HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-30, Page 11970
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$5.00 A Year In Advance .6-; $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
WEDNESDAY„SEPTEMBER 30, 1970 Single Copy 15c • 11 Pages
• .Colipp,k.49,
Mr. and Mrs, T. '‘'A ji Cameron,
held open housefor/theit'friends
and' relatives at their home , Ross
Street South, Lucknow. on '
_Saturday , Sept-em-bet-26th-od-the-: ixe_people---were4r1Jtire44n_ani_
occasion of the 60th Anniversary -.accident on the.county road south
of their marriage. , •
Clara Purdon and Thomas Al-
bert 'Cameron were married at
• the hOme of the bride's parents
at McDonald's Corners, Ontario
on September 28th, 1910 and went
to the Baird Firm which they 'pur
chased on theBoundary of .Dalhou-
sie and Lanark Township, Lanark
County:. Here they farmed until
1918 when they moved to Ashfield
-Township and bought the. Wm. Ir -. the 'vehicle was extensiVe. Mrs.
.win farm, lot 8'concession 11;
Five Injured In Riple
rea Accident
of Ripley about 12.15 a ,m, Sun
day morning. The singlecar
accident was in the area of the
farm of JohnSton MacLeod,' about
a mile south of the village on No.
7Bruce County road.
A car driven by. Mrs. Bill Mac-
kay, 21 of Waterlooleft the
road and struck two trees on the
east•side of the road. The car
was prOceeding south. Damage to
Mackay., the former Dianne
Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs..'
look over this farm they moved Don •Miller of Kincardine was
to their other farm, Lot 6, Con- taken to Kincardine Hospital and
.cession 11, where they lived until' on to St Joseph's Hospital in Lon"
to don.. She received fractit*Pd___
and Mrs. Clifford 'Menary and • leg and an arm., • •
moved to their present home in Her husband Bill Mackay, 22,
LucknoW,. son of Mr and Mrs. Morford Mac
They had a family of two son,s, kay of Huron Township,, received
Glen and Ralph and one daughter multiple lacerations and he was
Jean Mrs. Mason Robinson,' ca-r-dine4lospital.
b' •
!•.t. ,
ier •
. •
. .
. . „ , .iiuiii•iiiii I•II i.iii.ii
. . • . . • • . . • . • , . •
In '1938, 'when their son italph:
clen Went. to Powasson ancl'Was
engaged/in electrical and plumb-
ing work.. 'In .September 1937 -he
married 6-1.adys COX and they had
a family of 4 sons :ancr2 1
daughters They were saddened
by the passing of Glen on July 5th
1952 leavin,g.a.young family..
Glen's family Consisted of'
Rumen 16L.._:,wio_rnarried Jacque,
line Hazen and' they have two • .
air rr aslied
ur In
• The, Ripley -Huron and surround t
ing area was heading towards the
.holding Of another successful fall'
fa.it last S-attirdar—The:TaTade
was over, the Owen Sound Twirr-
• ,
ting ,
:t •
to 15
d stop /IL
is • :;,1
•• 3;4
;et a
" 1.6 •
•o Main Street
In Ripley Village
Some rnajotioad work has been
•over the past couple of Weeks., • '
The Bruce County Highways
Depattrrient has been working on
the main streets•iimningnorth and
that vilia.ge. ••, •
Mix Bushell of LiicknOw., in
charge of the Bruce County crew
:'working out of__w_
vising the project along with Hary
ey/,'Dayisori of.Walkerton. • About
a dozen' rnen,are on the jab with
.the local•crew receiving some
extra help from Walkerton, and
• •
islere rnp I oyeesLfot-thir-pcireirti
Part of the work will be done
this Pall wit' further work Sched-
uled 'for next year. .. Excavating .
and back filling•is being carried
'but 1 block west' of the main
intersection in Ripley', east to •
• the opening parade 'aroundone
It was led by the Owen Sound
whitecostumes.- batons twirling '
ettes had. perfOrmed a dill
ber with •baton --twirling, tire -heavy -
horse' tandem hitch had driven v.
back and forth on the. ball diam-
ond;• the Rock sisters had played-
their accordians; the' School rauiirdr
the rains came, Everyone head-
ed for shelter - The Knox shed ,,
s'the•HuronTownshiP hall basement
and the auditorium and lower
rear hall Way'of the Ripley Dist -
sict High School.. •
••Thi's' reporter Watched,the 'down• -
pont from the doorway Of Knok •
shed on way .back frorn the
high'schooi. .Por a short time
• the rains resembled those of °Hut-
ricane Hazel o.(past years With
the, swirling west winds fiercely
• tyiisting the tops of the Maple
trees next Huron township hall.;
-Even The heavy hOrse teamg
headed into the shed.. Showing
•Of the 441 Beef classWaS held in
the shed, w.ith Judge Oliver 'Mc -
Charles. As the rains continued
b..C.ParOP e••.1 of Mud_
red to Kincardine Hospital. '•
Carter •Storguard, 1r7, of R. R.
'3 Ripley received minor Lacera-
tions arid -was not admitted to
hospital. He is from. Western
Canada and. is a brother of •Mrs.
Bob Thompson of Purple Grow.
Constable Jim Poland of the .
Kincardine Ontario. Provincial
Police investigated. ,
George Kemp
arks 98th
George '.Kemp of Havelock
Street, Lucknow celebrated his .
?8th birthday on Monday, Septeirt- 1 •
ber 21q. ' .
Patty Webster , 21, His'brother and Sister-in-law Kincardine,'
. .'
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jim •Mrand-MrsT-Chrrie-s-
Webster, was admittedto Kincar-Selkirk were visitors on this occa7 •
sionSeveral neighbours and
dine Hospital and ori to St., Jos•-••
friends'called.ttiextend their best
eph's• with Multiple lacerations
and suspected internal injuries.
1 -ler condition was reported. as
satisfactory the first of the week':
Katherine' Picot 21, Kincar-
dine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.• •
Albert Picot. received_arLinjured_
an a
Leg AnIputfted
• Mari Johnston Of Lknov ; who
has been hospitalized in Wingharn
an' istrict ospital or a few':
weeks, uflderwentl surgery on
Monday , September21st for the
amputation ofhis left leg above
the knee:. ' •
He is-9"-elPofte-cl,a-beittnE7'
. • •
along Well.. • • •
Mr. Johnston observed his 79th
birthday on September'2,2nd:,
Died In Hospital
Mrs. James M. ,Hodgins of
and with the crowd -dispersing due .ham and District Hospital on
Sunday, Septet -rib& 27th.' She
was 89. , . .,.
Two memberkif the Lucknow ?
Th t funeral service will be
conducted at MacKenzie 'Mentor. Masonic Lodge received their.
ial Chapel; Lucknow on Wednes- 50 year pin in recent months.
day , September 30th at 2 p.m. Ort the left is Allister Hughes of
Interment will be in Greed- Holyrood who was presented with
hill ellietery , . • [the award this spring by' Thomas
to the adverse .conditions the fair
was washed,out 'around three •
o'clock, •
Thanks.to foi'ernan Mak BIM: -
ell and the wrkmen of the
Bruce Coiinty Highways Depart
Ment the excavated streets were
filled and Packed enough to hot
. •
Mrs. Olive Smith of LuCknow is
a daughter.
VI 4. 40 44%0'4' *M.O. '•••• 4‘4'4.1. -*••• 411* •.I•• * ' " •.•• •
Salkeld. On the right is Robert
Fisher of Lucknow who received
the hOnour at.the September meet
ing of the lodge: Jack fisher
made the presentation. Bob is a
past master of.01(1 Light Lodge.