The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 12Pit. .PAGE TWELVE J l i.00,040Vof.$' 1NE'k, LUCKNCW, ONTARIO o* s happy families everywhere gather together to celebrate this most festive of seasons, we wish you ,and yours every joy. • PORTER'S. SEPTIC TANKS L' UCKNOW le would Tike to extend our warmest holiday. greetings to our friends. Thank you, Merry Chistmas. "DINNIE" MacDONA1D Ripley let els .now Aw ter r' tiat U S or New Yea& Ito* some visitors? Call us at 'rho l Arekrow Sentinel 5204822, and hell us shout them, We'd like to hear trout you' If you -hay a ,rural correspondent. in your area,, give her a call, Nile UCW Elect Officers At Annual The metting of Ni14 United Church. Women.was preceded by. Via• pot luck luncheon.witti 29 ' 'ladies and.3 children present. Rev. Clarence McClenahan said Grace . Mrs. Elwyn ;Pollock , President, welcomed everyone after which. Mrs .:Charles Johnston and .Mrs. Pollock read Scripture from St. Lukes; Commentary and Pra yer . Rev..McClenaghan showed a Film Strip of the Nativity and Mrs; McClenaghan gave the. com- mentary. Mrs. McClenaghan and Mrs. .W..H. Talmay read Christ- mas readings. Mrs. Pollock con ducted a. short business meeting. Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge gave the Treasurer's report'•which showed Receipts' of $149,80. Annual • • 'reports of the various committees were received Buying Commit' tee., Mrs. David •MacDairmid;•. Work Committee , Mrs. Len. Christ law; Food: Committee;. Mrs .. Allan Dickson;, Citizenship and Social; Action, Mrs. Len Brindley; Chris tia.n and Missionary Education: Mrs; :Aha n, Dickson;' Community.. . Friendship and Visiting.; Mrs.. Robt. McPhee; Supply and' Wel- fare ;.Mrs.. Doug:.Mc:Neil, Steward- ship:and Vocation ;Mrs. R C: --- McClenaghan Nominating, Mrs. Cliff McPhee : A donation of .$S was voted to Mrs. Trivers, who is starting a Tyro Group.. ,'Shut-ins"and Sick Members of theiCongregat•ian will,' be remembered at Christmas. The meeting„closed with Prayer;. • The .beauty ani spiritof the season brings to mind most gifts . . friend- ship,. loyalty and good will. We .thank you for yours and wishyou a Merry Christmas. a SEPOY STORE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF Presid'ent', Mrs_ F1wyn Pollock; ist Vice Pres. ,. Mrs, 'Allan Dick- son; 2nd Vice'Pres... Mrs.. W. H.. Talmay; Recording Sec.., Mrs.: Mrs. L..Christilaw; :Treasurer, Mrs. ;Wilmer .Rutledge;..Pianist, N1rs. Earl. Sherwood; Assistant., Mrs: Malcom Jacobs; Press Sec; retary; Mrs. W. Ii Representative to Board of Stew • ards , Mrs. W. 'Rutledge; Buying ; .Committee, Mrs L. 'Christilaw 1�1r Chas- -Johnston, Mrs,.Doug Young; Work Committee , .Mrs. Alvin Kerr,Mrs. L. Christilaw , Mrs, Les Johnston, Mrs . ' Robt . McPhee , . Mrs... Robt , Rising Sr Food' Committee. , Mrs. Harry Girvin ,;Mrs. E, Pollock., Mrs.. Allan•Dicks.on., Mrs; aco•s Firs . Ila vid McDairmid;. Rep'. on Manse Committee , Mrs. b. Mc - Dairmid:, Mrs. H. Girvin;; Liter- ature and. Communications, Mrs. W 'E7utledge;' Citizenship and ' Social Action, Mr's.' Alvin'Kerr;. Christian and Missionary Educa tion, Mrs. Allan Dickson, Mrs, Len• Brindley; Community Friend- ship and Visiting, Mrs. H. Tal- may; :Mrs., D. Young and Mrs. Robt, .McPhee; Supply and Wel- fare., :Mrs. Doug McNeil; Steward- ship and Vocation., Mrs. R.. C.. McClenaghan; Program and Host- ess,' Rev. R. C. McClenagha/n,. Mrs. E. Pollock, Mrs, L. Christi- law , Mrs, Chas. Johnston; Nomin atrrig, Mrs : W., H. Talrnay., Robt , Rising, Mrs. M . Jacobs. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER .23rd.,, 1910 the pr. it ofChristrnas WJt.b thoughts . o/, the'many beautiful things connected with this season, we send wishes to everyonefor a peaceful, .blessed Christmas... JOHNSTONE and SON .FURNITURE AND FUNERAL HOME hearty holidtsy . season: May, the gifts ` o good : health find good cheer by yours.. 4NTMOC 1NTYRE NNow's the time to thank you”, for your' continued goad_.._w.ill, and wish you, and your • farnily a. happy holiday! ART HELM • WELDING AND MACH°INE SHOP` MANAGEMENT AND STAFF