HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-09, Page 1••.� ..^c..r,.+.M•.� "s;.a• 1.�T. ,,., ,,.�. cm 1l,.r1,�,7 i. i.:�•ry • ;; r • a0 . 95.00 A Year in Advance. --•$2,90, xtra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, °ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 1970 ' Single Copy 15c 1i Pages. ME'F-SIRS FIRST -TUESDAY T' TT , • 4F EAC MONTH . •no:..�, R . • �:' ' • tzw T�uck�noi� Recreation �. A o,in P • r tt n ea o . - • $ . • .. :, t 11 w _ , • n�NE1KS .ec -o tee _ , . to; share the most of . minor 'hockey , Trunsferred♦ �To ' TorontoR.CM.P.Luc �6 am son�of r and Mrss Wilfred Hackett of • ♦♦N♦N♦♦ •♦♦N♦ ♦ . ABOUT •FAMLLY • qND ♦ ♦ T Y:OrJ,R : 'FRIEN._ ♦ . ♦ . DS . • • .A Committee •has•been,a appointed PP and the inaugural meetingwas ' gg held on Au• ust 19th. ,. • $ Bill Hunter has been 'lamed. chairman of the group and' the me'mber,sare`Bill Nelson, Mrs, : Ross Shiells , Mrs. Joe. Mac Mil- .-. .: s; •la'n , Mrs Morgan 1-lenderson , • Don `Ross,, Harold. Ritchie , Cam Macnonald, Ed Blackwell El- don ;Wraith and ceor .�e 'Newbold, g Wayne Jamieson has been i';; ' -a • -:ointed secretar. .-treasurer. •• appointed Hunter Was a � •inted• PPP - 'Park.'. . ' �• r It was decided to hold the reg- utas meeting on the lst Tuesday of each month at 7,30. at the• ' town•hall;•' Rates,for use of the ball park by Pteams not representing Lucknow • P g were set at $4 without lights and $7 'with lights,, . On September 'Wednesda , P Y night of last week the Lucknow, g Co►nmittee rt et with members of the Kinloss - and, Ash field , Recrea-• tion' Committees,, • It was 'agreed g - on•an equal one-third basis'betwe- en the three rnun cipa1ities. This decision -is subject' td. the approval of the muni,c'ipal councils, ,' •in Coaches and Managers.'of hock- eY teams are to 'be asked„to each, 'submit a, budget for'ther team. •his The comm tt es •will later meet e : with: them to discuss the bud ets. g • All :accounts concerning recrea- tion are to be submitted -to the •Lucknow muruc al office the end:. of purchase. ' of each. monthof Ash fie 1.d , ha -s •re.ee rued= •t a hsfer ..• With the 'EZoyal. Canadian Mounted : Police from Placentia , Newfound rters land to 0 Division .Headqua . Toronto. 'ice'• . Jim has been in the R,C. M. P. for close to fifteen' years .. After basic, training in. Ottawa • and Regina he., Spent 5 1/2 years • • g p / •• . in. Nova Scotia and 8 '1/2•, ears• y- in Newfoundland. ;. • ' Mr, and Mrs.. Hackett haute ' moved to •Toronto where Jim re - _; ' ' ported' for work;rTuesday. • , • . . This is the time of year. when man oun, eo .le in the corn- ,:Y Y g P P.. ' rnunit leave for various centres • Y of learning to further their educa- ; tion. This is news and. The Sentinel. k would lie• to be made aware of 6such items or interest, Give ` us a ,e all, 528-2822 or drop a '• t' note in the marl or our letter drop in the office door. •. ♦ \ ♦ " ♦ ♦• ♦ •♦ ♦ ' •♦ •• • s.♦MNMNN••. . ♦�� . .. .I 111RILI��II1t111R411�111�1-IIRIIaEI.II■I-ilRill■lll�lll�lL-. 1!1.1118111�111EiFIt•IiI�I11EhIfE11iEILlEIIIEI11Ri11�i11�ILI�ILlEl1(1.111/Uf■Ill>•Il'i�F111•fl • ' E - Classes Juggled AtLucknow School To Y, ••• • Announce :Poster ,..._..�__- _�._.�.,__ _.-.�..._.K_...-_.w_T •� nnounce•Winners ' ciet Feld Cro Competitions' n• gr cu • • tura __ • �: AccommodateNew I : With'the addition and renova-, ` tion to' the Lucknow: and Distr ct • :...., Public School scheduled. to corn_ ` • as approval i� onstruction roi ups1i��htl' this year. 296 are g Y attend in 'the Lucknow .School g compared•. with. 308 last'year/ ' •' . . • . �' ect as Kin- - �Nt'nner fo.r tyle the Liicknory announced of the' hest Oster P • Fall I ter Pos• advertisitt,i'. Fair t (.',:rant •Gilchrist ,C:ontest have _ '.