The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-15, Page 10PAGIN TON EXCLUSIVE. DISTRICT SHOWINGS 44.1 Of'iiirt1 THE LUCKNO.W SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO• * JMITED. ENGAGEMENT .' Starts THURSDAY,: JULY:23M' • EVENINGS. at II:30 p.m.; Mat. Saturday 2:00 p.m. d/ IIIU111EWJIMEI1 OF LIFE E., FOR.THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY YOU CAN SEE'HELLO.00LLY!' AT POPULAR PRICES! N w the wile faits cin aijoy "The higgest, t- soist musicalwlthia memory" -National. Observer , GODERIGH 3.0 THE SQUARE PHONE. 524-.7811 AIRCONDITIONE.P.- ..... Y WINNER Of 4 AC'ACEMYAWANN•S' West. Wawaflosh Give Approval To Brooside io Use Grader. In Building 4OYardTrack=AtPubIic=khooI --1 The July session of West Wawa -I . , nosh Township Council was ..held on Tuesday evening -July 7th, with all members in_attendance. ensures of:t e une meet- " !ng were read and adopted` on ,• motion of Councillors Rutherford. and Foran. - . Robt,. Council inregard to the tile` drain on his farm, and also 'w,iith the request to have the Andrew Finnigan Drain repaired. A motion by Councillors McDonald and Aitchison gave Mr Hallam - ;= authority to have=Warner-Andrrew� make the necessary .repair. Ross Errington and Herb Wilk ins' attended the meeting to request the use ofthe grader. before September for the.'constru- ction of a 440 yard track at the • oksid:e-Pu-bias-Sehoe17--=1) sign was.. granted, by Council,'.' with the matter to be :taken up by the:.. Road, Superintendent when the grader, was not required on road c-onat-ruction. . By -Law 7 , 1970.La .by-law, • to impose a specialr,rate on Lot • •. 21, Concession 4, was read and ' finally passed Qn .motion of Conn,. cillors Foranand McDonald,. A Petition . for, a Drainage Work signed by a large. number' of Dun- gannon- residents -was. accepted- - on:motion of Councillors Aitchison and Rutherford... Five tenders. for thc,Boyle-Drain, age Works were received ,.and were opened at this time.' The tender of -Clarence Brickman,for the price of $3,050.00 was accep 4 tedon motion of Councillors Foran and Rutherford. Other' -bids were-or.$3140-;-;$385 "$35J3 ani $4500. -7', The Road Superintendent had received 8 tenders for the •applica :tion of Pit run gravel on the 7.'- and 6th. Concession Road at Lot 15716, and Council considered -d' fiviii 25.0' for the first' mile , plus 40 extra for,. each -extra 1/2 mile•to 500 per cu. yd. _The tender :Gordon Stiles of -Brussels at 2.80. per cu. yd. was acc-epred on- i -notion -oft ---:- Councillors McDonald and Aitchi-• 'son. o•Ooo air••••••••••••••No•os+ s• 11•*••••w••s+••♦i LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE: SENTINELWITH MARGARET THOMPSON FILES 10 YEARS, AGO JUNE 1960.. • SIX benches were purchased .` locally, two by. the Village Council one-eathrbyrthe-Lgion Wm. A. Schmid ,.Lloyd Ashton and John W. Henderson Lumber' Ltd. Three of the benches. were. ped ,on Main Street , two at Victoria Park and one. at South Kinloss Cemetery. The ,large, circular stained glass. window , overbooking the entrance to the United Church, .was repaired and improved. and an outer amber glass installed to cut the sun'sgiare. . Rev.. Gordon Geiger, minister at Lucknow 'United Church, :accepted a call to become pas- tor.at Essex United Church effec- tive the end of June. White' swans , the parents and attraction at Point ' Clark where • they nested for the first time in'. the.;m.emory ,ofGong-time_-summer. residents of this resort 'area. 3OYEARS AG 011 111ANGE' For an .oil change,. tune-up' or any; car need, come. to us! NEW.. TIRES Don'Ld tv�e�__' with tired tires! Let us check there, • LUCKNOW.• i JUNE •0 An urgent appeal went out' for_ woollen blankets for immediate shipment to France and 'within a week forty-five'blankets were.. donated. (It was, reported by the end of that. week, that it was impossible.to. buy -another wool • 1en-b a Ret m -town 7)=- In response to the appeal the• St. Helens , .