HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-29, Page 14'1 tY • • LANGSIDE> Mr. and Mrs. Don Nickel.of • Weston and Lynda: McQuillin of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr.. and -Mrs. Dick` 14cQiuilirrn an Ronnie Lynda 'and Barbara are • spending this Week.wi'th••'their. par- ents-- Last'week Steven MacNay and Kevin Kilpatrick' of Arinberley visited at, the'McQui'llin,home. .Mrs. •Ji,n 'Richardson o:f"'San Sal= vador•called`on friends in this. . • • , xa community 'last week. Moffat families and relatives attended the' Moffat reunion at, Wingham ,on Sunday. • .Rev. Hol:ace, Braden o:.-Ltand was assisted in• the'chur'ch service on Sunday by Rev.. Ray.Watson, who has been doing missionary work in Africa., • The.' annual congregational and .Sunday School .picnic will be held• in the school grounds On Saturday•. afternoon. LIAM Helm: R�unionTF.�ld At Kincardine The annual Helm Reunion was. held at Landsdowne Park, Kincar- dine, Sunday afternoon July 26th, 197.0. The crowd gathered around 3. p'.rrL , with sports taking place. at 4 o'clock,, after which approx imately 65 sat down to a,picnic supper.. Following the meal, the group.came to order and under I eddent--ji'n: H-utitet he -business: and program followed. The min- utes of 1969 reunion were read by Mrs. Eunice Hewitt ' A minutes silence was held in • Memory of five members, who had passed .away during the past year,. Mr.' Edgar Hain, Tar - Onto ,,Mr . Lyle Ritchie, Hamel- ton, Mrs. Lorne Hackett , Mrs.'. Alex Hackett Sr..' and Mrs. . ;George Hunter , all of. •Lucknow district.. . Special prizes weredistributed with the one to the' oldest lady present'to Mrs. W. O. Hunter, Lucknow and oldest ,gentleman present.•Mr.Wm. Helm, Ti.Ver-' ton'. T'hP P1-eCLion-of. of-tice•rs-fo 1971 was. held with President, .Jim Hunter; Secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Whytock; Program `Cornmit-,. tee Mr., and Mrs.. Wib. Hewitt , and Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir; Sports Committee , 'Grant Helm of • Tiverton, Lloyd Hunter and Allan . Ritchie of Lucknow, and Lloyd Whytock' of Wingham; ,Table, Comrriittee-,'all' ladies •' present; Tea. • Committee. ; Mrs. •lith .Hunter, Mrs.: Allan. Ritchie; Ice. Cream;, Jim,';Hunter. . 'The 1971 Reunion will be held • on July 25th. at .Ashfield. .Pa.rk at'. The salne tlrrie'of day'.: Supper • BERG COW -SAVER STALLS Outlasts others -by 3 to 4 times because •of (tot dipped, galvanized steel tube construction. Require• less bedding than loose housing—keeps cows drier and: more comfortable. Bell-shaped • arches take up chain 'slack and pre- vent tangling and choking. Provides More . head room when 'cows lie -down, • Kincardine and District approxiniately p.m. (Please. note ;change of place). A program followed the busi- 'ness discussion consisting of'guit- ar''selections by Vern fiew'itt Of Wingham;'• Vocal Solos ,.by Bryce -Ritchie., and Kenny ' Ritchie; • WHY LET ' YOUR INVESTMENTS WANDER AROUND LOOSE? Berg Cow -Saver Stalls and Beni Lever Stalls were designed• for the dairyman who:wants to han- dle his dairy, cattle as indIvlduals. Successful dairymen profit by • individualized management- by, challenging each cow, Prac- tices that' pay! They pay with "increasedmilk