HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-18, Page 4.1 ,, AGE FOUR LUCKNOW SENTINIEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER.18th FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Hampshire and. Dur - do boars, serviceable age, excellent quality. Price $85. Norman. Mc- Clinchey, phone 526-1789 Auburn. BERG STABLE -EQUIPMENT Contact. Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. FARMER'S INCOME FOR SALE FOR SALE - pair studded tires, 825 x 15. George Beaton, Lucknow, phone 528-3207. TOR SALE Beatty automatic feed and manure handling .equip- .ment, stabling • and • pressure sys- tems:_Co ttact :BeattFarm-Ser- - vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. • COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO • , Legion Hall, Lucknow, •. every Thursday; 8:45 p.m, Pot of Gold game winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each,. 2. Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot Game for $105.00 on 57 calls or -$25-=--consolation-priz TAX SERVICEEUCHRE PARTY Tax preparation, financial state- FOR SALE OR RENT complet_ •. The St. Augustine C.W.L'rEuchre ments, averaging, basic herd, etc. ely ,modelled 3 bedroom: house Party will be held in the Parish task or accurial system, work. done in `"u'gham, one block from Main all on Friday, November 20th..at at farm,reasonable ''fees Street. Phone Lorne Howe, Tees- Il y Phone 830 p.m. Prizes and lunch will be water 392-6172, provided. Everyone welcome. FOR, SALE - purebred Landrace hog, 6 months old out of low back- • MEMBERSHIP MEETING fat stock: Allan Irwin 395-5370 Rip- A membership' meeting for Local 1ey. 335 'of .the National Farmers Union will be held at Brookside. School' on. FOR SALE Chihuahua pups, 4 Thursday, November 19th at 8.30 weeks old, phone Ripley 395-2483. p.m. Bill. Langdon, District director FOR SALE - dropped calves; will be guest speaker. Thiswill be Hereford and • Holstein. Alex .'Far- : an open . meeting.. . rish, R.R. 7 Lucknow, •phone ' 525 RECEPTION A Reception and Dance in hon HOUSEHOLD MOVING / our of Mr. and• Mrs.- Murray Mac- Local and long distance, excel-Kenzie Julianne Lassaline) lent storage-fac lit ill-be--held-on-Saturday;-Hove Eric Walden, Wingham, phone ber : 21st in : Saltford Valley Hall 357-3221. , • • • from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.Music' by George'Bolton and his orchestra. REFRIGERATION. SERVICE Lunch will, be served, everyone " ° .1-498-0401. • SINGER SERVICE Repairs to: all makes and models;, Sales and: Service on new products • SINGER CO. OF ' CANADA ' Phone 357-3730 after 6 p.m. FOR � Electrohome - SALE -- room humidifier, . used 2 winters. ' Contact Bob ' Struthers 528.2046.. FOR SALE 30 new ash' plank, 6". wide, in . lengths 10', , 12', 15'. Phone '528.2390. ERAS' ,; Sales and Service for all makes. :H. • K. Peck, ' Varna, Phone 262- 5748. • FOR SALE 1963 International 1600 Loadstar, .20,000 G..V.W., '304 V8, 8:25 x'20 tires, 8' 'x '12' stake; phone .529-7372. DEAD STOCK Fresh dead cows over 1,000 pounds, $12.00 each; , dead 'horses, $20.00 .each; over 500 pounds ac- cording to size. ' LORENZ'' REMOVAL DURHAM, - Call Collect 369-2410 • THUNDER BIRD .Landau; immaculate+ condition.,•:'Contact Fred Emberlin, Lucknow? ,phone. 528-3292: COMING EVENTS. JUNIOR "C" HOCKEY For the best in Junior "C" • hoc-. key be ' at Teeswater arena every Sunday .;afternoon at. 2 'p.m:, Tees - Water Otters versus' other teams in ° the league.' Y CHRISTMAS; -ACE-- Makes U.C.W. will hold a sale of Christmas gift.items, baking;. turkey pies, candy, etc. 'the form- er. Mullin' Bake Shop on Saturday,, November 21st at 2. p.m. WANTED WANTED - a good pair of skis with release bindings. Phone 528- 3613. 