HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-21, Page 11WEDNESDAY, , OCTOBER ' 21st,• 19701 , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LU'CKNOW, ONTARIO Mrs: Bert Alton IsRegionaI•Presiden..t For Annual Presbyterial Rally The ninth. Annual tall3otthe • West Huron region of the Huron- . Perth Presbyterial was held, on Thursday, October 8th at the, Blyth United Church commencing at. 9.30 a,m.• Mrs. Bert Alton, Lueknow -Reg, ional President presided. The theme of`the'meeting was With. God all 'things: are possible, Qh ye of little faith.. •The opening worship was conducted by the -ke'sUnited:-C u-rch- . a: Bla h W men _- their theme being '`Faith, God's gift. to. you" Mrs. Ray 'Griffiths brought greet', Wings frorri' the Blyth United Church Women. • • God'erich North Street United .Church Women presented a skit (an every member Visitation) which was thought provoking;. in- formative; humorous and was• enjoyed by all. •Mrs.. S. Miner and executive presented reports in the' form of panel discussion.' Mrs___Ivliner..announced the date_ -of the Annual meeting to be held in Mitchell United Church. on February 17th.,• 1971. Mrs. Egge1- son, -Woodstock to be.}guest'speak- er, • Rev. James E'. Hummel .(Trinity urc:. , ,s :. reeai.r.n.....tl•.,e • study: lie challenged alto have More faith with.a conipl con fidence in God, :After a'delicious luncheon served by the 'myth United'Church omen, e ..niee ing„re'convened • rea 1-artsw €ter -it -ton fid enc•e-ire Miss. Joanne Alton, Goderich, introduced the guest 'speaker , Dr. who spoke on Alcohol 'and Drug • Addiction -,It must be tried,to, :educate the young people to the danger of.Alcohol and Drugs. Man has always sought a mean's of escapefrom. reality. Perhaps the so that one can live with his anxietieswithout the help:of an. • . artificial crutch: A•fter;Dr. Flowers' finished speaking there' •wasa question andanswer period. Miss Isobel Fox , Blyth thariked. erlt.. • Mrs. Ken Alton, : Ashfield 'rend- ered a•solo rend-ered.a•solo (Lord of the dance) . , and then 1e1d.a hymen sing, in 'which -al) part.icipared otl'rl] of auxiliaries was answered .by telling of one project in 1970. ,Special music *was rendered by Mrs. Warr, Goderich singing (Everything is:,possible with God). • The offering was taken•and d'edic ated by Mrs., . Hardy of the Donny- brook United. Church Women.. • President -Mrs Alton had -sever al posters made with clippings ' from Daily papers. These passed. out to several groups asking each group too study them and appoint a commentator to tell,what they sa;w :It was -really -tie' /or1d-:a-nd you .�. Mrs. Argyle -of the Courtesy remarks, thanking . everyone that had helped. in any way to.make this day- possible. The Dungannon United Church Wornen lead in the closing wor..- ship service. WMS: Groups.Hear 4f Life.* PuertoRico - ASHFIELD NEWS . ;Over fifty members•of the from Ripley Lucknow and. Ashfie d •athered 'n A hfi Church School for a Than'koffer ing meeting last .Thursday .even- ing.. Miss Sadie Johnston gave the call to worship and opening. prayer. :Mrs .,Ross MacKenzie read a 'Psalm and ave a medita- tion on Thanksgiving. Mrs, Jack Mrs. J. West, Mrs..Alan MacDon- ald .and acDon-ald•and Mrs. Donald Simpson sang. '; 'Mrs. Jack Needham of Kirl'loss was guest speaker. She gave an interesting account 'of Fier year in Puerto Rico where she and'her husband taught school : She gave a vivid'picture'of the homes, d' dress ;' work, and customs of the peopleand displayed some souvenirs. Then Mr:: Needham showed slides : `, Mrs, Jack \1acKenzie sang a solo and :Miry:' Bruce MacDbttald` gave the:offerxory prayer . Lunch:' was a erved. 131BLE'SOCI'F TY SPEAKER. Rev: Alex' Cowan addressed the congregation in Ashfield` Presbyter ian Church on Sunda as.a:resres- :entati.ve. of ,the Canadian 'Bible Society. Kin gh WMS KINLOUGH NEWS TheLThankoffering. me_etingdof. the Kinlough Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society was. held at the home of Mrs. Alex Percy on .Wednesday,. October 14th. . Mrs. Frank Maulden.presided and welcomed everyone. ' Hymn and prayer. followed. . .. The Devotional. period was"' given by Mrs:- Glen Haldenby about "Dorcas" a woinan oL good works: Mrs . Tom MacDonald - read the Scripture pertadhin.g to t-;-faliuwed by-verses..