HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-25, Page 4PAQ,iE ;FOUR. • TNR::L.UCKNOW SENTINIL LUCKNOW• ONTARIO WEDNESDAY', NOVEMBER 2Sth, 1970 :,; -!•...="4 c 1®i•' F �-� :71 r zaz q �`®` -N - i � T1- isT• ®-1.11 .:',4-1.,'...1,64,,,,rssig A FOR SALE POR SALE, a used Allis Chal ' finers all, crop combine, a John; Deere manure spreader, -ground. drive in `Al condition, phone 529- 7427. BERG ST_ABk11<.._EQIIJP.ME.NT......... Contact' Lloyd Johnston, R. f t." 3. Holyrood, phone 395-5390. ' FARMER'S INCOME TAX SERVICE Tax preparation, financial state- ments, averaging basic herd, etc. cash or accrual system, work done at farm, reasonable . fees, phone, 1-438-0401. SINGER SERVICE Repairsto all, makes and models; Sales and Service on new products; SINGER CO. OF CANADA Phone 357-3730 after 6 pm. 290 ACRES FOR SALE - Level .Crop Land •240 workable = 2 beef barns.. 3 -drilled -wells - Modern home: - River frontage -Will consider trade. COOMBERLANE FARMS LTD. BRUSSELS, :•.7.6389 QED -=GAIN - • - .an inexpensiveChristmas gift, 300 .for -Si 75� order -now. -The Lucknow Sentinel, ' 528-2822. FOR SALE FOR SALE - a number of good chunks of pigs, Lacombe. and York crossed. Johnston MacLeod, phone' 3952632. FOR SALE.--. Beatty '. automatic ,.feed_.and_-manure . handling-esluil ment, stabling and pressure .sys- tems..Contact Beatty Farm Ser vice Centre Clinton. 482-9561. HISTORY OF 'BRUCE - would make an k Christmas Gift for a friend or rotative .interested in local WON'S', S7 at the Lucknow Sentinel. All Mattel: tO s, dulls laid doll clothing. Looknow 'District Co-op, Phone 52$,21.. -FOR, -SALE- -dripped calves. Hereford and Holstein. Alex Far.. rish, ' R.R.: 7 ,Lucknow, phone "529 7305;, HOUSEHOLD MOVING-, Local and long, distance,.' excel- lent ` storage facilities available. Eric Walden„-Wingham,_phone_ 357-3221. FOR SALE . 2 year old, . Art Helm front... end snow blower; • Wanted up to • 5000 pound Indust- rial milk quota. Vernon ' Hodgins, hone 395-2271. . a REFRIGERATION SERVICE. Guaranteed service to all. types Complete appliance repairs at BURKCE ELECTRIC • VACUUM CLEANERS Sales; and-Service;..for-all •,makes. It., K. Peck, Varna, Phone 262-• 57488 ' DEAD STOCK • Fresh dean cows over 1,000 pounds, $12..00 'each;` dead horses;. 520:00- each-, ` o_vet_goltuds•___a cording to size. - . LORENZ. REMOVAL ` DURHAM Call ••Collect .369-2410 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING 'Every- Tuesday. and Thursday • Figs and Cattle. Tuesdav • Cattle only, ' Thursday • m by `l ,p.m. BILL'S MEAT MARKET Wingham .357.2450 Electrical Contractors ,Appliances Motor Rewind, 24 Hour Emergency .Service SNOW TIRES. For safe,. economical winter g,--buy-Huskie-show tires an - regular tread.. Lucknow. 'District Co-op, phone 528;2125. FOR 'SALE - feed turnips at'For.- For - masa Turnip Plant, 881-1383 • FOR SALE FOR SALE - orders . taken for dressed. ducks. Allan ,Miller, 11.' 1 Lucknow, phone 528-6540, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ,- makes an ideal ;Christmas. gift, $5 per year, $7 outside Canada, an at rac ve gift card Will •be''sent, at no extra cost, phone 528-2822,• FOR SALE - Racoon Racoon coat, size 16, in good condition. Mrs. Harvey Webster, phone 528-3107. FOR SALE good 'piano, $75. if sold this week; also step table, wood single bed., Phone 528-3202. PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS• a picture' of your family. on a Christ- mas card, speedy delivery, . just bring, in. a negative and we'll do the rest. The Lucknow Sentinel,. phone 528-2822, TROUSSEAU. TEA Mrs. Raynard Ackert would like to extend an invitation, to friends and relatives to attend a: trousseau Harry • Lavis, phone 5240426.. tea in honour of her daughter June, PRINTED STATIONERY.would to beheld at:her haeme Concession 10, Kinloss make an inexpensive Christmas ..on . Saturday, Nevem- gift letter-paper-and-envelopesll' ber 28th, 2: 00 to 4:00 in the after= in a sam le book 'foryour easynoon and 7;00 to '9;00 in the even - p �:. ing. viewing,. dozens of colours and