HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-09-02, Page 6in Hamilton LIZMORE • S,,A WYER • On July -31 --197-0:-at-:Centenary United., Church, Hamilton, vows. were exchanged in a double ring ceremony between Marilla Joan. . Sawyer, daughter of Mrs., Marilla Sawyer, Hamilton, and Jon Ed- ward Lizmore, son of"Mr and Mrs. E. Lizrnore , Kinloss, with Rev. M. MacDonald officiating.. ,Thebride chose a long sleeve - street length ,,empire style dress 'of white organza over to feta'and carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. The brides Mother, and d. matron of honour.,wore a sleeve- less turquoise crepe dress matching picture }gat and a cor sage of pink sweetheart.. roses, Prank Sawyer of Hamilton, uncle . of .the' bride ,' acted as best man. •Mother of the groom wore a coat ensemble of yellow sheer T .n -lon over =flower -e . t&ffeta - white accessories accessories'arid a corsage of pink sweetheart roses and white carnations. Following the ceremony, the wedding party made a tour of. ' Hamilton with bride'and ;groom tiding•in-an-antiqu-e-v,re-y^ Dort° phaeton.,... °'Latera small family reception was held at La.: ontaine'.Bleu , after which the couple left for a honeymoon' in, Atlinr•ic City. On their return they,will reside in Refr For Nurses A.:refresher course for Registered . Nurses wili,commence: tuesday ,• -•------ epternber l5Lat-"Wingha-m'-a-nd 'District' Hospital'.- • Purpose of the programme. is to assist non -practicing Registered Nurses to return to active nursing. The course will include lectures to be given by both the medical and_nu:rsing_staffso inc(lode medications., inetri'c system, oxygen:therapy , intravenous thera - py ; new -advances in thecare of medical -surgical , and obstetrical' patients The class `will be limited.t6 fifteen and will meet Tuesday afternoon and Friday -mornings : until October 23rd. Ashfield ' 11NM.S. '...:..: ,� ,. •-I�.SI�FIFT T� ; N F W S:_ _ , The. Women`s Missionary Socr i.ety met at the home of Mrs. Richard -West ; who Was 1it1. chatge • of .the program. She gave the meditation on "Public Worship". 411114114.40,411714' 111140.111, 41•4•1113.,.4. 14* THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LU CKNOW, ONTARIO O.D.A.F. NEWS AND 'VIEWS: -----Theree is--a-growing interest..._on_ the part of ' dairy farmers, and :particular) those . with freestall housing, in liquid manure storage and handling. Slatted floors are proving to be effective, and re- sult in .a clean environment, while materially reducing labour re- gUirements.° Storage „tanks may Jake several forms.-..rectangul'ar or circular, below" the' ground..or above. The:. cost varies,: consider: _ablya depending on t e size location and whether it is built as part of the housing system initial- ly or as an addition, Capacity re- quirements should be based on at . least 6 months storage at 2 cubic feet per cow per day. As' •the size of 'tower silo . in- creases (both in height and dia- meter) '.the need for even distrib- ution . of the . chopped • forage at time of filling also increases. Pro- per distribution tac- cumulation . p o prevents s nt e ac - h cumulation of fine, ' dense mater.-, _Tal -in .one location, and___ coarse,.._. fluffy material in another. This results in more even• pressure on thesilo. walls, less chance of,spoil- age pockets developing in the sil- age, better operation of thesilo unloader, more •efficient use of the capacity of : the silo., .Silage - Mrs. Grant .Parrish had a synopsis ofthe last chapters of the Study.,Bobk, and Mts. Russell Svan and Mrs Earl Howes read • articles. Mrs. ,lames: West was. • • • 1115t. y . 