production from every lactation By lengthening each cow's productive life, By assuring you, of positive indl- vidtrallzed nutrition and disease •control, Put Berg stalls to work. increasing your dairy profits: Berg provides a free complete barn -planning service. L0TD JOHNSTON R.R. 3 HOLYROOD: Phone 395=5.390 Vocal Duet by Jim and Janet Whyt4 ock' of Wingliam followed. by 'sing -song with Brenda 'Ritchie; and Barb wii ins . ea ing . Bert 'Helm of Tiverton , Robt". , Helm' of Lucknow. and 'Wm. G. iunter ofd-spok€--a4ew words to,the' ga°thering'and. thank- ed_ everyone who had made the picnic ,a success: Mrs . ' Robt . Helm 'is in charge of the "Helm Family Tree Book" and would appreciate''if each family be • responsible-irrietring herkrrow o 'the marriages, births,`or'deaths in order• for her to try and bring' the. book more up -to. date'. Honoured With .Marie .Br(2oks of Lucknow was honoured at .a bridal. kitchen shower last Tuesday evening whe her neighbours:gathered at home of Mrs...Morgan Henderson _ Mrs., Mel Greer conducted sot) 'contests.' :Readings were given Mrs.. :Harvey Webster and Mrs•.,' Don Thompson. • . Marie was assisted in opeiaingl her g s bje..;Bei&_y H nsLekson._an& -Ruth 'Ann:IIenderson while Leary j • Eliza'bet'h Henderson rrrade `the bride-to-be a hat .from the lows. Marie, expressed her thanks a.nizi invited everyone to her.' trousseau ea. Lunch and a social time w_ere_. enjoyed. • The gathering dispersed 'With • ' the Wish' that all Would" be able to attend the' next reunion. SATURDAY, AUGUST ..1 MAJOR EVENT—SCOTTISH DAY Re istration_Cbntinues_• P,xt'Office Block) . 1.2 4,10,$(1—C.\UTIIUMPIAN PARADE to• Con- naught Stadium (fin -ming on Hu Terrace Street South at 10.30 am.). • • Mise Kincardine' Present. - •-4.30;,n:m.-•••JUderne-of-Floats-+n-front-oFGr'andstand 200 nm. OFFICI AI. • OPENING. Master Ceremonies. M. L. 'Tory" Gregg. introduction G. H. "Harvey L•nklater, Ofiletal-to Oticn .A. C. "Mac" Macleod. 2„i0 'rim—SCOTTISH PROGRAM. Iasse4';Banria •Featured: '.,. • �' Scottrsh Dancin, `"" ttrh'Frti12h18t i E-ntertairimcnt. , 7 0(3 um. to 9.00 n:rn. Get Asouainted .Time • (Main Street) • 8 00. ii m. Mind Par;ide •to Arena. Rana CVetert to Front of Arena. 1100 i.m- COUNTRY AND WESTERN CONCERT AVD DANCE ,mmv rena ea urine. • Al ('hcrnv. " Jlaunce'Fia�iieu Erato Kin¢ Ret intron, Arial Urinal .Entertainment. • M ..tenor t'. r(•nit Niie< ht R?uni)h Juhnnv Herat FRIDAY, JULY 31 ' • . • MAJOR EVENT -MISS KINCARDINE CONTEST 7,00 ,p.m. to 11.00 p.m. --Registration (Post (ffice Block) -8. .m.==MISS-'KINCAi DINE—CONTES'IA-NTS PARADE] from Victoria Park to. ' • Connauaht''Stadium, fed by Kincardine' Scottish Pipe' Band. 8.30*p.m. GRANDSTAND ENTERTAINMENT , • s s " • 1 ccio ST: • PaBi, Bras. and 'Shirley. • Nick Brown=Cordovox and Drum.. Nancy McCaig. Additional. Entertainment:' SUNDAY, AUGUST 2• 11,:00 am .bPECIAL SERVICFS--Ail Churches 209 o•m Legion $ranches Assemble in Public School Grounds; 2 SS -R, C, A: F, .Fly 'Past. , 300 p.rn.- DRUMI1EAD SE;RViCE At Victoria Park. Music by R.C. R. Concert Band. 4.00' Iii51- Certolapli' bfeni'iwtat, 'Service. `630' bTh -OPEN AIR CONCERT. Limsdovene Park 70' • Piece R. t R. 'Marchihq • Concert Fiend.. 8.30 D.