HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-10-07, Page 11970
Local Businesses
$5.00 A Year .InAdvance. — $2.00.. Extra To U.S.A.•
Single Copy 15c. 20 'Pages
Railway passenger service in
the' areaenclosed by Stratford , Tor-
onto ,
oronto, Owen Sound and Goderich.
will end Nov: 1.
An order granting applications
by CP Rail and Canadian National
• Railways t� discontinue passenger
service on six routes was 'issued
Thursdafy of last week by the rail-
way transport committee of the
Canadian Transport -Commission.
At the same time an applica-
tion by CNR:`to diseontinue pass.-
enger service between. Guelph and
• Toronto was rejected and the
railway was ordered to improve
both its equipment andscheduling
onthat route. The 'situation will
be reviewed in a year.
To be ended are passenger runs
between Toronto and Palmerston,,
Palmerston and Owen Sound , Pal-
merston and Southampton,'Strat-
ford and Kincardine and Stratford.
Ind Goderich by CNR and between
Toronto and. Owen, Sound by CP
rail. 'Lucknow and Ripley are •
served by CNR on the Stratford to
Kincardine run. • • •
These have .been served in rec-.
Without Public
ent years by self-propelled° cars'.
• known on the C'NR as Ratliners
'and by CP Rail: as Dayliners.
The findings .resulted' from 'pub-
lic hearings on the applications
for discontinuance. held in the .
Grey County court ,house in. Owen
Sound March 31, in the Welling-
ton County,court house , Guelph
April '8.
The decision leaves Lucknow.
with• no public. transportation:
Bus service to this community
was discontinued several ,years •
# Du�gar�non
Ah announcement in this issue
by the Sun Oil Companyindicates
that Bill Chisholrrt of Lucknow
:has been,. appointed as Sunoco
distributor in • Lucknow and. area.
Bill is the son•of Ivjr. and Mrs.
rant is o m' o G o' etic ,
formerly of'L•ucknow Grant was
Imperial Oilagent•in Lucknow for.
.a• number of years until giving,
•this •position upin favour of an
appointment as Sunoco distribur- 1
or for Goderich and district. ': He
?,eyed with his-€a-ml1y-toGoder
jct.)about a month ago
It has been announced that: Roy
Havens of Lucknow will succeed
• Grant as Imperial Oil: agent for
Lucknow and area.
Cool weather and scattered
ra-i'n4low e-r-s-d-idn-t-he-1p-rlieA3u-n•.
gannon Fall Fair on Wednesday of
last'"week, but despite. the set- •
backs, the' Fair turned out .to be
a good • success,
The parade•, headed by LucknovT
Pipe Band deft the High. way corn-
er about 1 p.m: led by Fair offic
ials and about 30 to 35 horses
-from /he Huron Trail, Riders .
Aitchison Bros., of St. Helens had
their heavy 'horse;...ieam i dh_e •
parade; as did Eldon Lowry of •
Arnberley with; his pony /earn.. =.
St: Joseph's School Kingsbridge
and'•Brookside' Public School made
for a'large parade of school child-
ren with their teacher•s.
Bob Meyer. of, Teeswateracted
:as master of ceremonies for the
day with T. M.."Durnin, Fair
Secretary in charge .ofthe horse
•racing events: Horse judge was.
Elmo Pritchard of Lucknow.
Bob McKinley of Zurich,' mem-
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Announce Change
In Local Firms
An advertisement in this issue
announces the amalgarnation..of
J. A.. McDonagh and E. H. Agnew
hisulance Agencies iL L-acknow-
With the .amaigarnation corries
nearly 100 years' of insurance •
experience. The late Joseph.
Agnew ,• fxtker-c4Howard_
lished the Agnew Insurance Agen-
cy in 1909,and Howard became.. ,
associated with the. business in
1929: Jack McDonagh established
his insurance business in 1931•and
his son. Barry has also been assoc-
iated with the firm for the -past
• The business' will Operate 'as
the J . A . McDonagh Agency.
ber of parliament tor Huron, of-
ficialiy opened the Fair. Gordon
Smyth, president: of the .Faqir
welcomed those in attendance.
