HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-15, Page 2. . PAfI TWO. ?;a • • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • The LUCKNOW SENTINEL • ' •LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, , "Th. Sippy Town" - On the Huiron-Bruco Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 .- . Published; Each Wednesday Afternoon M.mb r of tho C.W.N.A...and, O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $5,00. a year in advance . to the U.S.A., 07.09: Donald 'C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1970 : icor ARE WE SLIPPING BEHIND? Warm summer days and nights causes. -many Lucknow residents to look with envy at surrounding towns, villages : and hamlets which have the facilities ;of.-a..community •-park -at their"disposal. Lucknow has more than one location known as :a, park, but it takes more than a field and a bit of grass to make a park suitable for the use of the community, from infants to senior citizens; Lucknow really has ' nothing that even resembles the type of park that; we see in our travels around this area. Attempts •were made '1 an : ' • a : entennial year to establish such a park here. The idea was "shotdown and today, three years later, wefind ourselves with • the • saine:':nadequate facilities as `we had then. We hesitate to even mention the word swimming pool, knowing that, the very word • will start tongues wagging in every direction. • Perhaps -if ey-all-wa Tthe same tune,. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Explains Position.. In Milk, Dispute. R. •R-. 3," Lucknow July 9 , 197,P. -:Dear .Don , The article in the July :8 Sentitr el., written by Bill Batten, Exeter, clearly shows the wide gap' of understanding that exists 'between the rural and urban dweller. Mr. Batten , . w ith ' no comprehension of ,the farmer's problem ; has set out tomake a mockery of ihe., rural people:for: trying:.tp get a decent price for their products. - This milk situation -has nothing to do with• the normal import and export of goods that is car- ried on between countries. What' the farmers (under.; leadership of the N,F.U.) are kicking about • and what Ivlr. Batten should have :looked .into be ore wrixirig.t at-�--- ridictilous article,. is:that-We- .are told we are producing a surplus of milk in our country (in any other business it's called inven,. tory in farmingitssurplus) awareness that a person is not alone but is tied'. by blood lines to thousands of ancestors of whom he is the current living monification This new Society was, formed last year to assist in research, and this is under the direction of Rev. Father. Ral'•h O'Lau•hlin •C.S B. whose mother published the History pf St Joseph's Parish, Kingsbridge in 1937 one thing is certain, you will find: more .saints" than satans ••in your- ancestors: fYou area not interested in your forefathers? Well, one should, be when we recognize the contri- bution they Made to the heritage we enjoy today. -Compare the six hours it takes today to cross the. Atlantic, to the six weeks they braved the dangers of the Atlantic in small and overcrowded wooden :vessels,' then following a trail through the. Canadian: Wilder. nessto hew out a 'little •c'ircle' and build 'a log.cabin. on .the shores �� l�:ura�� , • 4 - for. a given.. number of weeks, Lucknow- would have-both=:a-suitable- park and a swimming pool, things that are becoming .commonplace. for most communities in the district: UIIiU IiimIIIUIII FII IIUiH•lliiiiiiilIUii IUIIIBIIINlli■II emifflNEnrUiUIiii•ui11 BUSINESS 'GROUP • ' CONTINUED FROM: PAGE 1, ----were re -elected -secretary and. treasurer. .Fees were, set at $15 for main r• street , $1u for main street and $5 for hairdressers.' 'Plans were made for another, sidewalk sale with a tentative dat-e-set-for mid August' providi-ng a midway can be secured. A . 'committee of Terry Rathwell, Reg. Jones and John Kreutzweiser was named for the. event.' Annual dues will -be ;collee- by Mrs: Ford Cunningham Mrs. Reg Jones Lloyd Ashton and Bill Johnstone. An official request was redeiv- ..ed from •the Lucknow Agricultural Society that stores remain closed 'for a per.iod•on- the afternoonof the Fall Fair. Most businessmen at: the meeting stated that they had alwa'y's madem .practice closing fora period on .Fair day. It was agreed that stores would close from..1 to 3 p.m. that day.. • Several promotion ideas -were presented , •signs at•'he entrance of the village , encouragement`. for someone to establish a motel here parking lot direction signs , paving of the present municipal' parking,lot. , Man losin li--d`sy- • y� g was again presented to the meeting: A'petition-ballot•is to be': . circulated in the Fall re Monday closing and if favourable,, to be • effective the first' of 1971. ..a SAVINGS Ammons Sealy • Sleepmaster LUCKNOYi '.— .P•HONE; 5214432` . .. 'lower_price) €orwhaLwe_produce— over our quota. This milk, is sold on the world market 'at a clt_eap price , si?hsidi7ed b_y�the h St . Joseph's .Pastor Father Henry Cassano, S.S.P. ,,extends'.