HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-08-05, Page 10• PAGE 'TEN KINLOUGH Sympathy is extended to ' Duncan Thompson and family in the passing of Mrs. Thompson, former Mary Hetherington).' 'Relatives and friends from here attended, the funeral at the Mac. - Pherson funeral home Teeswa.ter on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.. . Thompson taught' in .the,Kinlou.gl: School a •nurrmber of years: ago. .Mr. and. Mrs.., Clifford. Lloyd of Tona.warfda, .N. `Y. and Mr. and. Mrs. William Lloyd of London visit c 'd-on-Wedriesd-a �w t-ee-la- , } tives here • Resent visitors with Mrs. John Barr were Miss Helen Malcolm of Toronto, Mrs,. John Emerson,. Misses Nellie and Margaret Mal- colm of •Lucknow, ' The August meeting of the Holy, • 'rood W:.1., will be held onThurs- day , August 6th at the honne"of• Mrs: Howard Harris. This Will be a -pot !tck-supper•-and-the. ti me- is 7 o'clock. Roll call .'=.A kitchen ' gadget for a blind auction;(value.. 50, cents). Topic - The story of • fish and chips.. Motto ._.•One can value'a•house to the last penny,, but none can value a home . Display.of Wtg's-T-Demqnstration, of Electric Broom, Mrs. Jim Smith. Directors-ylrs.. Alex •' Percy, Mrs.. Eric Parsons. • We are pleased pp report that VII o. y. w o unerwent surgery-ai-St---Joseph's Hospital -•-L London *as :able to return home•. at1the end of the week. • G . Y • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5th, 19701. • -The Corporation Of Th'e' �1i��age Q� Lucknow Auditr's Report and. Fino ncicui Sta.feme flts FOR TH-E YEAR' ENDED DEC'EM$ER 11..•,.1969 • The Reeve, Members of .Council and; Ratepayers, The Corporation of the Village of Lucknow, Lucknow,Ontario. IA A. M'. HARPER' Auditor GODERICII. •ONTARIO May 13, 1970 =Gentlemrnen: - I have audited the accounts and records of the Village of Luck- now for the year ended December 31,. 1969 and. have prepared there=, from the.statements.•lalst ed in the index accompanying this report. OPERATIONS The operationof the general account and other local boards were as follows: • • General account - surplus A . $5;583 Public Utilities Commission ' Waterworks- deficit $ 600 Hydro. - surplus • $ 7,781 Library Boatd - deficit , • $. • 83 Recreation Committee $ 86 ' • 1. did, not examine Court of Revision minutes authorizing 'tax. write offs in 1969 as these were not available at the time . of my audit. AUDITOR'S OPINION Subject to : the• qualifications concerning • , QUALIFICATION • .- Sicternent of, Revenue ands Expenditure far. the year ended December `31, 1969 . . 190 .. 1968 REVENUE Taxation $100,964 $114,191 Contributions from other governments 43;019 55654 Other 5,257 4,428 • . Total Revenue 149,240 174,273 • EXPENDITURE ' . General` :government. • + $ 12,293 ' ' $ 11,740 • Protection to persons. and property 13,302; . • 22,44 Public works. ' 26,656 36,26 Sanitation and waste removal . 2,378 •2,1 _Conservation of health _ - - .-- , Social and family services ' ..: . ' 5,164 ' 8,57. Recreation and community. services . : 5,032 ' 5,0 Community planning and development Financial expenses' 2,258 .' 5;123 Education 52,879 ,44,751 County •= share of expenditure 23,695 20,9101 Other . i 7,334 -ax wri e -o • • • u no Cour of revision minutes I hereby report'that in my opinion J. The financial transactions which have comeunder notice have been within the powers of the municipality. 2.