HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-11-18, Page 1s
$5.00 A Year in; Advance -• $2.00, Extra Tar U.S.A.
Single Copy: 15c . 20t Pages:
Award Winner''
• 4
Bob Loree, son gf;lvlr. and. Mrs.
Austin Loree of Lucknow , was the
net .of:the g• •
award at the. F. E.,' Madill Second•
ary School in Wingham and wa's
presented at the•recent commence
Remembrance. Day, Wednesday.,
Novernber•lith was marked local -
)y by a service arranged by the
Lucknow- Branch of the Canadian.
-Lo--No 'BOA.. _ . •
A parade.'of Veterans, Ladies.
Auxiliary to the Legion, Rangers,
Girl Guides and'Cubs marched
from the Lucknow Legion Hall to •
the Lucknow United Church for a.
community service at • 10, a M .
Participating in. the service were
Rev. Robert Nicholls of Lucknow
United Church who delivered the
• address due to the illness of Rev.
R: Odendahh of St Peters Anglic•
an Church; Father Cassano of
St.. Marys .Roman Catholic Church,
Rev. Glenn Noble 9f Lucknow
Presbyterian Church and Rev.
Hummel of Trinity, and St Helens
United Churches. s'
The school band , under.the
direction o Gor• on, ay ey, ed . .
the. 'parad e to the church and fol-
lowing the service to the
Cenotaph wher e•a•memorial ser
vice was held. ,
Clarence Greer. acted as the
parade_•marshall. Ken Cameron
was colour sergeant and the col-
our-pa-r-ty-w-as--made-up=of'-•-Legion ,
Russell Whitby and Harold Ritchie;
•Auxiliary; Mrs. Charles Robinson.
and Mrs. Bob,Lyons; Girl Guides,
,Brenda MacDonald and. Mary Ellen
Havens; Cubs, Brian Arnold and
Michael gDona ". Eugene."*.'
Pritchard''s 'nd-,i he lastpost
and rev :ill at`the cenotaph.
Wreathly .were placed in• memory
of those lost their lives in. •
• 0,4t v'arrs: • va ' e,:ofmOnta,r;io
Charles-McQuin ucknow Leg- -
:ion , Tom Morriso adies Aux
iliary , Mrs.. Clare Johnstone; Vil-
lage of Lucknow,' George'Joynt; •
Lucknow Business •Men's
Bob MacKenzie; Lions Club; Bill
Nelson; Lucknow Wnen's Inti
tute, Mrs. Alex MacNay; Rangers,
Patricia 'Hamilton;r1 Guides,
Marion Johnstone; touts ,•.'Ken
Cameron; Cubs, Paul Irwin.,
0000000000000 •.000000000000000000000000000
Granted Dott orate
Alan Kenneth Chin, son of Mrs.
Rose Chin of Toronto and .the late
Charles Chin, was recently grant-
ed a Doctor of Philosophy Degree
by The University of Oregon in .'
the United, States. •Alan had com-
pleted three years of graduate
studies. ' • - .
Lut,kn -r -
jab Legion staged their:annual.
Remembrancer;banquet and dance
on Saturday evening with the Leg
ion Hall•well filled with veterans
and their wives.
H. D. "Bud" Thorn son of
Lucknow acted as chairman for
the evening which commenced
Returns from.
issed: •
1 t. .
• h A t a stto..-the : Queen by
Brock Cleland.;Ken Cameron
Fled in Grace .
Tom Morrison,' branch presid-
ent , extended .a weic{ome. to those
in attendance.
.pa;-st president .
introducted the head table guests;
Mr': and Mrs. Gordon Montgom-
ery, Stan Wells of the Provincial.
Cotinrrrand the guest speaker; Mr.
and. Mrs Tom Morrison, Mr "and
Mrs. 'Bud Thornpon, Mr. and:
Mrs. Brock Cleland., Zone ,Com
Charies._Robirison_, hog
resides a mile north of • Lucknow•,
hasreturned from an enjoyable
•leaving Toronto September 20th . '
She. 'visited with her sister and
family in Lancashire; her brother
at Harrow Middlesex , near'.; >-.•
London; and her stepmother in '•
Huntirigtonshire . '
She had the ;opportunity to rem'-
nascc -withiend-s=-wh_o_w:orked_.,it
the same office •ove.r.,25 years ago.
mander Bill Chambers. and Mrs.'
Chambers and Mrs... Eedy.
Greetings were extended by
Reeve. George W. Joynt of Luck-,
now; Ross, Whither**, member of
Parliament. for Bruce and. Murray
Gaunt , mne.mber of the provincial
parliament for Huron -Bruce.
•Mr. 'Whither state• that the
Couple Leave
For -Australia
M.r.._. anti..-,Mrs:4ohn Allason visit_
The chairman Bud Thompson ed recently. with Mr, and Mrs.
expressed his pleasure in acting James, Smithof Lucknow. Mr. •
-in-thisposi-+ion`and-co nmend-ed----an
the president - and his committee ing in Germany for the past two
for the planning of the banquet years and spent the summer tour
which "di"d not have anempty ing Europe: They will leave
chair" Thursday for Australia where they
P spend' som e .time
Mrs. Allason'is, the former Mary
Ellen MacDonald'; daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Ma.cDon-
A ;toast to the fallen :comrade's
was ;proposed by Gordon Montgomn
ery.'. A recordingof the last post'
and reveille was played by Clar- aid, ` Mr, Allason wasrincial: -
ence.Greer witht oseir%attr`: - p
acrd lvlrs Allaszit was on the
teaching staff at Lucknow District
High, School prior to it's closing.
ance paying their respects by a
period of'silence.in memory:
00000 0.000'0 00
Acbounts for the Lucknow .arena
-totalling about• $1500 stirred up
lively--e.om-rnent -at-the -bac know
• Council' meeting on Tuesday
night' of last week
• .
