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THE LUUCifi OW SVN `ii14i �.; tU� :NDW
�Iec� Officers A
Christmas Service
The Christmas Service of the
. Women's. Missionary Society was
held at Mrs. Morgan Henderson's
home on December 2nd. The
weather was perfect., which
enabled a°goodly' number of ladies
to be present., '
-Mrs-.-Ross-McMillan conducted
the meeting. She "opened with a.
call to worship, followedwith
prayer', taken from the Glad Tid
ings. Hymn 1.65 Was sung. The
scripture taken. from "Christ,mas.
Greetings",from the Glad Tiding
Staff to'ail their readers, was
read by members of'the
The 'scripture, was taken from -•
• St., Luke 2: 8-20 and also: Luke
12'. Hymn,168 ,was sung after.
which the. roll call was answered
by repeating a Christmas verse.
.The report of secretaries were
taken and approved.. .' The collec-
•tion:was taken and Mrs. R. Mc-
Millan gave a prayer,' after which
• "the •officers for the year'1971 were.
'installed, by Mrs.Phillip. Stewart.
Miss'Sadie Johnston in a fine man.
ner ', invited the ladies to lunch
as many had •:helped to prepare the
° food . She' thanked all for corn-
ing t� the meeting andthose who
took--part—in-any-way. -- --- ..Mrs. J. -Nicholson and ,Mrs -.-,G.
J. Adams; Secretary, Miss Nellie
Malcom; C.O.C. Leader, Mrs.
R. Gilchrist; Home Helper Secret-
ary , Mrs. J. Adams; Friendship
arid. Service', Mrs. Harry Nixon.
and Mrs., Morgan. Henderson;
Supply Secretary, lir$. Howard
Agnew; .Press Secretary, Mrs. Wm.
Simpson; 'Life Membership and •
Expense Secretary , Mrs..Root..
Reid Glad .Tidings Secretary,
Mrs. Wm. Porteous; Literary and
Library. Secretary, Miss Mary Mac-
Leod; Pianist', Margaret Malcolm;
Social' committee , Mrs. Morgan
Henderson , •Mrs. Phillip Stewart,
Mrs. Chas.:Steward', Mrs. Frank.
• Millr , Mrs. John Adams, Mrs..
Wm. Stanley; Auditors, Mrs. Ken.
Chester, Mrs. Gordon Barger.
Lucknow'1 Unit -.4'
The December meeting of
Unit'4 of Lucknow U, . W, Was
held at the home of Mrs. James '
'Arnold. •
The meeting opened with the
Minutes and roll. call of 21,pres
ent:. Mrs. Harvey Webster sang
an Indian song. %
Mrs. Cayley then led•the
meeting with "a .sing song .of fav-
av-ourite Christmas hyrrins, telling.
who. wrote them and why they
were written
Mrs. Cayley:and Mrs. Zeran'
Presb erial Flay
Annual Meeting
The kxecutive of Bruce Pteshy-
aerial United church Wooten met
on December 3rc1 at • nox United
Church , Clifford, Twenty ladies
were present and the meeting com
menced at 10:45 a tti, , chaired by
the president , .Mrs, .Gra.h'ant Mur-
Mrs W. D, Wells conducted a
short, worship service on Advent
Which, included.O.poe.tn entitled
"A Child Is Born'. '
. 'President: Mrs,. Murray outlined
the two-day program at the Haml�
'ton Conference -U -;:'C- W-..-AnnuaI to
be held in Mount Forest on March.
9th 'and 10th.. Britce,'Presbyterial
U,.C. W. is to be responsible for
catering to lunch' afterthe recep-
tion on the evening of Tuesday
March 9th, the day whicbthe •
Rey. Harriet Christie ,, new Secret-
ary. of theUnited' Church. Board of
Women will be guest speaker.
A Stewardship Conference will
beheld in Toronto on February
16, 17 and 18 , and four or five .
Presbyterial officers were appoint-
ed to attend including the: presi-
dent and inc_ oming Vice Presid -
ent.lYlrs. J.. Hill.. This date .con-
•flitted with theone chosen for our
Bruce •Presbyterial U,.C.. W.
Annual in Lucknow and, it was
moved, this date be changed. Our
Annual will now be held on .Wed-'
nesday', 'February 24th in the Luck
now United 'Church. . • .
Miss J. Wells of Palmerston de
signed an attr ctive •cover, which
�i� planned to'-be,sed for Bruce
U : C. •W.' 'reports etc. Her work
received many favourable corn-
--mentis .
The remainder ofthe afternoon
was devoted to. outlining the pro-
gram for the Annual in Lucknow.
The new.officers for 1971 are Humphrey put on a skit showing
Hon.' Presidents ,• Miss Mary Mac the true' meaning Of Christmas ,
•,Leod'and Miss `Dorothy Douglas; love to all people, with a candle*
President, . Mrs. ;as., St'iiith; 1st li.ht service. The meeting clos-
ice:President, MrsTfas. Little ` ed w'ithrtiymn 53 and -prayer.
2nd 'vide "President , Mrs.' Noble' An exchange of secret pal
Johnston; 3rd vice President, Mrs., gifts washeld and a dainty lunch
Ross MacMillan; Treasurer, .Mrs.tl' was, served... ' ' • '
DNE"S-DAY` .0-a 'iv"'lK+1.BER ° 9rti,.' 1'97R
The theti a chosen was "Ste.ward -
ship - lt's a Big Responsibility",
• i,itterat�ire Secretary, 'Mrs. J.
