HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-28, Page 10• 0. THE LO' • KNOW 3EN!TNNOL'., =KNOW. ONTARIO, Dungannon.' 11,CW The regular meeting of Dungan- non United Church Women was held on Tuesday, .Octdber- 20th at 8,30 p,m• with the theme "Thanksgiving", Mrs, M. Reed opened the meeting'reading "The 'Basque Sheepherder and The Shep- herd's Psalm" assisted; by- Mrs... C. McClenaghan, Mrs Reed also read the story. , 'Br.ead and . Gravy": Two readings,; entitled "Grati- tude So Often Withheld" and. "Tha''nks. for the Good 'and Not -So - Good" were read by Mrs•. C. Blake : One of Edgar Gues► s poems ,, "Thanksgiving Prayer" wa; -bye! `W-i-ggi' followed by Silent prayer for lead'= ers'in our troubled. nation. A• very worthwhile ,monologue was presented on Supply Work by Mrs'. C McClenaghan , giving two different scenes; (1) Packing a box for a bale where anything not useful to you can go! and , (2) Unpacking a box at a. depot where each article had .been carefully folded and in'very, use- ful condition • The hymn "In. Christ There is no East or West" was sung with Mrs . Gordon Finni- gan as pianist .:.1 ue business meeting was conducted ' by ` Mrs, Howard.Johnston, president, and Mrs. George, Errington , secretary. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER lithe 1#70 Alvin Mundell Speaker 1N.HiTECHURCH NEWS: OR Wednesday afternoon at • 200 Chalmers Presbyterian W, M : S, • held 'their •Thankofferirig meet - ing•.ir% Sunday School room bright - :tiled with foral bouquets, The', Mrs. Vallace Conn presided, welcomed all and gave the t. 1 " 1 Its. Mawhinney read• the Scrip- Awe.- Mrs Andrew Gaunt gave • the meditation. She, discussed ttow drugs are used, and the evils people indulge in but if God had His tightfttt place in.their lives tree i$ none of this. What does- r;an \t ni? . What does:he need? ]r they :t re' living a ;right •life they • ,vtll find their answer in following Jesus who 'stands at the dooi and knocks and invites them to 'follow Him Mrs. Dawson Craig led in . , prayer, Mrs. Garnet .Farrier gave -a piarfo instrumental. A reading was given. by Mrs'. Jack McBurney of the Beigrave group. ' ' -.est-P -.. Mundell President ofMaitland Presbyterial was introduced .by „the President Mrs. Wallace '.Conn: She• stressed the needto• be `Thankful, for all things , green grass, fruit- • lds Ghris-t ii 'ehtlrt CPPB 'time harvest',and .for jesusChrist who is ever rea'y w en we ca •upont Hizn : She also stressed the a need of :prayer in. :a Christian .life. Mrs Mundell was thanled..by Mrs Russel Ross and presented •• • with a gift 'Mrs. Donald' Dow and Mrs . Sid- ney Thompson sang a duet Count Your Btess:ings.accompanied by Mrs- Nor-rilan Coultes.._..". • •There were three visitors• present from Belgrave six . from Ashfield, three from. Dungannon ;' eight from Calvin -:Brick and seven from , . Whitechurch"Q. C. W It was .an- nounced a.Sectional ,rmeeting . is The October T,haikoffering meeting, of Ttinity: U nited Church •Woien wa,,held'on Thursday Oct, ober15th.at the Church, when the Societies from the surrounding. churches werleinv ted . The Meet- ing was opened li the "Call to _" Worship" and welcome.by the e idenMrs : Alert Hae-kett . Tete . opening hymn was followed by reading in unison. Psalm 723: The ladies from 1elgrave sang a:. special.nu•rrrber which was en joyed by everyone. The meditation on the thenie "Thanksgiving" was taken by Mrs., Frank Ritchie, followed .by a pray- er by Mrs. Tim Hunter, Mrs. Hurnrrmell introduced 'the guest speaker Rev. Dr. Mowatt of Clinton, .who showed. slides .on China. Commentary, on thes. e by Mrs: Humm l and 'Mr . Mowatt wasenjoyed . • Both had, grown up in .China and the plc, tures .shown were Cquite real to them. '• nn_,nnaki .Naekert thanked the speakers for their interesting program, and to the ladies for their special numbers and every- one was invited to meet in the Sunday, School room at the., close of the mPering for a social cup of 'tea. e guests sang an• "The Church in the Wildwood" . Mrs. 