HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-16, Page 11• a • • .vi.+■. ...+4!"‘ ,: r ark- 0 .41,11,1q W. !moi 17111 THE LUCKNOW' :SENTINEL,,. L:;UCKNOW,• ONTARIO ELEVEN • . , �r kb -1-)ts1141-15 ►.. WI.�f ped Shantz WasUCW Speaker I1NuiNnitulNnituINlllUhlEInNIIUIIIEUiRnItIIINiil .. TH IIIU$IiIIIIIII III ni■I GillGlrll' T F L . . „ tLnQw ung3.,,HelensChurch_ • The September meeting of Unit 3 of•the' Lucknow United Church Women was. held at the horrhe of• ' Misses.: Ada.al`id Hazel Webster Onhe September 8th with 15 members • _. ..ro Held A Services .. Sunda�% 1 OLIVET NEWSk WilfredShantzof Ripley wasu rattheS guest •speake September- meeting of the Olivet ,Uni'ted ':Church Women ,on Tuesday.,. when told of his and Mrs', Shantz experience in, ,,lexioo last wr ter, l' • . • r c a , , ' . • . present and visitors.,. , . ,. ST. HELENS NEWS • • . . , T h ;ro."Ve loci the cod. of 'the' ey,,d a,long coast f . e :beaten track and el ict 1 Y t.m i�R • Q, i, rm. r _._:_.._-.._.��_..�wL7Ord\in*-.Li1.LLlN.e•: •JS!: .le nevi' Lh-e•. .meeting 'with a reading followed. bya h The'roll D ... Anniversary services were held what.,se ms to have been very dis- . •, honest officers of the law, it may! � . ;-; r:�i r:: 'Y!>.r:> ,..., 11 >:. �,. mn and prayer, call Was:answered b..• a verse with y the word love. Mrs. Jas.• Wraith�, gaveWere a ' • .s'.lend d report oh supply •and wel- i fare and Mrs...WalterDe`cter on • Stewardship.. Mrs. Vernon • ' Hunter reminded. the b'f in St. Helens Church on Sunday•' with Rev, Dr. Andrew Mowatt. of . ,Clinton as guest minister. In the. morning, the Chandler sisters , Cathyand Helen favoured with two duets, lnmthe evening,' the Harboura.ires of`Goderich favoured `with have been rriisua�derstandin g • Ilowever.if wasn't all bad as theyL able to help others•:in,ihe same trouble. .. J Blackn NancyMcGuire Y sang'a duet and1�1rs, John McChar•• les" sang a solo accompanied by .> r' : , / •<�.:•,�,-,,.;,•!' %'> �. _ i,"'t ` rk, t - : „ ` °:- '. - 14 �a . ' ' 1 ititit i �„ v , tyl l 1: Ftl i. i °' ,, ;, �4,, # •s. � ., :,., „_ l • �� 6 ., } . '��,�'.�.'� w :• ,: - � ;„ �ti : . , ry „' �.... ,• �; `�.••:.:.. ,�•;,., •>.� � .•...>-•:•''.'-';;;N:'',.:.:-...,-•�• .1 •N �, . • .. •' ••• - N ,, „i. mecrrbers the executive m.eeting.Se;-ptember 22nd and the General, .meeting:'. • September 29th... .`'Irs." Ewart :Tay- several musical... numbers A large floral arrange,Y' ,ment was placed in the church in memory of the late Mr.• and • • organ. MargaretMacKay at the an. g Mrs, Ray Hamilton read the Scrip- tur.e and. comments, ^• 1 -• • loud the f ranc i`ai statemett ,:. It was nhoved'by Mrs. Walter Der ' Mrs,. R. J.'Woods bytheir fam i y Mrs.. Jack McGuire introduced e speakerand Mrs.' Melvin, • h at Coiling courtesy k : ' �' . ter. and. seconded by. Mrs, Hirarll. Col i s. gavethe reinarks .Guests we e t f r se,n from Kin- _ R t,k al._4z.4tf, t i t t1l Stat at 2 p, in. instead of. 2, 3U. • Bible Sociely • ' ' _ pt . At the 'close of the meeting — ---N ' Miss Ada, Webster .was in charge ;• . •lunch was served by the. commit- :. : f_thhe— ro— r--tti-a-nd_a enPd-w-i-Ilya g . P hymn and,prayer. As it was Lab= _ Officers----Restumed. •;• • , _ ._._ �...