HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-02, Page 9• • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1970. THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, EUCKNOW, ONTARIO GODERICH THURS., .FRI., SAT. 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED SEPT, 3 :- 4. - 5 .., PICIUN[S OL�1, CAMPBELL• KIM DiARIBV • CAROL LYNtEr • MT NINME: 1NNA T[NIIMS •SMI le NUIHI,. T.lN. MI "JOE NAM AT H . ligeocoor .11. NA mora P(cruAE ®'�► Thursday —; One Showing '8:00 p.m. Friday . and Saturday Shows 7:30 and 9:05 SEPTEMBER 5 SATURDAY' "MATINEE 2:00 P.M. - SUN., MON -- TUES. • /A, o// ,ice his\ / 1 < /r, , 20m cmiwyra'mints AN AARON ROSENBERGroom ON SEPT. 6-..7-8 WALT DISNEY prododious. GRIMES 'TECHNICOLOR! • Messed by BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO , INC. e1970WattOisne Productions plus: "SEAL ISLAND" ONE SHOW ONLY .• AT 8 ' P.M. Coming Next: They, snake their• own laws at `Ile. Cheyenne•Social smolt realA& MCIIMS MOORS JAI'1ES STEWART HENRY FONDA • tt. 'THE CHEYENNE.SOCIALCUJB SHIRLEY JONES SUE ANE WrGDON rccrncgiir', PuirSeln IGP ClanDanald Man On Chur..ch Board Since 1876 The annual•CiaiiDonald•leun ion was held ..Sunday„ August 2,' WIN9frIANC moss .Resident �Ik HeK Life MRS. ELD1N ECKENSWILLER •A Kinloss. Township resident , Mrs. •Elden •Eckenswiller,,died; in Kincardine •General Hospital ,on Tuesday, August 18th'at ,the age of 7,8, , : • She was theforrner Alice Mild:- red .Thompson, daughter of the'. late Moses and. Naomi .Thompson and was born on June ,21st. 18.9,2 in 'Kin -kiss, where she spent all her life. She 'married Efden Ecken-' swiller of Kinloss in 1912. Besides her husband Mrs. Ecken-- swiller is survived by two • daughters Mrs. Roy (Kathleen) Graharn of Lucknow , Mrs:... Angus (Ina).MacAtthur of Kincardine Township; two sons, Grant and Weir of Kinloss Township; seventeen grandchildren and four- teen great grandchildren, The bodv: resters' at her late .... residence until •Tiiursday, August 20th, when the funeral. service was held at MacKenzie .Memorial Chape}., •Lucknow •ai two o'clocck. Rev.. McKinney was minister. • • Int.errnent was at South Kin- loss Cemetery. Pallbearers were grandsons,, Eld•en.Eckenswiller, :ary Grah'am.. Donald. MacArthur, Bob MacArth- ur, Norman MacArthur and Bern and Campbell. Flow'erbearers were granddaugh- te-s � 4rs-."Beraar-d-C m-pbe11,: — Ruth Eckenswille"r, Mrs. Bill • Robertson , Mrs.' Mitrray White ,. • Kathleen 'MacArthur,, -'Bonnie' , .Eokenswillef, .'Mrs. Allan McFarlane,; Mrs. Paul •Weber, and;Steven Eckenswiller. • 1970 at C1anDonald, the summer home•of Ross L.:.MacDonald and: family, Members attended: the .church •service at South Kinloss and .were welcomed by the min- : ister , in-•ister, Rev;. ' Glenn:' Noble who noted thai there has been a MacIver or; -MacDonald on, the •church session board from 1876 t�. the present day.. Alex Nicholson was chairrnan of the 'Board of . _Nana-ger-s4r-om-18090 tv-130 _and John *Sandy-Mabnonald was prec entor. for sixty years. During.the service Rev.' Alex MacDonald „ played a euphonium solo with Linda Sparks acc'ompanying on' the piano. Phone 35T-1630 ***.***:***•*** SHOW TIMES Friday and Saturdays. at 7:15 and a•1ti - yell ^tether ---d ne- shoW at 8:00, 'except where noted on the program, • . * * * *'* * * * *'* *• THJRS., FFRI. SAT. SEPT., 3, 4 5 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT .Sixty-three were present for the :afternoon picnic; Those corning •the farthest were Dr. Alex MacIn tyre froth •England•; Mr. and Mrs. Don Lindsay and family from; Texas and Dr; Anna Nicholson .