1 Fr. :•• 1.1 rge Gear day.. esley, ' Georg. Gear Day was held in. Bruce.. Cqunty on. July 23 at Chesley Park. A .day of sports, Musical numbers and; addresses was enjoyed by Bruce residents and their guests. Guests in- cluded Hon. W. A. Stewart;. Murray Gaunt, M.P.P,,, Eddie Sargent, M.P.P,„ 'Grant Sweig er of Grey County,, Warden Howard' Chesniey. .Maitland er Peninsu.la� for hell) � o � e givento them by George :Gear. • He es- pecially mentioned the . intro- duction ofbirds,' foot trefoil, a clover which now has,. spread all, over Ontario, and also the Wi- arton Sales has been a great , help. • " ' Mr... P. A. . Murray of Holy - rood made the presentation ad- dress and a committee repre- sentingacro rural or- ganizations, ral. • the ganizations, ' presented .gifts ` to George; and Mrs.. Gear, as a small: expression ' of apprecia- tion for the fine -work done by Mr. Gear during 29 'years as .Ag. Rep. in Bruce., The two. paintings of Inverhuron and Cape •Croker had been painted by .'Mrs. William Keyes of .. , - YI l' fle of Bruce and it is hoped. or the betterment the peo- ple will respond by donating to this new project which he Wishes- • to carry . on. As Hon. Mr. Stewart said, : George has. typified the common - sense to agriculture,.. REPORT KINCARDINE On Sunday morning, July 27, Constable Burgess investigated a two car collision;o'n-Sid€'road, • just 'southof the second conces-• • sion of Bruce Township. Donald Bannerman of R. R..4 4, Kincar- WEDNESDAY'. .SEPTEMBER 2,, 1970, car collision on #86 Highway. Mrs. Lois 'Parrish of R. R. # 3, Lucknow and Miss Cronin oT Waterloo were the two uninjured drivers .involved . • f al -horsepower . electric motors,_ are available' which will do . the job for a minimum of. 'investment.', Bruce County.''s 1970 , Dairy. Princess, Jeannie Reid of Pais -- ley, �, has advanced to the . semi finals in this year elminat-ion-at the C.N.E. for the/title of Ontario Dairy Princess. Jeannie, compet-' 1 1 1 1 1 .I 1 / feated .. 'competitors from ' ' the Counties. of Russell, Haldirnand, Brantand the district of Algoma: This is the second year that' Jean- nie has represented Bruce County in the Competition, and it is .the first time .. in, several years that 'a_.BruceCounty- grh has -made -it- into the . semi: finaLs. ' Girls taking part In the C:N.E. preliminaries' are required to give a three min - Ute in lite. talk about their County as well as go through. the milking procedure in front of the Coiis- eum ' audience. The theme of Jeannie's-=talk—at _the -event -was based ' . on the fact that' Bruce County still has hundreds of miles of unpolluted • :shorelines on her lakes, rivers and streams as well as having a very important agri- cultural economy. ' Everyone in the County will be wishing Jean- nie; success this week inher quest. for this title of "Ontario. Dairy Princess". She is a very' fine am- bassador for not only the dairy farmers but all . th�-�°pie • of Bruce County. J The business was'conducted by '' :he.president Mrs. Ewan MacLean. After -some discussion, • it: 'was 'dec.: ided to enteitain the Lu`cknow' and,Ripley Auxiliaries at the Oct- ober meeting to beheld' 'in the • '.evening. i urs. Rooney. offered het borne for the September meeting; Expansion :; plans, for . swine' en- terprsesu Should-carefu1L -_ checked in. light . of recent bog prices. It may . be that 'last spring's good idea is oris' fall's 11y: --However; major -savings --in labour per hog produced and . bet- ter disease control are two fact- ors whichcould tip the, balance in favour of continuing with, any plans. This year, . despite the period of; drought,' seems to be• a very 1 1 e1.1 1 areas. This - is evidenced by the highest ever number of entries in the .Bruce County Corn Sweep stakes. 