HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-22, Page 13WEDNESDAY;; JULY 22nd, 1970 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN Men's .Brand Name SPORT SHIRTS Regular $5.00 to $8.00 SAVE $2.00 TO $3.00ON EACH SHIRT' SALE .PRICE AS LOW AS $2.98 CONTIN Meri's, and Boy's summer wear. Suits, pants, far' ets, shirts,. sportcoats and more all red..lali ped ous• brand' names inchitde •Forsyth, Jantzen, G.W.G., Penmans,:. Starifields 4•4•4• G'asual Pants Permanent press .wash • `'n' wear ' cottons, All colors. Sizes 30 to 44, Reg. to $11.95 As Low As $6.95 MEN'S ' CARDIGANS Reg. $12.95 FOR $7.95 ME.N'S',BRAND:. NAME DRESS SHIRTS . Take your pick .from our For- syth Stock. All short sleeves, all new stock. . All ,are_ permanent., press.. Available in •'White, pas- tels, deeper tones and:. some. stripes. Sizes 141/2 to 181. Be in style with louree -dress shirt and save yourself $1.00 to $3.00 on. each shirt r MENS SPORT - COATS 8 at $19.95 4 at $29.95 2 at $24.95 4 at $39.95. 2 at '$49.95 •MENS SUITS t-3995 v-at=$69.-95•-. : 9 at $49.00. , . 4. at $79.00 7 at $59.95 ; 5 at $95.00 • 4 at $99 MEN'S FI. EEC'E-LINED SWEAT SHIRTS Values to_ $5.95 S-M-LOnly ONE PRICE $1.99 A FEW BOYS 8 TO 14 .. Q AT 98c ' .• • ALL WORK CLOTHING LESS 10% SAVE. 51.00 :PR. ON ALL WORK PANTS AND JEANS MADE IN CAN •!ImIItI!■IIIrisiupiti IlINInNll1■m i1111111■Ill intil■1112111■Iosuorninummuips. ■ 1PPECIACIL. Dress ;Pants 1 SAS/11AM Lightweight, Fortrel and wool i dress pants.<' All colors. Sizes 29 %tea` to 44; # ..rou ,-Regular ar to $22:95 " $14:95 I. • IMPORT 'MEN'S' GREEN f ES 8 TO 18 SuWs 20 to 70% Off SportCoals 20 to SO% Off JEANS AND.: ALL BOYS WASH PANTS: Reduced 20 to 60% Including GWG SHORTS FOR FATHER. AND S'ON%. PILLOW CASES 12 DOZEN ONLY •WHILE THEY LAST '49c EACH RI( -PANTS store'! •ALL REDUCED ! "Drop in and pick up an' extra ;>,• it . . pair SPEC/A►L LM - Boys 8 . tq. 18 " 1V/A/6: . :. • e 4 4 -whist l FACECLOTHS` Assorted patterns and colours :MEN'S' NYLON WORK SOCKS 1st quality Heavy Weight. REAL 'VALUE AT. •' - ' 4 FOR $9i 89c, ND TOWELS A SPECIAL BUY! Values to $1.00 Assorted Patterns and Plains ssorted-Colours 'GENUINE LINEN. EA TOWELS • Boy's Socks Nylon assorted pattern Regular 98c .line. Sizes 8 to 1(114_ and 9' to 11 79c or 2 pr,,forll.49 BOYS.' SportT Sli ids Plains, stripes, short sleeves'. 8 to. 16 Values to . $3.49 On. Sale '$2.49 • Men's. . Dress Socks. lil 'Regular' $1.50. and .'$1.75 lines � One Price $1'.25 I. Reg. $1.00 Lines 79c • . )., .••••i•R.J . •«... «•«•«, «• pr. fore $7.00 s SORRY WE RAN ;OUT LAST ' 4 • -WEEK, BUT WE.PROMISE MORE RECEIVED .THIS YOU WE .. WILL HAVE AN- 'f. WEER-_--,_,M'-OTHER=25-xD.OZEN-, 1st -QUA -L Those orders taken for`, 1.cust- . N ITY AT THE SAME SPECIAL omers last ` week (after we :IF: W PRICE OF. , ran : short) are now filled. + Please -pickup: -as -soon -as posy ; - ` " sible. .. 3, : 39c ea, c Decorated' WO coloured cotton. MEN'S . AND'BOY'S SWIMWEAR' Size 20x30 i 3 VINDBREAK'ERS '8 ,TO .14 REDUCTIONS ARE GREAT 20 to 50% Off'.Regular Prices ALL TAGGED • -•y.