styles. The Lucknow Sentinel, COMING EVENTS NO' BINGO THIS WEEK The Lucknow Legion bingo, us- ually held on : Thursday, will be cancelled this Week due to Hall renovations. • .SKI CLUB/ MEETING A meeting of the Lucknow Ski Club will be, held on Friday, Nov- ember 27th at 8 p.m. in the As- sembly Room of the Town Hall. Some, local pictures of Fun•Day. will be shown. • EUCHRE PARTY .Dungannon L.O.L. will sponsor a Euchre Party on Thursday,; Nov- enibtio 26th in Dungannon Orange Hall: Everyone welcome. FOR SALE 3 • piece wine ehes- erfield; fibre,;,rug• .9' .x 12'. Mrs. ANNUAL MEETING phone'528-2822._ The annual meeting of the Luck- FOR SALE --: , chesterfield and now Farmers . Co-operative'. will be ir-in-excellent-condition.-Phon he Seale rooms on Satur- Mrs. Oliver McCharles ' 395-5266: day, November 28th at 2 p. m. AN ADDING MACHINE --'for, Christmas,, manual and electric in stock, The. Lucknow Sentinel, phone 521h2022: • • FOR SALE - 2 pair of skis, 6' and 61/i';„ also pair of. men's ski' boots,' size 10 or- 11.:Mrs. Gerald Rathwell, phone 528-2914 between.6 5:30'- .30'p:ni. .' BAZAAR' AND TEA'. Trinity U.C.W. are holding their Bazaar and afternoon Tea at. the Legion Hall, on December 5th at 2:30. p.m. There will be sewing,. home-made. baking, Christmas dec. .orations and gifts. DANCE,. ' Everyone is welcome to a dance d --A ll Efo istmas. ponsored by Huron -Count -}Feder= all. price ranges.starting at $59.95, • . ation of Agriculture in the Wing - lay away yours .,now and ' don't . be ham Legion Hall ;on Saturday, Nov - • disappointed later, The:Lucknow ember -28: Dancing • 9 to 12 to the Sentinel, phone X2822 ` • music of'The Northern ' Gentlemen, Admittance restricted to persons ' PRINTED 'GIFTS -. serviettes, 21. years and:' over ; •i • playing cards, coasters, matches, ' etc:; and different; low now en me ; THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL.-. is for sale at Mel. Stanley's Supertest from -Mel' PICTURE FRAMING our spec- ialty; _ wnod and • metal... Maxwell Photo : Studio: Wingham. ..James Snyder, proprietor, phone n7-1851.1 BARN 'EQUIPMENT 'complete ' line. of Acorn Equipment' and: Clay good- ConcYtion. Phone 35-7-1I0/1 Equipment for pushbutton farm--; ing; Westeel - Rosco Granaries; Chore - Boy Milking Parlours; *4- Also Complete Line Of Corrug- ated Metal' Culverts:. 6" to 24 _sizes on hand at all times; larger WINTER CLOTHING . C.ome, in and see our winter .cloth- ing. 'Several new lines . in stock;' I.cl;�a Di., • 528-2125.. FOR SALE a De Iava1 cream separator. also 2 unit Surge . stain- iess steel milker and milk ppi1s. FOR SALE a Yorkhog, service- able age; tw'o Holstein heifers due BAKE SA E The Lucknow Agricultural: Soc- COMING EVENTS JUNIOR "C" HOCKEY For the best in •Junior "C" hoc- key be..at. Teeswater arena. every Sunday afternoon at . 2 p,m., Tee .. water Otters versus other teams in. the league. • •' CARD P�KRTY�: A Card Party. will be held 'tri Zion Hall . on Monday, .November 30th at 9 p.m., sponsored by Zion L.O.L. Ladies with lunch, free. TURKEY BINGO 6hristmas Turkey, Bingo at St: Augustine Church Hall on Friday, December 4th, 1970 ' ;at 8:45 p.m.' sharp.' Children allowed when ac- companied by parents, ' _NOTICE CUSTOM BUTCHERING Pigs - Tuesday Beef- Wednesday & Friday By Appointment Only. RETAIL MEATS RZ' TTIN.GER'S_ME4TAMARKET;-_ A.R.. -1 Formosa • DIAL 392-6346 HILRAY FARMS L.T.D. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD' The' best in Home. Grown, Dry Fed, -Drug-Free-Beef-.---Try-our- Home -Frec Beef -Try -our -Home Made Sausage.. Custom kil- -ling-by-appointment. 'Phone 52-2132 • LUCKNOW. SENTINEL .,OFFICE HOURS . Monday to Friday, '8:30 alio. 10 12 noon 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. ' Saturday, 9 a.m. 'to. 12 noon NOTICE �e y' wi sponsor: a oke Sale on'. Saturday, November . 