HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-28, Page 7• • W ON..BSPAY„ OCTOBBR 28th„ 1?70 THE WOW* SENTINEL, LUC.KNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SIMI • � zOLLYER T . DUNGANNON .' Mr, and, Mrs. Cecil Blake. and ;Barbara , and Harold 'Blake were :due is an Wedne-sda-»•-w-t • ST� HELENS , Mr, and. Mrs, Fred Thompson, and .Bill of .Cooksvill.. were Benny Y e . RIPLEY FEED and SUPPLE ,� -, , i"'' HAVE, IN. STOCK A COMPLE • E' 'f ','! ' • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ,, and Mrs . Fr,ed Finlay , St, Thom - as. On Sunda the Blake famrl. • Y Y • visited visited with r and Mr at St Georn AC. W'rn . George, company eek end v w•visitor with her parents .' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson.. • Mr, and Mrs, Glen. McDonald l'. andz Andrew: of Woodstock wereN , I • LINE OF • O : ;�. '• ' ELECTRIC HEATING WIRING A ND. REPAIR$ ,�y , , ,.f;ill � •L :Y,, °{ kki. • rr.''. f �:�. .in. them to St, .Geor a were Miss g 8 Beth McConnell and Mrs, Gordons/. Congra°m-'' LODGE SERVICE Members of Old Light ht Lodge • A F & A, M. of ti o .. ,h . ckn w a visiting brethren attended a'church erviee_tn.Dungannon United__ ;Week end visitors with her parents - _.. it Mr: and Mrs, Harold .Gaunt,.. The November meeting of the 4 W.I.WI. be held on November 5 at 2 o'clock. Mrs.. Stra.ughan of Goderich,:district resident will. be guest Baker. Roll c e. sp ak _,l all. g :Parcel' Post Package; Gurtent. Events -Mrs.-Haxa e We- .._w a ; ..,.;. ; ;,;. ,,,, � . ;: � • ,.,• ,, , ,U. 1 .,,;v .4-/ s 'f' li% - . '< .. . �%•../. • '' , .Api, SNOWMOBILE y,� f,••s ,.y, CLOTHING AND f`E;y, .•„ • : - ACCESSORIES .. • ... _- . _. _ P _ . :: •:. , . L E C. T R 1 CAL. L -.. Church Sunda October 25th. y , ReV, R. C. McClenaghan c9nduct• .. Lunch and program, - Mrs, ',George Webster, Mrs. Harvey Webb and ' �x'.>,:> ;;,. ., " ;{>' • "`' •.: �•::<: ••e 'MODE�RN"1ZA►T-ION d a the service. Mrs. Allan Cranston .. f'� :nits: of M ri• col:- Ladies .• .., , FINANCING AVAILABLE. Mrs,' ,� ' R. G.oudie of Kitchener visited w•th h.er's'ster Mrs R C °' SHO W E'R • Miss Mary Pannabecker enter-. ::;::::•;:.::.:»;;::.:::.::;:• r > "� ' ' • b Children and C >< dren . . • • -; • . .LUCKNOW Phone 528-5802 Miss• Wanda Park ei .h t .ear- ;� �g Y-- old daughter of Mt , .and Mrs. Bill . Park•, is a patient in Alexander tamed several xr1 friends at'a shower, in honour of Miss Lorraine Nicholson., bride elect. •.and Mrs. •• McQuil- 4.°«:><:::;:::<::::;:<::: •��'�'�?������ :.::.::.:•....:. .,::;; •,, .,� :•::` :'' : :' <<> :' Boots —. Mitts: :.,..::...:....:.. . :::::::.::::>:::>:: " Helmets —. Goggles :and Marine 'General Hospital;Mr. Wilfred. OldT�me Dance derich lan spent a •few days with relativ-• es in Toronto and .Stratford. ;' ::: 5 l ' ALSO NEW AND•USED : • At Whitechurc• h . . Smith is, opening;a store at West Hill: , . ecept�on • Held" Mot° . .°., �'S "'• . S • . { WHITECHURCH NEWS• eveningOctober 23 ' the Win ham• members of White- g church Wo.men's Institute sponsor- • ed the Fall Old Tinie'Dance in Whitechurch' C'ommuni,t Mr:.and Mrs. Dawson Craig were Sunday 'visitors with'Mr. Y ,,' and Mars Alex Robertson and fain-, • it Miss•Alma' Conn of Guelph. • University spent the week.,end h - -.. , , Peter O r Arkells WHITECHURCH NEWS • .0n.Saturday evening, October •; 24 a weddin reception was, held' g� P s ' `{. SERVICE • , .ter AVAILABLE.%On',Friday .OUR SPECIALTYF • �. ......._.. �__.....,_ ;.-.