-ob;Scripture by Mrs, Lyman.Sutton;, Mrs, Don ald Reid, Mrs:Tanald McEwan and Mrs. Stewart •McDonald: Mrs. Torn'McDonald reported on -the bale •which was sent• to Scott Mission, • • Rollcall was answered, "An Expression of• Gratitude frorn the , Scripture". Mrs; Maulden•was in charge of the program ."',Mrs. Jack Barr: had. a• read ing entitled "The' Farrner';s. Thanksgiving", followed by a film namely "To children with Love" whichproved. very interest- ing 'to :everyone:. After the film Mrs'.. Gordon MacDonald .r+ead a• poem, "We see the Hand of;God" reading namely "Thanksgiving" This was followed by a film' - "Opportunities Unlimited" which also'was very good Mrs:.. Mauiden'thanked Mr. Mc - Kinney for coming 'out.td'sl ow us heTfr1 •aid -he 'uvars-ate ry-- pleased to come at.it gives the: mernbers just a little , idea ,what •' • I, hrauughout theworld Mrs. Lyrlin'Sutton read,; ".Measles' for Thanksgiving".. Mrs : Stewart 'McDonald •also read "Thankfulness". Mrs. Donald'• Robertson read ,`"The• Magic of Praise" followed by an ora•l'con- test Some of• the members brought a; friend to they meetingwhich swelled our .crowd Mrs. Tom McDonald gave the also thanked' everyone who took pasrt.throughout the program. • Mr•, McKinney closed with Prayer, followed by Grace, 1t was 'see v : I briire hostess, assisted by Mrs. G. 1-laldenby. .' . _aa.slsop it's'the Lord Simcoe. Hotel• . in the heart of downtown Toronto, within walking nee to-t-he-rrta-jor ..'.shopping district , . and with the subway right .at the door: You'll enjoy the friendly service and'' -Wse;as+ole--uric-os-4oe. Next •time 'you visit • Toronto enjoy it more than ever.... stay at the Lord Simcoe, PAGE ELEVEN • OCK s 1970 Models SEVERAL /V CHOOSE FROM 1970 *CHEV Impala,, 2 door hardtop,. VS automatic; power, steering, power brakes and „radio -1970 FORD Galaxie, :4 door hardtop, .V8, power steering, power ' brakes, and radio 1970 OLDS Cutlass Supreme, 2 door hardtop, V8, power' steering,• ' brakes and radio -1970--GHEa/ impala,-4_cJoor_,hardtop, V8 automatic, pewee" steering, power brakes and radio ' 1969 METEOR, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic, power 'steering 1968-BEAUMONT, 4 door sedan, 6' automatic 2— .1968 PONTIAC Laurentian$, V8 power equipment 1968 CHEV, 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1968 FORD, V8, 4 door, automatic 1968,CADILLAC, 4 door, autoniatic: 2 1968a'DODGE 4 door sedans, V8 automatic 2 - 1967 FORD Custom S00, 4 door; V8 automatics 1967.CH E V Stafionwagon 1964. CHEV, 4 door, V8 automatic. 1964 PONTIAC, 4: door, 6 cylinder.. SEVERAL OLDER MODELS SEE THESE AND OTHERS BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 Pine River UCW� ►ee Have. Presentations Rico Slides . AMBERLEY NEWS Pine River United Church. Worn- eir' i` • o •er •niee ing on .Tuesday' evening October thirteen th. There was an attendance of • thirty-one'. • 'Ehe me:e.ting Thanksgiving poem by Mrs. Leon- ard Courtney °followed by a hymn... 'The roll call .."Something to be thankful'for"• was responded 'to. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs.' Dan Courtney Who also read'a letter of•appreci'ation; ' from the ado •ted child He is • now sixteen years old and another adopted child has been chosen. 'After the business period Mrs: John. A. McDonald convener for the devotional service, presided.: Assistin_ were. Mrs. ' Murra den, Mrs. Marion Liddle, and Mrs. Mel Henry who gave'read- • ings•.-• Mrs: Cecil,'Humphrey, Mrs. Lester Ferguson accompanied by. Joan 'Ferguson sang a pleasin duet. i.Mrs., ,Pxa ncis,: G".emri7e1L g on al Vice President of the Presbyter 'i-a::l-ga:Ye-a-n-address •w.l rch-war followed with a hymn. Mrs. Leonard Irwin and :Mrs. Kelvin Henderson who'are leaving this community were presented with gifts in appreciation of their" work . -oven-the- ye��s- After the benediction, lunch was Served in the Sunday School room where autumn leaves and flow eis-de eoratedW-the-•-t-a-bi = social half hour followed.. KINLQSS NEWS South Kinloss young people met • our . ay evening at t e':honie: of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon. J.ohnNeedhani showed'' picturesand told of their 'work last year in • Peurto Rico, Murray:Moffat Is President • • ts /tle :D:`CGL tat we !? e1 University anl. King Streets; Tel, 362-1848 . ti! LANGSIDE: NEWS • • Lan side Youn_ Peoples Societ met on Sunday evening at the home .of Mr. . and Mrs. Bob Breg- man with sixteen present. In.the devotions The Scripture was read'... by Brian Wa•ll, and the ;medita- tion was given by Russell Young In the election of officers;_ Murray; Moffat was elected presid ent :, Marlene Mann was elected secretary and .Russell Young, t-teasurer 'Donald Scott gave the ,topic on "The:work of the Lord" The •meetirfg clbsed.with a hymn and tYi-mizpah `benediction , . Ross Moffat conducted gafnes The next meeting will. be Novem- ber 8 a't Mr, and Mrrs•. Dave Mof- fat's .' GET YOUR MN VVl1NA ant Ad