HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-23, Page 1970 . ' t. Sig1.744 INV. WW7...”74.411~Will,'". uiur 40, $S.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. --- LUCICNOW, ONTARIO 'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 ,Singlel-Copy-15; GRAND .. • Jean Jennison of Grand Bend is the -new -Miss Midwest-ir1129ntario--- .Shewas crowned on Saturday. • • night at the Lucknow Fall Fair • beauty contest Which has bedtime the evening highlight of the Fair. Shels-the-19-year-pld-danghter-of Mr:. and Mrs. Robert Jennisbn of that community and is a stenog- • rapher at•the Guenther Tuckey Transport... Jean was.earlier nam- ed Misi Grand Bend Chamber of ' Commerce: • She •is pictured 'in the centre. On the right is Miss Dominion of- Cattada. Edward Island who was. one of the judges and who crowned Miss Jennison. On theleft is..Judy Hodge Of Ripley. Judy was . . picked Miss Midwestern/ Ontario -at-lastLyearls,-FairLand-has-since - cOmpeted :in the Miss Dominion of Canada contest which Miss Hickey won at Niagara Falls this „slimmer. Judy , who is 18:, is the daughter-of-Mrz-andi-Mrs7-Ho Hodge of Ripley and a grade 13 student at Ripley District High 'School. • The -new ario has earned the right to com pete' in the Miss Dominion of Canada 1971 contest Which will be held next summer. • __P_WinwitcorglAirthecontest_ - - was Miss Lucknow District Credit Union, Valerie 'Morningstar.' Val= _erie is the daughter_tof_Mr_and, Mrs. Albert .Morningstar of Luck- • • • • • The 105th Lucknow Fall Fair is • now history... •The successful "' \event was held on Friday and Sat- urday of last week, September 18 and 19. The weathe was Warm and sunny and the ceowd Was lar e • Pairs.really aren't too much fun for people in the newspaper business. Most of Saturday Sun- , day and Monday was spent by one or more of us rounding.pp results .and trying to co-ordinate them into a readible stOry. Judges are slow turning: in their prize lists to the secre ary.t names are mis-. sing; etcetc etc. It makes it ,very difficult for the,Secretary as well: As an example, the winner Of the best clown was listed' as "the clown with the' beauty queen"-, What_would you do with that one? The winner of the second prize was "Man on How would you handle that? Each exhibitor is given a number when they enter the Fair' and the newspaper 'editoi knows that "No. won:the best pickles CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 • now and is attending Ripley Dist- rict -High -School where -she -is in --- grade 12. Valerie is 18 years of age. • • • •Third place winner was Janice Wylds who was representing.Goder- ic m t e contest. Janice, w o is 19, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wylds of Ripley. She is employed .as a secretary at the .Gode-rich_Elevator-Co.4anice-was- 1967 Centennial Queen in Ripley. The first place winner received $50 ,?second $25 and third $15 Each girl was presented with gifts. -Garneron MacDoriald-acted master Of ceremonies for the beauty contest which followed an_evening variety show in the arena. Judy Hodge and Bob Camp bell, Fair president', presented the' gifts.. Other girls competing were Miss Howick Lions,' Cheryl 'Lynn; Miss Hanover, .Susan Craft; Miss Nor- well District High School, Louise Finlayson, Miss Grand Bend , Paw G enn; Miss Seafort ' District High •School , Gail Doig; Miss Wingharn. Barbara Dauphin; MiseTeeswater Chamber of Commerce, Susan MCKague; Miss Bruce County, Ursula Oltman; Miss Listowel, -Bonnie Schinbein; •• • Miss Bruce County Dairy Prin- cess of 1969 and 1970, Jean Reid. of Paisley, accompanied the'girls an' spo e to those in attendance. Mr, and Mrs. Brendon Geogheg- an of Hamilton and Miss Domin ion of Canada spent the day with the girls and acted as judges. The entire group had dinner at the' Mayfair Restaurant at 6 p.m. 4' Charles Webster of Lucknow was chairman,of the MisS Midwestern Ontarib Beauty Contest, • • • • • liolyrood Youth Wins Two Awards . • Two area, young .Men have re-, Ceived- awards_in rerognitiori_of_ .their achievement at the F. E.'". Madill Secondary School in Wing- harn, ,The Alexander MacKenzie Endowment Fund was set up origin. ally for the Lucknow District High School. The will of the late Alex- ander MacKenzie stated that.a, sizeable amount of moneybe used to further the education of male students only. •Mr. ,MaCKenzie .a bachelor himself; stipulated that tthis money was to be used -for 'male students; .apparently believ- ing that a woman's•place was•not, lin centres of learning. , r Since the Lucknow 'School area •became part of the F. E. Madill' econ -ar c aoTt un as Icontinued to be used for students in the former Lucknow District High School area . • . , . • , • i'...4,..r:4107/140Mit;qiitii`A;t. ',lit *A re 4* ji • •:•• •:* •:* • 4*#:444 Assaulted, Robbed In Lucknow Provincial police at Kincardine' late investigating an assault and robbery in Lucknow on Thursday , night of last week. Jack Henderson of Lucknow was 'assaulted and robbed of a small amount of money about 9,30 p.'m near his horne.on Havelock Street •. Police were notified and were quickly on the scene. 'Two local ;youths were questioned that night Iabout the incident ,and 'it is expected that charges will be laid •Mr. Henderson was not injured. . • :"..114.•4":"••••••":":":". STUDENTS GOING David Rhody , with 81%, was -the-tOp-male-student-in-the-grade , • 13 graduating class at Wingham last June. David is the son of Mr.. and Mrs.'1Gerald Rhoduf Holy- ' rood. He received $725 from the MacKenzieFuiWand another $400 scholarship from Waterloo" Lutheran University. Davidis attending Waterloostudying. languages and majoring in French arid Spanish. '• , • --S-econd-a-rtron-g-thelarckn-ow :area male students in grade 13 was Jim Henderson , son of Mr.' • and Mrs. Jini-Henderson of Luck- nowHe received $362 from the MacKenzie Fund. 'Jim is studying towards an honour degree in '. • Earth S_ciencesiat the. ttnivcrsi of Waterloo, Two Brookins Successive Weeks HERE. AND,TH ERE. Further to our column in last 4week's paper about students • . resuming studies at various points , the following wilfbe of interest.. • , Donnie McKinnon, son of Mr. .arid Mrs: Donald MacKinnon of Lueknow,has entered his second ' _ . year in honours mathematics and economics at the University of• .Western Ontario, London. • • David Rhody, , son.of Mr. 'and Mrs. Gerald Rhody.of Holyrood , - is attending Waterloo Lutheran „. University where he will special- ize in languaget. . „ I Janet Carruthers, daughter of • . ' iMr.. and Mrs. Virden Mowbray of • • Lucknow, has entered her third ..:., . . year in physio -occupational ther- apy-at-the-Univ-ersity-•of-Toronto. . . . . Jim Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henderson of LiicknOw his enrolled in the'honour degree.. • Two,breakins, in Lucknow on 'successive_w.eekends_have:kepi 'Ontario Provincial Police from ' Kincardine busy. Lucknow Legion was entered early last Sunday Morning when a _smel-lmountof=ehange--Was--stol en. Entry was gained by a win- dow With a door forced inside the building. • • • Fingerprint expert s from the. O.P.P. checked the scene follow- ing the, breakin. • The previOus week, on Septem- ber 12,• G..and E. Sales and Ser- vice in LuCknow, was entered. Entry was gained by forcing a • • lock in the slide door. A radio • all -mount -of chcnige was stolen. ' . • District Service • The annual church service for Huron District6 of the Royal:Arch Masons. was held at Lucknow Pres- byterian Church on:Sunda ember 13: William Evans of the Lucknow . Chapter . is Giand Superintendent • of blstrict 6. Mr,. Evansresides .at 'Whitechurch. * About 60 were present from Kincardine. Goderich Sea forth ; Listowel, Wingharn and Lucknow• including the 'Grand 1st Principal, Fred Welham Of TorontO. sity. of Waterloo. lane‘MOncrief., daughter of Mr. • and Mrs. George MoncrierorAsb- freld, is aTtending-St-ratford Teach- ers!. College... . , . • CONTINUED ON.PAGE•19 • Raise Close To 300 In Weekend Rummage Sale Olivet United Church Messeng- ers ra4sed almost $300 in their rummage sale' in Lucknow last Friday;Sartirday and -Monday. The money, will go to support their adopted foster child in • 1<orea. The Olivet Group has Supported this girl for,the'past !four yeats, She is now, 14 years of age. .Besides the usual finan- cial:support , money is sent at. . Christmas'and on her birthday..• .. Letters,have been received from, hei•-bfiltercie-ai group expressing 'her appreciation.1 • Sornejzf the items which were. Inot sold on the 'weekend were • , given to the Southampton Indian Reserve through their administrat ors there. • •'• . Leaders of the Olivet Messeng- ers are Mrs. Walter Black.and Mrs.sJack McGuire. • •••-•-•!, tt. •