HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-23, Page 2PAIN TWO THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL,, :LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO "TIN Sepoy 'Town"' On. the Huron*B rue. Bound, ary • Second Class Mall dation Number.. 0847 ' Established. 1873 — Published. Each Wednesday 'Afternoon Member of the CW.N.A., and O.W.N.A. Subscri p0.on. Rate . $5 00 a year ,in . advance — to ttie U.S.A.,, 7.00 • Donald C.: Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY,. SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 A TRE ENC0US SUCCESS! Lucknow Fall Fair was a tremendous sum. It is becoming known far . and wide and is .certainly one of the leading Fairs in this area. Pe tape it has.,so�nme of the agricultural classes .it hard, many years ago, but it has taken on a new add brighter look andhas gained. areputation of .offering "something for everybody". ' It seems hard to imagine that a few weeks ago, a meeting, was held in Lucknow to determine if Lucknow Fair.. would continueor not. To the binder, this que.nn sees ridiculous in view of the successes A special -meeting of -West Wawanosh Township Council was called for September 17th and took. place at the home of the Clerk... The Clerk reported to Council the `results of a conference with two'bepartment of Municipal Affairs-FirianGial Adviser -s -:-held • 'on Monday, September. 14. The two, Advisers instructed the Clerk. in the proper way toapply the per capita gram to benefit they residen- tial and farm property owners: They also, advised that separate mill rates are' still needed for the different school sections' formerly' supported by West Wawanosh rate-. payers , to assure proper credit' or •debit of over levies, and under. levies'outlined by, the Board•of Education. As a result a new . bud:- get was prepared and'the, various ET TAX RATES OCTOBER. 3.0 mill rates set up. • Councillors Foran, and Rutherford moved'torescind By -Law, # 9,' 1970 ,, passed September 8, 1979, and'the motion carried., • By -Law # 10, 1970, -was finally • .pas/n. motion of Councillors. Rutherford and Aitchison , .and carried. This by-law authorizei. ihe'levying of 1970 taxes through set mill rates and, sets the due - date,lfor payment oftaxes at Oct-;. ober 30, 19.70. Rates set are: General Town- ship, Farm and residential, 17; , Commercial and. Industrial, 23; County, 20.5; Auburn, 15 and 14; Colborne Township S . A 23.74 and 26.38; Huron: No. 2 (Mhfield and West, Wawanosh), 8.63 and 9.58; Hullett Township S.A. , 1G;41 and 18.23;' East • Wawanosh, 12.43; Lucknow,-Kin^ loss, 22,98 and: 25.48; Separate , Huron -Perth, (Wingham and 'Kingsbridge) 11 and a 12.23 Bruce: - Grey : ruce-Grey.T(Lucknow), 25 Goderich 'High School Area, 14.s7 and 16.3. Huron -Bruce High School'Area., 14.37 and 15.97; Dungannon Lights,, Cou-nc-il-was-infgrned-that inquiries: into the transfer' of part lots , had revealed that the final decision of the sale of partial lotslies with the Department of Municipal Affairs, and as -a .courts esy to the Municipality in' which the transfer is taking place .the Municipal Council is notified and requestedto grant approval. Council adjourned to meet: again October. 