HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-08-26, Page 2SHE :LUCKNQW SE.NTI,N_EL The LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO. "The Sepoy Town" . On the: Huron -Bruce Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon. Member of the. C'.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $5.00 a year in advance to the U.S.A., $7.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1970 OLD BO'YS• CONTINUED' FROM FA 1 .1� . • Miss Irene Hogan- of London at the piano. An impromptu square dance with•=Leo Courtney caller, was enjoyed by everyone... A rec-. itati s heard from Leon .Sul- livar, . An address was given by • Flynn•in the 'absence, of Mel- vin O'Reilly of Detroit, •the Soc= iety's ,President. Thrree,Church plates were, presented by Gene • Frayne to three- people who came • the longest distance., Kathy Tree Meller of Washington; Ken Ford 'of California., and Miss A, O'Ke- efe 'Ke-efe of Vancouver. : The closing address was given by Father Cassano and followed bvOCa' led Banner': Everyone. assembled. :in the Church. Hall. for coffee 'and. doughnuts. • • • On Sunday morning at 11 • o'.c'lock,, a Memorial Latin. Mass . Was. celebrated by Rev Father H.,. Cassano; S:, S. P. 'Pastor. ; and Rev Fr. Ralph. O' Loug C.S 1 - .. 1 a B.,, of Ind•iana.% 'as Preacher. .Members of the Goderich Town • Band took. part ul.t 1p ceremony by playing' -for. •the opening Hymn •and at 'the .closing. A light lunch was servedin the Church Hall. The closing ceremonies began at 2:3e6p,m. .When 'the .kings-, • . __ r..idg.e Scouts._ Cubs. a.nd:,Guides.;._ 'paraded from the. school 'to the cen•ietery to the• Music of the ' Goderich Town and. After the InIUresiSpi Ray Pennington''of Culross Town- ship had. the misfortuneof slipping off a ladder at his home on the' 4thconcession,.crushing a verte. - .brae'in his back. He is in Wingham: and District Hospital where he is in traction,. arid 'will be, for some time. `Mrs. Pennington is the•'former_ gonna Osborne' of Huroft Tow nship. laying of the Mernorial Wreath by Jeannette Hogan, two,minutes silence was,observed. •Conclud- ing addresses were heard from, Parish Council,. Father Ralph O`Loughlin., who- is oneof those.• responsible for forming the Gen-. eological Society two..years ago, Father Cassano and Mrs: Betty Murray --s . _ • - e The ceremony closed with, O, ' Canada .and the 'Star Spangled Banner to the accompaniment of the Goderich Town Band. . Visitors were present feorri Lon don, California', Hamilton, Sea forth ,.Michigan, Illinois , Mary'-' land , .Corunna Toronto, Kitch- ener, Hanover Minnesota Pen- 'nsylvania , • Walkerton., 'Alberta Holland , W_ -_a -British. Colurnbia•, Florida, Brantford, `Picketing, Windsor. .Quebec'and. •Arthur.' .` ME TO OWNERS : 0. an reventifRabies The Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Die- partnent ` of Agriculture in ..co-operation' wit#1. 'the Huron County -Health Unit will hold -a • • WHITEC'HUR.CH RABIES CLINIC .. ComBlunit• Ha» Wednesday,LAugust 26 From 1:30 4:30 p.m. ST.'AUGUSTINE RABIES CLINIC Schoolhouse — Tuesday, September i• . 9;00.= 12:00 noon ' - AMBERLEY •RABIES CLINIC Orange Hall — Wednesday, September 2 X2:90 noon ' D,UNGANNON' RABIES. CLINIC Agriculture_ HallWednesday, September -:2 ST. HELENS RABIES CLINIC . ConmmtinityAall Thursday, September ' 3 • 9:00 12:00 noon • • LUCKNOW, ,Announcement ONTARIO.'_' - INT:ON - DA-WSOt - '-- Mr, and Mrs. K. Dawson of Dungannon wish to.announce 'tlte, '. marriage. of their daughter Karen Anne to Mr. John Charles Linton, son. of Mt. and Mrs, W.. Linton of Winnipeg , Manitoba, ' The wed ding took place •iii St James United Church Chapel, Ottawa at p, m: Saturday, August 22nd, 1970; The officiating minister was Rem.. Kathleen Christopher, Mr.• and Mrs.. •Linton'will reside' in. Edmonton , Alberta. BORTH. =. GARDNER Mrs.. Edith Gardner of,Lucknow wishes to announce 'the marriage of her daughter Elaine to Mr. Wilfred Borth, son: of Mrs. Wil- liam Borth of Mildmay; The wedding;took place on August' 7th, SNOBELEN - FARRELL • Mr. and Mrs...Stewart Farrell, Ripley wish'to announce the forth coming marriage of their eldest daughter , Judy.Marit, to MT. Michael Moore Snobelen., Ripley, son.of Mrs. Arthur 'Stewart., Blen_. ,heim and the late Samuel Snobel. en..' 