HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-18, Page 5I, •1970 calf lent- lone ent Ione WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 1910: THE LUCKNOW SCNTINEL, LUCKNOW, ON'T'ARIO K..L MacKENZIE, O*D ' Optometrist NOW I.N. ,RIPLEY- . EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to.5:30 - p. m. Phone Roy. MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 for appointment W. R'. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST. NEXT. TO. LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 3574361 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME. Modern and Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 , Day or Night • Serving All'Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate, Prices Established 104 INSURANCE, FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIFE. ir• 'rs To Protect Your Jack, Insure With 'Jack Today; J. • A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528.3423 R. W- ►NDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW '. ' Every Wednesday and Satuidey Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 CARD OF THANKS Iwish to express my thanksto friends and neighbours, who rem- embered me with cards, gifts and. visits during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim and nurses on 1st floor. of Wingham. and District Hospital, Joyce Anne Johnstone THANK ,YOU The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society would like' to express . thanks for donations, to canvassers, to the Lions Club, and all who helped to. make the Can- vass a success, -Anyone missed, may still make. a donation to. Mrs.; Oliver Glenn,, Lucknow. . I vould1ike-to�say, ``Thai k ou' for the many cards, gifts ar;d` flowers sent to me while 1 was ..a patient •in `Victoria Hospital,. Lon- don. Also to those whoremembered' me on my Birthday, November 11, in. Wingham District. Hospital, Your visits and many kind acts are sin cerely appreciated. Mrs., , Sarah A. .MacDonald. 1. wish to express appreciation to those who sent flowers and ,cards and inquired for me while ill. Spec - i l thanks to Dr. Corrin; Dr. Mc- Kim and nurses on staff in, isolation ward in, Wingham General Hos- pital. Mrs. William Humphrey The RED CROSS. is PEOPLE OK YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU CARD OF THANKS Mrs.. Etta Roberts wishesto say thank you to all who, remem- bered her 'invarious ways while she was. hospitalized,, . and • to those who were so kind to Elsie; 'special thanks to her. ' Doctors and nurses on 2nd floor. . • "I would sincerely like to thank my friends .and relatives .who sent me cards and visited me while I was a patient in Owen Sound Gen- eral and. Marine Hospital having undergone an eye operation. Spec- ial thanks toDr. Hiscox and the nurses on .Second Floor.. ,/ Archie Bonnett OIVENTIO-N Mr, and Mrs'. Oliver Glenn . and Mr. and •Mrs. °Gordon Maize of Lucknow ; attended a .dinner meeting. at the Conestoga. Motel in Kitchener last Friday evening' as delegates. to the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society . Convention. • ' The 'guest speaker was the Soc- iety oc-iety chairman Mr. ' Dunlop, •• who gave an interesting account • of the' work done this year. 75_01) of the. monies raised in Canada. went for research. `r..'Dunlop,' a war veteran,. was blinded in service but never spoke of his own handicap during his address.• • e_ •e , _ 000 • s-ra sod canvlssers in Lucknow IN MEMORIAM MacLENNAN - in memory of Alan MacLennan who died Dec- ember 14th, 1969, husband of Jean Lemon; only son , of Donalda 'Mac- Leod.. and the late John MacLen- nan,- acLen- nan, • formerly of ' Lucknow., 'Alan wasa pirot • in thesecond wo 'ld war. TIFFIN . - ' in 'memory of Charles Tiffin who passed away two years' ago, November 18,, 1968, A precious one from Us is, gone A voice we 'loved is still A. place is vacant in our home Which never °can be. filled . . Sadly missed and lovingly rem- embered by wife Gertie. TIFFIN - -- in .loving' memory of brother Charles Tiffin who passed away 2 years ago, November 18, 196Down a road' that is quiet .and peaceful He went on; before us to ' wait. He was such a.kind' and gentle man Never room inhis heart for hate, Always ready witha helping hand,, To, strangers and, those he 'loved: 'Nowhe's dwellingin that promised land, ' With his Lord in abiding dove:. Ever.-_r-emember-ed-b3►sister-. Val-.. etta and "brother-in-law Victor: •TIFFIN —• in loving memory of a dear.::brother who passed away November 18th, 1968. Thinking of you, today,. Charlie, ., But then that is nothing new rda NOTICE' FiNLAy:'..ATORS W=ILL -BE CLOSEILFOR LI,D_..AYS Thursday,' December 17th, to `Thursday, January 7, 19.71, inclusive MARG AND BOB`FINLAY And the day before that 'too. 