HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-16, Page 11' • .74.1.1!: 4 WEDNESDAY, DEciamisaR. 1.404,,1970 THE LUOKHOW SENTINEL .4' kticKNOWi ONTARMO • PAGE locum* - Educational Funds Or through Life Insurance? CONTACT , M.. . 'Mahan — ,R. 2 tmelchow.*Piume* Whigham. 3574981 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Hold Corolfest At South Kinkss •*. On Sunday evening December. 1?, a large crowd enjoyed the. Third 'Annual Carolfest at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. Members: frbm surrotinding churches participated in the choir under the direction Of Mrs. Lor.ne Sparks. The Prelude Music for the even- ing was proMed by John Hender- son; and Mrs: Margaret Hamilton, was organist 'and Miss Linda . Sparks -was pianist. Mr. Evan • Keith waS chairman for the'pro- grain and Miss Pat Sparks was • .Narrator .• • . ' The choir processed to the • choir loft to the singing of the • carol "Joy to the Wold". a La_Mar-• i.. l • • singing Of Carols„ the choir prov- ided several nurriberi Which, • included •"Lo.. How A Rose, Gentle Jesus, Hymn to the Christ - Child , .Westrninster Carol ', and • tio1y19)—tve. Ma rgaret..,_Norrna Land -i.. lynne Macintyre sang "Little • Son of 'Mary". A sextette Compri. sed of 14.44,1-,Spark&-i-Gailikritch- • ord., Heather MacKenzie , Mary Henderson, John Henderson and - aigene Pritchard•sarig :"Once On a Lonely • •," SHUR.GAIN A• n octette comprisedof Mrs. • Donald MacIntyre, Rev, and Mrs„ Glenn Noble., Mrs. Don Bell, • Revr.'and Mrs. Bob Nrcholls, Clar- ence Creer.,and_Dgmer sang "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" to the tune of an old English melody, A quartette of Mrs. Philip Steer Mrs. Torn Pritchard, Frank.Mac- Kenzie , and Clarence Greer sang. • "Thou Dids't Leave Thy Throne". • The .choir.recessed, to the back of: • the church during the singing of . "O.Corne All ye Paithful"; After the benediction the choir respond- ed by Singing "A Christmas Bless- ing". s, . All were invited to the basement to enjoy a social hour.' Thus ended adelightful evening -of Christmas Mernbers Making up the chair were: Soprano Mrs. Philip • Steer, Mrs. Harry.,La:vis, Mrs. John. Pritchard, Mrs. Donald MacIntyre, Mrs. James Burt, Mrs. Glenn Noble , Mary -Henderson and Heather MacKenzie, Alto -. Mrs. Thomas Pritchard, Mrs. Robert Nicholls, Mrs.. Don'Bell, Gail Pritchard and Linda Sparks'. Tenor - Frank MacKenzie , Eugene Pritchard. Rev. Glenn. -Noble Rev. Rohcrto14s-. Bass - Clarence Greer , •Murray MacKinnon; pickle , John Henderson and Denver Dic ki.e... .• • ' I" CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH 70 WINGHAM ONTARIO P O'N CHRYSLER 300, 2 door hard- top, power equipped and radio 69 PLYMOUTH, 4 dOor-sedani-6, automatic with radio and power • . • steering I 69 CHEV, 4 door, 8 automatic 67 FORD,. 4'dor sedan, .8 Automatic with radio 66 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8. automatic with radio ' 66 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door luird- top, 8 automatic and. radio 3: r 3.44. 2 • u ' 66 FORD, 4 door, 8 automatic, power steeling, radiq • • •• 66 CHRYSLER, 4 door, power equipped. - , . 66 DODGE,. 4 door, 6 automatic, power steering and radio 65 VALIANT, 4 door, 6 automatic • • 65 PLYMOUTH 2•'door hardtOp, 8 automatic with radio • TRUCK 64. DODGE, .1. ton 8 cylinder,,4 speed Whitechurch Y.P.S. • WHIT EcHtikcH, NEWS Let. -linq Yuwig' PeLiple s Society mei Sunday ev.ening'at • the home of Charles Thompson. The worship service was in.charge of Pii1 riito.ii...who gave the.cal . , to, worship, read the scripture and led in prayer..He then showed 'twO films. • Good Newi to All. Pedple and Epiphany our hope • AS$U-RAN:CEATTFIE CROOK OF.'A FINGER • SHUR-GAIN DIAL,DOSER: •SAVESAITTLEPIGS After waiting 115 days or so fora litter of • .pigs to arrive, it doesn't make sense to let —thelf liVeg-be threatened with baby pig scoUrs. for all men. 