'The wedding will take place on 'Saturday September 19; 1970 in, t. n.rews•!nue ' urc , Ripley at 4-p-:-rn •. M 1 LD BESS-EL Mr.'and Mrs.. Herman Bessel- ing of Stoney Creek •wish'to announce the 'forthcoming mar- riage of their. daughter Catherine Marie to•Mr, John Duncan Mac Donald---son-o-f-Mr-:-and Mrs-.--.--.-:_ Peter MacDonald of Iucknow. The wedding will take place on September 26th in St.. Francis .. Xavier Church, Stoney,Creek, ,Ontario. ENGAGEMENT FARRELL -. THOMPSON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST -.26th,. 1:970: BP OIL LTD WILL Now SUPPLY OIL FIRED; WATER HEATER TANKS ON A RENTAL BASIS OR BY AN OUTRIGHT PURCHASE — AVAILABLE 54 + 70 GALLON UNITS FOR, INFORMATION! .CONTACT L..". BUD HAMILTON GASOLINE STOVE-OIL-AND'-OTHER_FI..EL'•E__.-.. •. 34 HOUR.•BURNER SERVICE WHOLESALE - RETAIL, LUCKNOW DIAL 52.8:3006 ' Mr. au l Mrs-: -Ernest Thompson, R.' R. # 1, Kincardine, :wish, to announce the forthcoming mar-. , riage of their daughter Una Mari lyn to 'Mr. Ronald Glen Farrell, son of and. Mrs. Wilson Farrell R. n 4 , Ripley; •,'The. wedding will take' place 'on Saturday , September 12, 1970 at 4 p.'m..in Tine -Rive r'._i,Ini.cid Church, Vaccination against rabies • will be 'provided for dogs and cats three "month$ of age and over. Own- ers who require certificates of vaccination for export' or other purposes should consult their private veter. inary: No certificate will be issued at ,this clinic. Help prevent human exposure to rabies; tak' ad- vantage of this opportunity to have. your ,pets im- tnunizied.' A booster shot each year is recommended, 41a THOMSON; - REED • Mr. and 'Mrs. William. Reed of :: Goderich wish • to announce the e Patricia Dianne,. 'to ill am Clark' Thomson, son of Mr. and, firs, Donald Thorrison of Lucknow ,- The wedding•to take place August 20. 1007'0, in the North. Street Lnited Church, Goderich at 3 p rr FLOWER' SHOW CONTINUED FROM:PAGE 1 A: Andrew; ,'fed.; ':Mrs.' H.:-Tre1 eaven , R...Pagan; yellow Peace' , s. --F1b- a buu-n Grandiflora ; Mrs:.. A, Andrew; climber , Mrs. G. cheer; Bi - Greer, .: Potted 'Plants single violet Mrs. G. Greer; double violet , M'rs G Green., Mrs:. H. T:re1e<<\ en; fibrous begonia., Mrs.. E. ay or , ' . rs. n••rew; potte'• la-nt-A . O . V . , Mrs .• G:. Greer , Mrs. Drennan; Prerni'um Begonia R. :Fisher Robinson. Dahlias, large decorative, R. Fisher:, .Mrs . G. Greet; "large cat tus , Mrs: • Robinson; Phlox';. Mrs-: W.'Drennan '. R;. Pagan; 'Lily, Mrs W.•.Dl_ennan.' ..Floral arrangements, Dahlias Mrs. 'A. Andrew . Mrs. J!, Robin- son; Mixed annuals , 'R...Pagan , ' Mrs. J. Robinson; any other. variety R, Pagan.,'.roses ; 'Mrs. A. Andrew; sweet:peas ,' .Mrs,. J." Rob- ',tnson; offee table ; ;Mr$. G. ladesEnteain Ori -Thursday August 8th,, twenty-two residents'•of Pinecrest Manor Nursing Horne , Lucknow were taken to the lawn of Di.. -ie-Ktt} , wltee they__ W... were served cookies, tea and. 'coffee, Greer; mantle' , Miss M. Malcolm, Mrs. G. :Kirkland, 'Mrs,G. Greer; dining ,table., .Miss M. Malcolm, Mrs, • J. Robinson; Good cheer,. Mr's, H. Treleaven, Mrs. ,I�Rcub= inson; unusual container, R. Fish= er, •Mrs. G. 'Kirkland,•;Mrs.'•G. Vegerabres ' Beets, Mrs. E. Taylor; carrots, R. Pagan. Mrs J.,• Robinson; corn, Hazzel Webster ,. Mrs .• A. Andrew; cutri:r . bers,'aMrs. E. Taylor; .onions,. Hazel Webster, R. Pagan;,'pot•ar oes, M s : J • _Robinson , Hazel • ' , bsrer;-ca:bbage firs=E-Tay- -� for R. Pagan; tomatoes, R, Pag-. an, Mrs. W. Drennan;`beans . •(gree'n);. Mrs. • E. •Taylor; 'beans. yellow , Mrs. E. Taylor;.;disp1,1�• of vegetables Mrs. E.Tay1or;' Vegetable novelty, Airs:. H Tre leaven.. Several small children sang And t; to zaii:e. t .e .roup and pictures s cd hd L". Mies. -Charles Robinson of Lueknow was top exhibir tor in -the annual • Lucknow and District . lortieulttir. al Society flower shoat Itwas her second crinsecut.tve in.. Ralph Pagan and Robert Fisher. both of!Luck- now, %‘ ere awarded 'second and third' prizes r' spec. tively, s. tl