'And ' we will think of you tomorrow, And each.day as they, come and go, We will think of you forever We love and•, miss you so. ' To kpow�we yer. ,said goodbye Will 'always bring regret, But -t -he -hearts -that -love -you -dearly: Are the .hearts, that won't' forget:. Sadly missed by, brother and sis- ter-in-law Fred and : Elizabeth., PAGE FIVE CRYSTAL. LAKE MOBILE HOME SALE At THE MENESET MOBILE HOME COURT AIRPORT. . ROAD, GODERICH - Agents For .GLENDALE MOBILE HOMES,' 'GOLD ..FALCON TRAVEL TRAILERS AND. TRUCK CAMPERS' , Phone 524-6638 or 524-9895 •• :eeeee. os.emosal'esies FOR SALE HURON TOWNSHIP acreage up to res-lake•range,-$400=pe-acre, subject to approval., ' 100 ACRES Huron : Township, ..-ate acres workable. House and barn. Modern. conveniences, Priced to • sell. FOR SALE OR RENT Ripley store. and -apartments -from -$6o--to-$110 per month.' Electric heat, modem throughout. ' '- R. BRAY - DOCTOR OF he' :or be to Ce'; CAVILLER AN. D :COMPANY. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS I of ' • id CRAWFORD and MILL )f. of Ill id ns re .. I WALKERTON Phone -881-3471> :CHIROPRACTIC 256 CENTRE ST., WINGHAM,' PHONE 3574224 im•-••••••••••••••••••••1 • •Put ,your i• „ ■ M, .:,,money•• ■•114here ,. ••,M.you. . ▪ . • get your. • ■. • ... mortga e CLINTON,' spacious living with, all the conveniences 'of town: House Ind 5 dots. Workshop -and small barn. Spotless home, modern con- veniences: oo-veniences Just $12,500. • For 'These Pro • lilies • Please ' Contact` ROSALIND HO:G1NS '195.2337 or •R, R. 2 iiolyrood;,Ont. NOW FEATURING NEW' PHOTO -LISTING ':SERVICE rs to ' r _P one 5.38=I320 T Iy J.;•H. CRAWFORD, .Q.C. • ALAN R. MILL, B.A., L.LB'. WINGHAM IN LUCKNOW • EVERY WEDNESDAY - 10 a.m. to 12 noon Located in Breckles Block • Id IN 'R'IPLEY EVERY FRIDAY '' ' In Ross Martyn Building Phone ' Winghain ffice-357'-3630 --Res,-357--2330 R'.. W. BELL.. OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH • The Square (Phone JAckson 4.7661) A. M HARPER CHARTERE0 Ac COUN`r`ANT" 55.57 ,South Street, Goderich Zrelephone 521.7562 FOR -COMPLETE TIRE- SALES & SERVICES I. ' FARMS. - TAKE 'Phone 529-7600 .0 YOUR CHOICE' ■ Most ofthe money invested in". ■ ■ • GENERAL STORE QUALITY' TIRES AT LOWEST PRICES • Farm,.Truck & Pass.: Tires resfOM Wheel. Balancing ii Battery: Service ■ ■ 50 ACRES $8,000 ' 4`T work- ■ able acres; barn 40' x 56' 'con-■ staining loose pens; 3 acres bush with a' spring ;Just..a short plea-• ■■- * sure drive to 'Lucknow: • ■ • 100 ACRES- $13,000 — 65work-I ▪ able acres, balance . bush, barn; ■ in real good condition; 4 bed-• room :home; drilled=well; -B 111 ■ to both schools. ■ WINGHAM MEMORIALS w .GUARANTEED ' GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. • • REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and. Save.' Bus ' Ph. 357-1910 ' Res._ Ph. 357.1015 ▪ 20 ACRES — $15,000:__.a vithi ■ $3,000 down. Land all workable and tiled drained; barn In A-1 .. ■ condition with cement stabling; -�-2-storey, 4 -be • , ■ modern conveniences.. Only' Via; ▪ miles off Highway No. 86. U' O 77 ACRES — $22,000 --'75 work- able acres of -choice land; barn,■ ' ■ driving shed• Wand' hen house; 5 ■ :bedroom home in good condit- to ■ ion. Machinery included in the ;'purchase , price. . U' ■ U zr ■ SO IF YOU WANT TO ••is a •BUY•OR SELL _. CONTACT. US AT e ■ ■ _ • ■ ▪ BARRY McDONAGH • REP. U •Lucknow 521.3423 Res. 39S-3326* ■ t I NB1.B'B esmomBBRR#RimannoU MacKENZIE MEMORIAL .CHAPEL'. FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according ...to your wishes_at your Home, 'your ;Church, or at our Mem- orial Chapel at' no additional. 'charge. Lucknow, Phone 528.3432 Day or -Night i G uaranteed.:Investment Certificates has :a 'priority in • mortgage loans we make in the same area. Your investment in Victoria and Grey Certificates, not only helps you, it helps .your community to grow and prosper.. • • • 150' ACRE FARM in West Wawan- osh Township, large modernized 'barn for beef cattle, .silo. 12 x .40 in =paved -yard ;-8-room-home-situated on a. good road: This. 'is.a gently rol- ling high producing •farm listed at $24,800 with. •$12,00 down and pos- session in the ,spring. 150 ACRE HOG FARM; close Ito' town, 9 room ' renovated : frame home with -air conveniences; cap acity • for 750 hogs, stable •cleaner and • o aired ":aid. 50 ACRE farm' . on Highway' 21, comfortable 3 bedroom home, ,good barn. If you would like to live in a desireable area and work • in town, see this, immediate posses: sion, : goodterms. ■ i TRUST COMPANY.' SINCE 1984 Lealand , ill, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich -324-7381' ILOOKto buy .,� iii fihe WANT ADS SANDBLASTING .. DEMOLITION .. WORK SPRAY :PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529.7403 FOR ESTIMATES 10$. ACRE grass ' farm in' Kinloss township, 85 acr'e's workable, hydro and drilled well, 4 bedroom brick home. Priced right•;at $13,900. For These Properties Please Contact WAR'RE'N.', ZIN'N Phone 529.7350 Wilfred Mclntee Co., Limited WALKERTON_ Member of the Grey and Bruce. Multiple Listings Service"' List M.L.S.. •-- Over 60 Salesmen ' Working For You .04,11•••