HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-28, Page 801,
.10A6111. NIGHT
THE 1:41
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;f o -
Jeannette ,and Susan Barr spent
' the weekend with their grand-
', mother Mrs. John•Barr and Mur
ray Barr. visited. with Brianpelcy.
,.: Serv:ice.in the Anglican Church.
._w ill' b.e. w.ithdra_w:rl: i ext-S_u:nd a y
••'J o November ,1st'in favour of the
Presbyterian Anniversary.
Russell'Hewi'tt has.been in Lon-
don during the week 'Undergoing •
a'further medical'chieck up at 'St.
° Joseph's Hospital,. Mrs. .Russell
Hew4t-t-pis ted during the past
• week with.Mr. and Mrs,. Blair ,
Allen and family at .Listowel;
Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Woo'listan
of Landon visited 'during the week
with he.r:sister Mrs. • Chris Shelton
and with Chris 'Shelton in the
W -i- gh2111'211d :I}ist -L
Mr . 'and 'Mrs. Howard. Whiteside,
Howard. and Brian of Toronto spent
the week end with her. parents Mr.
and Mrs. Art Haldenby. ;
'�-�--•ivlr: ar-rd-i-r-s=�--eii�=ld�RYtorljr:-��-�..
visited on Thursday at..Kitchener.
with their. son David. • • '
We extend sympathy .to the
atives of the late William Stuf
fer . The funeral was held on :,
Wednesday:afternoon at the .•
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel', •
Lucknow with the.urial in the
..=p is e"m 0 ey ;1u�`t`1'i7n Rciad
Members of the Presbyterian
W. M. S. attended the sectional
meetingat Lan.gsid-e.
We extend sytripathy.to Mrs.
Harold Bannermanand family and
other relatives of the late Harold
Banne,rnian•Who passed away:fol-
lowing a' very lengthy illness.
The remains rested at the Link
later funeral ho;iie •at Kincardine
where rite funeral, was held on
-gtnrd •y.;afrern-oo,i with ,burial in
Greenhill Cemetery , Luckndw. .
Mr.• and Mrs. Jack Barr and__ •_
'Mr.. and Mrs. ,MtorTey-Biishea-
spent the week end with' Ali: •.rind
Mrs. 'Russell Barr•and family ai
Mens 7 pm.
Des Courtney captured both'
high single and triple of the ,even-
ing with
evening,with scores of 263 single and
599 triple.. . • '
Games'over'225: Des -Courtney,
263, Ralph Aalders 220
-gam- oints! Owls '1 •Cardinals
4, Vultur:es.a, Hawks 0.
Teamstandings: Owls 27, Card-
inals 10., Vultures 40, Hawks 21'.
Town and Country
.1' is week sees flarry L4ivis ou,t
• front with ;,i.204, single and a '331..
double ,
For the ladies we. have Olive
Smith with a 185 single and 'a 1:31.'
double .
'I—Team points won; "ii►rif Z ,
Lettuce '0 Potatoes and .Carrots,
'Team standings arc Jack
Campbell's Ttarni,ps 20, Clarence
Bell's Lettuce 15, Henry Carter's
Potatoes la, and Mel King's
Carrots. 12:.
October21 and• 22nd saW the
Lue-know Dungannon Bowling
team 'trying bard for their points.
Aleti's high triple•.weiit to Jack
Caesar with.677 and men's high
single to•Barry M Donagh'witli 27.'
Ladies high, triplero °nt to. •
Marion Mae Kinnon with. 704,
who`also:had the 1.14,h sin• le- of _.
r '
Men over 250; Barry.\1.4I)oua;.h'
273',Bi1l:Stewart 253, Jack'
Caesar. 233
Ladies'over•.223, \lrrion NIac=
Kinnon 285 Marie Stewart 226 ,
Ruth Ja4d-i-ne-22 ,
.POini's won: Coons 7'; Kangaroos
0; Cnbs 7 ; Polecats 0; 'WolVer-.
ines 7,''tions.0, 1 igers r., C.`hip
munks 0; Beavers. 7 , Gophers 0;
Zebras a ,. .Squirrels. 2;
. Tea rn.standangs:, Beavers 3.1,
Cubs•21.1, Wolverines'2t3, Tigers
20; Coons 20 ;, Squirrels 18, Pole
Cats 17, Ze bras ' It .; C;ophe.rs •.13 ,
Chipniunks:•9; Kangaroos 9,. Lions
Ladies. 6:3.0 p.m.
