summer, EE 417 HOW RESISTANT ARE YOUR PRESENT HYBRIDS TO LEAFBLIGHT? G4082 - 80-84 Days (N) G5150 — 84 - 87 Days (N) THESE 'HYBRIDS. ARE PRODUCED' BY THE DETASSELING METHOD AND HAVE"SHOWN HIGH RESISTANCE•TO YELLOW AND SOUTHERN LEAF BLIGHT, (1970) WM. WEBSTER FUNICS AtgNT REPORT ON TRIP TO NATO By R..E. McKinley, M.P. Huron' • As many of my constituents are aware', 'J.have just finished attend-: in Meetings Of the North Atlantie. endous contribution Canada made to the gurdpean liberation and .defence Treaty Organization, .better during_past wari. ,• Of very 'great interest to the' knownas 'NATO; in the Hague - delegation were talks we had for. Holland. It was .a very interest- two days in Brussels, Belgium., ing• experienCe to'say ihe•leait. iegarding the organiiatiOn of the lhe first three day. g Were spent.- "European ecoornic corn Ifl1ties, better, known as the,cOrtnon market.. ,The discussions centred around' Great Eirifain and that they niight achieve entry:in the near future in this. community. Many, Canadians ate •not aware that this corrnunity's goals ,are.to 'achieve' political union as well as economic union and are well ad- vanCed inthat regard.. The six. Countries involved' haye set up a central Parliament in.,13elgium but the1 re resentatiVes 'are a oin- -thtrbreV-ch ountryt-S--Patillarrne-rit rather"th,in elected. Most of the officials seem to,feel quite sure tha.t:Britain will be a member of on committee -rne6tings with separate: committees' set up • for discussion. on defence, pOlitie- . • al affairs ec.onOmic .affiars, •well'as.social and education affairs... About two of our mem- bers attended each: of the commit tee meetPngs•for the three days I was allotted to the economics committee and found the discus- sionsvery' interesting. Canada • has reduded its commitnient.in • ex enelitnre 'to maintain defence • rn Europe. fel-count ' eract any possible aggression:on . the, part of the ,Soyiet The 'United'§tates are presently rin '-the ma'or share of the An Air Canada flight from Tor- onto to Montreal preceded a flight on KLM, the Dutch airline, to Amsterdam for a brief stopover before proceeding to Munich; From Munich they travel by bus the short remaining part of the trip. , The grOup will be skiing at -Mutters ,‚'near Innsbruck. Total cost for the trip is' $340 per 'person. This, includes the air flight both ways, equipnierit hours per day 'for the first.six days. and 2 hours per day atter that. All that will be .required by the traveller, 'in addition to the h, 40, is a hit ofsperiding money, Taking the' trip are Dan Stuck- ey, Wingham, history and physic- al education teacher who. has been in•charge of arrangements; 'Vince Schonberger , a teacher of Germ- an and Latin at the' school; John,' Brown of J. BrOwn Motors in --Gort4e; $har-i-i-Lynn-Gunninglia-m-of Walkerton , a first year. sttident at University 'of Guelph; 'also eleven students at the F. E. Madill' schoolin..Wirigharn; Brenda Bush ell, Debbie Cotrin, Don M:acDori 'aid , bon Elliott of Lucknow; Ron • 'Alison. Sinith, Louise Reid of *Teeswater; Helen Rooney, BruCe Raymond of Brussels; Mark • Fisher Michael. Walden of, Wing-; ham-. • ‘ . ' • • • . , • • RE -MILK DELI VERY THERE WILL BE MILK DELIVERY ON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th NO. DELIVERY . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25th AND 26th THURSDAy„LOE.CghispR-31,st • FRIDAY, JANUARY 1st .: FAIRVIEtil DAIRY seems to me that softie considera- tion must be given to the setting of import quotas of many manuf- • actured products ;.especially -re-x-t-ile----Sorne-effeetive retalia— tion as what 'I. have, suggested 'Would seem necessary; especially if. Britain should becoine a mem- bet of this European economic community. . --A-slicti gun is weapon, used , to bring down bridegroorris and other birds. the common market in about three year.s' tithe.. The system'-, that they operate under with. re- gard to agriculture productS Canada's export. possibilities in, agriculture products. Prices for 'all coMmodities are set by .the community whith guarantee a reasonable return to the producer and any importer in'the commun- ity that qmports agricultural prod.-. ucts froni another country is re- quired to pay the price they can. be purchasecksat in that' other country as' well as' a levy': that cap be as, high as 50 /0 on.top of the purchase price. 