Price reported the sale, of books
from the Fail Rally in Paisley
,�tttoinited: to $222.51., Mrs., ,Price
also displayed. three new books
purchased for the reference
library. ' , '
•lt 'was reported: there ,will be .a
workshop in Fergus in the' spring,;
for Presbyterial officers, sponsor-
ed by Hamilton Conference'
U.C. W.
Mrs, R. Turnbull thanked the
ladies of Clifford U . C. W . ' for
their hospitality, and, delicious hot
soup and tea served to the Execu-
tive.. ' `•
Benediction 'was. pronounced �by•
the ,president, .and meeting:adjourned
adjourned. A
LucknOw. Unit".1
The Christmas decorations.
created a fitting atmosphere for
the meeting of Unit 1, Lucknow
Urilted. Church Women when they
met in the Church parlour on,
Tuesday , .December 1, at 2 pp. m
Mrs;. Mel Kin ,._the leader-.,
called the meeting to order by
reading a.`Christrnas .message fol-
lowed by a. hymn and prayer..'.
Nineteen mernbers'answered the
roll call by'.telling .the customs ,,
and traditions.of other lands at
this time of'year. •
Mrs. Howard Barger reported
for Stewa.rdship,. Mrs
MacKenzie for :Fri.
visiting,, and Mrs
for; Supply' and
dship and
Wm. Wharry:
ocia'l • Welfare.
t was ann.• nce•... hat -The Gen,
eral Ivi'eeting.:would - be • held 'in
the Church Assembly Hall on • •
December. 15 at 8.p.m.;
"= T.hc=.Christ-mas. ory as-wr'itten--
in the second chapter of Luke's
Gospel was read by Mrs. Sp'ence
Irwin, Mrs.. M. King follow.ed
with' meditation and prayer. The •
singing'of,several'Christmas Car-,
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ols was enjoyed by everyone.
In presenting'the Christmas
topic ,. Mrs. Harold Treleaven'
explained the meaning of Advent
and its significance in.the
rad home. The•symbols of, the
season were explained as Mrs. N.
J: MacKenzie told of the "Star
Presbyterian Church
Rev- Glenn Noble,
Phone 028-2740
10;00 a.m.. Sunday School
11:00 a -in. Morning Service
Friday, December. 11th
7.30 p.m. .
Christmas Carol and' White Gift
• Rev: Robert. Nicholls, . B. A.
Advent 3
White Gift Sunday,
.10' a.m. Sunday School
• 11:00 a.m. Morning. Worship .
Sacrarnint of Baptism ..
Community Carolfest at South
:Kinloss Presbyterian Church
at" 8 p.m.
things that are' unlikely to oc-
cur to' anyone who' is • : not . in
touch with the spirit of •Christ.
' ':Dick Shepphard
Mrs Ear_elyn_Ba.ikw_ell_spoke of .,
the ."Candles" and Mrs: W. 'Wharry
told .of the origin of the "Carols".
Mrs. Ross °Curn.rriing, delighted.
her listeners with- two piano'num
bets, "Silver Bells" and "The Star.
of the East".:'. Ivirs; H. Treleaven '`.
closed with prayer after which all
'repeated the ;Mizpah benediction
A.Christ ias contest caused;
merriment 'which wasfollowed by
a social period with. Messers..S:'
Irwin, E:''t•Barkwell, N. J,..Mac,-
Kenzie, Ni. Kirig.and H. Treleav-
en serving refreshments.
Girls Graduate
The Rev. R. 'Odendahi
• ' DECEMBER '13
Advent 3
St Paas Ripley 9•.15 a.rr
Ascension, Kinlough.10:30 a.m.
St:' Peters Lucknow 11:45 a.m.
Church School — 10:30 a,m.
St. Pauls, D;ungganndn :. 3 p:m.
.2nct and' 4th Sunday.,
Christ .Church, Port ' Albert
3rd and5t
* r.. Sundays
at-: li--
Pine River and Bethel
opened their second--meeting-of LL-'
the year with a pot luck supper in:..
honour of the gractitating.class on
Monday evening of last .week'.
There was anattendance of forty,'
After a delicious;dinne•r Kath-
leen Hunter, GertrudeLee Wald-
en and•'Joa'n Ferguson had charge
of the worship service. . The lead-
er of:the; G.I.T. , Mrs-: Carrick
Coiling, introduced the guest
speaker Mrs. Don Robertson who
gave an inspiring addf"esi on the
"C.6„.1,T. Purpose" The'
President of the ti,C;W , M.
Perrin Lowry., presented the ;gear-du-
' J. W. Van Stempvoort
. Pastor
10:,00 a.m. (English) .
230.p.m (Dutch 2nd Sundays)
Denominational Radio • Broad-
cast, "The Back To God Hour",'
every Sunday: CJCS' (Stratford)
2.:00 p.m.; 'CFOS (Owen
;Sound)— 6:00 pan.
ating' girls with Bibles.
•The -graduates were Kathy•Ir-
win , Margret Anne Courtney,
Wendy Courtney, Dianne Kemp-
ton , Iiatsy`}lcriderson, rr:trt'(\tz9
$te•r)'Wise , and Marsha Ilutnf•h•t
'The Meeting closed, with