HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-14, Page 11WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14th,1970
° )1.
.311/%111e1,7111KF :3110504111AWIKFT.1-:Aiilinla,5411friW
• A
Outlasts others by 3 to 4 times because
of, hob dippecl,galvanized steel tube
construction. Require , less, bedding
than loose housing—keeps cows drier
and more comfortable. Bell-shaped
arches, take up chain slack and pre-
vent tangling and choking. Provnies
more head room when cows lie down.
Berg Cow -Saver Stalls and Borg ,
Lever Stalls were designed for
the dairyman who wants to hen-
clle his dairy cattle as individuals..
Successful dairymen profit by
individualized -management
by challenging each cow. Prac-
tices that pay! They pay with
increased milk production from •
every lactation, By lengthening'
each cow's productive life. By
assuring you of positive inch-
yidualizednutrition and disease
- bontrol. Put Berg stalls to work. ••
inorgiasing, your dairy profits.
Berg provides a free complete
tuvknOw Vail
Mrs. 1-1A1'01(1,1thleikajgglOS,
ed Unit 1, Lucknow 'United Church
Women to her home on October
6 at 2 p.m,. Mrs. M. King expres-
sed a welcome, which was
followed by a Thanksgiving
reading and prayer. Interesting,
excerpts from the Observer were
used in answer to the roll call by
20 merribers, and One guest.' A.
memorial for a deceased mernber,,
Ivlrs..Herh Curran, was conducted
by Mrs . M: 'King `WS. . Hunt •
. .1'he October meeting of the •
Slakes United, church Women was
held at 2 p. On Oetober 6th'at
The'prograrn, was prepared and
conducted by Mrs. Livingstone
Menary. around the theme "Being •
12d., ' Tlinkfill". The scripture IeSson
was based on the first and the. last
chapters of the .Bodk of ikorrians,
FoIlowinghymn:and prayer, Mrs.
• Clifford Kilpatrick gave the read.-
ing "When I.have Tithe". Mrs.
'Chris Cooke continued with the
study book on Poverty. •
Mrs. Jerry Cranston contributed
a 'reading entitled "Jiiy.".' and Mrs..
Chris Cooketead'the poem "Incl'-
ian Summer" written by the late'
Miss Dean MacLeod. • Mrs. Hugh
• • Menary gave us "ThelRecipe for
• ' a Happy Day." and repOrt'ed for the
• •A' Flower. Fnd. This part of the
. „
er reported.for-the:Friendship and
Visiting Committee that 10 house,
calls had been -made and-sewra-1
hospital visits. Mrs.. N. MacKen-
zie. offered to help'on this commit-
tee: Mrs.. W. Henderson's name •
was added to the Flower corrunit
tee. A special collection was -
taken for the Blanket Fund. Invit-
ations have beedreceivea from
Trinity U .C. W to attend their
Thankoffering on October 15 at
2 p.m. and .fiOrn Wingham
U.C.W. to.attend a showing ot
slides on OctOber_26
Other announcements were:
Anniversary Services in Lucknpw
United Church on October 18;•the:
annual turkey supper on'October
20, 'commencing at 5 p.m.; •
prepafelvdw,_,...,441.14.ind ;a one day Conference fOr
and prayer. • •'.
*Mrs: Chris Cooke condu-cted
the business, Nine in.er.hbers
answered the roll call. Mrs.
Jerry. Cranston gave the financial
report iikluding the' A-ndt-e-w--4i-ee
ham wedding on October 2rd.. .
• it•was:decided to'make some
turkey. pies for the fall bazaar.
Tin ee kittions of our Coal( Books
will:be on sale also, .We • will
accept the.offer to cater to the
Co-op banquet in January. • •.'
At ihe,close. of the meeting the
ladies enjoyed looking at .the
rs.qf the Stroh -Andrew .wedding
to. w hich they had Catered 1Z)n, jlay
25th. For lunch they..had Fart -
ridge berry jam. brought :from -New.
'foundland and .made by Loui-se
from berries she had picked on the
hilts outside St. 'John's. Mrs..
Hugh Menai)/ slipplied.the'delic-
iots tea•biscuits to go with. the,
'College on October 24. Mernhers
were also reminded was time
to place orders for chtirhealend-
oks , a-s,progta_mnie„,4,
convener , presided for the remain-
der of, the: meeting.. Mrs. S.
Irwin chose theist chapter of
John's GoSpel for the'Bible 'reading
and Mrs: Swan .usecilhi entire.