'Alex.Hackett dosed the meeting with -tire -benediction; 'Lunch was served' by the Social Committee and other members of the Society. The November meeting will be held November nth at the. church. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J.. W. Van :Stempvoo t• Pastor • Sorvices 10:00 .a. m..(Englsh') . . 2:30 -pm. -(Dutch -2nd -and 0th Sundays) , VISITORS'• WELCOME Denominational Radio- , Broach cast, "The Back To God Hour". every. Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) p.m.; QS_Wwen Sound) 6:00; p.m•. Luc... now Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone. 528-2740 NOVEMBER ...1st ' ANGLICAN CH: V_RC H LUCKNOW UNITED . CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, BA. ' Minister NOVEMBER lat 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship LUCKNOW AREA PARISH The Rev. ' R. Odendahl: 'Rector ' NOVEMBER 1st •All Saints Day 1 V • St. Paul's Ripley -- 9:15 a.m. Ascension Kinlough 10:30' a.m. -St. Peters - Lucknow,11 •45• a.m. Church School . 10:30 a.m. St. Pauls,. Dungannon — '3 p.m. 2nd and 4th Sundays Christ' Church, ` Port Albert 3 p.m., . Ist,=3rd POINT TO PONDER • Nobody is anything except as he joins; himself to something. You. cannot be _a whole unless you join a whole. This, I believe with a "Thanksgiving Thought". Mrs. • Harvey. Alton gave the' treasurer's report: A change was. noted in the date for the 'Agricul- tural, Banquet •t'o November 4th •at 12:30 p'm :Further"plans for :two wedding dinners were made: convenersre,por s a o -b -e- gi+ en at the Ndvem ber • meeting' (3rd Tuesday);. and elec- tron - n=. insta ation o 1 icers. will be •at the December 8'th' meeting (Note: earlier date)." Flower beds ;around the church Langside. on October 2? a! 2 p.m. Mrs.. Albert McOuillin ga•ve closing Prayer. Grace was.sung and lunch was served, • Evening Walla Hear Travelogue are to be improved The cup-• bo rds are to.be varnished.: Following the Bible Society report , a donation of. $10 was gi-gin-A • o - '• appreciated greatly. Members are reminded to brings used .stamps as qt y a.a:e .valu4ble. • Rev'.' 'C, 'McCldnaghan reported fox 'Explorers', who will be selling Calendars; and for C. G.I T ;• to make it known all girls l.' years - .by Rev. McCleriaghan. Grace.was sung and lunch ,was served by the hostesses, Mrs. J C. Drennan, 'Mrs; 'Chester Finnig- On the' previous. Wednesday at One o'clock a smorgasbord.lunch- assembly.room at which time Nile b C. W. were special . guests. An interesting program was•giveh ,'and Mrs. Ross of Lucknow , gave a most interest ing and instructive address. • The,'Lu'cl•criow, Presbyterian Even hOthe of: MisS 'Maude Fisher, with The meeting Was opened,. Sung. The•Ten Commandments wete: repeated' in .unison and the Lord's Prayer taid. by all'. . The 'Maud Sherwood: . 000 %COE • NOW When Yontlave The Time. NOW — When The Selection Is Biggest and Best • hristrnas .WE. WOULD 13.E.PLEASED TO4iOLD 'YOUR SELECTION UNTIL CHRISTMAS.. ''-'03we, owe; .9isikt. HOME FURNISHINGS tion, interesting travelogue:and showed coloured -slides- of her recent trip Hong Kong and, Hawaii , The business and cOrrespond.- :eriee were presented and the . offering recei‘.ed. A lunch and on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Guaranteed Savings Certificates. For furtherinforTatiO9 , contact your financial adviser or'write A FEDERALLY. CHARTERED. COMPANY' cDONAGH Lucknow, Ontario MPSON Dungannon, Ontario