HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-28, Page 14f t,w '; t F1 1; PAGI IiPOURT L'LN THE LU KNOW- SNT1'NI er- GIVES A COMPLETELY ' • • ;WEATHERPROOF JOB ' ;LENG.THS 1N STOCK 6 FT. TO 16.FT. AVAILABL,E IN LENGTHS UP TO. 30 FT. 1" x 4" STRAPPING SPIRAL LEAD HEAD NAILS ARDOX NAILS FT. RIBBED PLASTIC SHEETS ALSO AVAILABLE. COLOURED, PRE -COATED GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING IFFERE ..•..�.:�.�4somm.. llamp .i441111. ... ST. LAWRENCE' CEMENT � PORTLAND AND MASONRY • HEN DE.RS ON LUMBER LTD. - PHONE 52881 8 LUCISN C.KNOW', 'ONTARIO. urtney arded ithel— rophy • A man who” was connected. with the founding of the minor sports program ;in the village of Ripley andhas coached a team each- year - since its .inception, Elmer Courtney of Pine River was 'awarded the Mike Weichel: Prophy: at theannualmeeting of the Western Ontario Athletic Association. , - Mr. Courtney has been active Riple. y and spends most of his free time with the youth of the community. WEDNESDAY The-Mike_;Weichel_Awar4 is .._ presented - annually by the WOAA to a person in Western Ontario who • has, made an • outstanding contribution to. sports 'in 'his community. The. award was first . presented In in. • both ball."and—hoe ey in 1953 3 by, the late . ifr-V)eichel. Brownie News First we had Fairy Ring and then' we hoppedour fairy gold intothe treasure chest. The girls'in golden.hand and ladder played games. while the tweeilies learned to comb and brush their hair for a ' test: Then ' we had how. =Wow :. Three Brown- ies rownies had birthdays. ' Four girls had gone to Guide meeting and they told the .Btrowlt.'. ies about 'if. The, four were Norma , Kathryn , Etta -Belle. and Mari' Lynn. We closed with chimes. liveitin McFarIan.Family KINLQUGH NEWS ' . • on Fr-iela e-� ih,c-O i= cession neighbours held a social evening at: the•home of'•lr. and • Mrs. Ivan McFarlan.who are now • living near ;Kingarf,.' The evening was spent' in games incharge of Mrs. Jack Barr. Mrs. Leonard,Stanley read. an address and Mrs: Don Gillespie made the, presentation of a lovely living room clock to Mr. and Mrs.. Ivie-Fa-rlan anda travel c400k io Rece-pton hea For Newlyweds: KINLOSS NEWS tery, Sectional meeting held at --• a.ngside:.on- 'h'u: sday_afterrioin Nine :ladies' from. Ka.irshea W.I. attended 'the short, course Furni- ture 'Facts , urni-ture'Facts, in Lucknow on Wed , nesday , Mac-IMiadinnes returnn 'd 'last Week from 'a vacation .t'rip.through Eastern.Ca°nada. In Quebec,'. police'. and soldiers.' were' much in evidence .:• . Large crowds ..attended, the`tWo,.. wedding reception's on Saturday, night. • The reception for Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Andrew (Suzanne Need. h rrj. •s he- i-- t k=now — egion-j. Hall and, one, for Mr. and Mrs. Peter Arkell (Barbara Ritchie) in Whitechurch Community. Hall. Best wishes to Mr and. Mrs. 'Jim Clark (Lorraine Nicholson) w.ho• were Married October 23, A reception was held for them that evening in thelegion Hall:, Luck - now Mrs. Harry.Lavis, Mrs. Douglas Graha:.1,Mrs. Evan Keith , Mrs.: `.�tlisi:e•rigt . nd---':;rs,.,1-ra .Dickie from South Kir'.oss W .; S. 'attended the Maitland Presby- a Douglas andWalter Dickie a•n Jim -MacKinnon were home from Guelph University for the week•• end. ' Mr .. .and .• \izs.; John Needham' visited with Dr. 