='-1k..eae'a.:•a' aia'_'.•..ai�, 4 ;Awa PRICED FOR OUR AT :39c �j ALL REDUCED Including thee• very popular JANTZEN LINE _ Which was late in.arriving - . ii IIiIIIniiiiI'mll■III■IIIR iniiiI'II■III■ILIiI11 Emillgioninlnlnlnllilini)i lli■Imillirat.iiimmili nilHamil nil IEIJI•Hsi3•' imi . REDUCTIONS MADE-UP TO 50°/ • y • SPECIAL RACKS • ON •T•HE�, STREET. - • ■ -O • On' Wednesday, • Friday.,.and Saturday �i'I I11111IUIIIIIIUIIIiill�llU II■Illilll■IIIiIJJI♦tlllularJl.l/li l ul1IEII EUI•nliN li �1. RII fNJ_If■L(1NI:ItEIa#■11111 (WEATHER RERMTTTINGJ OUTER WEAR3 Pt. SETS w<ll 11■I IIRIIIEII IEI I ISI It■Ill■IIIiI IIEIIIBI IIEIIIEI IIEI IlEll hill loll lil hill IlEl11/IIIEIIi■III■II IEI I IEII I■f l lEn IRI I IRII lS" ., D E Girls'• corduroy (green only) PANT I-fOSE .On out. r last sale EAR . . (For cooler days) 2 • - 3 3x. ay Girls' s'Pant ni t s; 2111, -El - �OPrneto$4x 1 Only Girls' Pink Cord / white Jump suits :and leather, 18 Month ant eases ---Only-Boys' Brown Corduroy" : - ePrace $3,29 , and lstqualhtrili f� .: - .ADIES- SLIMS LADIES StUITS7! al 4 - sx Reg $ 95 x• '-11- ? to 14 Original: Price $5.95 • Ladies. Panty 1'•Iose'• 8t. • SPECIAL RACK NO. 1. • 20 TO SO�jo OFF - and $s 95 Stripes -- Plain SALE PRICE $5.95: 10 'M SIZES " it . _ .• . , Patterned• 79; or � .NUR _ Sale Price $3.95 and ■ _ o � ISCO"L7NT�: pr•$ •V Fortrel, Crimp.I{nit2for • Washable And 'it Was. a sell out Flannel and Cotton • We were able to purchase 'an- 'other. 25 dozen' for our'sale to sell at the above popular price, Many' customers name .'back .: .the last time to tell us 'how well they liked+them. We' hope LADIES' BATHING SUITS Assorted! Styles and Colors Size 8 20 ' 38 - 44 LADIES' SHORTS, TOPS, SHELLS, SLIMS, SKIRTS, BLOUSES REDUCED 20 TO ,50% A NYLONS' ,;39c.PAIR ■ Laminate 'Dress. Coats FANTASTIC--SA-1 I -NGS �" __ anci_Hats RACK NO. Z ON DRESSES Eil MO 18 mi., 3 nk aYRnd., Red 3x YRS. • 20 TO 50% OFF i Reg. $10.95 - $11.95 DISCOUNTS. In Junior., Misses and Half SPECIAL $6.95 Sizes. Sleeveless, Short and! __r--_==- z--Long-Sleeve _:.this=Gr s i .4. • • Girls' Shorts... ' LADIES SUMMER DRESSES 20 to 50% DISCOUNTS All Ladies' Hats 1iz PRICE I available) Values to $9.95 • Stripes Asst. Colours' AND LESS 'SALE PRICE $4.95 1 SALE PRICE $1.19 14 Cottons :Terry Stretch Nylon' 20:TO.50% OFF Girls' T -Shirts SAVE ON7 . � 14 20% OFF LADIES ii Another .Group,. CARDIGANS $1.49 Boucle and Acrylic, hand El Washable ! Terry T -Shirts Sizes 1.4 - 46 (not all sizes infant to 3x -Reg. $1,98 20%' TO 50% OFF SPECIAL RACK Girl. s' Dresses. • 4. 6x . Fortrel and Cotton Fortrel and Polyester $2.99 -Dress-and-Short- ' e s Plain short and patterned. dress 4 - 6x ' Values to $3.98 -On Price" L99 set Girls' Shorts: Broken lines (2 - 6x) Cottons Double Knits and • REDUCED Now 49c to $1.89 Boys' T -Shirts Brand Name 2 -.3x Plains .. Stripes Assorted les ValuesStyto $298 Clearings From 99c to $1.29