HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-29, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JULY 29th, 1970 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC.KNOW, ONTARIO 1 PAO' ,. NINE . COOL CO L_�: MIKE . MI E CHANGES-_ Fri. Sun.- Sat. un .Sat. Thurs. 1,50 1.25 .75 .75 Adult Stud!1n t,. • 1 T yrs. Chiildreut, GODERICH THURS., FRI., SAT. .Walt Dis J ULES VERNE'S In search of the SUN.; MON.,' TOES. 75 JULY 30..- 31, 'AUG.. Showing of 7.30 end 9.1 S p. and r TOUGH • To BE A.BIR.! .50 SATURDAY MATINEE • At .2.00 p.m. AUG. :23-4' :Broadway's smash musical` now the most exciting movie in'years!. J'y" AUNIVERSA. P.ICIURE faliNICOtORe, PAN'AVISION' On Holida �o Regina, has ST. HELENS NEWS' Mrs. A.1lan,•Mille'r; Lori and' •Lynn and' Mr. and', Mrs. Willis ` Corrigan of Barrie .left on Saturday for 'a tour through the ' / Western Provinces .to Regina , ' as a�cilewai�: T• Capt.. and Mrs. James McDon- DRIVERIN klEATR — 'CLINTON FIRST SHOW . AT DUSK • SAT. -. MON. - TUES August' 1-3-4, — DOUBLE FEATURE TOP FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT "TRUE GRIT" John ; Wayne - 'Glen Campbell Kim Darby ' • In' 'Color. . "ICY SIDE OF 1TIE MOUNTAIN" Theodore -Biker Ted Eccles .. • Color Cartoon FRE ald and.daughters. Julie •Ann and Riley Society Meet Ilasi eek. Thirteen members of the Ripley District Horticultural. Society met on Tuesday everdtg; :July 21 .at 8.O0,p.m. at the home of Mrs:f. Baas Vander.Hoek; In the absence of the •president•,.. Mrs, David Elphick presided over the meeting. The meeting opened with 0 Canada and the Lord's'Prayer: Ear_the;rolL ca.11,, each member.-. •wore•a corsage she hid made. . A. wide variety of flowers were used. Planswere finalized for the Flower Show on August 25. A bus'trip, was discussed; It was tentatively decided to'go to. London Fair on Tuesday , Septein7 ber X15,' Mrs, Fran Elphick and Mrs. Norval. Stewart, who made , such a good•job of the last•bus trip, Were prevailed upon to look .after the arrangements again. Mrs. Arnelia MacLeod read the ,topic prepared by Mrs.. Charles • Liddle. who was absent; because of illness. It was entitled' "Green Medicine" telling about the search for medicinal' plants.. .All • ,111rT.wr r2 Y1a �' ate the right foods'we wouldn't need pills Those present ;were , told of the steph.anthus seed which 2'_:es'cortisonefor.the 'treatment of arthritis. Persistent research reanlrs•inmany clIrati've drugs Shawna Raye of Victoria Brit sh Columbia , Barbaraontgom 'ery Wingham , Gordon Millar of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs, Doug Teas MacDonald 'were Satutray • visitorS with Mr and Mrs Angus MacDonald and farnily. Visiting Elmer Woods• and "Mrs r Laura .McNeil over•the week end were Mr. and Mrs'. Gordon Schell of Innerkip. ...Miss-.Caro-l-Mac.Ctostie-arrived honie on Friday from Saskatoon., Saskatchewan.. .. Spending the week end :with• Mr and Mrs. Allan Cranston `a.nd 'Corinne were Mr. and Mrs: 1Nayne Grigg and Karen from • Guelph and M -r. and-Mrs--G-ordou Hunt and:Jimmie, from Wellesley,. Mrs. Donald Pannabecker anc4 • family attended the:40th wedding anniversary; of het father and step mother=•Mr rid Its tk e rey J. Dahmer at Galt on Sunday: Holidaying with Lynda Lyons . this week was Nancy Rii•chie from Lucknow. ' A barbeque. was held .at the home of Mr. and Mrs: William McPherson on Sunday attended by the Elliott families. Present. were ,Mrs.. G' ordon_Elliott. RobecrGai-braitl} of Wingharn; Ivlr'. and 'WS., Mitchell Elliott of Ailsa Craig;;Robert , Brent and -Lisa-Campbell of London;. Mr,. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and fam- ily.: For The Children Tuesday—N ighf,-August-4-• SUNDAY NIGHT - Aug. 2 BIG-TRIPLE"ACTION HORROR SNOW STARTING AT DUSK BLOODY PIT ,O►F HORROR (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Mickey Hargity In Color "KISS AND KILL" (ADULT •ENTERTAINMENT) �Itristoplrrr�i�"til=�hirlo�=Satan-�- In Color "KILL, BABY • KILL" In Color • • COMING NEXT* "John and Mary" and • "Justine" y mee ing -of the St . Helens W. I. will. be -rep on urs. ay, • •ugust 6th at 8.30 p.m.•• Roll call, an amuse-. ment.of pioneer days. Topic' ' unch r . 