6th. • -JOAN ARMSTRONG, . CLERK.. • Entries 0 n • .Bit to those m the inside the . question was very real. It takes money, and a lot 01 it, to promote. a Fair lite; the Lucknow area was treated tom Saturday. ilsis maoey.'doesn't .come.. easily to the Agricul-. f'i i • tural Society. Sara the meeting. in question, Twenty-eight' babies were: enter. ed in three classes in the Baby.. Show at the Lucknow Fall Fair. The number of entries" were down the, Fair board has been. considerably from• last year when _IL' eoceurarte+d by tooi'Ie3 _01.greateifutaneial r as$iBtanCe- brthe-irl 43 babies were shown- . T r. W A u111�-) Crawford` o Wing am an Rut -Thompson , Public Health Nurse • of Lucknow were the . judges.,: assis. ted by Mrs•'. J.. G. `1VIc'Kim and ' Mrs.' Jack MacDonald.,. both of . Lucknow, . , Winners in `the under :6 months class were; first Bradley Wall,. son of.Joyce Wall of. Kinloss;• sec and Bruce Hallam, son of Mr.' Bayfield;' third Mary Helm k'� f h d h is 1. : .. Horne new . workers .have . offered 'their. ,assistance, but the fact remaiins that those rile' for: carrying the "load” of running the Fair are still very few in numbers.: / ' , .Fair--ia-one-of the : few- remaining : community ef= forts which: puts the town' on the: Map: ..The Miss Midwestern. Ontario Beauty Contest, with the:winner havinga chance to become Miss Dom- inion of Canada,. is one of the most valuable entertainment promotions ever negotiated for .any small' community, Out hats > go • off to a loyal band of Fall Fair viarke ra, who des- pite--maa-ups-and-downs; continue, to:provide-this-are a�with-an`annual- event whiCh deserves our `complete support. A: Guest.Editorial;. HOW BIGIS-YOUR GOD BY PAT SPARKS F. E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL. ,. Over the past few years, I have been exceedingly annoyed by the ung number of :sceptics . and atheists in our : society, not because I. am a religious fanatic, nor : because ' I feel that God needs any dee, but because • I have been disillusioned about ' the ability. of man to reason. At. Fall Fair ,Baby Show daugher of. Mr. , and Mrs: Bill ,Black of:'R. R.' 1 Dungannon... The•ten entries in the 6 to 12 months -class were topped by Craig McNeil, son of Mr, and,• B`ob`�vl -Nell of R. R. 6 Goderich,-1-n-second-place 'Trevor Hunter; son of„Mr. and. Mrs, Herb Hunter of,London and: Ah-i-rd-was�-Be�r.--o_:.=-,..Qn- and.Mrs. Mike Lucas 'of W'ingham,, Consolation prizes were won by Kendrahowry•, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lowry of Amber,. ley. and Charlene Conley, daugh- ter of Mr. and.Mrs, Mac Conley o "Lila now dthers in this class were Donald son of Mr. and, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Helm of Lucknow; consolation prizes went to. Arletta and Ang ela..Glenn; ,.twin daughters of Mr.• . :and Mrs. Gerry Glenn of Dungan- non. Other entries were Melonia. daughter of Mr. and Mrs ,Wilms Nicholson of R •R 1 Holstein; Susan . daughter ,of Mr. and Steven Bell of Oshawa, Stephanie Gary Hall of'.Kitchenerwas fourth. and Jeffrey. Lackie , son 'Of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lackie of; Ripley 'was fifth. 'Other entries were • '' Richard , son :of .Mr .. and Mrs. Fi°evor--@uri-nn-o- Kinczrdine ; e .was: Keith son of Mr, and .Mrs, Glenn Hodgins of. Kinloss;' Jamie , son of Mr, and Mrs. Jim Humphrey Qf Lucknow teff�ry son of Mr, and Mrs. Murray Wilken of R. R. 1 Ripley,; ;Jeffrey , son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest' Ackert:of'Holyrood. • 'W m. A. Schmid of 'Lucknow donated the prizes for the first two classesand the Lucknow Agiicultu-ra-1-So6iety-donated-t e . Mrs. Doug Martyn of R. R. 3 Lucknow; Bradley,; son of Mi. and Mrs! Bryon Black of • R.': R. 7 Lucknow; Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs;.. Larry' Pentland of rDungamiro Dav d s`on pf-Mr. and Mrs: Allan MacDougall of Kinloss; Tylor , son of Mr and `• Mrs. • Harvey. Hammond of R. R. 7, Lucknow. prizes for the third class. Stocker iSalk H�IdOfl Monday • 275 cattle went through the' ring at:the Lucknow Community Sale stocker. sale on. Monday: 10,:heifers , averaging ,580 lbs. , It has always been my belief that no matter how many: ridiculous Hess arg put forward, intellectuals can never be easily duped., How- ever, this is where: I went astray for I was .depending on the greatness of .man, and man's greatness :is not dependable: For some time now, bee plagued_bj►'_`the=-phrase;—. tit simply . joined our list of cliches: I, • not trusting rumour, question who unearthed this phenomenon. The argument. has.beento me. that no one'discovered it. 