'For the first time there -are—over--thirty entries -1n --the- competition, In looking over the crops it, would seem that there. will be quite a few' people with over 18 tons of' corn silage per acre.. The ids of sinall grains' in dly are sho year. It seems that the barley was •• not ,quite as thick on the ground as other years and the kernels,,,are not quite as well "fill-. ed. We 'have so far not recorded any two ton acre yields . of barley in the County, but two people who entered the barley sweepstakes were dose to this • yield with !.8 tons per. acre. was made by Krug ` Bros.. of Chesley by local woods. In his remarks, :Mr. • Gear'. saiid . he. was •proud ,of the : 175 farmers ' who had, become viable business : managers• as a . result of `the ' .Farm Management Courses. He felt 'the co-oper ---ation- of -•local -nen and -women, and support of local radio sta- tions and press, had been a • 1 aking 'possible whatever success he had . been able to achieve.. . He closed by saying,., "I believe the future of Bruce depends on young peo- ple who .are going to; farm, We need a lot .With the equivalent of a Diplarna education. let's get a lot of thein. back here .Our guidance ' teachers in . High' Schools don't. • understand.:.' I would like to , have a 'banquet and have boys and teachers there" and a .qualified speaker to. give the information." . . To help Mr. Gear realize his iobjective of promoting Diploma' ;Course education and :what is a- vailable, ,a. Fhnd' has been set up with Burton Hodgins, R.R. 2, Kincardine, as treasurer.. :George Gear has worked hard ed lunch • u • • .1 7 • From 12:v1 a m. August 17 1970 to 12: QU midnight August 30 1970. g. On Monda, y,, August 24, 1979 Constable. Wiwczaryk investigated a'single czar accident on the , eighth concession of Huron Town- ship. The driver, Robert Love of Ripley , Ontario WA S. not, injured. Constable McPhail was also called ro investi.. accident in Ripley on August' 27 , 197,u; Minor damage was caused to-w'ca• driven:by-Donald Martin' of Ripley, .Ontario,. In the early morning of Friday, August 28", 1970 Constable Burgess was called to,42.1. Highway to investigate a single car accid- ent by the Kincardine Airport. ' The three persons involved from Aldershot Construction suffered minor injuries.anci the carwaa' extensively dahjaged. On Friday evening'August 28, 197'0 -Constable Poland investigat ed a; two car collision.at the Ripley Chemical Plant.. Miss' Peggy Fry of R, R. 2, Ripley, • Kincardine were the two: uninjured drivers involved On Monday, August 3, 1970, •ProvincialConstable Culver inves• tigated a single car collision on' the second concession of Bruce Township..: A car driven by Rudy Snyder :of Douglas point struck a deer•,causing'considera'ble.dam- age to the car. On 'Sunday evening ';':August '9 ;- 1970 ..1970 Constable Polard investigat' ed a two car collision on. 4,7 County Rcda.d .at the '4th conces-• sign of Huron Township. . John Beaton of Toronto.: and William w o -w -as • e -, oe e Moffat of Kincardine, canie .in /collision with .a vehicle driven by -Allan Hastings of Tiverton... All three persons suffered minor. facial' injuries.. , _MaX ca_ of_ Waterio_o were the linin jured- drivers 'involved. ' - On Saturday. morning, Mt. . '• Gilbert.Cote of:R. R..#.2 Tiv= erton,'Ontarip was 'involved in a motorcycles mishap. .Ile received. extensiveinjuries and is still in Kincardine Hospital.. Constable -Burgess isconducting .the invest-;igation. ' On Sunday , August 16, Cons- table Culver" inve'stigated'a two:. GENERAL, The weeks before . school starts-a-re--weeks-w-Pte-n a.11• the summer activities have been tried and an attitude of "'let's do. -sorne-t-hi! g.. }se". p cva.iis it-rs - .-- • time. whet .youngsters:get toge,thei .• and just drive around; looking for sornething.,to do. And that "something" often turns out to be .a,wild ride cont-. pie te' w:ith high =speed turns , ignor ed.sto:p signs and aunte. laws -There has. to :be lietter ways of winding up the summer, Since - most of the: problern st.erns.,from ' •. not having anythingbetter to.do- the'' eternal excuse --perhaps the answer lies in planning something•. to do -b fore . stal.Ting-ch-e--nroto'r. K. R....COLVER; • ' Provincial Constable.. A S. K d INVITATIONS lb ANNOUNCEMENTS �► INFORMALS O ACCESSORIES- tht NATIONAL t. • • 4 •