• . Wright from Kelowna , B.C. The youngest present was Scott Laur'- encu. son of:Mr, and Mrs; Stan Laurence ;of .Toronto. ` A bountiful smorgasbq,rd .supper was enjoyed on thelawn. Each °family was to have a number for themerogramme which proved' gutte•intereSttng, Games and.. 'races were conducted by Doreen MacDonald and' many of the young folk enjoyed swimming • in the swimming pool at the river, President and Sec. -Treas. for the' next two years are: Rev, Alex MacDonald and,Mrs, Donald' C. Mactntyre, e .-._ }=.erS,�'F i. Cinemascope Colour Starring Steve :McQueen There is a' time in every boy's' lite when he must become 'a man.: McQueen aa you've nearer seen him before. 1 14.1114 DOUGLAS: POINT ;'MOVING 'railroad Never Busier In Paisley DRIVE'IN THEATRE HWY 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD 4 • FHONE 52.1 9981 No One in Paisley can remem-;. ber ;when the. CNR line which •passes through Paisley td' South- ampton froth Palmerston gars .• busier, The line. has become a major artery •for Supplying the $1 billion Bruce generating station u-hd'er construction: at' Douglas • Point. • Work w ill start this fall •on 12 -mile. spur line' from Port Elgin to the•power site :and much of the :traffic through Paisley consists of .a work Crews -improving the existing road bed . - A 4-2 car/:wotir..train-is replac'- •ing all rails; from Paisley north to' Southa rnpton 'with heavy .gauge stook;, H.eay gataei11 a1se used -on. the: spur ,to Douglas Point from Port Elgin.. - Some of the heaviest loads- to be carried over Canadian railways • will pass through as huge pieces of machinery and•,equipment are..' shipped to the power sitE . The tea it3- itse�oi t • - . wtll'be to carry ai•1 to auxiliary steam faci4ities. at. the Bruce site until the plant becomes fully operative; • The bunker oil which will be imported from Venezuela will,. be shipped from :Montreal refiner- ies. It will come. in some of the • .laz est—tank--c zz,euer—buyilt ,r . These tank cars now• under ,constru ction at O ?kville wi11 each hoid 17 , 000 gallpns The Palmerston -Southampton line is short of siding space. At, • 'Southampton and 'P'aisley the work trains occupy rnost'•of the spare 'track and at Port Elgin THUS, F! SEPT',- $ - IV They took their standat the V.liest's bloodiest• frontier! PANAVISION® TECHNICOLOR® From WARNER BROS.-SEVEN.ARTS ifig 1fTAAmdca - Cuincsin ow •1�itti wayto The 1 Hiet' h: girl - who..." (Adult Ente?tainment) TECHNICOLOR' FROM WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS j , SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Four, Features RISEN- M THEGRAVE" /(Adult .Entertainment) ' o . TECHNICOLON' FRONT WARNER!IROS.-SEVEN ARTS. ,,� TECHNIIOIOR' Hi6M WANG INNS. SEUEII ARTS. THE WILDEST IN THE WEST! HENRY FONDA JOANNE WOODWARD 1, JASON ROBARDS titiA:.:••.yti•{{•:i?J:M�:•�4�G:ti1 t.: FIELDER .COK'S.Productgn of ' ABiG ,HAND Fla TNE_: PROM VtinRMae .IiNO/.=savta+ ARTS (Adult Entertainment) MON., TU ES., W ETD. �A�QA FOR' LONE AND FOR THE FUN CSF ITT P*Aist link PICIVES PRESENTS IGEN ANNAKINS 144144 -Cf SEPT.: 7'- PPRANONII FOES YuL BRAN RSSaT ' MUIN O • Z ' z -: OYAOCO!Putt SIQN / A PAMPA MIME Biter/sot/Tear ',War iftioioNtim from where most rail freight is now trans>sh'ipped by truck to the power site., siding space is frequ- ently at a :premium, `�.,.M ai.*v Vi.l.'ijl11W. �w As construction on the spur line gets under way it may be neces- sary to leave some cars in sidings as far south as Walkerton, -