HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-16, Page 24VISIT LUCI..i..OW :FA.LL FAIR SEPTEMBER 19 WHILE IN LUCKNOW MAY WEINVITE: YOU TO VISIT OUR. ard .Good Department "INTHE BASEMENT OF OUR STORE SEE THE NEW FALL MATERIALS As .%#jfl As SPECIALS OFFERED FOR ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO BtI1TERICH$ HOME.. CATALOG" LSO._$-JrtE tIcK TARE SUPPLYING FREE COPIES OF 1. BUTTERICK, TIE-DYED FASHIONS 2.`. SEWING WITH SPECIAL FABRICS 'FURS: AND. FAKE --FURS- . 3. SEWING. WITH. SPECIAL. FABRICS THE LEATHER . LOOK . 4: SEWING WITH;SPECIAL FABRICS:— VELVET 5. THE. .INSIDE STORY OF FASHION (LININGS, .UNDER - LININGS AND INTERFACINGS.:) ' 6.. FIT IS FUNDAMENTAL TO. FASI4ION - SELECT YOUR • CORRECT PATTERN' SIZE. • • 7. •HOW.TO SEW ON SPECIAL FABRICS COME IN AND PICK' :UP YOUR FREE COPY ' e Store open alh day Friday and Friday : night to' 10 p.m. Ope-AFda E-•xeep: LADIES!' AND; MEN'S WEAR, PAGE TWENTY-FOUR: THE' LUCKNOW' SENTINEL,• LUCKNOW, ONTARIO _� —I► Free;Pick-up and Delivery. Tuesday and Friday .. •.. • 5Oth aIvNI\'ERSART/ 'CON'TI ttE11 FROM PAGE' 1: an Institute member, for many.. ._ . \ ears and aii ardent horticulturist her f lOvs e rs and grounds' always' a: beau_ tY spot. . se:ved overseas during tilt firs, u o;id Cdr,. He has been SEE .. . By The Sentinel TEiAT Torn Salkeld of Lucknow fractured a bone in his left hand laSt .week and lets' a cast on to •prove it He suffered a. fall and • the fracture came as he was attempting to save hii, iself, in the tumble. It proved to be a very inopportune time for broken bones as Mr: Salkeld's 50th wedding anniversary was observ. ed on Tuesday of this •week;., THAT. a letter from; the Purple • Grog=e •'Wornen's lnstitut.e came before Bruce County Board of •Education at the last . regular : • meeting requesting 'that typing.. be taught asa subject at the Ripley District High School.. C. Beamer, area superintendent w'arrnstruc-ted--to study` the e-` -- quest and report at a ' subsequent Meeting. ' THAT,Mr`s, Charley Hallam and Mrd, E don 'BargerSt, , , horh cif Lucknow , were winners of .the ,lac po o` .H on ca s at the Lucknow . Legion bingo on: Thursday evening . •• • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, .1 YOUR :"LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND 1. E THESE: FOOD. VALUES CANADA DRY, 30 OZ. PLUS DEPOSIT Ginger Ale, Orange, l Rooti Beer. 5.' for ' $1 BURN'S 1% ..LBS. PORK Picnic Shoulder SUPREME 5 OZ. SAVE TO 12c Instant ` Coffee Pa. Only 83c Pay Only $1.39 i. BONUS 10 TO PKG. Green Garbage Ba STOCK UPI•. S SPECIAL PKG. ' 39c KLEENEX 200's Facial. Tissue, THAT, Mr. *and Mrs:•'Don Reid 'and Larry of 'Ripley. motored, to' Toronto Airport on Thursday to meet Don's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid Of Lucknow who ha.d.s•ent an.en 'oyabl'e,six, weeks. at the Wes:r'Coast•and the Prairie Provinces. • THAT. another. reminder• is in ' c order for 'correspondents who write 4-H. meeting, reports and reports of church meetings. The Sentinel will accept, these ports for publication, but' only if they come to us• i.rnmediately afier, they happen. Please co- Operate .aridthere will be no problems. These meetings ate. •• edited and set in type on Thurso day and• Friday,, but we contin- ually find 'Our letter drop: and, tail full-o-these--meet-in-gs-on Saturday , •Sunday and Monday. • • REAL BARGAIN= SPs.$1 LEE'S 19 OZ. CRUSHED, TID-BITS, .SLICED 1 .BEST, BUY! p Pinea pple 4 Tins $1 limmommummiammimmimmillissimmossmo PLEASE. NOTE, our store will he CLOSED at 6 p.m. Friday nights commencing . October 2; and until further. notice. ' mmammommomassimmemiwomiimammems- VALUES : EFFECTIVE PHONE LUCKNOW SEPTEMBER -17710719 528-3420 •PE.LLET GUNS CONTINUED. FROM PAGE.i tute on,'the :cast of including this :insurance on, the town plan; pres- ent' equipment res-ent''equipment is' not insured . Permission was granted; the Inti- tute_to.pu-t-d=c-apes--on-the lower assembly room windows..' Bob.Campbe•ll and Bob Gilchrist., G representing the'•Lucknow Agricul-. ti-ral-e-�-w-ith _Cout-tad