__._- tee .•. _ . _...P _._.T_, _:.. _ -__w -.._ - .._,_:_ _. _.. ____ • Fertdhzing` .Pas Ways on Ha Harand Pasture � � • our Day week the .theme,."y ,. ..and Labour"'was :chosen ,The... .seri •:ture lesson.Was read. by :Mrs;:. P _ Wilbur 13rown, :Mrs, 'Toni. Hack Clad ' KINLOUGH'NEWS t • The sleeting. of the•Bi..le..So.c-` iety for this district ; which includ• es :Holyrood'., Kinlough. and :Kinloss �. L• angside W.M'.5, - .6 : . • " �"•. .1.,.STRONGER, MORE 4, LOWER COST FEED ' G OUB NUTRIENTS . • VI OR STANDS Fertilization helps :establish big` Productive hay and .'pasture..crops ' • eii, sir:. licee •readings. • 'All•hyni�ns',:ind readings was;held in the Pentecostal Church LANGSIDE 'N.EWS! vigorQU�S• 'pla•nts, improves -first: are; the lowest. cost source of feed` , T • were in peeping•witfi the.'t'hene• Work .anti. aboor- • �, Nits...Ross Shie is gave .a inost : F on S'e ember J:thh with an:attend-. . l? .an:ce of.21, The. president• Walter. • Breckles was in charge and opened , The Lan side• Women`s Mission -year arySociety niet-on firitla even- y Y ing' at the home. of Mrs. Lloyd. .. te•Ids and.•''w'interizes ' :nutrients: Hi� h' fields will `furth.er•' Y . g .y . '`,' leg.umes.: reduce costs, and lessen the need , ' • for r -. _ 111 :.L-`Leetul • �:th_a nrn . after Y •-?�tto-f-f-a-t—•Isu�e-know-w-ieh-�-ri•-a-tten�l--;---2: ..� p i ". • _in•ter•est i-n.g�ind.sple�ntl�:�t�•t-f k' -e -n --r-•• �'`'' ,alter ' • titled.''Nowhere to Somewhere,":, � which he welcomed everyone , •: wlt,ich was very,ri;1•uch• eihjo•'.ed; . and .expr'essed .best. wishes to+ Mrs.. . The meeting closed with a `William• Cox, who will.,be soon ..hymn and.' 'raver and courtesy celebrating her S7th, birthday 'And *prayer. remarlrs,, a,fter'which a' lovelyHappy Birthday' was sung. Pastor lunch was served.' •. • . - L. Hoy led in, pray.er.. ance of ten The'p.resident, Mrs.. • Wes Youn T opeti'ed.the meeting- ,with the call•to worship.. The w, ;pit, S. purpose was ;re eated. in P P P:. •. ul`tisora, In the. devotions the Sc.riptu.re; H1�GHER.TIELDS-0•F';DRY • � � ' • MATTER &T'DN , • MILK & BEEF 5 INCREASED • •Fertil.izing every year boosts per . . PER ACRE. . • acre yields• and the production of .. ,. `Milk.and beef production on'well-.,•.. Total DI estible Nutrients: g . managed, well -fertilized pastures • _ • read by \'lrs:•'Eu�gene Conley.- :.. show that • per . acre output can' 3._.BETTER PRO`DUCTIO.N, • Afterr,;the scripture was read , .: Rev. A. F. ; O.ow.a'n spoke: on :the V nitec.hurcn C.O.C. need for p'rayer'and•our support for %� . the work of the Soceiiy whirl has xThe �JP'IITI:CFtlll2Cti NEWS goneoti for the past:llSU years, elle thanked•rlie people for their Whitecliurch C;.0 C::.,h�,'1d'the:ir ' s • he;lpir1 itlak�in� the I-i.o1v Scripture, I11£et1n T oil Sunday choir ,. y t _ h available t.o. diose who.