HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-28, Page 6PAt R $f THEA LUCKNOW SENTINEL, iIMCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28th,. 1970. SALE. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of WILLIAM LYON MacKENZIE ALL PERSONS having c a . s against the` estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Manufacturer,, who died on the 13th day of September, 1970, are requir- ed to file proof of same with the undersigned onor, before the 5th day of November, 1970. AFTER THAT DATE, the Execu- trix 'twill xecutrix•'twill proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. -DATED • at Wingham Ontario 14th day. of October, 1970. CRAWFORD& MILL Barristers, etc. Wingham, Ontario Solicitors fo rthe Executrix AUCTION SALE Of Modern,Farm- Implements, nd Grain Will Be Held. For HAROLD COOPER S.H.. Lot 18, .Can. 14, , • West 'Wawanosh ' Twp, t Of Lucknow and ' 1 M.leuth (On St. Helens ° Sideroad) On, SATURDAY, 'OCTOBER 31 1:30• p.m. Implements . John ' Deere 710 diesel tractor, 2 yr old, with loader, used 1000 hers.; John Deere '3 furrow 14" bot- tom ottom plough, 3 point' hitch, new; John -Deere -7 ft.. power mower,: John Deere 4 bar side. rake; . 'John Deere 14T . : • bale 'elevator;; Cockshutt 430 self 'Propelled, combine; 12 ft. 'header, equipped 2 row corn header, cab, • pick ups and reels, 2 yr. old; Grav- ity grain box; Graham plough; John Deere manure spreader;. Cult ivator, John Deere 36 wheel 'disc; International 15 run .power 'lift drill; Weed sprayer; ' Wagon 'and rack; Tractor: chains;. Steel gates. and stabling;. Electric water bowl;. Steel garage doors; Harrows, bag cart, , page.' wire; Lumber, ` oak planks; Grain auger, 2 large vises; Tools=andnmeroussmall--articles. Nay and Grain, . • 3,000 bales ' hay;. ' 1,000 • bales. straw; 25 on mixed grain. TERMS CASH'. Allan Macintyre, Auctioneer ' . Phone Lucknow 528-3519 t LIBRARY` SUPERVISOR FOR. CLINTON BRANCH, HURON COUNTY •Applicant requires minimum :Grade XII,, good, reading inter- ests, able to, work with child- ren, actively . interestedin pro- moting library program. Lib- rary experience _preferred,_..: Apply In •writing. to Miss E. Dewar,Librarian, Huron County Library, Court House, Goderich, • Ontario ZION NOTICE TO CREDITORS' In .the Estate Of' ISABELLA ALVINA THOMPSON ALL PERSONS , having claims against the estate . of the above mentioned late ' of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, housewife, who died• on the 11th day of August, ' 1970, are required to file proof of same with theunder- signed;, on or before the 5th day of November, 1970. AFTER THAT ..DATE, ' the exe- cutor will ' prroce d .to . distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which Ae shall then have had notice. DATED at , Wingham, Ontario 1970.. Of High Grade'Holstein Cows, Dairy; Equipment and Machinery Will Be: ,Held For MRS. . GERALDINE. VER'BEEK • ' Lot. 34, Concession 2, . Kinloss _JAW!' west of Wingha� aid: l block north of Whitechurch • 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 • At - 11:00 A.M. SHARP: CRAWFORD .-&; MILL.... Barrister etc, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND . OTHERS ,1w The: Matter Of ,The Este* Of -DUNCAN—MURRAY—CAM QRELL, of the Village of Ripley, in the County . of ' Bruce, . laourer,_ de - ceased:. •' O IC- a TtEBY :GIVE cows, 'consist of 1 bred ' 'in Jan., that all persons having any claims. 