The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-16, Page 7:1914. Id re WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1970 THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TO: THEI ELECTORS OF WEST WAWANOSH. TOWNSHIP Your suppoirt in re-electing, me • as Reeve of West. Wawanosh was very much appreciated. .. I will continue .to. serve ,allratepayers-, keeping in; mind- at all tunes• the best -interest of the township. Seasons Greetings to. all, Sincerely ROBERT W. J. LYONS .TO THE' ELECTORS OF / WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP I wish • to thank all those who supported me in the recent el- ection and wish to compliment the ratepayers of thetownship for their , excellent. turnout at the polls.•• I pledge my co-operation and full support to the new: reeve and council. Season's greetings to everyone. • Sincerely • LEO FORAN TO THE ELECTORS OF 'RIPLEY' Your support ht the polls in electing me as reeve of Ripley was very much appreciated. • - . I' will endeavour to merit the confidence youhave placed in me in conducting. the business of the municipality. Sincerely. CLAYTON NICHOLSON 'TO THE ELECTORS OF f sang three mumbers'"Love 'The.me HURON TOWNSHIP from Romeo and,et" , "The • *riled At Pir..eRiver Church WISE - WEBSTER • The marriage of Edith. Viola Jean Webster and Atlee Wise III was solemnized in Pine River United',Church on Saturday Nov ember 14 at 5 p, m, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and .Mrs Wellington Webster of R. R. S Lucknow and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs. Atlee' 'Wise J.r..of Akron, Ohio;; .S, A. Rev, John C. Hill officiated at the double ring ceremony... Given in marriage by her'fath- er., the' ather.,_.the' bride chose .-a:floor.-length-, dress,•of imported white satin trimmed with pearls ,''long cuffed sleeves and stand-up collar. A. long train fell from the Waist.. She carried a bouquet of white carnations and pink roses with green fern and ribbons. Miss Maureen Bradley of R. R. 3 Goderich was maid' of honour. She wore a floor -length gown of deep purple velve.t', trimmed with 'tWo strands of pearls.. Her flowers: were white porn and pink carnations. Bridesmaid was Miss Marsha 'Humphrey of R. R. 1 Ripley. Her dress•and; flowers were identical to that :of the maid of honour. Groomsman was:James Frank- lin of Akron, Ohio Ushers were Gregg Wise•,.. brother of the groom and James Webster bioth:err df • the bride. Organ music was by Mrs. Rob- ...ert..Courtrie-y.-:.....Soloist was Miss served .tea and enjoyed, the, visit with her former neighbours, RECEIVED CERTIFICATE' • . Mrs. Ray Hamilton was one of three ladies to receive a five-year leader.ship._.certificate on, .achieve ment'day id. Kincardine .onPec- ember 5th. • • - White gift Sunday was observed PAGE *Val 'on Sunday at Olivet Church, Assisting in the service were mem- bers of the Sunday School: Wendy 'Hamilton, Joyce Osborne , •Mary Anne Coiling, Jim Black , Brian Coiling and Ronnie. McGuire. The Junior Choir's selection was "These Little Hands", TO THE ELECTORS OF WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP I wish to ' express y thinks' to to the. residents 'of West Waw- anosh who supported me at the recent election. • • ,Best' of luck'to• the reeve and council in the future; ,t Sincerely JOHN. RUTHERFORD, TO'THE. ELECTORS OF • WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Thank you for' the vote „given me at the recent election.' Congratulations and best wishes to the reeve and council who will be serving West Wawanosh for; the next term. • Sincerely ' OMAR BROOKS TO THE' ELECTORS' OF WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP • Thank you for ' your support in' the election ' in West Waw- w anosh:. Susan,New'man of Sundridgewho •• A sincerer..tAank,, the_nerlamRtion' as'reeve-®i_�Iurori _ - Truly". dying e Prayer and 1 Hove you Township. r . Miss'Newrnan•;wore a , •mauve, floor length.,,gown: with. short puffed sleeves .trimmed with black velvet ribbon. A .reception followed at Reids corners Hall, decorated with pink and white streamers. The b'ride's.: mother wore a'. mauve crirnpknit dress and; cor- sage of white carnations. • The groom's mother wore a . • blue jersey knit dress and corsage, -identrc"al to-t'trrbrides mottier s The interest of the municipality willalways have my full attention.' Sincerely , RUSSEL STANLEY TO THE' ELECTORS OF HURON TOWNSHIP It is .a pleasure to • ae_able to continue_to'serve you-as-- councillor. ou--as=councillor. Merry Christmas and • a Happy New Year -Sincere!_ _. CHARLES' McDONALD TO. THE ,ELECTORS OF WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Your support at the polls was very .much appreciated. I appreciate the confidence' you have placed ,in me and 4411' give close'-attention•to township business at all :times. Season's greetings to all.. R ES Thank • you for re-electing me, to the office ': of: council in Huron. Township. • The work of the municipality 'will always be, my concern: Season -s Greetings to -all. Sincerely ELMER. SMELTZER • TO';THE,"ELECTORS OF HURON 'TOWNSHIP Thank you for your support in therecent election • for . council in : Huron:. I wish .to extend my bestwishes to the successful candidates. Sincerely JOHN' FERGUSON TO .,THE ELECTORS OF HURON: TOWNSHIP The excellent' mote you extended to me at the 'regent election is very gratifying, The business. of Huron Township will havemy full attention over the next two year term. • Sincerely DONALD'MacTAV i tt -••;pair=+*•w dress. For travelling the bride '• wore a brown corduroy suit and corsage of yellow roses. ' Following their' wedding trip to. Toronto, the couple will reside at, Westview Park, Doylestown, . Ohio • where the groin -ills employed.: with I.R.S. Incorporated. --ue-sts•-att a-nd ed-the•-w,e ddrng--- from Akron Ohio; Wilmington , Delaware.; Windsor ', Whitby, Clinton ,. Kincardine , Tiverton, Goder•ich, ,Lucknow and Amber ley. 'Before her marriage the bride ' WAS honoured at • two showers; .one • giveii at the. home -of her -mother, in-law in Akron and a ;community relative -girlfriend shower at ' • Pine_: fiver Churoh, Neighbours.. Make. Presen.tciti�fl7 I « ' OLIVET'NEWS. Gtr-behal-f--o€-t-h h bou s and: friends, on the second • conces= cion Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes and Mrs, .gray HIamilton. called at' the home of Mrs. Herb Huston; and Jim ,and presented them with a Boston RockingChair and a • fruit cake. 'Mrs. iluston and son Jim moved recently from their farm to Lucknow Mrs. Huston,. who will be 88 on Christmas day *At* ,i JL_ Sincerely J. D. DURNIN TO'THE :ELECTORS- OF WEST WAWANOSH 'TOWNSHIP. sincere -thank - you for= -the- excellent support in the. recent- election. I have always worked for the best interests of the, township and will, continue to : have your interests inmind in the future: Sincerely.' •' JM AITCHISON To' The ' People Of WeSf Wawanosh?ownship In the-'-limited--amount of• time it was my pleasbre to meet as many of you as possible. Now it is for me to.serhe' you to the best of•my• ability regardless 'of where you live in the Township. SEASON'S GREETINGS Sincerely, Joseph Hickey " :�t�i��l1'l"� $'t#i�tf$r$F6�$1$�t�tSi.$i�t t$S4tiit�i$t$tint#litiStiti<t$Citi$�iiits�i*sitr`sfi�t�ritrci:Y�ttt�Fi lFlcwa,