—SXNG•A•`L.ONi; MONDAY, AUGUST 3 MAJOR EVENT—HARNESS :RACES 12,03 ,t nj: ylltt ICll'r ;IAM13ORk:E, -shirt Tail Parade • Sheet Dance. TUESDAY, AUGUST: 4 -----MATJOR`E1i . PAGEANT, 9.00 am �12.00�Nao6--GHII.DREN S DAYS ` ' 930 a.nr.' IBACI. 'rt), r(`IfOE)i.. '- ' • Miert ,\. I: Nilson & D, A Sutherland. All t" -.It li'nls will assemble at the' hfrieahllutc & Dlsll'ick Kith School:' 1.30 U:m. PAHA M.:, • Ali... Kilw,u•dintr will Lead Parade by h..W.11rhf c Si;oltikh (0 Connaught; Stadium. ' 2.00 tilt. ANNtlAI HAftNr.SS )lO1RS1. RACE $111b0 i'n Purses—Betting Privileges). • • Playground On. Wheels .Parade. Sim' le .beet y. • 1.30 D.m.—MISS BRUCE COUNTY PAGEANT :;PARADE. • Parade [ran Victoria Park to Connaught adtum_o[ Prinri$1 ,jp,,,,,M1sy- (31u , County. Pageant. Fashion Show wiUS Anna Meyer, . • PrrellmIner t Judaina of Miss Bruce County: R Cr1t. Band in• Attendance. Grandstand Entertaininent. ' 6.30,P.m.- OPEN,AIR CONCE • By R. C, R. Band at'Lansdowne Park, 8.004n.m.••- Parade to Connaught 'Siadtum With : Miss Bruce County Contestants. 830 n:ni,•-MISS BRUCE COUNTY 'CROWNING, Grandstand Entertainment. Featuring: ' 'Tommy Common. • FIREWORKS — Auld Lang Slid:. blarciting and Concert lt.uOd - DRL t1 == CCUN CY •;PA'CiEA'�F-F- •-tkrt nnth t1 -- Anna Meyer. ALBION MIDWAY •ai CorthMight Stadium( ISmly. 7,30 o m,-• iliglilak d iRand Parade to Arena. Band 'Cotnterl Optsidc' A. . 8.30 lien.- MAPLE LEAF IRISI['' SHOW BAND. ' Concert and Dancr -400:14.'' r.'• .. ;7:1:6 ��•�'�� „' cv L...___J L /; • Asphalt Sliingles NO '1 - 210 LB; SEALED SHINGLES 12 Colours 'Prom Whicl} To Choose > .--l. - 14 b :* ..:...:.:. :.:::......... ..; 19• — O ALS— No. 1 BLACK �B A K A SPH ALT FELT ROOF ,CEMENT EAVE STARTER GALVANIZED RfDGE. ROOFING NAILS, ETC. ASPHALT SHINGLES ADD BEAUTY AND COLOUR TO YOUR ROOF i int ill/niUiIniii Brill tis: ■•. . iushinu•iu•ili HENOERSIIN iniuiiiliUIIIUIiiUIrHUu ' • • 1 • '; PHONE .528-3118tLJCKNOW LANGSIDE> Mr. and Mrs. Don Nickel.of • Weston and Lynda: McQuillin of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr.. and -Mrs. Dick` 14cQiuilirrn an Ronnie Lynda 'and Barbara are • spending this Week.wi'th••'their. par- ents-- Last'week Steven MacNay and Kevin Kilpatrick' of Arinberley visited at, the'McQui'llin,home. .Mrs. •Ji,n 'Richardson o:f"'San Sal= vador•called`on friends in this. . • • , xa community 'last week. Moffat families and relatives attended the' Moffat reunion at, Wingham ,on Sunday. • .Rev. Hol:ace, Braden o:.-Ltand was assisted in• the'chur'ch service on Sunday by Rev.. Ray.Watson, who has been doing missionary work in Africa., • The.' annual congregational and .Sunday School .picnic will be held• in the school grounds On Saturday•. afternoon. LIAM Helm: R�unionTF.�ld At Kincardine The annual Helm Reunion was. held at Landsdowne Park, Kincar- dine, Sunday afternoon July 26th, 197.0. The crowd gathered around 3. p'.rrL , with sports taking place. at 4 o'clock,, after which approx imately 65 sat down to a,picnic supper.. Following the meal, the group.came to order and under I eddent--ji'n: H-utitet he -business: and program followed. The min- utes of 1969 reunion were read by Mrs. Eunice Hewitt ' A minutes silence was held in • Memory of five members, who had passed .away during the past year,. Mr.' Edgar Hain, Tar - Onto ,,Mr . Lyle Ritchie, Hamel- ton, Mrs. Lorne Hackett , Mrs.'