• Harold Ritchie rolled 'the high,
single for the 'week with 336...
Donald MacKinnonwa's high triple
=bowler with -697.:
Points won: Oldnrsobiles 7,
Mustangs 0;' Dodges, 7 Pon t Lacs
0; Fords 5, Buicks 2.
Games of 250 and over: Harold
Ritchie 336, Donald MacKinnon
257 ,: Claretce• Greer 251, Bill
Nelson 278, Jack Caesar 252. •
Tearn standings:,Oldstrrobiles •
20 , Dodges 22; Fords 16, •.
Mustangs 15, •Pontiacs,l4, Buicks
On Saturday Morning, October 31
e'11 ga. aloe
to keep yc
A long way, Th►ough't ,ow
roughest` wether 'you :can 'depend on him.,
Delivering the finest fuel; Making sure it's there
when it's ..needed in fact, keeping• .y,ou •warm
Ond comfo.rtabl.e ; that's his job• and he does. •
it well.
.. -
, petroleum' driver is also 'ba'cked up b' the '
'finest .range of quality furnaces;.. humi iters
and waterhealers, to keep: y..ou comfortable, • •
:.: too!_ all. him today._
Marion MacKinnon bowled the'
high singl'e,s t;nie of 2.x,7 op \16n -
day e' ening; and Ferne •Macljonald
the high triple, of 7.4x1 ' •
• Erood-bov4-i-n i l t
Games of 200 and over: Marion
;MacKinnon 257, 251, 220, Ferrite
McDonald 253, 247', 246, Jessie.
•Joynt 203 , Jean Phillips 219`:.
• Team points: Belle Mole's 4.
'Rubies 7., Trudy-Foran's Emeralds
0; Anna Mae Hunter's Opals 5,
Mildred Cameron's Sapphires 2;
\ta-rie-Greer's Pearls 5 ,.:Catherine
Schmid's Diamonds 2.
Teait' standings: Rubies .30
Pearls 28, Opals 27 , Diamonds 21.
Emery lc% 19 , Sa'pphires I°.
.Rainbow . League
Josie F•lanniltoti roiled the .high.
single with a 255. thigh triple.
was 630 rolled byaDiane Carter.
aiiies' 200 and over:: Josie
1'farililton 258-, Anna Iahtistort
234, Diane Carter .250, 230,
Tilly Wilson 236; '\lajy Lou, Bare-
et`: 231,, brace Hoo pi 227 , •13irh
Whitby 222, \lacy Cleland 220,,
Gloria Ritchie 203.
• •Tearyn points; 1ileen Mavis` •
Reds 2, Joy' tennis' Oranges 5 '
.Atina..:,l:ohns_tori's..Blu:es .2; Ka.y_
. Craw ford's Violets .5; Kathleen ' .
Forster's Yellows 3; Kathy Gib -
son's Greens 4. •
Team. standing,. •r;reens 34,
Yellows '29, Violets 24, Peds 23 ,.
Blues 21, Oranges 16.
IN. 5.28-2125
Win Their fourth
On 'I'uesd,ay, October 20, ,the
Junior' root ball. .Nlustarigs scored`
their foi'rrth consecut:.i 'e
cict.ory with a con".incing 27 - 8
win over .Clinton; After recover-
ing a punt , Bill Brown scared a
touchdown 'which was converted •
by. lave. i3lack.
Clinton surprised the Mustang
_de.lence. w.itYt....a_w.ell....exectit e.d_.4U_.:.
yard reverse :to Which they -added
a two point conve'r"sion. A"gain
C;linto;n' fumbled a ,punt which
was recovered by Gerald. Wheeler
on the Clinton 3 yard line. Jeff
Lockridge scored on'a dive play
and Bill .Brown ran for a 2 point
Early in the third. quarter ;
Andy Whitby' ran 50 yards on•a. .
full:back :pi,t:ch•to'score a touch-
down which
ouch-down.which .Was unconver.ted....,
13111 Brown'score.i- his second'
tonchdownon a' 3
yard etid run:
lite in the 'fourth t;•uarter to com-
plete the scoring. 'The.tiefence
played an outstanading game me due
to aggressive tackl►tit, by Doug
Leitch , Pave Thomas , Murray
Leggatt and Dave F1'odgins:a
' The next game is in Wingha iit
on Wednesday, October 28 against
Goderich. The winner of this '
game will be in second place in.;
tlie Ntai'on= Perth ,tonfereffee.