7305. Guaranteed service to all types .welcome, Complete appliance 'repairs ° at DU 'RICE, EL,ECTRIC AN-N:UA•L-MEETING The annual meeting of the Luck- Wingham :.357-2450now Farmerso-op a e' ' will be Electrical Contractors held at the Scale rooms on Satur- Appliances -- Motor Rewind day, November 28th at 2 p.m. 24 Hour Energency-• Ser -vice DANCE AT ST.: :I ELENS ANTIQUE CLOCKS repaired and A dance will be held in the :St. refinished.; Eric W. Rice, R:R..2. Helen's Hall on Friday, November Lucknow, phone 528-6695..; ° 20th sponsored by the : WI., ' The FORmoss SALETurnifeed ferm881 i at For- Dixieland Brass Band will play: ps383. v Ladies please bring sandwiches. . , p Plant, "1 • • • ,;+__• . • DANCE THE ' LUC,KNOW SENTINEL - is =Mel Staple' 's. Su Everyone is weleome to a dance for sale. at :Mel pertest:. in' Lucknow.: Pick up an extra copy sponsored: by Huron County 'Feder- from 'Mel. :. ation of Agriculture in the Wing - CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING• ham Legion. Hall: on Saturday, Nov - COMET WELDERS (180 ..nd 300 .ember 28. Dancing '9 •to:. •12 _to the Every • Tuesday . and Thursday amp:) compressions, gi inders,• -fer- . music of The Northern Gentlemen. Pigs -and Cattle, Tuesday tilizer augers,power bin; cleaners, Admittance 'restricted to persons. Cattle only;. Thursday Banc accessories-George=lVi in by .1 pan. .senger,'area representative,•R.R.. 1 BILL'S MEAT MARKET: Ripley; Phone 395 2815: Simi; SHOOT PARTY • Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon. Try. The. St° Helens. W.I. are holding Comet before• you: buy: a • Shoot Party on: Thursday; Nov -RVI{ E ember .19 : in the. hall - at 840. Lunch served Repairs . and. Installation, ' • Free PICTURE' FRAMING' - our spec- ialty. wood and metal. Maxwell• Photo' _. Studio. _ ..Win _ ham :.James Snyder, proprietor, phone: •3.574851. LOST LOST - ' 2 cross bred steers : with .a notch on underpart 'of right ear, between. 650 and 800 pounds. Stray- ed from lot 21, Concession 8, . "Kin- loss. early in October. An one know- ' _ a�eir w erea . ' uts phone •Er - 'nest. Hanna 392-6505 collect. Notice To Creditors 'NOTICE, TO•, CREDITORS In The E.stat Of • MARY Y LOUISA C:URRAN Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Louisa Curran,. late -of -tire Village of Lueknovv; .the County of Bruce,. Widow, de- ceased, who died on or 'about . the. 7th • day ' of • September 1970, , are hereby notified ,to' send full partic ulars oftheirr claims to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executors of .the: Estate on o befo day of November 1970, ,after which date. the ":Estate will be distributed amongst those entitled', thereto hav- ing regard only; to the claims of which ,the Executors ' . shall, then. have notice Dated' at Listowel, Ontario, this 30th day of October.;' 1970. .' • I STRAYED' STRAYED - 500 to 600 lb.. from Con. 1 & 2,: Kinloss. Can id ify by brand. Robert Irwin. Pt 529.7337. CUSTOM. BUTCHERING Pigs - Tuesday Beef: Wednesday do Friday By Appointment Only RETAIL MEATS • • HETTINGER'S, MEAT MARKT R.R.. 1 Formosa 'DIAL 392-6346 HII.RA'Y FARMS LTD. - '. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD• The best in Home ' Grown, Dry `F Drug Free Beef. •'Try our Fr Home . Made. Sausage. 'Custom ling by appointment. ' Phone 528-2132. LUCKNOW SENTINEL OFFICE. HOURS 8:30 a.m.'to'12noon. .1 p.m. to "6 p.m: Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon NOTICE AVON CALLING.• Atiyone wishing : Avon Produ phone Lenore 'Glenn -528 -5723 - Kathy Kathy Gibson 528.2328, See our c alogue' for Christmas Specials.. u Royal' -Canadian Legion Bran No. 309, Lucknow,wil hold the regular meeting On Tuesday; N( ember 24> at 8:45 p.m. All membf are requested. to attend. NOTICE "HRISTMAS:PUDDIN.GS Orders will be • taken by 'I Lucknow • Women's` • Institute f Christman Puddings. Orders .to. in no later than December 1st Mrs. Alex • MacNay or Mrs. 'Gra Greer. BARN •EQUIPMENT complete Estimates, • Year.'Round Service,. $ line of Acorn Equipment and Clay .1 Harker, ,, C Hanover, ol- :'Equipment for pushbutton farm- ' mg, „_ Westeel Rosco Granaries;-,- SILVER - K NLbSSG ONTARIO STORE • Chore .-Boy Milking Parlours, ' - Also complete Line (1f Corrug " Open 7 Days and: Evenints PA Metal Culverts; -,,' 6" to .24" :Closed Sunday ':a.m,'and .sizes on. hand at` es, . larger. • . • E • The Lucknow , Ladies Le ion •esda 7.