-..le .._._.. _.._... Memorial Half.. • Music. for the dance was supplied Tiffin's Orchestra -hear. .. '• Wallace Conn and John Gibb of Walkerton i spent theweek end•with, 'v1r..and -in W itec urc . Community' Mem— orial Hall for Mr, and Mrs. Peter395-2946 Arkel1 nee Barbara Ritchie .new- /f h One P. •�. _ ... .. - _ __ ___ _ _. Props.Ted .Rouse • _:_ !` ,by t • • Roy•McCre.r ht• of :Listowel•was g • floor manager and .was assisted in, . calling o•ff by Oscar Sche/fter'and d his parents' Mrs. Davely Grbh • . Those. attending Teeswater W:1: • weds. A• large cro•wd ,g• athered enjoy music supplied, by•T.iffin s Orches- ' Thee Christmas Cogntry. Fair ; . , where •crafts and home,. Dakin •on s g. were-fo-sale on�aled, r. ; accom anied Mt. and Mrs:; Gord- ' P Scott of Ripley. to visit on Sun - da. with Harr 'Webster of ,, Al:Watson . Everyone tried. out up . .. , . -flea Cecil Hollands, Bruce South Dist-. a ani a_ mg o , ,by, Brian. ktnt-•a oul .and to honer the_new.l_�we-ds.;- ••• , Frida'y , was' attended on Saturday Auburn. ' Mrs. Caslick and Mrs'. - -• •: • -: lances-wlri-ch •the crow, ,of around 190 enjoyed. Y •. • Those winning prizes: were first5.. : rict Delegate to the National W. • •. • C'o v 1• n. entioni•at'Wpnipeg:•dive_ her_ntexesu nfori za,t e_re. ott_.- n•g-�' ''At lunch time • Mr. and Mrs. -Arkell were.c lled to and a the� �` byMrs. Lil'an McClena `ban; g . ,.... Ben 1vicClehaghan, Mildred , McClena hats lvlr R�isseLCha - P Scott, are:,relatives•of Mr.• Web- •'• . �ster• • Ntr', and lVirs. Gershom Johnston . P - pl-a-rform Buh_GYch�'j:st� ad an g .. 'W[hgham oo-nd--11.t* . .c r. Earl Tapp, lucky ticket d aws,. Mrs• Jack. Colvin ,: 'reesw•ate•r; . .Mrs. Dave .Kirkby , Beigrave; Mrs. pan McInnes ,.. Holyrood.; coming • the farthest, from Ottawa was Mrs'. . Margaret Nunn;' the .lady with 12 were Mrs.: Garnet .Farrier , Mrs. Jas. Mc•Innes,1lvlrs. Russel Mc� GUire., Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mrs:: Bill Evans `and *Mitt , • Victor •; Emerson. • Mrs. Evans and Mrs.; IvlcGuire ave a doer accom n- • g Fa, ,',for ed by pianist' Mrs..., Farrier. • address and the' couple were reg- P ented on behalf of the gaihering g' Y•o.. with A:gift of Money.- • • • • Mt and Mrs Arke11, both rep- . lied and thanked. all for coming, their gift, and kindness.in, : ` • .man; Mrs :.Gary• Chapman, Mrks:, . George Thom •son, Charles and Earl and ,others: The report a Y P : very large crowd in attendance. Mr. and. Mrs.. •Bevin, Tiffin of Win ham wen Sunda vis tors. g Ygranddaughter/of with Mr., and__Mts-..=._I)an Tiffin and, o attended a shower'ori , Sunday held` at the home of.l. r•., /and Mrs: Kenneth Johnston: of '. Clinton for Mrs : John Libell•,the • former Diana Smith of Waterloo., ni Mrs. Libell isa randdau hter/of Mr and Mr -s. Johnston. ' • or more buttons oniher dress was. Mrs. Beatrice'Robb, with 16 but- ••Mr.. tons: •Lunch and coffee was'served at lunch time, and dancing ,resumed to the closing hour.:.Mr Visitors Mr. 'and Mrs. 'El-'• . • , ' Those attending Belgrave • Women's Institute Tuesday even- • ing•from,Whitechurch were Mrs,. • tzra Scholtz , Mrs: Albert Coulees. Mrs.. • Russel Gaunt, Mrs. Wallace , • Conn',, Mrs•. Russel McGuire-, Mrs. remembering: them:i rthis'way • .•� All sang For They, are.. Jolly Good Fellows. 