The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-02, Page 19!, 1971 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER °2nd, 1970 .ELECTION IN' WAWANOSH W • n B I$ • • i 15' ; cd • • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 'ROSS DURNIN by Leo Foran and. Frank McQuillin, JOHN RUTHERFORD.by Wm, Webster and Gordon McPherson. FRANK McQUILLIN by Lorne . Durnin a d,Omar Brooks.. DONALDTHOMPSON by Leo. Foran and'Ross Durnin. DONALD MURRA,Y by Ross Dianin.andLeo Foran. OMAR BROOKS by Lorne Durnin a d:• Wm..Webster. ` • JOHN. D. DURNIN, by Leo Doran an d. Frank McQuillin. •• A-ROL-D-» ERP l NG T ON by -Omar - rooks rooks .a. nd Lorne Durnin. WM, 'McPHERSON'by John Ruth• e rford 'and J,: Durnin. Frank.McQui•llin was appointed chairman forthe ratepayers meet-. in g which followed; the nornina - t'oii period.' He said .he had THE :LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC,KNOW, OHTA,RIO ,attendeenom nations forthe past 25. years. but that this was the first time he had attempted to act as chairman: • Reeve Robert Lyons was .the first called on. He spoke mainly of county council work. He spoke of the county planning board working on. a document .which will be very important to the future of Huron County and stated, that this report would probably be ready about the end of the year. He spoke of the.. attempt tokeep the •Canadian. Forces Base at Clinton operating and said that while no definite. developments had come as yet , • every possible lead was •being fol- lowed. up.. He -said Huron County . had. joined Midwestern Ontario velopment Association' who' • were also attempting, to promote; the base` at Clinton; He statedf • that he has been on•the Huron County Children's aid board this . past year and had also sat on this board the first year he was in county council. Mr. Lyons spoke of Huronview with its 3/4 million •� dollar budget. He said he had been on, the management board during the past year. Mr. Lyons said that the $27,000 county. school board salary seems to be attracting county employees now as well. He stated that last .' year the county medical officer of'h:ealth received a $3000 raise" and 'that,he had asked for a $4000 raise for next year bringing him to the $27 ,0Q0 figurey. He said that the county engineer had als0. requested' a substantial raise in salary for next year, Mr. Lyons • indicated that he would not .be supporting 'a raise.•of such an am- ount. He said that he had enjoy- ed his four years as reeve and would be seeking office .again. Leo Foran, a councillor for the past four years, stated his, idten 'tion of seeking .the 'reeveship.this, •. •year. He said .he would be'pleas- ed to answer any questions put ' forth by the ratepayers: ' James Aitchison, the other nom inee for the reeveship ; stated • that 'he was not interested in the reeveship.a't this time but that he would, again seek his council position. He said, ;'Bob has been reeve for four years_: and has done a good job". Jim spoke of various. work projects in the township and stated that they tried. to do a nor- mal amount of construction qn' the roads each year. He spoke of the good work the snowplow operators had dorie and of the favourable price they had 'received. on gravel with several bids for the contract. He' said he is 'not completely 'satis- fied with 'the weed problem in the township but that they had been . . unable to get someone to cut the weeds. Discussion Centred on buying their ownequipment in the ;tQwnsh"ip but this was not acted .on at that tithe.. He said that dog claims in the, township have been almost raid. Councillor Charles McDonald spoke of the good job being done by the road superintendent';and grader operator.. Councillor' John Rutherford said that. he' had learned a .lot about municipal business in the two years on council. andthat, he would • • PASE. mom? • seek another two year term where there "will be a lot more for me to learn". • Others nominated for council, were called on. Lawrence Salkeld said that this had been the first nomination Meeting . he had ever attended and while not interested in stand- ing, expressed thanks: for the con . fidence'placed in him by the meeting. He said, "I. find, it dif- ficult to run my own business, let alone the township, but I feel the municipality has been in good hands".. . Joseph. Hie -key stated that he was the only one at.the meeting south of the 6th