. Alex Hackett Sr..' and Mrs. . ;George Hunter , all of. •Lucknow district.. . Special prizes weredistributed with the one to the' oldest lady present'to Mrs. W. O. Hunter, Lucknow and oldest ,gentleman present.•Mr.Wm. Helm, Ti.Ver-' ton'. T'hP P1-eCLion-of. of-tice•rs-fo 1971 was. held with President, .Jim Hunter; Secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Whytock; Program `Cornmit-,. tee Mr., and Mrs.. Wib. Hewitt , and Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir; Sports Committee , 'Grant Helm of • Tiverton, Lloyd Hunter and Allan . Ritchie of Lucknow, and Lloyd Whytock' of Wingham; ,Table, Comrriittee-,'all' ladies •' present; Tea. • Committee. ; Mrs. •lith .Hunter, Mrs.: Allan. Ritchie; Ice. Cream;, Jim,';Hunter. . 'The 1971 Reunion will be held • on July 25th. at .Ashfield. .Pa.rk at'. The salne tlrrie'of day'.: Supper • BERG COW -SAVER STALLS Outlasts others -by 3 to 4 times because •of (tot dipped, galvanized steel tube construction. Require• less bedding than loose housing—keeps cows drier and: more comfortable. Bell-shaped • arches take up chain 'slack and pre- vent tangling and choking. Provides More . head room when 'cows lie -down, • Kincardine and District approxiniately p.m. (Please. note ;change of place). A program followed the busi- 'ness discussion consisting of'guit- ar''selections by Vern fiew'itt Of Wingham;'• Vocal Solos ,.by Bryce -Ritchie., and Kenny ' Ritchie; • WHY LET ' YOUR INVESTMENTS WANDER AROUND LOOSE? Berg Cow -Saver Stalls and Beni Lever Stalls were designed• for the dairyman who:wants to han- dle his dairy, cattle as indIvlduals. Successful dairymen profit by • individualized management- by, challenging each cow, Prac- tices that' pay! They pay with "increasedmilk production from every lactation By lengthening each cow's productive life, By assuring you, of positive indl- vidtrallzed nutrition and disease •control, Put Berg stalls to work. increasing your dairy profits: Berg provides a free complete barn -planning service. L0TD JOHNSTON R.R. 3 HOLYROOD: Phone 395=5.390 Vocal Duet by Jim and Janet Whyt4 ock' of Wingliam followed. by 'sing -song with Brenda 'Ritchie; and Barb wii ins . ea ing . Bert 'Helm of Tiverton , Robt". , Helm' of Lucknow. and 'Wm. G. iunter ofd-spok€--a4ew words to,the' ga°thering'and. thank- ed_ everyone who had made the picnic ,a success: Mrs . ' Robt . Helm 'is in charge of the "Helm Family Tree Book" and would appreciate''if each family be • responsible-irrietring herkrrow o 'the marriages, births,`or'deaths in order• for her to try and bring' the. book more up -to. date'. Honoured With .Marie .Br(2oks of Lucknow was honoured at .a bridal. kitchen shower last Tuesday evening whe her neighbours:gathered at home of Mrs...Morgan Henderson _ Mrs., Mel Greer conducted sot) 'contests.' :Readings were given Mrs.. :Harvey Webster and Mrs•.,' Don Thompson. • . Marie was assisted in opeiaingl her g s bje..;Bei&_y H nsLekson._an& -Ruth 'Ann:IIenderson while Leary j • Eliza'bet'h Henderson rrrade `the bride-to-be a hat .from the lows. Marie, expressed her thanks a.nizi invited everyone to her.' trousseau ea. Lunch and a social time w_ere_. enjoyed. • The gathering dispersed 'With • ' the Wish' that all Would" be able to attend the' next reunion. SATURDAY, AUGUST ..1 MAJOR EVENT—SCOTTISH DAY Re istration_Cbntinues_• P,xt'Office Block) . 