HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-14, Page 5WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1970 .... � .. !+WW1' 7' :++!Nsi si r, , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, t.UCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FII/ allgi Jo MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY, EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10;00 a.m. to .5:30 p.m, Phone Roy MacKenzie . Ripley 39.5.5154 for appointment W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST -NEXT-1pr 'LYC . UM, THEATRE WINOHAM..,.. . PHONE 3571.361 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL ,HOME Modern and. Convenient Lucknow, Phone 5219013 Day or Night" Serving All Faiths : ' _ .. According to Their Wishes. • Moderate Prices Established 1894 RD OF THANKS CARD OF TH..NKS --1-vish-tothank-all-whe-sedt-eard & for phone calls, when. I was pat- ient in the isolation ward at. Wing- ham Hospital. Special . thanks to doctors and nurses. John Lyons I wish to express my thanks to my friends, . relativesand neigh- bours for all the kindness .shown to me and my family while I was in the hospital.. Thanks also to the Drs and nurses. , "' -. Chester Hackett Mrs.Elleda Wightman wishes to thank the many friends for -cards, letters,,,, gifts; and visits received. while she was -in hosp ital-Thee many kindnesses are deeply ap- preciated David Atkinson wishes to thank all those who- remembered him withcards and 'gifts during his stay in. Wingham Hospital. Also to Drs. Corrin and McKim and Nursing Staff. in the Isolation wing. I wish to express a sincere thank. _you to all who sent cards, gifts and visited me while a pa enf in Wing ham Hospital. Special, thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim and nurses on second floor. ` . Mrs. Carl Weber THANK -YOU. I wish to express many thanks to friends and .relatives, who visited. meand sent cards, letters, flowers and treats while I was a. patient in St. • Joseph's Hospital, London.. Also special.. thanks to those whosent food. _ta _our.house for my_family. Pearl Jamieson , • Mrs. A. R. Finlayson wishes to; INSURANCE express thanks',for cards, flowers, � • gifts and visits on the occasion. of FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY her 90th. birthday. All was deeply BILE--and---=LIFE,---- appreciated. To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone•'528-3423• R. W. ANDREW ,¢ • _. Barrister and SolicitoF .'. �_ '• LISTOWEL, ONTARIO a. IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and, Saturday Afternoon' ' Office in the Joynt. Block 'telephone. Lucknow 528-3116 1 ' ' n r. 1r, y it :0 • 3 CAVILLER. AND - COMPANY CHARTERtD ACCOUNTANTS ha •WALKERTON Phone 881-3471. I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighboursfor flowers, cards; mass cards • and food brought .into my home; special thanks • to Barry MacPherson and. those who looked after my child- ren, helped with chores and offer- ed hel of an kind at the time of Peter's death.- .• Geraldine Verbeek and family AUCTION. SALE •STOCKER SALE Rainy River District Feeder and: Stocker .Cattle Sale • will be held in Stratton, Ontario on Monday, Oct- ober 19th, 1970 at 11 a.m. (D S.T.), 2,000•head• auctioned with. 3. p.c. shrink deducted. Sale ring and buyers stand now completely under roof: 87% of calves 'offered from. performance tested bulls.- Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of High 'Grade Holstein Cows, Dairy Equipment, Farm and Machinery R. BRAY..:_; --DDOCTOR-OF. 256 .CENTRE .ST:,. WINGHAM, PHONE 357.1224 wilb�e. held . for . MRS.•GERALDINE VERBEEK Lot 34; Concession 2, Kinloss Township ' 5 miles west of Wingham and .1 block north of Whitechurch - ON .THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 At-41--&-mi-Sharp TERMS CASH Lunch Booth. on Grounds , •rian . ou , u • 357.-2349 FOR. COMPLETE TIRE SALES .• SERVICES Phone -529--7600 . KINTAIL p ; GENERAL, STORE QUALITY TIRES AT LOWEST PRICES - Farm,,Truck & Pass. Tires. CRAWFORD and • MILL J. 14. CRAWFORD, Q.C. ALAN R. MILL,B.A., L.L.B. WINGHAM IN LUCKNOW ' • EVERY WEDNESDAY .•--x��0�rrd=to �2�noor� Located. in •Breckles Block IN RIPLEY f• EVERY FRIDAY In Ross . Martyn Building Phone Wingham Office 357-3630 Res.. 357-2330 z,s.. 71 )y n. to of St:..• rastoaQ WheeL.Balancing and Battery Service • ROY A HAVENS PLUMBING - HEATING. WIRING Esso • Heating Equipment and Home Heat Service„ Dealer Lucknow Phone. 5283012 • AUCTION SALE AUCTION -SAL E Auction Sale .of modern farmim- plements, hay . and grain will be held for Harold Cooper,, S.H. Lot 18, Concession 14, (St. Helens side - road), 3 miles cast and 1/2 mile south ' of Lucknow . on . Thursday, October 29 at 1:30. Terms Cash Allan Maclntyre,, Auctioneer ANTED 51. QRIAM' -GIBSON ' Ili -loving -memory Of a.dear mother and grandmother, Susan 'Gibson who passed -away October 18th, 1968. We cannot halt. the• hands of time, Or live again the past, But within our hearts there are memories, That will forever last. Always remembered and sadly missed • by, Kathleen, Harvey and. Barbara. W- D. — used 200 gallon oil tank s amiable for furnace. John Mowbray, - phone 395-5373 after. 