•donos• � . service in the. Sunday •,School hi►bw.tlle ;god news. The scrip- roeinr.. art Elliott ta�4e tlte'ca11 ... D y ttires are iranslated•in fourteen• . to woishl :I'he (:.C�,C1 hvrnli , p liiindred and thirteen languages. } was sung. This year a scriptural format •parGe.l -Was Mrs,. 'E1'don Welsh gave ,the meth- dation On 'Miriam,. Prayer war given b Airs. Don Huffman.:.': ..y. roll call was answered with. •the narane of•one••o,f the, disciples'... 1 T'he next tueetinr will be one , weep earlier on..October 1st:at the hom'e,.of-Mrs -Wes Young. ' articles for the',hale were' ' brought to this-riteeting. , A:. of used stamps,has kteen often be doubled ortripled. YEAR AFTER .YEAR' Annual fertilization, improves per- 6. EXTRA CASH INCOME` • sistence, reduces . neer .fre- PER ACNE . Y „ ,quen4.costly•reseeding.. Forage' fertilization' can return as , 4:. .,•D.,,.r, ' TANT.FOOD COUNCIL.—mu as— --foi eitery'$1 17 -Oil ONTA RIO, INC•:• .fertilizers. , Bu/k Fertilizer Spreading is•another.COOP• Service, ' `w. .• to the 'O'ntario farmer. P ... • Love"•sent " Lov was published for :• Cod is p'. Jean •Sint soil retail the scripture .dis.tribuiion with ex o"be'i T " P P x �� in-:lr David I''lliott' led rn •gayer. Lori• • P. (Usa ltd :Japan . Ptlydon secreta:r :read then inutestilts, Y .• ry 'Send the light". sung .follow -• ,EttLic fferd T tas.ae• h ' ' to. the Leprosy Mission: 'A. special collection was taken. for ,.-.. the Presbyterial expense fund. '"",I y •�.. Gordon Wall. read. poertls : , , y✓ on' the • Twelve Apostles. Mr r , 4< • ^ `;� .: :r ► ...�....---•�---^- } -r w -.r,: >_•. M rl� _. . !•.• , ,�• ',;. :::: • ` < , in,• : ;.' ; : e,. • ' ` ; <. : ...: �. b _ ceavesi . 1erot�sissian'•• g-.' } ed by a-fikrr�. Eddie de•I3oe•r withBo'hhie Ross'Stewart sgo owin ' Faith•„t0forwardandg,1 giving the..offerin r raver, •y' the answer• to ra r MacGillivray gaV,e•a readin "Take time for ten The r.:. _ � ,: { ,<` . .,. ,`�.• cX • J ' ! •things” Mrs.._ Hugh Simpson leader •The •speaker was *thanked and *W.. ..gave a bible Quiz. Sh2 ntz•', closed .the -nieeting'W ith,' ine.eting•.closed w;; •:••:''''':::44., with a, hyinn•and prayer. ,, .. ✓ . _ :' "' ' --- = - -�-__ _ , _. . _ - --Senior. C�iaiLie-Tnrffiiia . --�� TV's r„ .totps.on,.g ve-t e prayer, Ttia,nks was-ex.pressed-tom, story and`,\1rs: Archie Purdon ' • Mrs, Glen odbins and,officers : 7ave,•the Junior Stor •.,. All san of the Society, It was noted that Lurich•wa.s served and:a social : time• enjoyed:, � U.c snow - Is r `+ 'i` / • _- _the--closing-pia-per- - _ Kinlowglr 17is rict has-6-e'enacci�re sincc 13.92. The offerin 'ariount• -•- ,--- •: TED ed to $21.00.:: it was. uiyaninhous .that a11.kti•rs .' e �i h hone ��2 21'2 Wh c urc , • •.0 • •;ELECTRICAL- . , O � �urer' ,cont-e—(unless for•healtti reasons.} when two' . changes were made.. President •, �•1r, Walter BreckI, es•;.Secretarv,', Miss May13o lle treasurer, Mrs, y. crank"\lulden,i Canvassersare - Il liII II1•IIlIu l IIIBIIIUIIIIIilUIIIEI.IlUII.11lIIIIIIIUIIl •W' � . means a• low standard,b'f•livinT WHITECHURCli, NEWS • 'with little chance •for. advancement; 75 `�� of the world population a're' fl'I.I .: I ■I �iII�I I■1111 it I 11 l l■ t�� report. � Mrs:,_ Garnet Farrier read'a letter 'from, Mrs...M thael •Ross of•Bow- t'l+ tl I` i C NTR•ACTOR as follows; Kinloss -'MCS �: Ellison' Hodgii', ivlrs, wills Carnpbel ; , , .'