HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-30, Page 10A. hI it ifs..
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Ia .. side
The Langside C. Q:, C; .heldAfl eir
final meeting of the year on Fri-
.day evening, when they entertain-
ed their mothers, and friend§. in
Lngsde Hall...
Jamic Yoii-n-g-pr-es
ided and welcomed all. A. Sing-
song was enjoyed. 'Freddie de '
;Boer gave a summary of the study
book on South America and Chile;
and howour church helps..
A puppet show by Jamie ,Marty
and Karen Young and Hilda de;
Boer reviewed the.' story. Helen
Wiersma gave the..last chapter of
the study. book. In the worship
service , the Scripture 23rd Psalm'
was. repeated in unison , a hymn
was sung' and•the girls of C.O.C.
sang ".Jesus bids us. shine': The '
offering was a baby gift from each.
•.4 table of crafts ,% pictures • of
South: America., and samples of
:food' from South America was
quite .inter'estittg. •
Lunch was served
Leaders of C.O.C. were Mrs.
Jim Young and Mrs' Dave Moffat
'with :Nancy de Boer,andHelen
Wiersrxta •as assistants..:; ' •
Ca W in -'Brick.
Cal in -Brie
• Calvin -Brick United Church
-Mitten held _ hek_r-_S.ept?mber
rneeting on, the 23'rd at .8:30
at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Why.t:-
ockwith a large attendance 'of
members , men, childrenand
visitors. •
The president Mrs. Ken Mason'
..opened the meeting With a short .
poem. • Invitations ha.d.•been
received from,Belgrave U.C.W.
for •October 1st: at 8.15 with J.
Deneau, Welfare Officer guest'
speaker and .Whitechurcli_W:IvI;$.
for October 21 at :2.30 with Mrs.
A. Mundell, Maitland .Presbyter
ia1 President guest speaker, ; Mrs.
Mason announceda parcel had
been.sent:to•Angola. An Execu- -
't}`ve meeting is to be. held this •
,The October meeting 'is being
• held a week earlier due to the
Regional Meeting. Friendship
Envelopes are to be handed in as
--soon as puss ble;-
Meeting.a decision is to'be niade
whether to have a congregational
supper or 'a social .hour.
Bruce, Vires
At Silver Lp
Bruce Presbytery of the United
Church of Canada held its first
meeting of the 1970-71 season at•
its Presbytery camp site , Silver
Lake. Chairman for the meeting
was the Rev. Ross Cumming and.
t;Rev. John Hill, Secretary.
Highlighting the tneet.ngw,as.
the welcome extended to Rev:•
`M, A. McDowell•neWly indufted
'-minister of Kinca 'cl-ine Uni-ted.'
Church and to Rev, K.' Welch of
Paisley United Church., .Joy was
'shared by the Presbytery at the
'report of Rev; G. Wright, Mount.
Forest , of the ordination •of itev.
Don Pletch of •Asfelt United'
Church', Cargill Pastoral: Charge.
The Chairman commended the
Asfelt congregation which hosted.
the Ordination Service for their.
great Christian witness • on the
occasion of the Ordination of their
fourteenth candidate: to the min-
istry. •Presbytery also heard with
interest prospective •plans for the
ordination of; Mr. George Trigger,
Lay Supply at To:berm:ory Mr. •
Trigger completes next year
•rhe.special General" Council.
course leading to ordination.: •
Agreement, was received that..
Bruce Presbytery recommend .to
Hamilton: Conference that this
'ordinatio:n service be held in Tob-
Rev. Gordon Hazelwood, Pres-'
identofH• • •
introduce_ d and welcomed to the •
Court.. • The 'Chairman.led Pres-
Mrs'.•Alex 4obertson conducted bytery in a- •moment T silence'in ••
•the worship service followed by memory ;of Rev. S. ,Royle of '•
Messengers 'Mrs. Robert Gordon reading the' Lion's' Head who passed away :in -
scripture. Rev. J. Roberts led in July. • . .
prayer: The offering was receiv-
ed and dedicated by Mrs. Alex The agenda of Presbytery in -
Ca 1Lin-.Bri.ck„M esSenge rski
their September meeting in the
church on Sunday.'
.The leader was Marian McGee:
with:the .pianist Janet' Whytock.
:Marlene McGee read the„
Scripture. Prayer was given by .
Barbara :Moore.• •
The. offering was received by
Jim McGee and. Michael Moore ,
and dedicated`•by Marian McGee.
The Herald Report' was given by
Darlene Coultes.
eluded the announcement of,
fid-- Rc beu-son. Cathy Cha-ridlerga-ve-- many .events and ma-ct ssofmi•
.:Mrs. Lawrence Taylor gave the,
Story -. Using Talents to •the • Full
est. All then went to their
classes for a study period.
a piano solo:
' Mrs. Alex Robertson .gave'a
deep outline on the American
from the new study pack. /She. .
also introduced the special guest
John `Anagoaiik, whose home is
Resoluteon the Isle of Cornwallis,.
600 'miles inside the Arctic circle.
John showed slides''of hishomeland
and gave a commentary.
Hie was tha-n-ked-for'show-tng'the-
slides and presented with a: gift
by Mr.s:..Nornian Coulees. Mrs.
