HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-08-26, Page 1r0 • • .i7f ILOWIRM47werat'aew "r4.4.:11A*11117 WI" Moran.4 Lim•or- $5.00 A Year In Advance. — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. • , , LIJCKNOVV, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24$th,1970., Single Copy 15c. .20 Pages To Remain In Canada Alex Maelntyre ,, a native. of the second concessionofKin- loss, has returned to Canada after • ' studying and practicing' medicine .in England for the,past nineteen years. Alex is.the'son of the -late M. and Mrs. Archie' MaCIntyre of Kinloss and has been Visiting in. this communitywith sister . • Mary and brothers Donald and . Allan. He' plans to remain in Canada on a permanent basis and is presently seeking a, position in this countiy. • • • • . , . • •Vice Principal . Afiltoo". 'JO ide :The list:of:new appointments .by the -Huron County Board of Edttca-. tion includes the appointment of ,Don Cameron of Lucknow as Vice principalat: the Bro.o. si e •u ic School. • „ Mr..Carneron has.been on the • •.staff at Brodimide since the school was. birilt.•and previous to t at- , taught at Belfast... This summer, he completed courses to qualify him as a Music'supervisor. Brookside previously,•did not • have' -.a vice rincipal. . Angus • 1.1vtacLennan-ispr-incipal -at -the; --';',.-='..----a.'"a•iCtiOol.. - - ' ' '' , • • . . Salaries Raised By Bruce Board CHARLES ROBINSON The Luclftiow o ticiduiral Society held a'inost successful annual Flower Show on •Monday evening, August 17. A total of 165 exhibits by :16mern•••• bers were, in place .in the LegiOtt.: 'Hall by 12i30 noon. • J. Muirhead of Benrniller', assisted by Mrs..' 'Thomas Salkeld judged the exhibits. The com- mittee chairman was Mrs. Grace Greer with Mi;ss Liella Finlaysoit, :Mrs. C. Bell and Miss Ada Web-' ster,as entry secretaries and Mr. Ken Cameron and Robert Fisher • setting. tip the display4. Mrs! Charles'(Joan)'Robinson took top honours with 65 points . and will.keep 'the Beatty Ladder -Tro-phy-p-olish-ed-tor-a-nothery ear; and in addition the T. Eaton CO.' prize, Ralph Pagan. was. second _. with 55 points and won theR. Simpson prize, RObert Fisher .placeththird with 34 points. iiywaS - " • - - • 1 ilded to Mrs. Haiold 'Treleaven • for the best red rose in the show . • In •ihe gladiolus section, Ralph tea Salaries. for administrative of ficialS/and.Secondary school prin- cipals' were ,increased .froM $500 • • to $2,000 by the Bruce County - Board -of Educatien-at-its--regular-- -Pleasant experience -Le -C. -el -Y.1°. - Zes; Bob • Fisher 5 first. prizes and71 second, Mrs. Joan Robinsoi 4 Robinsonfirst and 5 secondprizeS; Mrs. Grace Greer 1 first and 1 second prize., • Annuals 'Asters, R. Pagan, Mrs: iessie:Johnsion; Calendula, Passenger On Plane Mich Was Victim OT Bomb -I -Scare Mrs. •Williani Hewat of Eimira, the former Frances Thompson Of. this community; had a very,un- •rneeting. Vice,principals'haVe • yet to Settle. , JOhn L. Bowers director of education: • received. an increase:, advised -of the death 'of her. moth-: of $2,000 to $29,000; Roland Swanson. supetintendent of busi- ness and finance, and the three. superintendents of schools T. K. ' The message .wasreceived' - about-ha1f---an-hour-out of -Toronto Other administrative Salaries'. The anonymous phone caller approved were: John McMinn, from/Vancouver said the. flight superintendent of maintenance, was scheduled to "blow uP" ten $10,500; Mel Wedow, , superinten- miriutes.beri • sent o transportation, 10,500, while the passengers •were and Teake Veenstra, chief accoun aware something was wrong by . tant and office manager, $13..500. the actions of the.crew ; it was , All salaries were effective not knowti.until they landed what while travelling by plane from Vancouver to Toronto. While in Vancouver .visi,ting her son and daughter, she was, er Mrs. Robert Thompson' of Lucky noW. Mrs. Hewat was returning . to Lucknow for the funeral when the plane , on Which she was a At111f3:.