HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-25, Page 13WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th,19711 T TOWLUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • ELECTION: FOR SCHOOL' CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Following the nomination period at which time nominations were '.received by clerk -treasurer Earl. flout, Francis -Boyle was .named chairman fora ratepayers Meet- ing. • The deputy -reeve stated that the. cost of paving was about $5000 per, mile as compared ,with $1000 per, mile for maintaining. gravelled roads.. On this basis, Mr. Emerson:felt that.a planned program of :paving would see the same dollar expenditure over a five year period. Councillors Bert Elliott, John Reeve Russell 'Stanley. was the first called on and he gave a Ferguson and Elmer Smeltzer all. breakdown of committees on spoke briefly of their work on Brucc•County Council -stating th -t council during the_year John • in,the future the county would Ferguson outlined improvements. 'operate on twelve committees. •to the Reids'Corners Hall and the with each member serving on only. offer of council to match every one committee. He• made refer-..' dollar raised by the community to once to the county weed inspect- a .:maximum of $750.: He also. o___ rem ort which stated that Hier- explained the installation of a• on 'Township had set a good • new furnace at the Township Hall: Elmer.nae tier mentioned- the roadwork from the 4th to the '10th .concession on the, Lakeshore *road. He .cited -possibitTe •u, snow : plow problems this year because Of the manner which the' bus routes •were set up. Donald MacTavish, the .other nominee for council, said that had- ne-bee-i-w-i-tlr-the-present ministration and felt they were doing a good job. He supported Bob Emerson's opinions on hard - .topping township roads.and felt. the. future .should include 1a plan ou - ' ned program of hardtopping. Mr. av-sh fe t tht t KINLOUGH Mr. ,and Mrs. David Oliver and fainily of Preston were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Stanley and family. Mr. and Mrs.•George Gilbert of Stratford visited on Thursday with relatives and friends here.. We extend sympathy to Mr, and. Mrs. Don Donaldson and. family of Teeswater in the passing of her mother the late Mrs. Earle ;Hodgins:, formerly of Concession 10, andalso to Mrs..William . . Alton (the former Grace Thomp- son) and family in the passing of -the---late Wlamltan, INJURED LEG ' Cathy 'Stanley , daughter of Mr•. and, Mrs. Leonard Stanley, suffer - •cxarnple for all. by spraying and • cutting•the,entire roadside. Reeve. Stanley' said that the=Bounty horrme• at Warton had 86 residents .with:.only 12 vacancies: at the • present time'.., The comparatively new'home is filling up fast. Br,uce- lea Haven in Walkerton is full to .Capacity with a waiting la of six.: / . • .Mr., Stanley made reference to . Y i highway work in Bruce .which was considered' as .'priority" ;by the county: .The roads included the highway r,unning north through : Ripley., commonly known as the Luckinow I`4r. Stanley thanked council; • for their co-operation during the •Reeve's . chair. his first year in _ - __- _, • Referring -to the a.njouni, of time spent on.council business , he stated 'that'their'suminer meet- • ings had commenced at 7 p. m. and_ was'common to adjourn about .1 a . hi. with one meeting. ending at 2.45 a.,n) Bob Emerson; ;deputy -reeve , said that he' had enjoyed his first year representing Huron on, county council. He said that he has increasing: ciptiniism •about the: esta:blishme:nt of regional• governrrment:. ' One, year. ago ; most people'thought it inevitable ,' he: said -;-but a-f-ee g-ef--re-w-hop b z: has developed among county council Members. ' He .said that • the next two or three years will lay the groundwork for the next' twenty years and he hoped that the future .would not see' local government go out of their hands. He commended ,Reeve Stanley:, t3`s•-1eadershi- and_the. meth.od., .� p of conducti -'the council•aneet-' ing ings.. • • Mr. Emerson has previously advocated the benefits of paving and had felt that Huron were be- hind in this manner in maintajn- ing their roads. He said that the next years planning will include five miles of paving and'he ex- pressed hope that the future would see much snore of this in Huron. *.4 ing was not as efficient and effective as it should be' and suggested that the grader -operators should spend more time on the job., Is�v 1Vluure, rtiad Slit/till' 11 '= gent, gave a detailed breakdown' on -the financial side of the road work. He mentioned ,problems which increase year by year. where, workers, male and female, ex • - pect.the roads; to.•be plowed very early for thein to get to work also the fact that prow's must be • to...n the r.oa:ds all•school busses. ' He said that increased interest by contractors in the gravel contract for the "roads had resulted in their costfor. gravel coming down from $1.45• 'to $1.18' this year. He made ref erence to the 'high loss of •road signs and'blinker equipment stolen andals and damaged.by vandals. the,meeting took on a lively discussion on:the manner in. which the graders' were being oper- ated. penated.. Some were unhappy with winter work onthe lower end of. Alie,..2nd-conce,ssiowas, not moved as .quickly,'as expected. Others were unhappy with the grading and dust control during the summer. Mr. Moore fielded a series of complaints until one I. :ratepayer came to his rescue stating that Mr.Moore was was being blamed for all the problerris •wh•ich were in 'effect, the problem of the council who direct his work. Reeve lussell Stanley said that magi PAGE THIRTEEN; • LUCKNOW E OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9 4,M. TO 6 P.M. In The Former.' Aalders Fruit Market ' ' DRY CI EANI.NG 1 -SHIRT •SERVICE IN BY 101A.M. OUT BY 6 P.M. PHONE 528+2335 , • ' ed a leg injury in a fall which re- .quired .several stitches. Wd wish her 4 speedy recovery. The December meeting of the • H. W.I."