HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-18, Page 19°•;•t Upt:�r, e.>..• w• I • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER lath, 1970 THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCICNOW, ONTARIO •r ,• ......... ,. ,. v moi.•.• �. r ' ' ;�/�!'•r i:•!//..r •:: '•i;ifl�+r %'i,.. �)� % :f:;••}._: 7. y. !: ;;} :.•r' r jr .. : • f r0.9 PAGE NINETEEN. N. Make sure id's here when. it's neede� FOR HIGHER CORN YIELDS NEXT YEAR a combination of plow down this tall and a band application at seeding tune plus supplemental -nitrogen -has -to be, the best answer. IN down CO-OP PLANT FOOD' IS THERE . WHEN:: NEEDED to assuie a good start fqr your crop and to provide untrrtved-rium-ettts-durrintj e • growing, season.' • SPRING •OPERATIONS ARE SPEEDED UP by plowing down part of the required •fertilizer in the h� fall' Planting a few days earlier can mean extra bushels of corn. WEATHER' AND; SOIL CONDITIONS ARE GOOD. No travelling over wet fields with • heavy loads or added transportation costs"due to load limits being in force. D fertilizer this fall; GET THE FACTS FRI* YOUR CO-OPERATIVE. Bagged, bulk #. From u.;,,fo: research: or spread .. the CO. -OP'; fertilizer Plant food for the foods, yi¢u require. is in good supply.in. • the fall. check at 'u-.pIa for expert advice on when, to plow down and the analysis•you need. •Reyruked TackMOM PERA JIVE Phone. 528-2125 • Four Ontario Scholars among Honor raduates Last year's Grade 13 students cash awards and certificates by Bruce Camerim, , Gregoiy at F. E.' Madill Secondary Schad , Principal G. 0. Phillips,. , ,C,aiter, Linda Caiagrande, Ross returned Friday evening to . The Honor Graduation Caslick, Judith .Chandler, Betty receixe Honor /Graduation Dipiomas were presented by.H. Colwell, Bruce Colwell, Joyce Diplomas and other awards, • P. Ritter and K. E. Wood, vice- Coultes, Helen Courtney, Ellen presented at :the school's com- Principals„to the . . Cruickshank. , niencement exereises. Julia • Adams, Jean Adams, • Barry Dane, Walter Dickii, ' Ontario Scholars', Adele Tiffin, strong, Gary Bauer, Susan Joan Fischer, Judith Galbraith, rry ane, Nancy Sc - ac we , ary a e, nd.a Paul Gardner, Mary Gibson. Neil Moncriet wartzentruber ahd David Rhody. Boyle, Barbara Bryans, Janet Grabam, Donnalea Hardie, They were presented with their Bushell. ' James Henderson. Shelby Petteplace, John Rae, David Johann, Anne Kieffer, Patricia King, Nancy Kirkland, Milan Loree, Roderick MacKenzie, Norman MacLen- nan, Brian McBurney, Vonne McCutcheon, Douglas McDonald; Murra McDonald Sand Mc- Donald, Jill McPh J Millen, Brian Miller, Jane Judith Reid, David Rhody, ..Kenneth' Ritchie; Glenn Ruttan, 'Nancy' Schwartzentruber, Scott, Janice Shyne, William Skinn, Peter now. Eric 'Taylor Monty Tem- Tiffin, Mary Ellen Walsh, Wheeler, Barbara White, Donna Men's Brand Name 'LADIES. 004 MISSES. Casual,, Coinfortable, 'Corduroy Coats ONLY FIVE WEEKS FROM THIS FRIDAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS May we invite you to drop in and look , over our Christmas stock LAY AWAY PLAN if you wish. NO *DEPOSIT KNIT SHIRTS Deep Set Wide Wale Corduroy Latest Styling High Fashion Shades Pile or Quilt Lining SIZES 10 - 20 • • Long sleeves, choose from 'crew neck 'and button front in solids ond. stripes. Small,. medium, large., • $29.95 and $34.95 HOSE - 3 pr. for $1 69 MEN'S UNDERWEAR IN STANFIELDS and PENMAN'S 71 All kept in combinations or drawers and shirts. PRI,CES -- check any catalogue you may _ have on :LADIES' PLAlo T .SUITS SIZES 8 a 16 $15.95 Pile Lined' CQRDU 'Toques for all the family SPECIALS GOOD UNTIL NOVEMBER 28th MORE FASHION 1/4 • • MORE SAVINGS SHTu cknow) Ltd LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR, FREE PICKAIR AM/DELIVERY TA/ESDAY AND FRIDAY SAFARI COATS As. good' assOitthent • . Packets and *simulated leather but. tons, 'very latest .styling. Sizes • Our corduroy coats come in brown, brass, antelope; nat- ural, champagne. PRICED AT $29.95, Need extra credit- • for your Christmas and Fall Shopping? DROP, IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH US aemorY