1 bred in Feb., 5 'bred in March,: or demands against the Estate. of d bred in. May, 6 bred. in June, 5 Duncan Murray Campbell, afore - bred in July, 1 , bred . in . Aug., -,1 said who died on or about October bred in Sept.,' 1 bred m.Oct:. bal-• 13, 1970` are required' to file' proof ance fresh or may be rebred byof their claims duly 'verifie'd with _ sale day. _ ` the -undersigned. solicitnrs_for the_ This herd is on D.H.I A. Records. Executors on or before November Willy -be given on' day .of sale .and..'30 1970. '. ° will be ' checked.. 'by vet for' preg- ; AND NOTICE IS. , FURTHER GIVEN' that after'the said date the 'Industrial milk . quota 2 bred Executors Will proceed to distribute heifers; 14 open heifers;' 17 heifer the assets ofthe' said estate among, calves.. ' • those . entitled thereto and will "not DAIRY EQUIPMENT.. .. be liable for the said assets or any c a.v Mess_ tee .purt thereof :to ---anyone- of whose - bulk .•tank; . Double: stainless steel claims they.. shall not then have sink;' Surge .vacuum pump with 4 received notice. ' .. Surge units; 250 ' ft. of 'inch and a Dated at Ripley, Ontario, October quarter pipeline with taps for 50.. 23, 1970. ' • • stal_is Creem-.-_separator ,' Co-op CRAWFORD- &--MILL.__ vacuum pump.; . Ripley, Ontario MACHINERY Solicitors for :the Estate 44 Massey tractor; 430 Case tractor with loader and bucket; -In- ternational 3 furrow :plow; New Holland': hay- -liner 65- `baler; M.F. rake, hay conditioner; ' 1 •grain. box. (165. bu. , ; 2 . wagons with racks, 18' and 20' ft. (2 yrs. old); J , D. 10 ft. cultivator .3 point hitch corn scuffler; , 6 section diamond liar= • rows; 10 ft. ,ch.airi harrows; 130'• u. M.F. Manure spreader' (1, yr.' old) ; 290" New Idea haybind (6 months -old); 38 ft bale elevator with 'mot- . or; .8 ft.. Massey binder; 'Thresher with . 100 .ft.. belt;' Case combine• and motor13 run International seed .drill; 20 ft: grana -au ler with 3 h.p. motor; Snow blower; cement mixer; chain saw; barn fan; . forks, chains, power ,tools. HAY .• ," 12,000 bales of • 1st ,cut hay; 500 bales�of2ndt bsy; 804 .,bares• of •- 'straw; .,Many,. ' small articles .too numerous 'to mention. • THIS LARGE SALE MUST. START ON TIME NOTICE TO ' 'CREDITORS AND OTHERS ih The Matter Of The Estate -Of GEORGE EMILE 'MacLENNAN of the Township of Huron, in the County of, ;Bruce, 'Auctioneer, de- ceased. . . r ICE' IS HEREBY GIVEN that all 'persons having claims or demands 'against the . E.state. ' of George Emile' MacLennan, 'afore- said-who.died on or about, October 10, • 1970 'are required to file proof of their claims duly verified with the undersigned. Solicitors for the Owner -or AUCtioneerwill nor'"be- responsibiie • 'for accidents Lunch booth on grounds TERMS CASH BRIAN' RINTOUL, Auctioneer Whitechurch, Phon•e 357.2349. YgIR11111N Wl1itantA I Mrs.. Eldon Ritchie returrled home on Saturday after spending two weeks in, Victoria Hospital; London, where she had undergone surgery.. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Kirkland' and -Nancy visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Keen Kirkland of ° Etobicoke Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie visited on Sunday with Mrs. •Mary McAuley .of Milton, where they 1ouhd-herimproved-•in health They also. visited Angus: and' Lloyd McAuley in Toronto . Karoline Campbell;a, North York grade six student stayed at 'the home of Joan Hackett last week. while North York students visited at Brookside school Mrs. Al La Brash of.Orangeville` visited. Mr and Mrs. *Henry- Gard- ner and Lane on Sunday. Mrs. LaBrash'was formerly:Noreen Cobb ON TARtQ ASSESSMENT REVIEW SOURT_ONtAR10 ASSESSMENT .ACT 1968 • TAKE NOTICE. that the first sitting of the • Assessment • Review Court for the year .1,970 for the Municipality of ' The Township Of AShfield Itl THE, COUNTY, / 'DISTRICT O0 • PERTH HURON. REGION - 'WILL' BE, HELQ AT \ TOWNSHIP HALL CONCESSION, 9 (OLD SCHOOL) COMMENCING AT THE HOUR OF. 1:30 p.m.