HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-15, Page 15.._ isop. �fir:a Jr in .... ;ws :.IMF WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1970 . `THE.'LUCKNOW SENTINELS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN. BERG COW -SAVER STALLS Outlasts others by 3 to.4 times because of hot dipped . galvanized steel tube construction. Require Tess bedding than loose housing—keeps cows drier. and more comfortable. Bell-shaped arches take up chain slack and pre Vent tangling and'. choking. Provides more head room when cows lie down. WHY LET YOUR INVESTMENTS, WANDER AROUND LOOSE? Berg Cow -Saver Stalls and'Berg, Lever Stalls were designed for the'dairyman who wants to ha die his dairy cattle as Individuals.. Successful, dairymen profit .by individualized. management ';:by challenging each .cow. Prac tices that' pay!, They pay with, increased milk production frfom, every lactation. By -lengthening 'each cow's productive life. By -assuring • you of positive indt- vidualined-nutrition-and-disease control. Put Berg stalls to work increasing your dairy profits. Berg provides a flee complete' • barn -planning service.. O.D.A,F. • NEWS AND VIEWS e,. ,1Y i rt, IMP 3'rr- EVENTS l'he- nt rio—Agricultural .Col- lege, College; Guelph, will hold Agricui tural Field Days on July 14th,: 15th .and-16th-at-the-Eloa-11e= _Search Station. Subjects. to be cov- ered overed over the three days* will in- clude Corn, Cereals : and, For. ages — Varieties, Weed Control, Zero Tillage, The Use of Acids for Crop Storage and Manure Handling Systems: : In -the -Tavistock- area -on --Judy • 21st .a Farm and Home Manage- ment Day will be held. Farmers wishing to :attendthis day will have ' an • opportunity to visit Swine, Beef or Dairy farms -and to discuss management .involved in •these various "enterprises. Kincardine: Town and Countr ay ' 1 again os i e :,race. County Dairy Princess Compet- ition this year. The date is July 11th. At least' six girls from dairy ,farms' 'will be competing to rep- NEW —RHONE -NU ,BERS,- For . Milted. Breeders • members' serviced from FORMOSA.. ANT) KINCARDINE OFFICES ....On __Mildmay-Teeswater., Walkerton' exchanges ,dial 367=2668 All other Formosa -Kincardine fibers dial 1-8UQ:' 6 hitt' fiI.ITED breeders ince Sh+awer. Held F�r• 'Brendc' -. . Ho idenby KINLOUGH NEWS Ladies of the community gatlh- reed on Saturday evening in the Anglican Church basement to honour Miss; Brenda Halden.by •with a miscellaneous bridal Shower: Mrs. Lyman Sutton was in the chair. and welcomed everyone . a-nd-the. following-pcogram was . given; Community singing was led by Mrs. Jack Barr; ,a reading entitled "the Announcement • and also a short reading the. groom" was given by Mrs.., Bert Nicholson; Jeannette Barr favour- edlith a piano' solo. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Raynard Ackertland Mrs. Tom Hodgins And readings were given by M.rs. .Lyman Sutton and Mrs. Dan Maclnne, s Miss Edna Boyle, played the • rD eIIOHNSTO'N wedding march and Brenda and • her.attendaints' Mrs. Jean (Sutton), ; _3 HOT ROOD 'Janssen and Mrs:: Barbara ('Halden• 'hone 395-5390 by) Friendorf, took their places • of honour.; under pink and white stre-ameti-and-W-ed'thrtg-b k1s, Miss. May Boyleread the address in verse expressing good wishes. Girls , • Wh'o assisted with the, gifts were Cathy and Beverley Hedley, Patti Lou Irwin', Cathy Gillespie; Betty. Ai1ue Bushell, Kimberley ,, resent the county at the C.N.E. All. Ontario Competition,, later in August. Besides. the Dairy Princess Competiton put on by the . Bruce County. Milk Producers' • Organ; _ zatloi ,Lthere—w t11-be-=fr-ee-bus- tours: of dairy farms and. dairy plants in. the area, ' as well as a parade featuring the Dairy Prin- cess contestants. The Bruce . County .H Agricul- tural Club Organization is holding its first 4-H Fun Jamboree on July: 26th, ' 1970 at. the • ,Chesley Fair Grounds. This : Jamboree is the 'first attempt at, a• gathering such as this and it 'is shaping up to be a great day for the ''4-H. members of this county. The pro- gram includes. discussion groups on various • up-to-date topics as •well as recreation, giant barbe- cue; ` film: • and, campfire activit- ies. So, if you are. a 4-11 agricul- tural member or . your sons . or rs—are 4-H--agriculturai- members, don't forget to . go, to the Chesley Fair Grounds .. 