'and Mrs. .Leonard' in, St,. Thomason Thurs- day • It Floats: • Most 'woods float because of the• air space' within individual wood cells: Th'e, cell wall :material itself for all ` 'species is about , one and one. half times the weight of water: • 'Ronnie and Kenneth for which they thanked. everyone . ' Mr. and Mrs., M.c'arlan livedon.the•12th concession east fora number of years. ' Lunch Was served and •a social' •' 44-11:1-eee as .n-in�by all Following is the' address:. Dear Ivan, Joan:, Kenneth and Ronnie", • We, your friends and neighbours =havee ;a=t=htered,heer-e=ton ght-to' -13 'A'.MOTOR`COACH TOUR FLORIDA CHRISTMAS VACATION Leaves Wednesday, December 23rd ay,aanna 3rd FROM $149 WRITE HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE LTD. SEAFORTH, FOR BROCHURE h PHONE 527-1222 WHITETCHURO1. Calvin -Brick Messengers enjoyed a hike on Sunday after- noon ,to the back of Gordon Mc- Burney's farm c-Burney's.farm under the leader- • ship of Mrs, Lawrence Taylor and •Mr. and.Mrs. Dick' Moore,' Thirt een Messengers enjoyed the hike , wiener roast, marshmallows and' pop. .Mr. :and Mrs. George Weber of Kitchener were Saturday visit.- ors with Myr. and Mrs.' Carl Weber and family. Dr. Donald Watt of Vancouver ,visited Saturday and Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. Millan Moore.and; Mr. 'and •Mr"s. •George Thompson`` Thompson are sisters df :Dr . Watt, Mr:" and Mis.. .Ivan• Laidlaw Janet, Ki.•mberley and. Mr.. Herb • Laidlaw ' were at. Kincardine on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs—Max�ow- Growston_and_,with the newly weds• Mr. and. s. • Jim Gregory,,, who had just return- ed 'from their horieymoon•to the Bahamas. • 'Mr.. and .Mrs-. Russell \icGuire Were Sunday .visitors with Mr.. and Mrs., Ivan Brarnhill of Palm- erston ., ' ;'vlrs. Jim Curran and Paul, Mrs, Gordon Rititoul and ;ytrs. -Robert. Pt r -rd o dinner with Mr. and ,Mrs .. Floyd Bott of Be1w•dod and on the way; :home they had supper•with Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown of Elora. . 1rs.' Bessie Mullis returned home on Sunday after spending two. weeks' with :M r . 'and Mrs., Neil Faw and family of Thorn:- :dale. horn=:dale. \lrs: Faw.and•:farnily and bid you a, farewell from Kinlough. We: a're glad. that .you have 'not moved very; far away' from us, but we Just couldn't 'let 'you.leaye. without some remembrance of us a.11.'_ —� Please' accept these gifts : from your friends"and neighbours: 'Joan Barr; Shirley Stanley, Mar- ion Gillespie'. a travelle Fit`s the Lord Simcoe . a friendly wel- come . '. superb service .. fine Iounges an res tau- . ran,ts...allat sensible prices and for convenience the subway is right at the door ....in the • heart of down own Toronto. Next time • you visit Toronto, enjoy it More than''' -ever-,, si-a-y-at 1kte, Lord Simcoe,'' OCTOBER 28th, 1'lg(t. T PEOPLE,, ,WHO SIEE/,'�� Via A' BABY SURE. -DON1FHAVE _- OAT. t!f Mrs.. Ralph Hanshaw of Thames ford brought \irs.. Mulli's home.. Visitors,on Sunday afternoon- with fternoonwith Mr. and, Mrs, Clark John- soon were._ r.___an .._.Z • rS', .,eQr a Young,, Heather and 'Bradley of. Langside and Mrs. Charles Tiffin of Wingham . • Mrs. Gordon; Elliott of Wing-, .ham spent the week end with' Nlr, and Mrs. waiter taltott and family Mrs. A, E. Purdon spent' the' week' end with Mr. and Mrs. Cr.axit `lacinty.reof Winghanl. • �1iss Joan Tiffin spent Sunday, with \ir.'and:\irs. Bi11•anvder of' Teeswater. . Joe Tiffinreceived a personal trophy with "Congratulations Joc:'. -it freni'\i . a'nd \.lrs. Charles Moore of -Sudbury 'on winning Q.A:S.'A 'Jr. c.•'. • Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnston., Phillip and Dwayne of \lildillay were .Sunday afternoon 'visitors with hers sister ;Vers. Walter Moore 1r..' \-fdore and'fania;ly., Mr. and Mrs. Torn Jarnieson attended the funeral, in Wtngharn on Saturday of her aunt ;Mrs. Campbell.: The REDCROS 1s_� PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU it's the ot(c tutcoe ae� University and King 'St'reets; Tel, 362-1848