'Ruth Elliott president preside'd for the business. The minutes were read by Darlene' Simpson. The Y.P..S. appointed Jim de Boer as'theit•reptesentative on . the Whitechurch Ret reation tom- inittee ; A Hay Ride party is plan- ned.for the eveningof December 23 when catcils will be sung at• Whitechurch'and surrounding. corn mt.4..nities„after-which they will return to the'home of 'Frank and Judy Jamieson.' , il'hete, was an attendance of 20,' The next meeting will be, Sun-, • day evening, January 3rd at the' home' of student Minister V. 'Wy- benga • , Life Men bqrship Presepted To rs. ASH.FIELD NEWS Mrs. Richard West opened the December meeting of.the • Womere,s Missionary Society with :prayer; It was held in the church school room with 17 present apq. Oe -child. ' Mrs. Alex Firrish•was in charge of the Meditation •on "Mary pond- ered on all these.things". Roil Not when prevention' is so easy with a Shur -Gan Thai Dosc4 which helps -you to ' measure and administer the dose accurately o 'e, at aboutnineskaits_per dO§e. Active ingredients in Dial Doser are Bacitracin • .and Streptomycin —a new tambination of 'antibiotics that -fight stourreffectively. Invest in the health of your baby pigs by getting a Shur -Gain Dial Doser —available at - our Shur -Gain Animal Health Service Centre. • • icingside YPS • . LANGSIDE NEWS The 'Langside Young Peoiile's Socim met on •Sund'ay evening :at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. • Cliff Young with an attendance. . • of 20. Murray 'Moffat presided and.in•the devotions the Scripture, was read by Doug Wall and the meditation on Christianity was given by Henry Wybenga. 'Torn Visser led in' prayer. :The' minutes ‘, of the.last,rneetingWere read bY IMarlene Mann. •. •• • .Plans were made for a:•skating ,party at LucknoW Arena on Friday: evening with South Kinloss Y.P ..S: as guests.' • • • • • . • Langside Y.P.S. has been asked rto assist with the Christmas Eve -offering wa-s-reteivectmcd prayer• , was given by john de Boer. , • Ken ScOtt showed.a film on t,'Living tot Fun or for Christ" and • he.led a discUssion on the topic; 1 !The meeting closed with a hymn !and the benediction. Marlene \ .Mann coni was'served and-MrS-.- youtig was thanked 'by John de Boer. f . • call 'was answered with a.Christ7 •pi.I aima U lasu watainfie-. mas vers .TRAVELL1NG .:.., and • IN THE. H • he business of the MeetingOLIDAY Mrs, ,Ewan MacLean conducted •...Nits : Ross. gave, the treasurer's, • report.. Mrs. lack MaCKenZie te;,'" • ported a total of $63 from the Hoine Helpers.. The'progranis : for 1971, prepared by Mrs. Henry MacKenzie:and typed by. Mrs. ' Wylds; were given out. Mrs; Cor- don Robb read. a Christmas rues sage, Mri. Kenneth Rooney -conducted a' Christmas Candle Service, assis ted by Mrs. 'MacLean and Mrs-:-, ' West. Mrs. Don Simpson, Mrs., ' ',Henry MacKenzie, ,and Mrs. (Wylds lit candles, in turn dining readings and carols. Then each Member's lit a candle. .' Miss Sadie Johnston presented Mr. Jim Wet'with a Life Mem- bership in recognition of her work in the society. Mrs.. Wyids closed with prayer and the committee served -lunch. .. ' ', , Anderson Flax '-'.•Products Limited CKNOW ...•• PHONE 5282026 ,410.110tri _SEASON? . You'll be safer if you leave early So you , won't have to drive after ,idark. . Two-thirds* of •all traffic fatal- ities occur after nightfall, al- though only 'a third of the driv- ing .is done then. - - Ifredyuocue hspeaveedt°. ilveeavaet ahisgafilt e' • distance between, .cars . , •7dim—your—lights for approich- • frig traffic. HAVE A. HAPPY AND :AC".. CIDEliT-?REI HOLIDAY! . • JEAlki WHITBY. LUCICNOW CMG, INSURANCE COOPERATORS. INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH 1110.60111111111111111111.111101111 411, tt'rti 4,1 t ' '" • t 4