Reeve, Gegrge Joym was quit
- .e'
`disturbed kat this major capital
expenditure had been made at
, this time by the arena operation-
al committee without the approv-
al' of council as. a whole: Two
•council Members from Lucknow.,
and -.Ashfield sit on the
arena operational corrmmitte and
• the se"
ix man board are'in charg
of the financial Oft ration of the'
arena with the costs split 50,0/0
Tor Luekr"row and 25 la for each.
• A-lan-is_prese_. -
iology'•and anatomy at York
university, in,Toron -- and -is also
involved in research at. York.. He
was born in Lucknow and received
his early education itr-thrs com-
munity before` the family moved
to Toronto. He'is the youngest
member of the Chin family.
I I ' • •
Two NewMem hers:
:Join Lions Club -
3, George'Mutt
regular -meeting
ist-r-c-t Izians•-;C-iia-b�
Two new Members , Z'ek Zeran
and. Bob Collins of Lucknow
Deputy Dist• Governor of•
Regioner-, of
Brttsse er at
the re Lucknow
-and-�D last --week-._.
• m •
f l Illlt rmtln� m1,1mt�m nhr
Nomin.utiovn Dates.•
Many and Varied
It'.s nornina.tion time in areas
served by this newspaper and in
writing this article , it's a bit of.
•a jig -saw puzzle to determine
who�ri►oirinates where akid,at what
dine. ,
Listing rnunicpal nominations
first, Lucknow will hold their'
Meeting in the Lucknow Town
Hall on Tuesday evening , Nov-
ember 24th at 8 p.m'. to nomin-
ate a reeve and four councillors .
for the next two year term.
West Wawanosh, Township will
meet at the township hall on Fri-
day, November'27th at'l p.m: to
elect a reeve and fou councillors.'
for two years. .
Huron Township will meet at
the Hurontownship hall' in Ripley
on Monday, November 23 at:1.
p.m. They will be electing a
reeve, deputy -reeve and -tree
councillors for .atwo year terns'..
Nominations for school positions
ate • manyand, varied. •
Huron Township and Ripley
bene two--sgr-w-
two municipalities on the Bruce
County -Board of Educationtiis-`��_a.
meeting ,will be at Ripley.Ha11, on
Monday, November 23 at 1 p.M.•
n conjunction with -the huron
• Tbwnship, nomination.
Lucknow,, Kinloss, Culross and
Teeswater'will elect one 'repres-
entative to the Bruce County
Board -of Education. 'This nomina- .
--tion-rrreetirlg-will be at=Hoiyrood— -
Hall, on Monday November 23rd
.at 8p.m; . .
''Ashfield and West.Wawanosh
will. elect one member.to the
Huron County Board of: Education..
This meeting will be at Brookside'
e•.t e c'lu. Mr. erari isem-
ployed at the,Barik of Montreal
and..Mr.. Collins at Montgomery
Motors Tractor Division.'
Reports' indicated the annual
rummage sale a success.with
close to $500 raised.. '
About 51 young people have
sho_wn_frreest in figure skating
and 'the committee .is .presently
working but details'on costs acrd
ice time.
0:0 0.0000 • 00000
oln inryrnryrni
Mrs: John Swan of Bervie passed
away at Gateway Haven , • Marton,
on Saturday.; November14th in
her 74th year. .
The funeral service was held
on Monday ;;November 16th at
Mackenzie Memorial Chapel,
Lam• +w
Interment was in Greenhill
Cemetery., •
of the other ;two municipalities
MrK Joynt stated that: he' real
ized.the work .was to be done ,
but felt that it should have been
held over until the first:o.f the '
get did not allow for this expend-,
iture. . •
' Councillors Harold Greer and
Murvin Solomon statedthat the
byy dro•office had been pressing
the atena`zommit:tee to have this
work done . About $1400 of the....
expenditure was for work done by :.
•BUrke Electric of Wingharn in .
• ittproving existing. services at the
arena:. • •
Reeve Joynt'said that it was •
impossible' to operate within
budget with unknown expendit-
ores cropping up�without'approv-
al of council as a whole.' '
' With money matters the 'topic
=13-flt:onversat-ion T a -se r -ie •tit o fo
accounts from' the Lucknow Rec
•reational Committee did little
tp P im rove the mood`of the Meet-
ing. Theseold accounts were •
created by'local sporting groups
and had not been turnedin , ,ne-ith---
er by the teams themselves' nor by
the individuals't,here the. money
had been spent: Some of the. '
accounts went back two years~.
Coun`cil-s'a d-•-that-theyy had -been--=
definite about local'groups using
'purchase orders before. spending •
any money with the' purchase
orders to lie ‘aut'f ofized, by the Rec
reational Committee. •
,A,new recreation .committee
ha.s-4,41--been...a.pf?intod•and_a eAn:
no way resppnsible for these old
accounts. In attempting.to gel r,
off to a clean start" , the recrea-
tional committee made an effort
to seek out the old accounts
_aad_�a ethem known to council
Councilrequested Lucknow Fire
Department to police the village
' n Hallowe'en night by a motion
at thrust ctober._Ieeting „ :The,
motion called for :a maximum of
$250 to .be spent by the town. Tile
firemen's account for policing
The village of Ripley 'was to •be
notified•that the .Lucknow.works
department ern to 'ees-can-rib
longer service IipTey due to'
labour, commitments. in Lucknow;
Lucknow had been doing .some
work for the Ripley 'water system.
Discussion centred on the new
ten sign-whf was paid--for-by
sponsoring advertisers at a cost
estimated at. about $1700 which