'on July 26th for the big .4.11 Fun, Jamboree,: For ' further' information on ragrars; 'contact the. Ont- ario. Department of . Agriculture `and Food office at Walkerton. ITEMS Alfalfa . Weevil Although ; the alfalfa weevil has caused vexy: little known damage in Bruce County, it seems that the weevil problem is now over for this year. Very little feeding will: take place ,due -.10 -..the rapid . rate • of -cocoon- .: ing. • Turnips •— Recent residue data indicates that Dasanit can not be used as statedin' the 1970 Veg- etable egetable Production Recommen- dations. Therefore, the. use of Da- -sanit has been .rPStrieted-to OnL -one--application: - If�-Dasanitfwas-~ used ' in the granular , form at planting time, then one of the other , insecticides - Birlane, Thimet. and Zinophos — should beused for subs • uent , drench sprays. Dairy — The heart of any . free-. stall dairy unit is the milking .par- lour. To a large extent the size • ..or. herd .is:. limitedJiy° the_:time. it . takes to milk the cows morning. and night. Since the number of Cows that can be milked per, man hour varies considerably with the type of milkingparlour and the number ' of stalls, ' great, /care oulezbe taketr lri the ann n stage • to obtain the greatest ef- ficiency possible for 'the invest- ment. For example, approximat- ely 40 cows per man hour can be milked with a double 4 herring- bone erringbone parlour, as compared to 28' cows with a four in line, side "opening type of parlour; and the total capital Costs are quite Sim- ilar. Haldenby and .Janice Fawthrob • _ Brenda thanked everyone for the loveifts , the girls who assisted and those who arranged • the shower and invited everyone 'to her home, Where her gifts .and trousseau were displayed. All joined in singing."For she's: •a jolly good fellow" and lunch was • served, Following is the address.. Dear. Brenda -• We are' happy to. come to your. shower to. night , And' we hope all your day - sunny acid bright . Sorne may not know how your, ro- mance began , • • So I'll try and tell them the•best that_I_ can_:_ _ : NOXZEMA LATHER with. FREE Super' Stainless Blades, Value ••.$1.54.Our ,Price' 72c -NOXZEMA SHAVE BOMBS -W° ith FREE-Blades— Value $1.68 Our Price 80c WILKINSON' SWORD BLADES 5's + 2 FREE. ' Blades 7 For 75'c Our Price -7 For 68c CLAIROL Come Alive' Gray, • Reg. $1.75 Olur Price .$1.58 • CLAIR HAPPINESS HAIR COLORS, Reg. $2:95 Our Price $2.55 FOIL .WRAP 127 x 2.5 Reg. '39c. Our. Price 29c •FIRST AID KITS $.1.79 UP KOTEX 'TAMPONS '40's $1.87.1esa $1.00 coupon iA^.* *#tt*'****'*****r****i***.ire*** ach rma�y prince charming would appear. Then to Bruce County came a young man, . • Right froth Ottawa way-, and he p telephone map, with high hopes and spirit gay. They -were both -at -a very -special.. • I'd like to, drive you to your home. Brenda's heart beat;,fast.; but full of joy ,.And she.shyly said I'll go. And this is how this romance began day, ' A year or so ago. • That the 'company had planned And his „eager eye .around the; gathering scanned. Brenda looked in 'Ken's direction and She never 'felt•so•grand, The Brenda had lived up at Westford.' .for twenty some years, And -from-sohooi-she: took-offvfor, a_ • business career. She hoped some sweet d'ay.her;. Brenda you have always; been' ready and .willing • to db your •part in the community., The; 4-H, en spied hem,_• Sh_p tooted_ .lu-b e d • at •him . School and'the choir:. But his smile she Couldn't resist. Right then Dan Cupidplaced a dart As_ always _" ke_aev_er_missed_, _ The sky was so blue, the : bright sun shone 1ALL..B en4a_l_ooked o s -eat and. young And as the day went'on Ken said, •./ We will miss you.,. but we wish you and •Ken' God's richest -bless- - 'ings in the years that lie ahead. Come back often, 'and please acceptthese gifts as a_t kenof' • .our esteem for you ,:from the / ladies of your home community CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PYMOUTH PHONE 357=3862 -'LU-ICK, 2 door'ha d • equipped and radio _ 69 • . CHEV . 2 door, 8 automatic 68 • CHEV 4 door ' sedan, 6 -automatic With radio. • 7 FORD 2 door, 6 :automatic, radio 4 - FORDF4A1 :... i with radio 66 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic with radio, ' 6 CORONET ' stationwagon,pnut-• 8 . • matic with radio ,.'r ,_. *iv ........ rr 'i.�.Qj} Y _......., r�'••� top, .console, • bucket, seats and radio 66' CHRYSLERS, 4 door, power dipped 6.6 CHEV, • 6 'automatic. with . radio • 65 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury,' 2 door, hardtop 8 cylinder; 4• �ap�d ,nsio 63 PONTIAC, 4 door, 6 •automatic with radio fi TRUCK.. DODGE W100, % ton sno-fiter, 8 cylinder, '4 speedtransmission