•'will'be held on Decem ber Srd-w- th MLS Jim Srnith-host ;. ess. Roll call - A. Christmas Cus,- tom special to my family. Topic-. They err who think <Santa. Claus enters down the chimney, 'when he enters through the heart. 'Mot= - to - Tips on Christmas buying. ' • Demons tration, on Christmas ideas Mrs.. P. A. Murray. Contest - shprtbread. .Directors -' Mrs.' Glen Hodgins.' and-Mrs---'-loward--Hams- �- --- Among the sick in this area are David Robb and Gerald Murray. • both of Concession 10. .We wish them a good recovery. ...with a long distance call! Birthdays, anniversaries, promotions -to show how much you.care, dial yourself in on the fun. And remember, -when -yo -u -dial station -to -station within Ontario and/Quebec, .you save up. t625% after 6 p.m: —up to 50°/o after 8 p.m. • d_all day_S.un • T picas low rates are shown in your phone book.. council 'always welcome •sugges- tions•of improvement from rate- payers.. • 1-e felt the best way was o. tgo officially through council by letter or personal visit; rather t an spea mg o • ees directly. . He assured those present that their problems would be fully discussed at the council • table - °:Leonard Courtney; representa- tive from. Huron Township and Ripley on the Bruce County .School Board,. mentioned that Huron and Ripleywere now. receiving kinder- garten instruction and that Wing - ham students were being drawn. on a separate bus •which eliminated very early pick up for some stud-' -ents-in: the'"a recta--Freneh-ii--new being taught' to grades 7''and: 8.' Mr Courtney has just completed a two, ye_a`r term" on'the. board having been elected when',the• county school boards'were organ- ized two. years ago. : Jack Elliott, the other' nominee. ,for the county school',board, said. that taxpayers are paying over 60 °%o in education costs and he didn't feel they were getting_ 'justice for this" expenditure,. He said "I'll leave the rest to you" . e Stanle said that Reeve Russ 11 y representatives from rise pravnc- sal governMent planning board had Met with council recently and that considerable pressure was being put forth to have Huron adopt planning and Zoning. Mr. Stanley spoke of the area below the base line between Highway 86 and the Kincardine boundary BIe, said•that most are summer cottages, but that many are being • winterized and that some people are making them their .permanent homes. This means 'increased services•year round: He said that the domplete answer will 'tr- some official plan will have to be established A question from' the floor con-' cerned the .possibility that the, .• Lrs. Lorne Webb las W.I. Speaker. 7 yr4 The. losers , captained by Mrs. ;Allan Miller of an attendance and roll .call contest held, by the W.: l:. ladies of. St. Helens, enter - 'mined the winners, captained by lake area would require sewers .in ;Mrs.` Ross Gammie at. a very the future. ' It was explaiined that ;pleasant afternoon party, Thurs- if sewers -ever became' a necessity, ,day, November 19 in the St.` the cost -would be absorbed by Helens Halls The•,afternoon opened with the 'Institute Grace after which each • ; 'lady was invited to choose :one. of the many delicious desserts; r .�;rhich=,_we P. displayed on.a deso_ra : _ ted table inwthe •centre •of'the hall. Coffer •was also served. • flit of re ional.•overnment', int y g.Iwrs. Allan Miller presided at ,erest charges' in financing"the the piano for a short sing son once -a -year tax payment system; iconducte1'by Mrs: James etC. hi�cnn and kArc Rnec' Frrin Both the reeve and deputy -reeve iton. said that they would welcome 41‘ opinions from taxpayers on the Contests and games were splay, merits or not of tax collections on ed. a more frequent basis: School _Mrs . Lorne Webb of •Goderich , taxes now have to 'be transferred d' `guest speaker for the afternoon • four times a year with the interest was!introduced by Mrs. Harvey for financing these coming out of Webb': Mrs. Webb spoke on tow;nsht enetal�re_vff! lew_nox _Winter Birds and FeedingStations :school revenue When asked' the for Birds.. percentage of taxes/coming from cottage property , one ratepayer was' advised •that 20 °fo of the total taxes were from ,cottages. _the -.peop.le_ who-- are._. 'served by such an installation. • ' A variety of subjects came up. concerning the capability,of the :engineer con'cerned with work on w the farm of Stain Blackwell , sw it rhes to four,times a year or twice a-yeartax collection, the possib- v y*1fie* ike9 g 'e t y /NO This• is the pictureTE in Huron' `Township at 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoon;.. Ca-ndidates have until 9*p.m. Tuesday to make their final decisions Mrs. Jas. "Aitchison thanked Mrs. Webb for her interesting talk. Mrs. Win. Rutherford played a :piano instrumental. -•••On•behalf -of. the winners Mrs.., ,Ernest Gaunt th'anked,theLosers , for such ah enjoyable afternoon . Everyone joined in singing 0 • Canada... '