1.. IJ A p.,a ,made from plants. Mrs: Elphick, convener of the' :program:, spoke on the Tiger lily, theprovincial.erriblem of Sask- atchewan 'She had: a.1ove•ly cor- sage featuringa lily.and this was presented to the oldest lady • preset t. , Mrs., •peter •MacDonald, Mrs. Elphick also gave .some. pointers on irlaking, original.cor • •sages•,'. Site closed the ,rneeting .with a, poem "Thank you for • T.oday . " Mrs .. Amelia -.MacLeod gave the courtesy. rema rks, a nd the meet- ing ieet-ing closed with tile- Queen' and Grace. ' , Lti.nch was, served by the host ess and Mrs. Pet Peter Mac bona ld: and Mrs Bert irw•iii: : Box. Office Opens at 8:00, p.m,• LOCHAISH Misses Sally and Louise Mac- Donald of Windsor are holidaying in the area and -visiting part time• at the Dan MacDonald horne at Lochalsh Mr.' and Mrs. Emile MacLen- nan visited in Stratfordrecently with Mr. and• Mrs..Ian Morton:: Rod Finlayson'and' John McCharles visited recently with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles spe tit- aturd w• rh-Mr..and-M-r :— Harola I'A,nson of Oakville. ' Mr. and Mrs. Eldon' Bradley Were in Grand Blanc, Michigan recently where they attended the .funeral of Adrian. Hardenburg, •whose wife is the former. Carmen Brown :of this community,.. Sym- pathy is, extended Mrs. Harden - burg from her many.friends in. 'this area: ° Mr, and Mrs. 'Oliver McCharles entertained) a number of the Andrew -Lane Clan on Monday 1 evening - to make plans for the. '46th Annual picnic to be held ,August 16 at Ashfield Park, . The .MacKenzie reunion was. held. recently with many from • this.'area attending at Reids. Corn- ers .Hall, . Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs,,. Henry MacKenzie were Mr, and Mrs, Bill Barrett and Mr. Ray MacKenzie of Toronto. , • Mr. and Mrs. George M:aCGreg- Or of Hamilton spent •last week. ; ' . .tend -with. Mr.. and Mrs. Jack ' .. MacKenzie.. • The Barkwell and Hamilton picnics were held on the week. end at" Ashfield. Park. MARMEriA A OIREDAD.,. 0,,0,41111,100 •04A 000:00•10.00 CARLOW SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE' • HOLME.S • VILLE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 • The incredible day that shook the earth to its core! iu( ESTIJ* • *POI.OiNK.SlaG1'MMI.h.IW (*NW." ayt1111O SH•.,dd• i J Iiul8 I IEII allli BAKER KEIlN ,01pkp WERtE lE110N Weekend Breukin' �t TeeswaterHOme Intended .For Last Week • Mrs. Florence 'Henry,,,Teeswater. hairdresser, as the Vic><im f a weekend breakinat her home in the village. . • She; was away•over night.;. leav- ng'•her' house at• 9 p.m. Friday to be called :.horde on Saturday morning to•a house incomplete and program , Mrs. Frank McQui1. lin, Mrs. Ernest ,Ga'unt and Mrs. Allan lvli,ller. , . • ' Aitchison Bros:,.. Jai'nes and :. Robert 'attended the Zurich and Blyth Horse Shows on Saturday and we're•successful with their teams in• the. Percheron and Bel- gian classes. Mr-.-a_nd-,Mrs: Ja-n c A tchicrm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitchison and family and Archie Aitchison attended the Aitchison Bennion at Hanover Park on Sun- , day. Mr.. and Mrs: Russel Murray. and baby•Robert Andrew of Acton ' were recent visitors with relatives• , itt the :community: This makes another break-in,- of whi h Teeswer t1 asi a good maat many the. past'months. The discovery was rn'ade by her J.1U g p>, .-C,h ie MCNa11, who had come to 'mow her lawn •• on Saturday morning. The cellar, main floor and '•Up- stairs were..:completelr=a-nsa-eked. Chests. of blankets and: drawers of gifts' and clothing, were`strewn.a'll.: over, files and accotihts were • gone through and furnit.nre and miscellaneous articles ,tossed' -�-;_._ q alp :■'�T...t • 'HOW �S.WEE•T 1T IS (Adult Entertainment) National -General -Pictures Prts .14; VAN CLUIF.n "DAY OF ANGtir (Adult Entertainment) Technicolors Techniscope" Doris Day- Brian Keith. \N • _. O $ on the doors were forced. •.All the 'beef and fowl were taken from the freezer, as well' as two wigs, permanent wave kits, and a quantity of 'money. Provincial police are investig- ating. , Mrs. Henry was a former resid- ent Of the Whitechurch area ra. ,r, —MON:; FLIES. LLL VAN CL "DAY OF AGR" A hdt•nn.1 Gen.ra• P, rwps p.••ese iN nny, op, (AHult Entertainment AUG. 3 - "TAKE THE MONEY 8 RUN" PLUS. . ALA.K.4 11 (Adult Entertainment)