• . The audit has been conducted in accordance . with the instruc- 'tions of the Department of Municipal Affairs.. ' ts=present-fairly . the -financial -position of the municipality as at December 31, 1969 and the results .of its operations=for-the-•year=ended--on that date.. Some from here atterided the trousseau tea at the tiome'of Mrs. Omar : Brooks for 'Miss Marie Brooks. on Wednesday. Total ;expenditure Excess of revenue over expenditure. for the year ' , 5,583 Surplus at the beginning of the year '... , 3,144 Surplus at the end of the year .::.. $ ' 8;727: $143,657 $164,429 • 9,844 (6,700) 3,144 Date of filing May 22, .1970 Signature - A. M. 'Harper Licence Number 3859 0000000000 O 0• 0 0 0 0 00•.000000.00•••0.00 rrrucKs TRJ.S • • 1970 FORD. HALF •TON • Pickup with heavy duty suspension ingsb r -r .g- C.W.L.1 Nine ladies attended the St. Joseph C. W. L.' t't•teeting• held- on Ju.Ly ' tll.11]'.St, Josepb__�.._, c. :}�nnl Kingsbridge. • Mrs. A �tone Va.n Osch presided, ; Father Cassano opened' w ith league praye.r.. Iter ports were.dead by.recording.see retary ,: cot -res -ponding se -sec -hr}, treasurer and consumer affairs.. The C;:W . L.; donated the food for - the altar boys' picnie._•and trip. .Mrs. Mark Dalton and•Mrs.' Bob H.o-war-d-.pai-need the ch-ur--c-h w-a-sh .rooms ,,• m Revenue,fund Balance Sheep as at• December • 31, .1969 ASSETS •.. '•• Cash • • Accounts receivable • .Other --Governments : , Canada ' : ' $ .. 753 Ontario 3,490 Municipal , • 386 ' , $• 4,629.. 'Lcal boards and "other funds 1969 196 $ 16,645' $ •8,94f o Due from capital funds 4,534 Due to school board 390 Due-froirr-L 93 1968: CHEVROLET • Pickup, heavy duty suspensfon,•radio; 6 standard. 96scHwROLET Panel, heavy duty suspension, radio. 964TORD Three-quarter ton, heavy!, duty suspension, power :tailgate,' heavy duty tires. 1963' FORD • Half, ton pioku.P_,--S-cy_lir�de'-,-radio.;heavy-dutyuspension, heavy duty back bumper, newly painted: • 1965 FORD 'AS. IS' HALF TON 6 cylinder, Wide. box $2 ), Uu was given to Frank'Su1- livan.:for the :its.e_uf-Ale_ _h.all'.for_. the•Daiton reunion.' .Before' the. Old Boys' Reunion' on Atust 15 „ there istnuch to•be done. If C ou ,ran help ; .coiir r r`Mrs Anton, Van Osch'or Mrs.= John Howard. Othdr business was:dealt with:.. Articles for rhe C MU :.I,boo.t-l-i •are to be given to Mrs: `I . Va.n Diepen: A suggested.price can be placed on the articles. For thefish pond bring 2 gifts that value 25c $.30,446 $. .5,217 . 2,867 Other, after deducting allowance • for doubtful accounts 736 Taxes receivable, after. ' deducting allowance. for uncollectable taxes.' 11,57 '14.124 Other. assets , 10,279 Total Assets • • s 40,008 $ 63,401 LIABILITIES Temporary . loans ' Accounts payable and accrued liabilities • Other governments Local boards and other funds Due to Lucknow Water Supply 2,098 • Due Lucknow Recreation Committee 336 • Other • Other liabilities • .. .. •. . . Surplus 146 •1968 $" 23,900. •; . . • $ 34,400 1. 4,940 .. * :9;879. 7. . •''. 8,755 8,727 :3;•144 • A ladies retreat .is _planned for. September: 'Learn,by doing was the title of Father Cassano's short 'talk . Believe the teachings of others., .We must have open minds to good ideas, •Think for yourself. Show initiative'in carrvink into pr i_ctice-t e o•o erich ' Iotor�s (Ford • ) SL, fitodrr"sh 824.7308' o '. 309' . principles that• are advocated: Jesus Christ reminded 1 -HS disciples that they were expected: to show the public by living wit- ness'of their faith,, that they are doers not merely preachers, Mrs, Donald Frayne adjourned the meeting and Father closed with prayer.. Lunch was served, .'rota!--liabilitie ` 3;40r 0 0 0'0 • 0 411..rdlIrl ountr Market 0 LUC • SUN SWEET CORN game . LOTS::R`OM THEN ON` ,DON'T FORGET A :NDJEAN ARE READY NOW