111 e 'levy is paid expenses as well as the supplying of troops', and, a re desperately endeavouring to have a larger share of this eXpense taken over by7the WeItcrn7Enroiyeatr-couritries, who receive the, main benefit from the Maintenance of the def-, enceS.in-NATb. ,As'a result..of' the tneetings.that Were held', it, seerns'evident that these Western Etiropean.countries are not 'prepared to supply increased fin- ances tOWards thiS.cause , and I surmised from the disc.ussions • that they are,reinctant to do•so '.cstjfLeLs.ecureLthaute United 'States will continue to Supply the finances and troops. • needed'. , The Western European . countries are reluctant to antag- • ,onize the U.S.S`.R: in any man- ner that may make tension's ,/orse; but in the Meantime evidence shOwi that strengthening her fOrces and while they main-' tam n that these forces will only be used for defenc.,1. am sure' there' is no one who really knows what they .m.a' dO With the strength in UP TO HALF-PRICE FILM* PROCESSING BLACK' AND WHITE , —8 -Exposure --5 121— 85 cents, 20 — $1.35 Reprints ie KODACOLOR • • 8 Exposure' $2.12 • $2.88, 20 -- $4.S0 Reprints 19c By-pass "middleman store- keeper," send DIRECT to pro-' eessing-plant _and_save_uvto 50%! Send film, cask Cheque or money order along with • this ad to: . • . the military, they ate building up. Most of the partners in NATO do not consider Canada as being able tb play a very significant , role in any confrontation that may take place", but it seems to . me they tend to forget the tretn- 'I.. •, • 1- T•64 • • • • CLINTON PHOTO SERVICE' CLINTON,* ONTARIO Add 5% tex LUcknov71entin; --Tjeci 23 posomissomom maintained by the 'common Mar - ket , and:this leVy fund is then in turn used to subsidize exports of agricultural' products., whenever they are -in surplus. As you can see, this not only alloWs.thera ti) buy our products at the.World7free market price but' wpen,they use-, • • • , DAY'HI BY HELEN ALLEN crirenktreiegram Syndicate -Tr this additional fund to subsidize exports, to other countries they can,in effect drive the world -free' rarket prices down afidsesthe price Ilia we can receive' forour products from other Countries -as well as .theniselVes ; In the 'mean- time , the' United ,States and, Canada are exPeCted'to 'allow :free. access for their manufactured products into. oirr •cpuntry and this is a tremen ous ardship Manufacturing firms and.produo-, tion, workers," And:is one very vis- ible Cause for our present rate of unemployment. The rate of wageS-paid-by manufactured in-. these Eurapean cOuntries,:incind-: ing.tpgland , considerably lower than the rate' our tnanufae- --t-nrets---areLexpeoted-to-pay-rto--,--- their cost of production is lower and they can easily compete with ou4 products. In this Way, they achieve the .best of both worlds and insure Very nearly'•full • ernPlOyment. If our country , ever t�. achieve status as a great. 'manufacturing nation where we can. 'Manufacture 'many of, the productsmow imported', often out of ont oti4inal raw,.frraVerials.,.it • $44 1P.r. Peter is a most attractive boy, 16 months old, of Scottish and Irish descent He looks quite slight, but weighs 25 o nds fi,o_hels_a_s_tUrtly_felloit-Belas soft blonde hair_with a slight Oil, huge blue eyes,. fair skhi, ,aild the irresistible• smile of the pictute. , • ' ' Peter was born very prematurely and had a lot of early • health difficulties. He has long since overcome them, except for a tendency .to colds, and seems to have made up for his prematurity. ' 7" • In infancy, PeterWasdiagnosed as 'having very mild cerebral palsy (which means loss Of muscle control)-ln his left. leg. It is . exceedingly •'slight, -- he moves easily and livell-tilkieditiatil:Thigis not a -progressive 4* - condition, so it will, not be .more troublesome in the future . than it is now. .• , . Peter' is a healthy; happy boy, actfve and really strong.. If someone leaves a. drawer open he chins himself on it.„'He has quite a' big vocabulary and he loves music. • • He will be a. fine son for a family wanting a handsome, • cheerful, affectionate Jttle iyoy, To inquiteAtboutLadoPchig Peter plate -Write folioday's Child, DepartmentibeSocial and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. Por general adoption information ask y our Children 'A Md • Society.