6 pm. WANTED _= used.. corn shelter in good condition; also ' gravity type grain box. Phone 357-3331:' FEMALE HELP WANTED ' Some curse the darkness, others: light a. candle. Some complain about having little money, others. call with AVON and• enjoy high profits: Call now! - • BRIGITTE HOUWELING •• CO,LL ECT.. 371.0264 OR.. WRITE BOX S11 OWEN SOUND • SNOWMOBILE DEALERS EARN EXTRA DOLLARS WITH SCORPIANI •.• > - 111061S -81G GAM tWAWA • FOR SALE a4' die ■R■EEEB•aa■imanu■B■■e !BARGAIN .• ■ ■.BARGAIN HUNTERS; •• $6,700 for a •1• storey, .2 bedrooms. in home having a 3 pc. bath and: situated. on' a well landscaped"! • lot,- only 11 blocks from Post Office. �' $7,500 1'/z store 2 "bedroom ■ home with a new oil furnace, ■ is new 3 pc. :,bath, plus aluminum:. :windows and doors. ,Situated on ▪ a good size lot.. • •• . . ■ • ■ -:-$8;000-for-50-acres-with-47-work ■ ■ able clay loam acres;: bush with. a -spring; ' barn 40' x 56'' in good: !condition and a 11 storey home ■• ■ needing, repair' work done.m x$15,000 for 121.' acres with ' 84■ , ■ workable, gently rolling, acres;.: m balance mixed bush; Maitland si • River and a creek; barn 72'' x: ■ 46' • and a 2 storey : red brick ■ home- me -Wing compete renov=i• ation. The best in ski-doo land: R. W. ' BELL: OPTOMETRIST - 6ODERICH` The' Square (Phone J'Ackson 4.7661) ' A. M, HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT S557'South 1 Street, Goderch r-elephone • WINGHAM. MEMORIALS Become associated with one: of. the ; industry's largest :organiz- ations. Scorpian wants' you, if you are an aggressive retailer or indiv- idual interested in earning extra dollars with. one of today's most talked- bout-and--admired-snowmo---Modern--eenvenienccs..:.Pr-iced—to— biles. -Enjoy' the benefits of central sell. • warehousing; • • advertising—support; and full line merchandising., Wr . c o H. L. Turner Limited, Blenheim,' Ontario. • HURON TOWNSHIP acreage up' to ;30 acres lake range, $400 per. acre, subject to approval. 100 .:ACRES Huron. Township, ' 93 acres workable. House. and barn. ■ . ■ ISO IF YOU WANT TO: GUAIANTEED•,.GRANITE'S CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES -Dire Land' Save Bus. Ph. .357-1910 Res. • Ph. 357-101S MacKENZIE MEMORIAL, CHAPEL .'FUNERAL SERVICE Services •conducted according` to your -wishes at==your Hartle your Church; or at our Mem- orial Chapel. at no additional charge. • `. Lucknow, Phone 528.3432' - ay"er Might .mow BUY OR SELL .. CONTACT. LIS AT ■ ■' ■ ■ Don HOIst - Real' Estate 1.td ■ ■' REALTORS . i• HELP WANTED CLERK -• TYPIST Must •have experience • in book- keeping including bank reconcilia- tion -procedures. • Apply immediately . in writing giving details` .of experience and qualifications. THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD ,OF EDUCATION.` .:,., BOX 190_...... C -H -Es Attention Mr: T. K. Veenstra, C.A. • HURON FOR SALE OR RENT Ripley Store and apartments froth $60. to $110 • taic-heat;_.m .. . 1 throughout.• - • CLINTON, spacious living with all the 'conveniences of town. House and . ;5 lots. Workshop and small barn.. Spotless home, modern con- veniences. Just $12,500.. DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON .. We pay highest. prevailing price .f_or fresh=dead__ _o:r disabled cows and horses over 500. pounds. Smaller animals : picked up as'a service to you For These Properties Please Contact ROSALIND'HODGINS 395-2337 or R.R. 2 Holyrood, Ont. PHOTO -LISTING. SERVICE 150 ACRE FAR1V1: in West Wawan- osh 'township, ' large modeIruzed barn •; for beef cattle, silo'12 x 40 in paved yard ;, 8 room home situated on a good road: This is a gently 'rol- ling high producing farm listed at $24800 with ,$12;00= down and pos- session in the spring. 200: ACRES, 150 workable,. good barn suitable for: dairy. and mixed. • ows farming,- :,,silo . wand unloader;; 4 -24-Hour-Service- 7 -Days A Week CALL COLLECT 482-9811 Free Post Mortem; License No.''. 237-00. ■ • WINGHAMIN ■ • -■ ▪ — Rural Ontario Specialists. —� ■ ■ • For best results Photo list• ■ ▪ your property with. Den. Hoist ' ■ . • ■ ■ BARRY McDONAGH' Rep. ■ ■ • Lucknow 5211.3423 ■ Res. 395.5326! r ■ ■ • IB/B/BB■EBB■SB•EBBB■BBBBa bedroom home withallconvenien ces. Inspect . this property for fall possession with generous - 'terms available. :. 100 ACRE cash crop • farm, : 95 ac:- res c-res workable, 8 room stone home, - p ecce -bath, :oil--ftirnace;-drilled well,, pressure system, barns 40 x - -50 and 18 x.39. This is a farm you ' would be proud to own at a very reasonable price: . CRYSTAL LAKE 'MOBILE HOME SALE At . THE MENESET. MOBILE HOME COURT AIRPORT ROAD, GODERICH • Agents For - K.'ovALE MOBILE HOMES -. GOLD FALCON • TRAVEL TRAILERS AND'• TRUCK CAMPERS Phone -524 -6638 -.or -524-9895 For These Properties Please Contact'; " WARREN. ZINN. Phone 529.7330 ; .Wilfred Mcintee 8e 'WAI.KE•RT:ON- = =_ Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings • Service . • List 1Vl.h.S. Over 60 Salesmen ' Working For '.You `