Ken Mason closed ;the meeting•
with prayer. • . .•
Lunch•wai 'then -served by• the
'hostess and helpers,
Brest not only to the. Presbytery
but to. the entire area. Mrs. Slum•
kie , Presbytery Archivist:presen
ted the plan to collect historical
data Of United•.chur'ches in the •
Presbytery. Rey. Keith Wettlaufi
er rep the ret.urna of CK•NX
Singtime the first progratntne ; •
of itsfourteenthyear will be,
October 18th with the Moderator.
�Dr.,•Bob McClure as guest. Rev.,
R-.--Wa .tfero-f P-alr-i-e-r-ston-pr-0e. rim
ed.,the notice of a 'World Mission
Night' to be held on November‘
17th at Ripley... Endorserrient
was given• fora suggested Workshop
'n: pont - r W r jp.-c �duc-
i C empora .y o ship on
ted by "The'Catalysts"Whose
services are sponsored by the •
Board of Evangelism and Social
Service. Rev. Jackson, Strapp,
Convener of Christian Education
announced the planning for a
Youth Rally to be held this
Also workshops in Sunday School
teacher training. 'Rev. Glen
Strome of Hanover• drew to the
attention of the delegates the
capital fund's assessment effect-
ive Jan. 1st. 1971. This isan assess-
ment to all congregations of $1.'25..
per resident member. Rev. Bob
Nicholls Visitation.Convener., pre.
served ;rhe. proposed 'plan; for the
Presbytery visitation to Official'
Boards of Pastoral charges in re-
•gard to ministers' salaries.
This takes .place as a result of the•
action of General Council as to sale
ark' increments, Rev. Arnold;
Proud of Teeswater , Publications
.Convener, spoke of the Observer
Every 'Family Plan. Presbytery
endorsed subscriptions to High
School libraries in the areal. In
the interest of adult; education ,
two 'delegates. were 'authorized to
attend the Education Colloquium
on Oct. 26th to 29th at Cedar
Glen. This is sponsored by the •
five central Conferences of. the
United Church. .
APpr .iarion.was'extended to. '
Rev . M . Boyd •. Superintendent of
Home Missions, to the United.
Church Women delegates and to
the ladies. of Kinloss United.
Chufch serving; dinner.: The
chairman thanked all the •
Presbyters for their enthusiasm and
contra' u ton,
The .first meeting. of Bruce Pres-
bytery adjourned to meet Tuesday
November 17th for 'afternoon and
evening sessions at Ripley United:
Was Guest Speaker
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., BD.
Phone 528-2740.,
,' OCTOBER •4th$
The Annual Pot. Luck. Supper of
•the Lucknow :Presbyterian Evening:
Auxiliary was held in the base
-:merit of-thechurch on_Wednesday
September 16 , 1970 with forty- •
three• ladies present for the delic-
ions meal. Miss Mary Elizabeth
and. Miss Ruth Anne Henderson,
-' l�ye-d�ave-1-�p-is-no-ext=us
ladies gathered for the:evening.
Mernbers •from South Kinlossi'',
Dungannon and the Afternoon. ,
Women's Missionary Society.
joined--with--the Auxilia-r-y Group•.
.for ' the supper and. "regular. meet
•ing .
a .a traveller...,
the'l_or i Simcoe
come ....superb
service..., fine •
lounges and restau:�
rants . ' all at
( I•
e prices
. • and for convenience
the subway'is right
• at the door.... in the
.heart nf'dCi�Ng3�
Toronto, Next time
you visit Toronto,.
enjoy it more than
ever... , stay at the
Lord Simeoe,
it's the
littc:o , t� •
University and King• Streets, fiel. 862,1848 •
Mrs. -Ron Forster ,• who was in
' charge: of the Meeting," •opiened'
with word's of welcome to the
guests. , and the. Hymn 399 was' .`
The Scripture an' Me nation..
was given by Mrs: Norman Tay
lor. . `
a Mrs.. Jac,k MacDonald introduc-,
ing. Miss Barbara Woodraff, the .
'Regional,Secretary for the Synod
of Hamilton and London.•• Miss
Woodruff discussed and -illustrated --
the materials available in•study
books an l pa rumblers for more
interesting •meetings:
Mrs. Bill Gibson sang
sof t =a : co rrTpa n=i ell b is T•eriff
10:00 a.m..Sunday' School
11:00 a.m. Morning Servlce
The Rev. R. Odendahl
Trinity 19
St, Paul's"Ripley— 9:15 a.zr
Ascension, Kinlough' 10:30 a i
St Peters Lucknow 11:45 a.
Church l School 10:30 a.m.
Christ . Church, Port Albert
Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A.
10 am. Sunday School
11:00- a.m.' Morning Worshi
'World Wide Communion Sun
Li Christ we see. not only ww
God is, but what man is mai
to be.
J W. -_Van Stempvoor-t
• Pastor
10:00 a.m •(EPglish)
2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and
5th Sundays).
Denominational Radio . 'Brot
cast, "The Back To God Hour
every Sunday: CJCS (Stratfor
2.00 p.m.; CFOS (Ow
Sound) — 6:00 p.m.
Mrs. James Little gave the
thank -you remakrs to Miss Wood-
ruff:and a11.the others taking
part in the meeting. The even -
Ing' i:.ame,to .a• close:with ilytiin.
419+and prayer by Miss Sadie
• Johnston.
you turn
seat belts