concession .and he • felt he would like tostand for office. tie said he felt the south should have a' representative on '.: council and he solicited the sup- port up port of the meeting. • Ross Durnin expressed his thanks 'for the nomination but said he did not think he would •stand . Donald Thompson stated, thathe. did, not intend• to•'stand for council. Donald Murray said that he was not 'interested in standing for office'. ' • Omar Broo•ks_said',that he didn'__ corne to the meeting with: the • ,intentionof being nominated. He said he was interested in municip= :al work and while he would not cause an :election "he certainly would be in there with the rest of ,Brooks said that' if he was .fortun- • '' ate ;enough to be on the new coun- cil, he would, keep: a sharp eye on the tax dollarfor ratepayers, of, the'.township. J D. llurnin said that. rhe .might•throw•his hat in the ring, but hadn'tdecided as yet" Harold Errington; said that he t 'commit •hiirrse t•irne •'but that he had fivegood years oh council previously. He. spoke•of his work ori the East and . West Wawanosh Township Park :board and suggested it might be wise to turn this project' over to. the Maitland. Valley Conservation Authority.. He also talked about the', work of the Maitland ,Author- ity,,.' Harold 'suggested' that anoth- er year it might be wiseto have the :warble_ spray done "by the head". . • • William McPherson said that '. 'he had`,rot-deciile"d-whether-h . would .stand for council or not. Frank McQuillin'said.that he had 'been disa.•oirited at the;wa the council .had 'administered the drains in the towriship'•and felt,- . that a commissioner should hae .been. appointed to supervise and inspectdrainage_ work.__ He said that he -had requestedthis from council but that nothing had been done.'.' He said he liked to , work. along with,council and had meant-.th.era_n _grief; but felt that this was a place where:the town:- ship ownship work could be administered, more satisfactorily. He said he was not decided as to what he. would do in•regard ;to•his nomina- tion for council. )ntaro. ' ou�d r� s.. -there. any p1a�e ntarians are t• , e -in. o pee - ' who wouldn't'be. here if there ,was any place better.. We are people who came from a hundred lands and stayed to build. People' with backbone and brawn and.a .hunger to _ succeed. Men and women' who've created a stan- dard 'of living in decades,that order ;lands worked centuries to build..If we have a;flaw it's our chronic modesty.'.Ontarians may be proud to be Ontarians and Canadians .... they just -'seldom tell anyone point that's wrong. The From an economic of more • people ; we . have . boosting Ontario and Canada the better it is. And we've got a lot to ' boost with. At a time when the dollar is having • •man demands -made -on it, Ontarans can note that provincial taxes have Field the line, in 1970.0 And Everytime you boost Ontario '. On Government of Ontario O`r 'we l ail 4 i 0 s i • • V - • have not been neglected. The Ontario Housing • corporation for example; has housed 120,000 people to date and currently has almost a ,billion ' dollars worth of .programs. active in nearly 200 Ontario Communities. We need am.. vigorous _ economy- of course, to. 'support these important programs. And,: that's where you come in. Though our productivity has doubled inten •ye ..ars, and our - .- indomes, in twelve, Ontarians don't it on their successes. There's, a demanding decade ahead full. of challenges and opportunities to make the, quality of our lives better 'yet. To meet these, challenges we've. of to believe in . ourselves. Which,' when. you.think about it, isn't such a bad idea. ; tario'and`C'arada.get a little stronger. ' ohn Robarts, Prime' Minister. o . owing t e comments, o those nominated for -council.. . Vernon Hunter- questioned council about their intentions in forming a recreation committee' andof providing some assistance 'to the --- Lucknow minor sport. program • • 'where township boys were,.partici- • gating.. Reeve Lyons said this was -a matter which had been discussed and 'would again be on the agenda of the new council. . Ross Durnin questioned council about work ori a sideroad which had not been completed. The reeve said"the--sideroad was defin- itely on the township work list, Harvey Culbert , township road CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 . yr .fit Yi,r i):}siri i':d°E'4 ioi,r, •°',> ° �'0i