'Lunch. was served,.' .Mr. and.Mrs. Robert. Mowbray, Mr: • and Mrs: `Jack MCIntyre , Mr. and Mrs; Wesley Tiffin on the.. week.: end attended a shower` on • fami • .: • Y and Mrs: Wayne Henry and .Tracy'Lynn of London were Satu = day visitors,'wi h'Mr, "and 'Mrs,; Carl McClenagha.n. ,r : •• and Mrs. Earl Caslick' After visiting last week with +. Mr, and•Ivlfs...George Ross and ''-St. .•of:Owen Sound' Mrs. Rob- . • •• ert Ross was accompanied. home b them on Sattorri .'where .the Irl'� yy y .remained.;tillSunday.• . with _�A =I4�n=, �}�9-aty%ght• athe: home' roy Laidlaw. and family were Miss: _ 'Annie �ed of4 for Kei ,• ,Mrs... Gershon) 5,, Mr: and Mrs. Athol:P.urdon for ,; Joan Laidlaw, of London the • 'week end and on Saturday Mr. and Johnston.' ' :. Those attending.the Sectional • Mr: and .Mrs. DennisPurdon eVl weds, Dennis is'-ason.of Mr.. and•..• •�; ,. -Mrs: Kenneth Laidlaw of London ;., vuth-\'tr a IN' I�1. S . meeting at Langs.ide on .Mrs; Elgin Purdon of Detroit. The , •a. • . LL w -ho -Melt=ed a-nd-=Mi Bill Hunter .and ~fam.ily of bion. •Mrs: R�'sse•l• Chapman, spent front Tuesday.to y � . Tuesda to Frida with tie and • ter'•Mrs. Ross•'Smith•, 'Nlr: Smith : .,, 'faibil • at°•West.Hill: Mrs. and •yV. . bur rr>=lfiitee-lrer were-- d„� Mrs. Frank Coulter , Mxs• ,Dawso.n Craig, Mrs. We Tiffin,- Mrs. •• Andrew .Gaunt , Mrs; 'JohnstonTohnsto. .Conn , Mrs: : :vlclnnes 1�1;rs.. ,. Errterson. f%rrr-he,spent-the-vveeeicr with Mr. and Mrs. 'Athol Purdon, NMI,. and ;Mrs: Relison halcOnet•-:.,.,w ” family..., BUYS .NEW' HOME ., The new house on Hi .way i36 . in Whitechurch has' been purchased .:. Limer ' ,umuaC WILL BE • CLOS • /� /�• . , • • TOWNSIIIP=ASIIIFIELD• .by:Robert Mowbray • • The home Mr . ad Mrs. Mowbray are livinfor ca1Pb- -iPs�n NOVEMBER 1St to• NOVEr4BER • � ..�.15th ,•where . . } •: � . • . • representative for•H D Purdon. MacDonald spent the 'week end at his home here and . � :�. A RE.CR •• . } . , � E • ' '# • • ' ... , . • left Sunday evening takin the• Cabin traler'•he purchased. from Cabin Earl Wilkins; Dave. expects to SHOUL Ir REF .LL.... D TO CARRY '• THROUGH THIS PERIOD. ' < • ;.. • •1970 Taxes• i. In Ashfield • move:th>s week to Gravenhurst, ' where the cabin will be used for living quarters.;as living accomb- • dation is so`hard to obtain.' • Week end guests with Mr. and 'Welt-Mt S H THIS ACTION IS ONE: OF DISCIPLINE ON 'THE LLEGE OF PHARMACY. .BECAUSE OF A WORK OVERLOAD REQUIRED TO BE tr l .777-1011t•e , . . NOVEMBER97O _ ..:. . • ._, ., R e I Gaunt Mrs uss :MO Mrs, Don Dirstein.and Richard ,of Ajax, Mrs, Dirstein and.Jackie of.' "Hanover. On S„unday Mr.,'and .ER; • DONE BY PHARMACISTS- AND--N;OT B1Y—OTHERS--WHO HANDLE . THE SAME ITEMS IN MEDICAL A'SSI'STANCE, • 1- RESISTED VIGOROUSLY AND • DELAYED CARRYING: <OUT SOME O.. THE WORK.RULE•D AS NECESSARY, BY A .:tER.:, • :.. ,, - , . � Mrs. Harold ;Banks of-Scarborou h _ g : R THE ACTION TH Op- THIN•DA [�`IS fiHE REA ON�FO S • • c. • .. .. . , .. •• •' 4/o PENALTY WILL BE. . visited at the same home:, Mr. and 'Mrs, •Lloyd WhytockOADDED were at Kincardine o[1 Sunday afternoon , w'here they attended the funeral of an uncle Harold DISC PL I INE. I BELIEVE I AM RIGHT AND BELIEVE RELIEF WILL COME. ,ALREADY A. CONSID.ERAB'LE MEASURE HAS BEEN • i : •. -unpaid' axe a rtr�a,i 4 N• ••• • • e : • . 197 � 0� Mr . and Mrs MelvinMcClen- vaghan of Waterloo were Sund'sy •,: . ... •.... • � P MrstoBen McClenaghan and Mrd ANY IN U, YOU MAY REPORT AS CONVENIENCE TO YO A ' COMPLAINT TO THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, 483 HURON ST., TORONTO Sy'ONTARIO: . ,. d M Ll- an -WS pari c enahan:. j.