• �, I ee n , •, • ' • The Lucknow ,Agricultural Soc- • iety wisp to announce the winners of the :Fie`id 'Crop Competitions.' Entries must be exhibited, at the fair to win 't r p tze• mopey. The 83 , ., 'Oliver'McCharies Frank' • • yr ,Alto.n-82, Donald•Simpson 81, .Eldon' Bradley 79 , Lorne Cook, • ' 78 : Peter Cook 78',' Fred McQuil= ' / lin .77. .'final , forthcoming" from.'the Ontario Mun dance•. as compared with 100 at the - i • , . - ' Hun.tin ton+, 4thDale ;�1clnnis iie prize list .should be checked ,for. GRAIN •CORN'=. Evan Ke.ith'85 ,• r?.grequ.irem.ents.• tr is pal. Board ; glasses will be jug- . ' led for the u cortin term at the g upcoming ,.% school. ,tart of 'last year's term.: A,n ef- :fort' was 'made , in view, of 'the.the s''• Lucknow eonsrructiert , to set tl. a 5'th"Perry. Co:blentz4 'Ali other.contestants with • r,eceive ' 1 Ou fir enTering rhe •Plastic bags for g. mixed grain. and .bar,ley. are .. 'a vailable from the Secretary or Alvin Alton 84, Bill Andrew 82, Jake .Verhulst 81,`Jack MacKenj xie �, 'Blake •Aron 78 -Vernon_ ' • Kindergatten classes will be' ' •held at the An 'lican`Parish Hall, g •Grades 1,. 2 and 3 will. be -taught. few 'mo tu:dents to the. Kinloss school, C.ontest.. This was s onsored' b p ' . Y the Ashfield •Federation •of Agrie- vulture may be picked u1 the morning of`/Hunter the fair. ' - , 76';,'Gordon Finla son'.76, ^� Y ' Donald. Alton 75•, Ken Alton 74 ; in, the upstairs ,auditorium of the , '.•. Town 'Hall and rade '. will be inPublic g' • • tia • the portable classroom at the' school:. .It is expected that"other i. ,: T 1'pes Position: �, At Post Office . •. • School' Children are,. , ' iasked.'to remember. the poster. contest for;the best poster adver HAY - Blake Alton 89 ,''Currie. :' C:olwell,. 8.8', Andrew Gaunt,86, - Donald;•Maclnt re 8.3 , ,Dona'ld.:' y S E impson 82 •van Keith80, :Oli-ver ENSILAGE' CORN -,Gordon '; Struth.e:rs. 90 ,•Currie ;Colwell'86 , Lorne Cooke •85.;:Donald' Maclntyre''. • 84. , ,Frank Alton 83, Eldon Brack.: changes will:be made as the con- •. ' _ struction.swings into h%gh' gear , ,.f> .; .but as of -the first. day of school, • ' the above switches'- were 'in 'effect. ' "Stuart Collyer ie its enrolment Y Po Donald Johnstone ,"son.of V1r. • and• Mrs.'•J:• C,; Johnstone. of , .r Lucknow , •will comm.et'' wo..1( at• the Lucknow Post Office on Oct- ober•• 1st.: He w.as'the successful tising,Ontario Apples. :This must be coat Completed and •entered on p September l8th; Directors'are asked -to; rernem- bei the work bee 1Nednesda Y . night.,; Thursdayand Y• Mc-Cliarles 79.Ken A•1t in 74, Peter Cook 71, McQui1- '' �' lin 68 , Don Alton; 67 , Duncan Famish 66 Eldon Bradley' 64 ' • ' � Y ' BARLEY -.Donald Hackett 90,. Evan•. Keith 89 -Bill Andrew. 80 ley 82; Jim McKenzie 8i, .Du}�-• . ' can Farrish'80';'Bill,Button.79,,. Ross •Gammie 78 , Donald Simp-• son ?.7', Oma Brooks: 74, ` •Entry at;•the Fairw'ill,determnine the`firi l: placing:' • ;: 1 aapplicant of t.en who recently' Directors'w'ill`be served'their Ivan Cook 79, ,.-Bill, Irvin: 78;.'' :` . .Frank and.,Mrs: church; ""' Jamieson, JohnJa'm'ieson. was.a . I( " '� '" 16', • mitted.to ent son of Mr. of White- the Wing applied' for the lbcal.post office .. :'Donnie has been -an employee. . .:tyre of ,The: Lucknow Sentinel on a .: fun time Basis since leav'ing'. dinner, at the arena September • 19th.' An Dir•ectors'w a'wish topositron:• Y l donate 'a pie for' asked.: t.o bring it that morning ` Those.,wishing to enter the Ross:'Gammie 77:, 'Fr'ank Alton 76 , Ken Alton 75 , Donald Macln-Dies 74', Lorne Cooke 72 , Jim.' McKenzie 71 '• "•int - Monday • ,' ► •, . • 'Mrs. Herbert •C. Curran of y• r'hP fcir' P knote�rn..r- m .:nd'District lt.ospata'1 on'tvlon- day of .last -week,, following:a