Murray Gaunt, member of 'parlia-
ment for Huron Bruce also spoke
Fay Hogan, daughter, of Mr.'
and Mrs. Con Hoganof R. R. 3
Lucknow , graduated 'from Centen-
nial College, Scarborough with a
orne:.. con • ..1. $ .,..iplorna _...
She is "continuing her .studies at:
Brescia ; Western. University, Lon-
Named As Captain,
Leaves for Cyprus
-fir f ix Monthr
and Md... Peter lvlacDonh.ld of
Lucknow ; will•leave`for duty with
the Canadian Army in Cyprus on '
Wednesday of this week. 'Jim's
wife, the former Cathy Dalton of
Ashfield, and their two,. children;
Julie and Shawna, will -spend the
time.in Ashfieldwith her dad, Ray
Dalton. • . • '
Jim.received his Captain's com-
missibn on the 8th 'of September
having previously held the rank
of ,Lieutenant . He -.has:-been in
the army for four years and has '
been stationed at Victoria, Brit •
ish Columbia.'
Service To The
• P
Mrs: Roti Rothwell (Helen Thom;
of Norwood ;. daughter of ivIrs. Ed
Thorn,; Lucknow was• honoured
recently by Norwood Branch 300
Royal Canadian Legion at their
"Awards Night 70" dinner: She •
was chosen by them to •be'a recip-
ient of the Legion. Citizenship
award. •
• Mrs. Rothwell was presented
with'a plaque which read in;part:
"In recognition of outstanding
ervice to "orwoodan' t e om-
Helen is a registered nurse -and
has been associate' with Dr
.Anson R. Atkinson Of Norwood
fthe pasrfourteen years.
tUdcnoW •
Dry Cleaners first
Listowel will open a.dry cleaning
business- in Lucknow on Tuesday . .
of next week, Octobei'13th.
They presently operate the J.
an • A Latinro'rnat ;an• • DrycIean
ing in Listowel` andhave been. in
business'there. for four years. They
plan to Continue their Listowel
'business. •, • •
The •new business will be locat•-
ed ' in the former Aalders Fruit
Market on Lucknow's Main
Ir\ •
Boys Show
The: Wo..y.At.
Fair Baby Contes
The boys topped every class
in the Baby Show at Lucknow Fail
Fair, On the left shown with •
his mother Joyce Wall of Kinloss
is Bradley 'Wall, 5 1/2' months ,
who placed first in the under six
.months class..,
Pictured with lis•mother in the
centre is Craig 10 1/2 month old
son of r. and ,Mrs. Bob McNeil,
of R, 'R. 6 Goderich and winner
of the ix to twelve month class.
Ciititon e:1
r and his tiioth�
Feet Injured in
Archie: MacMillan of 'Lucknow
badly lacerated both feet last
week and lost part'.of one toe in•
a power lawn mower -accident.
:Archie tripped backwards over
a stone and in doing: so , the blade.
of the mower, injured his feet. He
was in hospital from the • early part
of 'last Week: unti1 Satur ay and is,
now progressing quite satisfactor-
ily .
�e11s Business �
Kincardine Firm -
S. Stewart `of Lucknow '
has sold his insurance business to •
McKenzie , :Miller'and Betts of
Kincardine, • "
' Philip,. who has been i"n business
in'Lucknow' since 1.23, will con-,
`urtu "as ls-ageft-dr.rrh
half for the•Pilot insurance.
et are shown on the 'rght.....Clinton
who won the twelve to eighteen
month class, is the 16 month old
son 'of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Belang
er •of Lucknow. Clinton was the
first prize winger last year in the
under six month .class.
hi'r'. Stewart had been'25 years
in the general insurance business,
about, 35 years in life, insurance
and as well has .carried On an in'�•
vestment'business'which he'will
continue'; tie waS inthe decorat-
ing business in Lucknow for 40
years:. •
Stewart sold insurance for
the 'State Farm Company a nurn-
' ber of years r
y sago, and in hit first
year with the firm • sold the, most
car insurance in Ontario and won
a trip t� Chicago.