• m. .pipe by order: Lovers Barn Su 1 p• - uxilia' - re-ho1_ -e h For-ut"--- leek -ens! P•c'a s. ey• p � • � ae � 395- • � .. Shoot party m the Legion Hall on •TRY OUR SUPER .ICE CREAMFrY day, November 20th at. 8:15. SILO AND ROOF. EXTENSIONS' : ' ' CONES • sharp. Everyone welcome.. Lunch. Anyone wishing to have exten- ; r -12 GALLONS BSc andrizes ' •sions. on their silos or roofs. `please p call or write. This can be done now.: George Wraith...Box 95,, Goderich. • Phones Residence 524-70002 or Sho • . :524-11. / ' ENTERTAINMENT • ' . Corning November 30th to .Dec-' ember • 5th,, Pete Lafferty,'. `Thc MacKenzie Drifter'', 9 - 1eat: night Danny's Tavern, Wingham, .. • EUCHRE AND SHOOT eee- 'S OPEN :HOU.SE • A display of Beauty Councillor;' y i w • s own at the ofRipley on home• Mrs. Joe Scott. e Plasticcoatedsin LAYING CARDS. decks from, RENT ,11,2 story ho''Friday. November 20th from noon _with • garage at Amherley. contact. .t. until 10 p.m Coffee served: • • NUAL' MEETING �_..,The.,.. ?Meeting of : Kinloss and Culross Township ' Federation i , up as well as.. ooume cfecgs a28-fi148:. and ,euchre 'decks (euchre cards o�y1; --]?1r. n'�-at4.-'she-. T eel , w . _, .... - �..v: _ op..... Sentinel. • ' • • • ••MOBILE ' HOMES .: of Agriculture will be held in the • DUMONT ALUMINUM ,Holyrood Hall on Thursday,' Nov- SAIs'--a. AND SERVICE,. windows,. ; THINKING OFA MOBILE HOME .em er t9th--..at-ti-8: 0 :. .m --Guest door-s•---a� _ ' • $ e l e •. :.,_, _ ^ e :::. � _. .. - . . , .. - _ - .. "" �� __ AL VEHICLE? Speaker, Grant Wallace of :.Toronto, estimate call. Roy Emberim, your • I (any, mantes and models to choose head .of O.S.A. Field Services. Light. local dealer. refreshments served. All are urged to attend: • _Listowel,. Ontario Solicitor for the Executors LUCKNOW V TIN'ELT HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL.• .• CI. I NTO, N' • - POSTING OF. VOTERS' 'LIST • • 'Voters' Lis>1970,Township 'o1 Ashfield,'. County of Huron Notice is hereby, given that have complied with Section' 9 a that, : I have, posted ; up at ' my. ' fice at Kintail .on, the. 11th day November, 1970, "the list 'of. persons entitled to .vote in the sa Municipalitj+ at Municipal -Election and that . such list- remains . the; for inspection And I hereby callti Torn ' all vote. to take immediate 'proceedings have any omissions or . errors' co • re__ __ _.. actor • ing T: :.law the, day for appeal being the 25th. dr of '•November, 1970.• Dated. this .1lth day of .Novemb4 1970: • Donald M:,'Simpson, Clei of the Township of Ashfie from: -For a bett ;deal, drop us: 'a THE TEESWATER NEWS is i lane or pbone av 'able at TI* Lucknow Sentinel, I per copy: If you are interested 1 RUST (H ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CAROL in the -Jews :of Teeswater and pis' AND WH ITE .GIFT SERVICE MOBILE HOMES • LTD'. The Lucknow Presb trict,• Fide un a copy: yterian 'Sun PLAINS RD:, ` EAST • day Sc3>rool will bold thei•r' annul, C'FMENT ' GRAVEL pit run BURLINGTON �Chtmas Carol .and White Girt gravel, ='= s)il piandes ftihMoeBurYinB " • Te(Cods' 1219 Sa, 7$30npo.m F ia mtie SchoolSymea i • We pay highest prevailing price for fresh dead . or .disabled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Smaller animals picked up as a service. to you. 24 Hour` Service 7 Days A Week CALL COLLECT. 482-9811 , Free Post Morten License No. 237-070 AUfTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Houshold Effects and .Collette Antiques - will 'be heI for 'the estate of the late MALCOLM . RASER - In the Village of Walton. 'SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Commencing at 12 p.m. sharp The •late Mr. Fraser had , collet ed' antique Pieces, through inhe itance and auction sales, make the quantity so large, • its .impo.: sible, to list. ' the many interests articles. r ' TMa Salt Must - Start On' Time Executors ' or auctions not. responsi bit,%fsr accidents • TERMS OP SAL -.CASH WienRiRttul; _ Auctioneer Waitochurcits 1$1,1344, .