(0nvention. • , Hip. • • • 1. •At: Winnipeg Mrs. Harvey Houston, Holyrood . travelled by Air Canada. to Cal- Ha-ze-W-e-bs-ter----Cleo.rne , R-44- _pry on Wednesday A Uglist 12th "• to visit for a weeks time with Mr.. and Mrs, Hugh Houston and grandsons at Millarville. A brief visit will be made to relatives at • McConnell, received a* $1,500 • • increase for an annual salary of $24 ,500 each.. •• • '. • Augtist 1. - • Secondary School principals.t. received an adrost -the-board _ raise of $1,000 for 1970 starting in • . September. principals withmore• . than 1,000 students will receive $26.. (?,•,.:7$..F1.9.0qa rya '''resrlian 1,000-W111 rebeihe $r8,700 $20,769. Each category includes • W.' Arthur Davey, PO'rt tlgin, chairman of the salary negotia- tion committee , said the board is. "offering vice -principals a salary Of $17,500 -$1.8 ;$00 with 500 . annual increment. This offer has yet to be ratiSied by the vice principalt. . • , All other teather salaries. were settled by the end`of was actually taking place.. The aircraft descended at a very rapid rate, much quicker'. than normally. Passengers were instructed to leaVe-the-aircraft- single..file`and carry.absolutely no hand. luggage landed at the edge of time Toronto runway and was rnet by polite, fire engines, buses, etc. Each passenger, in turn, Clalmed t luggage which was quickly remov ed - from the plane and left on the runway. Some luggage was 'searched but as time passed, it was realized that the bomb scale wai. a hoaX. In any case, it :was a pretty un -nerving, experience for passengers and crew, an; corn flowers ,Hazel Webster; cosmos., Hazel Webster; Mrs. j..'. Emerson; african marigold, R. Pagan; French marigold , Hazel Webster,' Mrs. 1. Emersoni ....SI:gift Current, Saskatchewan, Pansies, Mrs. H Treleaven ,:kIrsprevious to attending the Federat- J, Robinson i Petunias (singlp).: ed 'Women's Institute Of Canada Miss Annie ,MacLeod, age•81, of LticknOw, , is a patient in Vict- oria Hospital:in.-Landon with a fractured left•hip,suffered in a' - • fall at her apartment on Iircknov"i2-s--maiti-street Miss .MacLeod was‘admitted to Wingharri slospital where she received emergency treatment, and was later transferred by am- bulance to London. The accici- ent .happeneC1 ori AuguSt .16th, She • . underwent surgery in London . :. • Mrs, J, Robinson, Mrs; J. -Emer-• Convention atWinnipeg, August son; Petunias (double), / . R. Pagan; • 24th - 28th ' • . ' . • . • l- ---- sn„dragdn.1 , Mrs'. , Jolensoni-• . The return trip to Toronto Will oss Lady Kinles Sweet peas , Mrs .•., 1. Robinson, be made by air also, with the R,' Pagan; Zinnias, giant , Mrs. • week -end being spent at Guelph Mrs. Elden EckenSwill. Lof A .--Andrew-,- R.;-----Fisherrea•etus•---•with Mr and Mrs. J, I. Houston', , kiraoss Township Passed away at Hazel Webster , Mrs. J. Kohfrson; and Deborah Lynne. ' .• \ . •Kineardine Hospital on Tuesday . Pom-pom , mrs. A. -Andrew . ' 'Mrs. Cecil Hollands, R: R.•#. : • August 18th. She was 78 years of, Hazel Webster; recent introduc- 1; Kincardine will also attend' age. 41 tion Mrs: J. Robinson. : the convention'at Winnipeg, as. . ' The funeral was held'froMthe I . Roses pink , R, Fisher , Mrs. delegate froth the Bruce South ' MacKenzie Memorial Chapel in • . . - Distriet. Mrs. Hollands is immed- .Lucknow on Thursday with, burial • CONTINUTD•ON P AG E2 -tare meEery • . ' s rt e Id Boys Reunion Under warm,'snriny skies, Kings •BY DELORES VAN OSCH bridge-wasery-active-lit hamlet, on: Saturday and. Sunday , Augnst_4$th and 16th. The Ge'neo1ogia-1 their relatives and friends return - 'ed to reunite and reminisce of •' their days spent here in the years gone by. ^As for the,people in this area , it was a, tine tor being acquainted with relatives or, • fendTfoiome - while for -others it was getting to know the faces Of the names they often hear in conversation; 0'•Reilly, Flynn ete. . ,Registration'started.At one •• o'clock_on Sa turday_aftetnoon. • when one hundred and Sixty-nine from outside the Parish registered. Old 'memories were restored by going for rides on hay wagons drawnLby horses:., Inreteiting dts plays of antiques, Machinery, • old prints and family group pic- tures were set up.in the school 'and on the grounds.. The C. W,L.