HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-07, Page 164 , PAGE SIXTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7t ••• 1 I SAW.. 1111 - me MEND Of CAltED VE -BREADWINNER, BlIT 1171/ MOW WHO W/NDS 1/P wirii .• UL TANLEY'S LUCKNOW.' PHONE 5284436 * , Editor in Chief —Boberfitooney •• Assistant — Beverley Smith, Mary MacCharles Barry MacDonald — Bruce Aitken • GIRLS VOLLEYBALL On Wednesday afternoon our girl volleyball teams made a very good showing at Port Elgin. The " tem had no trouble in defeating •their opponents in two straight games.: The large niarg-• ln--between-the scores-demonstra ted Ripley's skill in plying' the • theiric2pmnfnis. It was a very. successful day for the girls. FORE! •• Also on Wednesday a team boys, under the coaching of Mr.. Turvill; journeyed to ChiPpiv4 Hill to shoot a few. holes. The go-lfcis , MacKay, , Bryan:Boyle , Elliott Courtney, Dave Nagle and Blain' Carruthers; with clubs swinging drove in a combined score to'end in fourth place. THE STORK FLIES OVER RDHS' The.srudents were very happy. on Friday to hear of the new ar- rival of a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Buigess. Mrs. Burgess teaches history at Ripley. While she Ais gone, Mrs. Jim Needham has• taken over her duties. game. •. When Ripley's "B's team arrived ,a1 Port Elgin, they disCovered • .• that there was no team to play • them, so the already discouraged team from Port Elgin offered to play again asainS1 the "B" team. Port Elgin's hopes wete revived when they defeated Ripley in,the first, game. Ripley, who never • gives up, houriced hack to'win the next two games and defeat BOW! YOU •PEASANTS. Members of grade nine launch- ed their f-Mt7yearrwith-Thlabt-Torr October lst„ initiation Day saw the student dressed in unusual costumes., Burlap sacks were fashioned to meeteach one's taste - from a modified sari worn by -Greg. Liddle to a mini skirt. such as the one that arrayed Grant Farrell. Rubbert boots ,•swamp stompers, hats of every port and. • Moustaches completed their cos-. fumes. • ' Eadh snide cit.; of .grade_nine xass. _ forced to:h9;7.79 members in. tweli/e and thirteen When. Mating then" in the hall. A table' was :reserved irtthe'cafeteria for the'. unfortunate 'class to eat their • lunch - standing up through the entire process. Grade nine modelled theii gar- ments in the final class of the day Those who had disobeyed any '• rules appeared before Kangaroo,, Court for Punishinent. The pun- islinient consisted of pushing a . jelly beanacrOss the stage with ' their 11.0S:O.S. _ • We welcome the grade nines Junior Musta in Two On Thursday', October 1, F. E. Madill Junior Mustan home to Listemel, 'wcon by a row- margin, -14,-.12i---Ori:o Bill Brown, the fleet'quatte scored two touchdowns.and •over' for a two.pOint convert defence, sparked by Daye 1 - played an aggressive game.. MOnclay-,-..Octoher 5-1 Junior MOstangi'travelled t 'for Central. After.allowing earlrStratford touchcloWn, ti defence tightened .up to pla out football for the.rest of.t game. In the first quarter, Terback Bill Brown:ran arour right end for 35 yard gallop ;score a touchdown. • Early 'fourth quarter Bill Brown sc his second touchdown on a 1 yard end run. Jeff Lockridg burst around the left end •for yards to complete the scoria The final score Madill 1.6 , ford 6.• • Visitors with Mr. and.MrS. Tom Stewart on the week end were. Mr. ,••• • and Mrs. Gerald Stewart Of Kiri- • cardine:.Mrs.. Ron'Stanley, Bill ••• • of Kincardine. •: Mr. and Mrs. •Tom Stewart attendectihe fair it 'river/tan „on Saturday.. 'Mrs, Barbara' Farqhar and Mrs: Annetta. Codie and Betty 9f Inver- 'hurcin. visited/Mr and Mrs. Jim • Haldenby and girls on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mrs.N. •Ertlatteriby were Mr. andivIrsT7 'Fred Fiiendorf of Kitchener,. Barry Haidenby oflOndon , Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and Don- na of .Holyrood and Mr.. and Mrs.. 'Rae lialdenby Of Teeswater, Sympathy is extendedt9 the an 1.. • . bereavement of the late Mrs. James Hodgins Sr. • • • RETIREMENT MCOME THROUGH IF INSURANCE • 6 • • . . , • Canada Savings Bonds help .You , . la n -a htad -Ifo.k—t-o-lhe, future ,• . • New Canad.a...8.a.vings.. Roads Without Worry. 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