trail t❑ •;f fic accident about. three- uarters . q k; of a mile north of the village.' • Apparently tlt.e. youth,was driv-''_ school over three' .ears'a a.... Y g•Saunders', • Prior. to, that he worked'at the Sentinel on apart " time basis. while attending school, ' • Fair. day parade .please contact Charlie Webster as• soon as • pb y ssible. Entr Tickets' are:'avail- ,able from the Secretary. . ' • . MIXED GRAIN -.VernonHunter 89, ,.Evan Keith 88' Duncan Fai•- ' rich 87., Rus s 11 Irwin o 86 , G 'Gordonrdori 'Struthers 85.,eBlake•Alton 84; ' A4ay-l;slse - �' died' at Victoria'Hospit'• • al , London' on Monda , • . ' •. �r, • The funeral 'Wai be held todayi. Wedne d r the Johrist.orie' , . s y •�. aome ;, • • , .an ..apick-upiruck'when he • lost .g • controh.in loos g • e ravel and 'the Ha„ was • •. _ ,' �• Pictures' • 'From 'The Past. Do : You'�'Know Them?' era I-II L , uc now :with : ';burial ,. in Green i11 Ce eter' .',, is Y. ,.. �`' a , d vehicle overturned.... . 'found in the ditch at:the roadside b .61' Weber and...vis::Rode. whn.: • Watch 'Ne:. xt Week's Paper. ForM e • law +. ; • were passing. by , tb The oath was treated for st 1 les , • ShOck; earm , m II , e► ` m - Counc:ilBri ef : •i' s� . to his left, , abrasions and. •Contusions'- :' : • '' • 111- • 3 ' Proviincial'.Police•from Kincar- - w `` • t = , "te The grant to the Lucknow Agri- ` cultural Society from the village of Lucknow was increased at the • r . i L , iga' e.. ,� t -tit ",R� ' my meeting o council from LI, ow. Entertain .- er--B At 1 , w r e r r .. "P ' �" � J T % c', f*V �' ant+ �. • ` y r•,Y W .. n 1� n, a• �, ,�- r. ti it � t ' $200 to $400, The ditch from the ce -a t' xne cult* tat est. of • ve'r the w the arenat run 1 Sle L t. :•. = r :-t* `Bur ,."' L. 1vlr.. .and. family of Holyrood X11 Lloyd served 1 ecue. -_ Ackert and a burger tir _, + .. a <_ `• • Y : : ,<°y. .; 4 +� . ,i e " , ,/, °' Y _ : Q ..t 8 -femme to rho~son ,: , has been closed , filled and. grad- ed ma.king.for a better approach . `to the arena entrance and offer- . -ing improvements for -use: �i -`i ti — -�. � • _�-_..:bar.becue-fox-Scout-leader-s.-o:fL, ' Sau .ee'n.District' on Wednesday ° g Y and. for,Group Committee mernbers on Satur ay evening . n Followin the supper at 7; g PPi .....»............ Llo::.d c t •, et iStr1C.L-.COl71LT1.1.$`'' : _.1► a :. y:-awr ,,;,• tA''t:,, i � ► ' t e w, , f . � � �4`, �' , - ,..:. ._ « .. � . .,. � � i y � .. .. ^•i � i, ._a..-.: the -of - ------7-_r 'the Caledonian P �r'k, a Cha g s we a madein the vii- lage insurance , Cou ncillor s acciilerlt gilt was increased.. .a..,.._.; � , `evening fc rf :it «. r*u.... it.. •s .. .,• .. . .:..,:.:..:.,..... • sioner~,of.Sa'u e'etl District led in g a discussion and outline of duties of those attending::��:t Twenty-one attended the leaders: course and twenty-three the group committee one, Much •valuable.information was •est- • 'changed and this should be,a stimulus for all who attended. -. w: Lc" .gym•` >x ... a r ; hod,;; -:( a P c i .: _ 4a`; ,i, * 4 r 1 w1/ ' ..,: ,1� : ,. , t r• v `, �. ` 4 A ' ►' k { J , � .. ,� . • , �, , r� , :t ,�, ,. { x ,, ,� 4 .. �,;, r t; ,' .:f 1 •,.a , ;+. r,,•►',,. ,i ;, t�.Y:. { A. ,• i J A.. d. ,l1 �, , :� ,• a, . , tS ¢. ? ' , ,�r rr ,+ : °+ d rf i ,,,, ' .. k . ° .t . t 1 ro,ra �. r e F`64;.,', ° '� . ....�, ..'Y {�� •. a i . t N `�� <i' �'. ,��. r• ' :S ' �'i�' �`!' 7h a +;i'+JrT• �t\ � f. �i!'�I.tA �a -.... _.... ..�._;-r -,-. .... o a sisal,i Y was raise to $100 per week and partial disabil iFiremen's - • �t y 50 TheF ci ent policy was increased from aa' Limit to' $5000 to $10 ,.0t, • The' municipal liability was in- creased from 200 .000 00 000, The office a ui p- �. WC)NTINUED CJN PAGE 2' . ,_ ti tt ;;. d.�.a• 'WA'tii''•tirY'`II"N