—'November. 18th, 1970 NELSON. H. KAHLE,M.I. M.A. Regional Registrar, (Acting) . for Assessment. Region No.. 24 DATED AT LUCKNOW,,- THIS 28th _ DAY ;.OF _ .00TOBER, 1970 PURPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs.. Pon MvicCosh'vis- ited Mrs. 'Margaret McPherson and Bahmenlesson ly. . Mr. and `Mrs: •Don' Dore and family were ;dinner guests of .Mrs. Claude Dore of Bervie on S.unciay. • Misses Heather and Corrine of Saskatchewan. ' • Boyl ith . •: . Mr, and, Mrs. Allan Ritchie, Mrs • Alberta 'Farrell of Kinard reuda. a:nc1. B nn---- ine . '- I day.with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cu'1 b"ert and family of Galt. -visitors-during=d ec=k end with Mr. and Mrs. W. G ''Hunter were/ Mr. and Mrs. Ken 'La id aw of London,: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keane 'of • Stratford and;.Miss ' Ma rj - orie Alton•of°.Ashfield. e 30, 1970, AND NOTICE' IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executor will, proceed to distribute' the assets of the said estate among -thoseLentitled thereto. nd--will-not- be liable for the :said assets or any part 'thereofto anyone of whose claims he shall not then have 're- ceived notice: mated attgley,' Ontario, - O' o ber 23, 1970.• , CRAWF'ORD. & MILL Ripley, Ontario Solicitors for' the Estate ne "'Rin'1iclrY'r In temperate 'zones, one annual. ring is formed by trees each year, `f he difference in ce;t size acid cell wall thicknes' •between tarty. and -late- for-rned-.cells pi idue! s ' trhc'nw .. nual ring effect.': .. SHUR•GAIN leadership in nutrition • continuous research management skills growing animal health service Miss. Cathy. Dore spent Friday With Miss Marilyn Martin. Mr:' and;Mrs. Burton' Collins and Marg 'spent' Wednesday. even;- ing with Mr. and Mrs. :Jerome Schmidt of Mildmay. Terry Martind+a.le spent the • week end with Mr. and -Mrs.. Francis Boyle. • ; Mrs.. ,Eva Meilin of Scott ,.:Sask atchewan: visited 'Mr: and' Mrs. Don McCosh 'recently. r.• ans ;•rs; .�a... _ug es of ...n: Goderich spent .Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs.. Francis Boyle and family; Miss Sandra .Collins of Waterloo. and. John Gol•liris of Barrie spent nd with Mr.. ands,. .-Burton Collins and Mpg. Mr•.. and Mrs.. •'Francis Boyle and Mr-,•s,and Mrs Aurel-Arrn- sarong attended the Cowles'' Club Conference at Port•Credii over the week end: • Many' people attended the St.. Andrew's United Church bazaar: held on.Saturday'in Ripley. milk production O.A-FERS-FIRT. Then, ' feed the •rest the. best-.' a Shur -Gain :Dairy program. When ,you recall that ari average'cow costs: you the price of 2 tons of hay and .over _tons . of corn silage per year, you know there is no room in your'. herd . for loafers that won't produce 'or even'potential producers that Can't ' because of inadequate feed ` intake: Ship the loafers—keep the, producers—start .a' Shur=Gain feeding ,program, Increase your returns from your total investment in feed with, a soundprogram from Shur -Gain • See' us about' the most suitable Shur -Gain Dairy feeding program to fit your particular e Products Limiter 1LU'CKNOW PHONE 528-2026