Gospel of John fprher topic; corn -
paring the writings to the NO ends.
Of a. ladder, John wrote of the
Heavenly end. MrS. E. Rice sang
a beauttfulsolO, 'Leave it
•all to Jesus". The frTe-eing• clos-
ed. by singing "Bless Be .The Tie"
and.prayer, , 'after which follOwed.
a Hobby Sale. A pleasant social -
period concluded theafternoon'
with Mrsz• E. Swan,and Mrs O.
Brooks 'assisting the hostess
' PAGE ELSilitt
Got a
heap of
Hi-kone washing action. Spay
times eery • minute :the: tall,
wide vanes. sweep throligh• a
full 210 degrees, 'Tnitting-all the'.
NING. You can spin • dry. •any
fabric for as long as. you, want.
Water will be extracted quick-
ly =1.• thbrOughly,
water to' work from 'the bot- SIMPLE'INSTALLATION.. Can
• • tom of the tub, right .up to the • •be used from' the kitChen Pink
— no plumbing required. '
• top.,
. •
sible use of both the wash tub .
and .spin •tub at the same tune
operated by tw�. separate con-
trols. •
SIMPLE' —,SAFE-- pRac:ri
CAL CONTROLS:'Top Controls
Simple, easy to read and op-'
• •
FRESH • RINSING. .ContinuoUs
•Flow Rinsing — •Spray. rinse
While spinning until drain' wa-
ter comeS clear.••. , •
• GA0ViaLt.abble or Harvest
all SIM-
PLICITY quality standards .— •
proven over 50 years. All parts
guaranteed for 2 years — built
•better to wash better: _
.! NEW 1910-111IiimiL.
Nadel ,s1[7
• PHONE 528-3112.
Bruce Firm Report
October 8, 1970.
The 'Ontario Milk Marketing.
Board is charged with the res-
ponsibility of . marketing all of
milk produced=- Within .-the prov-
ince, on behalf of the dairy farm-
.• .
The province of Ontario 'is div-
ided int() twelve regions. The pol-
• ic andof the
of twelve directors; one from
each region.
Board dirteetorS, are elected by
the producers ' for a four year
tertn. These. directors, -or Reg-
ions, come up for election during
llThe direct-
or for Region 11, cceriprising. the
counties of Bruce, Grey and
Huron, will be elected this fall.
Within a few days, all active
licensed' milk producers , within'
e ion .11 will be receiving a bal-
• lot from the Ontario TM om-
mission in Toronto. BruCe County
producers will be able to vote for'
eight names on this ballot and
nreturm: itr..7-according.:-to instruck,
ions, to. the Toronto Milk Com-
mission office, prior .to ,October
30th, 1970. •
The eight Bruce . County pro-
ducers receiving the most votes,'
becothe members of a Regional
men will meet with the Regional
Election • Committee members
from arey and Huron,. ,during
the month of Novethber. The
purpose of this meeting will be
•-tifrifoliiiiiate—Stid-olect-a- -director
for Region 11, to the Ontario Milk
Marketipg .Board.
'The producers'. names appear •
ing on thetballot you will be re- -.
Ceiving„ have been nominated by
the....4roducers within Region 11. .'
•It is 'very important thif-111.
county producers, complete this
ballot and return it to Toronto,
as these men elected, will deter-
mine who will represent Region
11 at the 0.M.M.B. level for the: - ,
next four years. . ••
• R. D. Ferguson,
Milk Commission Fieldman
.is conftbired- bya board- ----Thex-- luality-of-eorn-silage_ this
year ,seems to be average in
terms .of protein (8-10%). Many
farmers are now switching 'from .
hay °and' pasture or laylage—to—
corn silage. Therefore, .those '
grain rations should be altered •
somewhat to- make up for the
low protein content of corn s
Generally speaking grain rations
containing 18-20% protein should
In fed to dairy coivs when all
corn silage is being used as a
roughage. It is recommendable
some haywith-corn-sllage-----.
probably .about 10 lbsper head
per day. Feeding of this hay Will
help to keep`the butterfat content
oL the_thilk higher than ° it might
• Corning Event
Stocker and Feeder sale • at
Stratton, Ontario on October 19th
• at 1100 a.m. Two thousand head
are being offered; 65% are calves .
and - -25-% -yearling-- cattle -,are.„.."„
weighed off receiving, truck and
sold with a 3.% shrink. Further -
•details!, are available.
Denis Quish,
• Associate Agricultural
— _ _BepresentatiVe_