1.2 4,10,$(1—C.\UTIIUMPIAN PARADE to• Con- naught Stadium (fin -ming on Hu Terrace Street South at 10.30 am.). • • Mise Kincardine' Present. - •-4.30;,n:m.-•••JUderne-of-Floats-+n-front-oFGr'andstand 200 nm. OFFICI AI. • OPENING. Master Ceremonies. M. L. 'Tory" Gregg. introduction G. H. "Harvey L•nklater, Ofiletal-to Oticn .A. C. "Mac" Macleod. 2„i0 'rim—SCOTTISH PROGRAM. Iasse4';Banria •Featured: '.,. • �' Scottrsh Dancin, `"" ttrh'Frti12h18t i E-ntertairimcnt. , 7 0(3 um. to 9.00 n:rn. Get Asouainted .Time • (Main Street) • 8 00. ii m. Mind Par;ide •to Arena. Rana CVetert to Front of Arena. 1100 i.m- COUNTRY AND WESTERN CONCERT AVD DANCE ,mmv rena ea urine. • Al ('hcrnv. " Jlaunce'Fia�iieu Erato Kin¢ Ret intron, Arial Urinal .Entertainment. • M ..tenor t'. r(•nit Niie< ht R?uni)h Juhnnv Herat FRIDAY, JULY 31 ' • . • MAJOR EVENT -MISS KINCARDINE CONTEST 7,00 ,p.m. to 11.00 p.m. --Registration (Post (ffice Block) -8. .m.==MISS-'KINCAi DINE—CONTES'IA-NTS PARADE] from Victoria Park to. ' • Connauaht''Stadium, fed by Kincardine' Scottish Pipe' Band. 8.30*p.m. GRANDSTAND ENTERTAINMENT , • s s " • 1 ccio ST: • PaBi, Bras. and 'Shirley. • Nick Brown=Cordovox and Drum.. Nancy McCaig. Additional. Entertainment:' SUNDAY, AUGUST 2• 11,:00 am .bPECIAL SERVICFS--Ail Churches 209 o•m Legion $ranches Assemble in Public School Grounds; 2 SS -R, C, A: F, .Fly 'Past. , 300 p.rn.- DRUMI1EAD SE;RViCE At Victoria Park. Music by R.C. R. Concert Band. 4.00' Iii51- Certolapli' bfeni'iwtat, 'Service. `630' bTh -OPEN AIR CONCERT. Limsdovene Park 70' • Piece R. t R. 'Marchihq • Concert Fiend.. 8.30 D.—SXNG•A•`L.ONi; MONDAY, AUGUST 3 MAJOR EVENT—HARNESS :RACES 12,03 ,t nj: ylltt ICll'r ;IAM13ORk:E, -shirt Tail Parade • Sheet Dance. TUESDAY, AUGUST: 4 -----MATJOR`E1i . PAGEANT, 9.00 am �12.00�Nao6--GHII.DREN S DAYS ` ' 930 a.nr.' IBACI. 'rt), r(`IfOE)i.. '- ' • Miert ,\. I: Nilson & D, A Sutherland. All t" -.It li'nls will assemble at the' hfrieahllutc & Dlsll'ick Kith School:' 1.30 U:m. PAHA M.:, • Ali... Kilw,u•dintr will Lead Parade by h..W.11rhf c Si;oltikh (0 Connaught; Stadium. ' 2.00 tilt. ANNtlAI HAftNr.SS )lO1RS1. RACE $111b0 i'n Purses—Betting Privileges). • • Playground On. Wheels .Parade. Sim' le .beet y. • 1.30 D.m.—MISS BRUCE COUNTY PAGEANT :;PARADE. • Parade [ran Victoria Park to Connaught adtum_o[ Prinri$1 ,jp,,,,,M1sy- (31u , County. Pageant. Fashion Show wiUS Anna Meyer, . • PrrellmIner t Judaina of Miss Bruce County: R Cr1t. Band in• Attendance. Grandstand Entertaininent. ' 6.30,P.m.- OPEN,AIR CONCE • By R. C, R. Band at'Lansdowne Park, 8.004n.m.••- Parade to Connaught 'Siadtum With : Miss Bruce County Contestants. 830 n:ni,•-MISS BRUCE COUNTY 'CROWNING, Grandstand Entertainment. Featuring: ' 'Tommy Common. • FIREWORKS — Auld Lang Slid:. blarciting and Concert lt.uOd - DRL t1 == CCUN CY •;PA'CiEA'�F-F- •-tkrt nnth t1 -- Anna Meyer. ALBION MIDWAY •ai CorthMight Stadium( ISmly. 7,30 o m,-• iliglilak d iRand Parade to Arena. Band 'Cotnterl Optsidc' A. . 8.30 lien.- MAPLE LEAF IRISI['' SHOW BAND. ' Concert and Dancr -400:14.'' r.'• ..