HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-25, Page 21WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1970 C.OMMU.NITY FORUM %Akira- wow 100. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LOCKNOWe ONTARIO .NOBLE THQUGRTS AND, NICHOLLS. NOTIONS fJ The current trends toward .un a limited freedom in the Movies, television and pocket novels • turb Many people today. At least. three times within the last few weeks .sornepne has spoken to m'e. about the low grade of movie that. is presently running the circuits.. :Subjects; sex in particular, which were once considered taboo are being, blared out,from all sides. That which was once hidden it darkness. has now, been, brought into the, blazing light, Sex ,.in the form of a voluptu`u.s female , -who is guar rnteed-to-ybe tya- lable just as •soon as someone buys the product she sells is being exploit ed by almost every advertiser as a. sales stimulous. Mo'vieads use the exposed female form and suggestive poses, along with the restricted labels, to draw large crowds to the theatres.. Pre- marital re-marital sex .and extra -marital sex .are made to appear as'the norm and anyone who chooses. to reserve sexual relations, for marriage is made. to appear ridiculous. This. increasing emphasis upon • sex in- fluences the values and ideals of' our youth• and may be a major factor 'causing a /deiterioratio•n of• . the morality of our society. The', incidencce of children horn'ont of Wedlock and the;. increasing' .incidence of:venereal 'disease in- dicatothe rise of looseness and ,licence in our 'behaviour.. Because of the,present. situation,.• 'qoa„e peopl'P'.wou.ld like to censor everything that did not meet .their particular standai of morality ; and deny theopportunityforcer- tain movies and .television shows' and poc et•oo sto •e :•istrr•ute• They.would deny the right of any individual to read or watch, what he choselas a responsible human being. They'Would set themsely- 'es upas the watchdog on the mor', als of society. ` • Often the proud • and •igotedattitude' of such. people is more .darigerous•'to; the responsible development of others: than the things, they'would, ban. One of the values of the present trend in the media is to have removed sex from the Puritan cloak under which it was hidden and allow people to see it for what it is and what it can be. 1 am 'of the, belief that the more something is hidden, the more' pedple will approach it in an unwholesome, attitude , I believ+ that once the shock value of sudden exposure to sex has worn off, the viewing' public will not be satisfied with some cheapand shoddy-tre-a mens—of rhe subj but. Wi11 demand quality in what they see. They will become bored with deviations and desire, something wholesorrie again. Such a beliefdoes not lessen my concern with what is presently being shown.... I do riot care for it because I believe it colours the morality of our :present 'day, But rather than have it censored , as 'some people would 'like , I believe that it should force us who are concernedto re-examine the basis of our• own morality -so we have good reason to reject what' we see. Too often we do not know why we think sex ought to be reserved for marriage even though we believe that it should Ton often we do not know why we .want to criticize the present trends':.except thatwe were .brought up to believe this. If present trends force,us to re- think the basis'of our values and ideals., then it has 'sortie gooa. pose. iiiir, I b-e1ieve 1. tat t trends should ►force us to do some positive,education•about sex for, YttTaPti7alld-adrr values are . being presented which. we do not:like.; thea we have a responsibility io.count.er'the pres ent trends.with positive well thought-outvalues presented in our homes, our schools and our churches. • Far too often we have neglectedthe teaching of the morality; of sex; in•our homes and PURPLE. GROVE Mrs.. Dim Dore' and Frankie visited. With Mrs. Verna Elphick of Lucknow on. Friday evening. Mr. • and' Mrs. Gordon Patterson, Raymond and David,: Mr. and . Mrs, Walter Forster and. family, Currie Colwell, Bruce , Betty and, Anne Miss Shirley Reid, Miss Cathy Bannerman, Mr. and. Mrs.. Don McCosh and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Webster of London joined the rest of the Colwell family on Sunelay; when they were the,guestsmof Mr. and Mrs. . Ardill Mason of Ripley. .The first afternoon of the short rse--"The -•Main T istr•MM-kes-the Meal" was'held at Mrs. Wayne Nixon's home, on Monday. The. two• leaders of this course' ate Mrs. Howard Thompson and Mrs. W. Nixon who Were in charge.`. , Miss Joyce,Elliott spent a few days. with Mr., and Mrs. Do n Mc- Cosh and Dick. Hank Parker spent Sunday after.: noon with Mr. and Mrs. Don Dore .and family. • 'Bob Emerson „the Huron County Deputy :Reeve attended the -Bruce County Council meeting. during • this week. ' PAGE. TWENTY-ONE )E.....S... R LABEL READ IF YOUR MAILING. LABEL STARTS WITHAUGUST AND ENDS WITH 0 THIS IS THE 'LAST WEEK YOU. WILL • RECEIVE YOUR.. PAPER. , • • IF YOUR MAILING LABEL STARTS WITH SEPTEMBER AND ENDS WITH 0 STARTS WITH"'OCTOBER AND .ENDS WITH 0• , .• LOCHAL'SH The W ; M.. S , of Ashfield Presbyterian church met onThurs day afternoon at the Dome' of • Mrs. Wm. Ross in'Lucknow. Friends of. Mrs. Tom 'MacDon a • wl 1-ts�Y1'ap7�Tta, hear tl,iat he: is aut oLhospital and with her daughter. Mrs. Alex Andrew in • Lucknow .•: e_area attended the Royal Winter Fair in.Toronto, among them were Mrs. Warren Wylds, Mrs: Gordon Robb, Mr. schools and churches and thus reall : have no excuse if our Child- ren follow the only standards they are being taught, through the Media, 'STARTS. WITH NOVEMBER AND'•ENDS WITH 0' YOUR. PAPER. IS DUE NOW PLEASE CHECK THE sLABEL°ON THE FRONT OF,YOUR • PAPER. ' To qualify for 'Post Office 'mailing privileges, ' all subscrip- ' tions must be no further than 3 months in arrears, In order .that your paper will, continue please mail your subscription or drop into our office to pay: $5.00 for Canada' . '$7.00 for U.S.A. and Foreign UCK .'BOX 38 • and Mrs'.. Oliver .McCharlesand Mr.. Duncan Allin, Mrs'. Henry.MacKenzie is keep- ing store at'Amberley, while .Mr.. and -7 -Mrs. M-ae-Nay-ire-orr-klol-:• • Home from Detroit was Mrs. K. L. MacKenzie,. `SAVE Idott-B'►odley -YOUR— visited at. Niagara Falls on Friday: with Mrs. Walter. Brown,. who is in hospital •there. LUCKNOW • BOXED ' CHRISTMAS CARDS on 'display. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. '• _ SOLES IM THE WANT. eei �r mni 'o.ns rin,:'FiiIed MOO Y ONS OF ANDES EKY attresses TO SUIT IOC a` v►auty ' .. s11ate t nant'itY ops ca � gst 0e e�_ abo.Volts ,wtat sea s° . e y o See .ever` b ~cellos i yo; at that be bl 5a r/ r u 1r� � w» LUCKNOW. 'PHONE '528..3432 • oisaror tin zrz,' a."a n' i .°... r °� r,•,!�L'�.',°r r, .._.r. ,.'i r:'Y:`:Y1�1 •,r,eir:"L+y,.y:. .