• bOoth was set up and many home- r-fla cre-a rt ie les ; jarns-' and ba king 'were sold. 'Church plates:Were sold as .souvenirs. • Close to -300 'people sat down' to the Reunion Banquet at 5:00 on Saturday in the Church Hall • _A program of local talent got underway in the school gym at 8; Ou p: m with DOna Id "Frayne . • Move To Colborne • Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Henry of R. R. 1, Port Albert moved on July 2nd to the 'lltti concession, . ,Colborne. and where they are just finishing the building cif a .28 x. 72 barn. ' • • .4 • The Henrys had previously sold theft: farm on 2nd concession,' Ashfield to John, Fielder. .1.10 • ' ' adialrir4117Theollentaglea-m-7-- ber_was Basil Hogan with his - violin and Mrs. Duncan Simpson. at the piano.. A sing-song•was lekl-b-y_Rev_father Henry Cassano and. RayValion, After.,Which • Father Cassano Sang.the Maltese,. National Antherri. ;Two vocal Solo's were heard from Mrs: , Robert McCallum of Goderich; and Miss 'Nancy Anderson of • Auburn. The Youtkchib showed. their talents by acting in two humorous skits which' they wrote themselves. ' The History of Port Albert was said by Kathy Deterty, • the History of Kintail.was g.ven. • by Kathy 0 Keefe and Kingsbridge 's• Hist ory_wa.cg yen' bpvlarianne Frayne.. Sheila.Sinnett danced the Highland Dane with Dave, MacDonald of Ashfield playing • the bag pipes._,,..Ray.,Dalt9rhfavour7' ' • f -ecrWith • ' .CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 itechurch Man Electrocuted, . • . • Tragedy-desee-nded-npon-th community on Monday, August 17, with the suddendeath; by. electrocution of one of its fine ..young faimers,-Peler_Kenneth Veibeek-of the 2nd concession Of Kinloss. He leaves a young' widow with three little children , all underthree years of age as we as is parents an and sisters. . Peter was picking apples at the farm Of-a_neighbor_., Donald _Rest and' when nioving an aluminum ladder,froin.one tree.to.another4 -it 'was caught by•the wind anti—: fell on the hydro Wires. ; He was pronoUnced,dead on arrival at taken by ambulance. '• • rot ers Born.in Holland 25 years ago. ori February 25 ,•.1945, a son of Antortie Vet -beck and Johanna Loef nOW, residing.on the 4th of CulrossTownship, he Came to Canada with his family at the age of eight years. Spending one year ain t Wir • . • • • 4 • VERBEEKThe body rested at' the Mac - PETER• Pherson Funeral' Horrie , Teeswater until Thursday Morning when re- near Shelbourne , the family . innv•ai 'wa.sT.rnade. fo. immaculate. ers„.,John of R.. 'IL-71,;-.1;;istoWel W,hitechtirch; Tony, David and Eric of Culross TOwn- ship; four sisters Mrs. William (lban)-Versteeg--of R-.4--•'-34 Wing ham , Mri,' David (Anne) Hawkins of CulrOss; Adele and SOnja of. Culross, as Well as his.maternal grandparents. in Holland. moved to Palmerston where they. spent 4 years before moving to' CiilioSS-Toiknshii. • Peter attended S. S. 4 school in Culross. Ort,June 26, 1965, he married • -G-11 up farming on.tfie 2nd of Kinloss, having purchased the former Wil- liam Henry farm. • ,1954• - Besides his wife he leavest. mourn his passing two sons Darryl Robert and Jeffrey Wayne , .one daughter Donna Marie ,,at hOrne; his parentsMt. and Mrs.. Antortie yerbeek CUlross, five broth - t IL Conception Roman Catholic • Church ,• FatMesa where services were conducted at 10 a.M. by Rev :••Jer-orne Meyet.- Burial was in the church cernetery. Acting pallbearers were, Peter's three brothers John, Alex and Tony.verbeek, and three brothers.. 4 :in-law ,Bob, Ken and Johyl Gut- • • :seller. . Carrying flowers 'were David and Eric Verbeek, Wayne and Bruce. Gutscher and Paul and . Ronald Schnurr. •