'How can yoyou figureout a thing -, presented when common' sense tells us. • that such a. God has never'been like that alive? We, supposedly, have known it all along, and 'only recently have we shad-enough-insight-to-psaltie ite=enlightenment--nf -our scientific= age, we have discarded this .God; who ' never existed, and whogrew from our primitive -sup tions, for our own; self-sufficiency. Do you • believe that we really are self-sufficient? If we. are, why are we in-'. capable of solving the numerdu's' difficulties in our world ally .. of decreasing? .Then again, there are those who when, everything goes wrong,' Mk the brilliant Question, `Where is there' .a God in a world bite this?". Need -I. :remind _ :you, that :when the world was created, laws were also 'set up? Man was given a. will of his' own. Consequently, how can man make his own choices, build his own messes,and then blame them on a God that he only, believes in when necessary?. In other: • • words, either • support• God completely, or stand by :yourself and buffet the world With. your .own. _, fyouchoose._-the=lanerr-I wish you luck, for itis usually the motive for suicide. The person is unable to .fight the whole of mankind single-handed., Once .again the boys took top place, when Clinton Belanger, 'son. Jud �es.( Horses At ` sof Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Belanger • of Lucknow won the 12 to 18 KIflQStOfl :SOW ' .., 'months class ,Sher-ty NiXon., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Delbert Nixon of Lucknow was second and. Jason Conley , son of Mr.'and Mrs. Douglas Conley of R. R '2 • Elmo Pritchard of Lucknow:had a busy tithe judging horses 'last week. .He acted as judge -at the' =1 eversha-mrFal=Fafr Tuesday Harriston Fall Fair Thursday and left. •from Harriston fdr. Kingston a . _ • where he judged at the Kingston. Exhibition,on Friday and Saturday. Pritchard has recently been ill and did not accompany Elmo to Kingston:: Len Bok. of ' ,'• Wingharn went with 'Mr . Pritchard. : ,The Kingston Exhibition is a three day show and Elmo referred globe, ho>�much answer, o you Iask thinkyou, of all there is to be known 'Oil our you know? Do you' know e hundred percent? Impossible?Fifty percent? m Scarcely! Ten ? Hardly likely! One percent? It is doubtful. Don't you think that due to the fact that your knowledge is so minute, God could quite easily.be located in the other ninety-nine percent? th ecnglrean^pla =third=Ehr opher'Ha11 son of Mr. and Mrs. -h'orsesh'oes Royal"', He judged light horses, ponies and heavy horses on Friday and Saturday, returning home Saturday night.... _ While in Kingston he'had'a • short visit with Grant Rutherford who is on the Kingston police force andwas formerly a resident of St. Helens: WANT ADS GET RESULTS consigned by, Leo. Courtney of Ashfield sold to George Moncrief of Ashfield for 27.90. 10 calves averaging 4.47 lbs.. :we:reaconsigned-by�Blake A:lt-omoi._ :Belfast and sold to peter de Boer of;Langside::for 36¢.. 17 Hereford steers, averaging' .793 lbs. 'were sold `to 'M.r, Cole Ttie-y::_ 'were consigned by. Bob.Mclntosh. ' Monday, --Oct.- ACCOMMODATICIN • F'Ok400MEAD-__._. • . ROBERT McINTOSH PHONE RIPLEY, 395-5230 OR LUCKNOW 5211-1412. ,AUCTIONEERS Emile MacLennan Allan Macintyre