H r--o-Pa s Tor YdY: concerning 'the. 1970. agricultural • `grant Council advised, the two _gentlemen that the grant had been. increased from $200 to,•$400 at the August meeting. Appreciation for. this was expressed to the cow - members and oup-membersand also for the good` ,job of 'draining, filling arid` level-` ling the area ,to' the west of the 'Lucknow arena, Brine Assistance Ontario Hydro will distribute • $100,00° a year for ten .years to, enation for costs from the construction of the Bruce nuclear station at Douglas Point. i\lcNALL - to Mr. and Mrs. .Cecil #.2., Clifford , in tiwingharn and :District Hospital on September 12th 19 0 ,' a da.u`hter:. r a valued meiiiber o.1 the Lucknow Masonic Lodge ,• has been secret ar' for'over thirty years and was `istri&t Deputy in 1949-6u. As a fanner and grower, he was wider known for hi's apples and .honey. Mi. and' Mrs..Salkeldhave a family. of four , three 'daughters 4'.rs+ 7titt�Hargaret)= 'Schmidt of Calgary ..Mrs. James . { Mari j' BOyle of Lucknow . Dr. Helen Salkeld of North •Gower Ontario, acid Laurence oh the family farm inVest Wawartosh, they have three. granddaughters. A11 menibers of the family were. present for the family dinner. The 'money will be paid to,. counci o school boards. and to municipalities affected by the worker influx: This'year's distribution gives Bruce county $22,000; $39,365 to the Bruce board of education and $3 ;335, to' the Bruce -Grey • separateschool board, STANLEY Thursday, Septem'. be; St. Joseph's Hospital, ,London to'Mir., and -Ctrs• Clarke Stanley of •Londdn, a sort4Randell •William, , DejONG - to Mr. and Mrs. Gert Deiong , R.' R..# 5., 'Lucknow ', in ki t3a a=i n di si'Hvspital on September 5th, 197u; ,1OFFAT Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Moffat , Oakville are•.happy to announce the arttval ref their da'u,zhter , Julie Ann on Sunday September 13Th, 10`'O in -the Oak- ville -Trafalgar Hospital. • Municipalities receiving direct aid ale Poxt_:.EI in S-144:23•08.,-.. ..._... Kincardine, $12.741; Southamp :ton', $1;566; Walkerton, $1,148; Tiverton, $2,519.; -Paisley and' Ripley, $205•each'and Teeswater, $104 Pa encs to townships a:re;'Kin- e Bard' ne $1,149;'Huron, Se..2b; Saugeen., $209 and Artan and 3reenock, •h 4 each., the building•prograrn, only the lower audiior`ium will be "avail• able i:for. public •use A fee of �lt� is to be charged outside groups for the use of the. lowerassebly•hall m� �evkr xiy� is Fist Ungraded ,. Joseph I icyof T-oToi•rro ; :a- t graduate of the University of ,onto with.a B.A.and B.Ed and •the Ontario' College bf-Educativr,~ has taken up teaching duties at th Ripiey. District High ,School, • --Pmt7—aecy., who replaces •. ,Robert Damsma. of Lucknow , wi1I teach Latin, English and Ancient History. Mr. lDamsma•, is teaching this year at the F. E. 'Further discussion between c N�adi11 Secondary School in Win = council and the agricultural soc- :ham. • iety reps concerned the building Thithe Fall•marks .thestem ntroduatthe.r:ton p ungraded. sy of a car ark area ao rhe west of of the arena which would serve Ripley District Hugh School,..1on1 the arena and Caledonian Park'. with Walkerton, R. D.•H. S. is'the •Both council and agricultural soc- first school` in Bruce County tip iety expressed their disapproval introduce the system. of the•unauthorized parking of • Principal William Turvill said. busses on, the Park .grounds:, no problems are expected but -fear -mr-nor—bu-gs---=--rxray-a;PpPa rri, -,A. to Mont- number f other Bruce county A .letter w'as to be sent . gbrriery Motors Tractor Division schools of are chaning to apartially, requesting that. ttiachinery in:the •ungraded system and it is expect' areas,'Whee;ier , Ward Street 8' ed that all secondary schools In, area not be .parked on the road the county Will change to'this allowance, system. next year. • With the Lucknow' Public School Another staff change at, k. i`. H. using the upper auditorium of . S. 'is a new :cafeteria assistant•, the town. hall for classes during Mrs., John Carter;