• ere. 1, , q cons.'sto e a stow t e oor g p Women held their September ple, ' eo tererber 2 p , manvi le„ Mrs, Moore. ave the g courtesy remarks and closed •the • t �_.__.. ._.... 'ELECTRIC'HEATING . •h1rs: -. _�_1NIRING-AND REPAIRS._.,_. <:;:::::::w:;: Base Line ;' Mrs. 'L ,ratan Sutton , ' - Y ttona Thacker;. Krnlou 7lr • ._,...._a e.- w..-.... _ it.h... w_, - f?....--_..... Village, \1rs.. Ruth, Wrlsolt� Con 12 •laist, Arthur ilaldenb: , herr } y Meeting 1Nednesda� Se g home • . ' _ p•. ' Welfare does hel sortie but' it at the home of Mrs, Carl Weber:. P __ . ... d .. __ ..:oa-snot.fill a.11.the_e.m:pty.stom.acl2s_. 1�4rs. {raftnet barrier o erred -the P Y +.'in Sanibia children Toto school rneetitr with tate rcadittt; A g .• , .: ._ . ,. • a • on one meal a day, causes sleeting with prayer'. .• The Birt .a' �wa hday, to s thenenjoy • .._.._ __77._._....._ _• z __w _ ed.�?all •.: r s l t i ► , :.: ..... :::::..:.l•� ::<:.:,:.•:.::.:.»>;: •>:<,:,,::•..; 1 t ::.. .... oil 'n Con, 12 West., TOtn' Hodgins; s;• MacDonald; ; •Gott'. in West Mts.The Gerald ltilody; Cyon; IO East , .Mrs.. / l.�4.. (,LS.e.,.w.A...:...a..R.w.:le.»5�1-:,�:1 �� a.��.�. s.,,'�_y'•�y-�'�-'^•� 4 t:t,- Soliia'r Life" .. .Fourc• y of overt are .i norance •and illit'- poverty scripture was read and the, Y g „ . t hs do good 't'o a 1 : eracy• hunger , disease and over ttl'C11l�tl lhn 1,C tl ePi •w•as duce by* Mrs, Carl ° ,population, i`irs. carnet, barrier, :.. �• �,,..,,. � • � •, • t`i �t� t It -�.: .� .. �«�«�,�..,.:�:. ;�..:,,;,:,.:.„:,. .,•,_,.�,,., .•�, � .. »J.�,-l�l. ..,... _.. -__. ... . , _ . .,'amu �+•{ �^•��•••-i--]„asec.:zl�'e 1'��acs�$�`�'�•l•°�ti°„°. -. .::: ... a� -r.,__I .' ..., - b+' .. ii;:iiiiiii,..Mi!i!lii0iiiiili; E L E C T R 1/CAL MODERNIZATION . ..: Iholyr•ood and Con, z_ Mrs. 'Jim '. ,Smith, ,`lis, Cliff Johnston,, A lette r of thanks rS to lie sent. , to.Mrs..NL. McPlttr,on expressing W Ill'�.»'w':�..i\II•S, 7\C1•S$ ,c. it n ager.... prayer, • q Mrs. (;'i rtlet 'arrier.;and Mrs•.' Mrs, Milian ,Moore president, . Ira Scltoltz,toolz parts in the Pr'esid: d for the business. The roll, ,, wA L4'. } `' II' ,l m,, :- . FINANCIN.G. AVAILABLE •. thanks for the man years of mitt , . ,•. a .. ct • fol sCi�ic.e as collEctar.• The y reading o f ;a' story on Poverty. , • , - , �' can w'as 'answered h\ •twe4ve'ladies T1iis story told of overs • i'n'our - bringing •, baby y poverty a new article fol ck • 't ti, b • LUCKNOV ' 'hone 528-5 �� 1071 rneetinf; will be held: in..th`e Kinloss' t nited Church • Rev , Cowanc •lewd,• the ' tlleeting with.. the bened'fct;iccil, '. Yl sWwr own 'country as well as ail over the layette.....1rs. Carl. Weber secret world. Poverty-covers.1/ '3 pot'•• dry retail h Thank You note -from t t r .Canada's population and these earn Mrs.. Toni' M agoffin of Ltiol ,Jew . ;less than $2uu0' per year. Poverty Mrs. Albert Cotiltes gave the tress- • �%:' ''.' `'• •• . ” I If `t •• e 1.4 i1:leak ,,fid.