• an invitation to•everyone to, join in a Memorial Mass:,-' Sunday August 16' and a full program of. etiviries and en erainrn,ent wt comm.ence..Saturday, , 'August,15 , under the .direction of Mr. Eugene Rayne. Mr. H. J, Boyle has. e.en-invited as_ the:_-gu-cst_speaker' •but this has not been confirmed at this date. Dinner.will be •• served :at 5 p. rri. by the C. W.I.. under the direction of the Presid- ent ,..Mrs. John Austin. Melvin -J.70 -42011y; ,President , Kingsbridge. Geneolog.icai Society', 4b8. Moy Avenue,,. Windsor 14, Ontario: fa.rrrier, then Burdens for,example , buys it (at..this cheap price) pack- • ages it in Ireland' (cheap/ labour) and sells it • bacly into Canada at a huge profit. Now I ask you., why should the farmer line Bord -ens=pore-kets at a:tithe when he �s getting such a low price for his milk, that he can scarcely show any profit?.. What welneed are more farmers backing the National Farmer's ;uniori•to force. the government and the various.commodity board"s' (milk is only a beginning) to give.. us a decent return for our outlay: and. work. Also --e=need--a lit -He --more, co-operation from our urban friends, for if the big corporations_ take over' these' tarms as they surely will do if farmers don't,soon:get a better share of the profits, then this will mean the end of•,the cheap food policy and this,will affect the urban dweiier: s elf as the tamer. - Sincerley., ' Mrs.. Charles Wilkins , Chairman of the Youth Committee , :+National Farmer's Union.' Luc know, Sentinel, - Lucknaw , Ontario, Kingsbridge ,Genealogical Society. Did your mother come from Ire- land? , or .are you "The daughter of Rosie --0' Gradyy?'--'Phase-song:' titles could very well set'•our theme. for our Society as We pre,. pare for a Weekend at our fore- fathers settlement in Huron County on the weekend of August 15 and Since this is the 5th generation since the original settlers arrived in 1840, some research Will be necessary because it will be your grandmothers' grandmothers you will be tracing. - Geneology is described as an 1 Boy.Plnne Farm:Tractor WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th,, 1970. UP TO HALF-PRICE FILM PROCESSING BLACK AND; WHITE E•xposur. 55 c.nts 12:— 05•, cints, 20 r.- $1.35. 'CODA OLOR , • 0• Exposur• $2.12 12 — $2.110, 20 --- $4.50 • By-pass '"middleman store • keeper," send DIRECT 'to -pro- cessing plant and save up to 50%! Sand . film, cash, cheque. or money order'along with • this, ad to: • CLINTON'' PHOTO SERVICE CLINTON, ONTARIO. Add. 5% tax' and '15c to cheques ` •. . The Lucknow .Sentinel July 15, 1970 Car StilkeSI'ree In Sunday Accident; A sin e I Two-boys-Were-injured-in-a----- faun -wo-boys were--rnjuredin-a---farrrl accident.rece.ntly. Daniel Petrie , '14, of 'R. R. ‘2, Teeswater, was driving a 'tractor; on which • Blair Stitxon,`9; .was riding on•.the latter's. farm The machine• overturnedin a ' .ditch, pinning the Sutton boy to,. the ground. :Passersby and neigh bars m anagcd to -lift -the tractor off the lad's body. and • his father , Beverley 'Sutton brought him to the Wingham hospital. Blair Sutton. suffered injuries d.•shou-ld-e� 13 asrorts and shod': ' • • Daniel Petrie suffered abrasiojs to, his left shoulder and shock. 1 Sunday evening two miles• west of Whitechurch on Highway 86 sent members of a Preston family to - Wingha rn • Hospita 1 Miss Monica Molachyk , Preston,' was driving a .cat which blew atire causing her to lose 'control andstrike a :tree. Miss 'Molachyk was removed to Wing- : ham Hospital by the hospital • .. ambulance serif#e`,ringlf 4tii s- cion and. shock. Her condition. was listed as satisfactory. Passengers in the car , her moth- er oth-et Mrs. Theresa. Molachyk, 35 was 'treated for shock and re - leased'and •Antony Molachyk, age 11 was treated for shock,. abrasions •to right .shoulder,, back and right . ankle and. released! • Kincardine Ontario Provincial Police investigated :-- - At Convention; In New York .Miss Winn'ifred Stewart, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs..'Philip.Stewart will spend this week in.New York •City.: 'She will attend the Nation- a4 Secretaries Association (Inter:.- national) Convention to be Winnie . is 1st vice President of London Centennial Chapter of the National -"Secretaries Association; R1PLEYABATIOIR • tit Custom Butchering Curing and Smoking' Cutting and Wrapping Sausage' Making Fast Freezing • 'HOGS AND. CATTLE•ON MONDAYS. 'CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS' With. - . �7_rvo B.g• Costlers;.jpL� „Air`n,,Abi.+e,..-• Ta-Hangou.r.�.Besf..,.ft: 1 To 3 Weeks - Whatever Your Requirements Are For• • Home Freezers We Sell , Choice Home Killed Beef; Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL .MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR 'YOUR: PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. • - ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961