28th in'. the former Mullin's• Bake •Shop at soon: phon•e Jim Aitchison, 528 2 P -m• _• a! LOST AVON CALLING. Anyone wishing Avon: Products' phone . Lenore Glenn 528-3723 or Kathy Gibson 528-2328. See our cat- alogue for Christmas Specials. . APPLICATIONS ` APPLICATIONS ARENA BOOTH` WANTED APPLICATIONS ` for. I operator for Concession 'Booth, at Lucknow : Arena, on a rental basis. ENTERTAINMENT Most of -,the' equipment supplied.. •owing November 30th .to Dec-. Send applications: to ` giber 5th. .Pete Lafferty. 'The MacKenaie Drifter"- •9 c•- 1 each' 1. George Newbold LOST - ring . wfih a --sem okeni - Dannz's Tavern, Ingham. . __ . ' _ Lucknow. • Fmr -please de I leave at Sentinel Of - FOR SALE =- a 16foot Jamesway silo unloader, 2 -years old. Contact' Lowry Barn Supply, 395,521f: .. flee. Reward. • TROUSSEAU TEA ;BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS - Mrs. 'Virden Mowbray will .enter- on display. The Lucknow Sentinel, LOST - about 3 w eeks ago from tain at a Trousseau Tea, at. her', phone' '528-2822.' irk 16. Concession 3.. West Waw- home Ross • St.. Lucknow., on Sat - pipe by order �Lo'Lowry-o . _. Sam ' SupPly: ....DRY • . rt • stent.. -Hereford T'd -st'ee Q -�,a SO • . = Amberley, phone 395-5286. t.. yt Try an EI'ectrohome H.unudifier about, 500 pounds. Allan Dickson., and: 7• - 9 p.m., in honour of her, TYPE;WiI;ITER for Christmas, from - Greer . T.V. and Electric. phone 529-,143: daughter 'J•anet's forthcoming• mar- . •Il _ nage: .95, price ranges starting at Sag ' SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS phone 528-3112. Anyone.. ung ,to 'have --.exten- sions on their silos or roofs. please ,. call or write.This can be done now. George .Wraith. Box 95.• Goderich.. Phones Residence. 524-7002 or' Shop 524-6511 • PLAYING CA.Rbt Plastic coated single dee from $1.19 up as welll as double decks -and evchre.:d; . , euthre cads only : Drop • in at ' T'be Ltich^w, Sentinel. • DUMONT ALUMINUM doors, a wrongs: sidings : F`Or • free estimate calfi Roy .Errberl :. your local dealer. m: EESWATER !CEWS �s available at The Lucknow Sentinel, I0c per copy. I.# you are interested in the -news of Teeswater and Ns-. trtct, Fick kID a copy. • C MEIyT GRAVEL pit ' run gravel, top soil and fell.. Burying or rmoving st'obe piles. Phone Syases Bros 5202• SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE. KINLOSS, ONTARIO OPen 7 Days' and Evenings • Closed Sunday a.m.: and : Tnesda5 •7 p.m. hop For Our 'Week -end' Specials TRY OUR SUPER ICE-CREAM CONES 3 .r , GALL_OHS .L5c MOBILE HOMES . _ Small animals over 150 pounds TH IN:K•-NC::...OF A._:MO.B.I..L:E. HOME.._ OR RECREATIONAL VE. ,H ICLE We pay you for your anunal Mary rnake5` anal rt...6ciels. to choose " your farm. DEAD STOCK REMOVAL. SERVICES Warzted-. d..or_disabled cattle and horses TOP PRICES P'AID' from, : For a better dea:• drop us a Vie' or telephone RUSTON MOBILE HOMES LTD. Shy PLAINS RD., EAST •URL};1tGTGN - Tet. (Co ' 1i 1 42444 , �_ _- ly--away---yours -nom .andon't--be CANDLELIGHT CAROLFEST disapp0iIIted later, The Lucknow, • Plan now to: enjoy with' us the Sentinel. phone 528-2822. glorious:'.music of Christmas'at the • annual Carolfest,.. presented by a cornmunity choir- at the South FKii:oss 'Presbyterian Church, Dec- erriber 13 at 8 p m Everyone Wel.," come • HURON DEAD STOCK RECEPTION A Reception wtll.be held for Mr. and Mrs. "Carl Pritchard 's Margar- et- Pattison in Belgrare V►'ofnen'_s_._.___- • h stittt Hit:-.- i rrday - at • 2..' Dixieland Brass. Ladies please bring ''lunch: 'RECEPTION A Reception will be held on Fri-' service to you. • • day: November. 27th in Dungannon f 24 Hour Service - Days A ''eek REMOVAL S_ 24 HOUR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL Col.L•c'r 746334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lioease. lrta 773-on 2 BRUSSELS. v4s"- 'e pay highest, prevailing price for fresh dead or disabled '.cows . and horses over 500 pounds. Smaller animals picked up as a Agricultural Hall . in honour ' •of CALL: COLLECT Mr• and Mr's. Terry Hodges (deo- • • by Errington). Everyone welcome.. '• Free Post Mortem BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS=-' 482.9811 On display, The Lucknow Sentinel, t License No. 231,C-70' a phone 528.2822, • ' •