•Women's Institute' donated one. :blanket and an additional twenty The ,road accounts were ordered paid on motion of Councillors .Foran and Aitchison. • The following general accounts were passed for payment` on mo-' • tion'of Council'l'ors. McDonald and. Ruthherford . J A:... compensation policy prernium., 4.,7.00;, Lucknow Sentinel, print•-, _ing_4estLLes,„.2 ...6,3;_ London_Free Press , Boyle Drain ad :15.49,;. Robert • Halla•m , tile drain loan part, 1000.0u; Welfare Accounts , 618; 52;,. Niagara Chemicals, 10, bags' •warbicide 52, b0; :Village of Lucknow', Wall :fire , 150;00; Hur-on County -Historical Society, 1970 grant , 15.00 ROAD ACCO .NTS: 'H. Culbert , 'salary,7149:3Htmiphre.y , operator, 396.63; A. 'McDonald labour , ,183.75; F. Olson back- fi11-eu irei t , ' 57.4.70, J- —moss ,. tarkfilretTIVreft7304785TA. McDonald ; tractor and loadei, 187:50;: Pollard' Bros. , liquid chlor. I ide %; 2039,86; Pollard Bros liqu./ d.chloride. (Auburn) 25.(1_9.0; L Imperial Oil Ltd.', fuel and tax, 233.00; J. A. McDonagh , insurance (compensation) , 175.19; Advance Times gravel tender ad, 4.86; Hackett Bros, chainsaw repair , -4, tau; W. H. Gallaher bulldozer and .scraper, 1683'. 00;. Lucknow Sentinel, stationery, 23.63, Signal Star ,• gravel tender -aci. ;� 5_x.6-0=Hu-r-on:Gbun-ty ; --etti mix (Auburn) ,. 268.13; Huron County, chlbride'(Auburn) 42.00; Sandy Construction, gravel (Auburn), 75,.00; Bank of Conti-, rnerce., C.P.P.and Income tax, 114,.80; Receiver General, U . 1.. stamps 15.20; Bill Kempton., Re- locate teiephorie cable, 130.00, •Council adjourned to meet August 4th at the blankets were donated by -the, St. Helens community , number-- ;ing almost half of•the total ship menta. • Anexpenditure-of-more than $1,000,090 to establish an air na*,iga-tor's school --under the air-- - •training scheme at Port Albert,. on Lake Huron, was announced • by Air Minister Power, In, addi- tion $42,100 had been set aside for development of the Huron County Airport , just -north of Goderich, for military purposes. '.50. YEARS AGO: J.ONI; 1920 J G. Anderson was converting the old woolen mill intoa flax Mill. Besidesrepa:iring the old .buildinghe was erecting a large barn to` be used for storage. pur- poses. This gaye Lucknow two,,, _ mi11.s�;-one-=at tl�e=e�t-rerrre--- north, the other at the extreme • south of•the'town. A,Special "'Mens=Panama-Hats-. at $2.95"` was being offered by Cameron, Murdoch and Co. —The Ashfield Methodist Circuit WEDNESDAY JULY 15th, 1970. UP TO . HALF=PRICE-. FILM' PROCESSING, BLACK AND WHIT!' , a Exposure '55 costs . KODACOLOR a Exposure $2.12 • 12 S'l.all, Ilk-- $4.50 By -pass "middleman store- keeper," send DIRECT to pro - easing plant and save up to 50%! Send , film . cash, cheque or mons order._ along with this ad to: CLINTON PHOTO • SERVICE CLINTON,. ONTARIO Add. 5% tax and 1$c to cheques The Lucknow: Sentinel. July 15, 1970 was'offering'the Parsonage in • Lucknow for sale.. They rented' _the_ Richard .; .Webster residence-on- -Ross esidence:on•---Ross 'Street' as- a .homefor their -minister with the option of • buying the property. • ''>1 Ao #4574 /I6 THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524.9981 THURS; FRI',..SAT. JULY 46 z 0 0 LL 0 0 J W -J 0 X 40 z RIFCfIN INN1S OWN1NEp p1E WAUURAOE 011011101011. mew* ' Rd WHIM DISN'IMIION.FOLOS I.HE MAN 1-tIS WORLD HIS -"M -U S;1 -C - IN*. .10111UN.MOTNEA MA11141 TE 043:0111114111 MNS THE 101111011111 TWO HITS F IVE FEET HIGH AND RISING ONE TWO MANY • . J MORNINGS (WITH BOB DYLAN) Rita_lN * jilltNE —- HILLBILLY. veri oo1101 ERS IVES JULY 19; 20, 21 COLOR by DE LUXE Produced by Directed py Screenplay by 'BUDDY tWLER JOSHUA LUW1I A PAUL OSBORN Production i.�N!