The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-08, Page 1$5.00 A. Year In .Advance .—$2..00 Extra .To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th, 1970 Single Copy 15c 20 Pa9es Couple Mari 50th Anniversar Tom Morrison Installed As New Legion President . Tom Morrison:-was4nstalled .as president of the Lucknow •Legion . on Tuesday night •of last week. Tom, has just sold his Whitechurch garage •business and is moving, to Lucknow . Ted Elliott, deputy zone coin mander of Brussels, was head of . the : installing team.. Other officers included; .past 'president , Irvine ,Eedy; lit Vice Vice Brock Cleland; '2nd Vice, Gordon Montgomery., Sec. Treas.., Harold Ritchie; Sergeant at ATMs Ed Blackwell;; Executive , 'Art Ernew ein Alex Inglis , 'Bruce Wamsley, Noble Johnston ,. Angus, Ma..Donald„ Dave Moffat; Service Bureau Officer , Ken .Carneron. !4442.♦ i i•!♦diN•• Never Hn:Yepr��pppen 1n A Millio was heldat the Sunset,„gess gt.,K .Kincardine to celebrate the 50th ann.ive:rsary. of Mr. and Mrs..Ralph' Have. you heard this one? We. heard it third -hand ; but believe tic when thew moved rn �Nl facts ares-reasons-b-ly-e:orrect ; were,married June 30,, ,1920 ,at ler •,.,,•,Seems:.that.•.a...man.,who •is well. parent's home, on the Tenth of known in this community was returning by car with his wife from a social outing.. Pressing,' ce the acferatorµa .bit"hard , he w.as. stopped by the police for speeding. On Saturday-,_;J.une 27, a dirr4er .Hunter. of Ripley; Although:an'official "Open House” was not held nn the =nix - ersary date, June 30, 'many friends and relatives called at their home On Saturday, June -27 , afternoon and evening, to enjoy asocial time•. with them••and their'family: • Mrs. Hunter is the daughter of the late Mr;and Mrs, ichael • • Stroud of the 10th of Kincardine 'Township'. • Ralph is the son of the late :Mr: and Mrs. David Hunter. . He was raisedon the. 7th cones- sion of Ki i r- ine ,. two miles from Armow , • where the couple.. resided untilOctober 23 1968 'Kincardine by the late Reyes01. N. Clarey, , assisted by C. S.' Hawke of Tiverton. . Mr.; and Mrs. Hunter have one daughter Mrs. Ken (—Thelma).' Robertson.of Zion'orithe. 7th•of•; The police asked him • if he .had Kincardine Township; three grand been drinking, and when he: child • ren and ' five .great.'grandchil- replied that he' had a "couple dren.. of beers" ,,they suest.ed• to him •They received congratulatory . that his wife had .tgetter drive. messages from the Prime Minister Not wanting to argue with the . of Canada , The Premier of Ont- -str orrg-a ario,a1 .1 from congratu ations but failed. to' tell the officer' that Ross --Whither , •M,.P. for.'Bruce. and Murray. Gaunt, M.P. P, for Huron -Brute. Friends •attended from his wife did not•have• a licence.., • Proceeding along' the road, you guessed it! The car "was stopped by distance• -from .Calgary, Toronto • a second policeman who asked ' Sarnia ; Brigden, Brampton and the lady driver for,her licence. Lucknow 'You. can guess' the rest. An attem ecreaton 144: children from Ashfield °ending ,a rea have been, registered `'for sw inirhi.ng instruction at the Goderich Swim ming Pool The arrangements were made • by the newly formed Ashfield 'Recreation Committee. Swim • ruing will comrnence'August '3rd for a month 'and will take place in the morning., 8.30 to 12, five ays a week. The Recreation Committee Will provide transportation to and from the pool daily which will leave from Brookside, North Ashfield and iiogihr dge :S.ehra01s1, •B sse11 Chapman of '.Whitechurch• W ill be in charge' of the buses. • Other ' ' activities will be arranged, for,the children when they are not in the Masses at the pool. The swim- mer willpay his pool fee of $4 per person: ,• The Recreation Committee is. . presentlyarranging for ball teams wimming • to .play in the township." Two classifications. over 18 and unde 13 years of •age have been'set up. 'Four girls teams have been organ= izedand twelve boys teams have also been organized by Bill Blackj a Member of the committee. • ,pt,.•a•nd we'understand a success= ful one , was made to ex -plain to the officer that she wouldn't have been :driving. without .a lic- ence except' at the insistence •of the first policeman up the. road: �♦H♦NDN• ♦♦H♦•�►N♦ "�t • WEBER - ECKENSWILLER r, an rs.. err` enswi ler, Holyrood, wish"to'announce the marriage of their daughter Rita Alice Louise to Paul Norman Weber , son -of Mr, . and •MMrs. 'Jos- . dtxa.ay - c 'Wins _C '$olat�on Award In Irish Sweepstakes, Second: For Pam ilk The expression that "lightning never strikes twice•in the same. • . • P1ae & ea-rs=tube-diseautted this week. Mrs, Frank MacLennan of Loch- alsh received word on the week. end that she had won a consols- tion award in the Irish Sweep- stakes, the.value of which is'100 pounds,, or about $250,: • 8.*♦N•N♦•N♦N.•H•••:": • Her husband Frank received a similar award in 1936 when a non iler.in the-race-paid-h-irri- •bout? -40 pounds. The pound was .more valuable in those days and the ` win netted Frank about .$2200;' The law of "averages was certain ly ..tripped up. A second winner ' of the sweep's in the same house- hold' is pretty unlikely. • Glen :Walden. tniu:red In- �c�r�1 • n . Barn Floop Glen :,Walden caf=ltte-know pis.:a patient in Wingham and District Hospital with •a. series' of injuries. which he received in a •fall in his dairy barn on Thursday• morning, of last: week. 'Glen was in the barn early ' Thursday morning and in attempt- ing .to head off a cow into one 'of the pens, he :slipped and fell on the newly whitewashed floor. While not with him at, the. time, his daughter'Lynda was in / another area ofthe barn and -found Glen shortly after he had taken the' tumble • The immediate •seriousness of the. • injuries••was not realized and ,he we. nt•to the house., later 'going', to the' Huron farm to look after -some chores there. When the pain from his fall' became worse, Glen, was' taken to the hospital shortly after noon ithat-darand-fuither-examination revealed an amazing number of injuries.. • Glen's .back .is broken, two vertebrae are broken , two ribs rare broken.off at the"• front and back, two` discs injured• and the area where the neck and back meet is. injured. It, is expected_ .that he will be at.least six weeks. onhis back with. little or: no. movement; It is also anticipated that he will have a long .period of convalescence after this, , . •Injuries .seemto be -common in the Walden family over.the .past year, "Last November., Glen's ' wife Lois took a tumble: in Ashton's store and,cracked a.bone ' 'in her knee. She was on•crutches tor eight weeksT n --arc ois• --��-" slipped on, some iceneat-the United Church and had her wrist lin a coast for six weeks.. 1 "The future of the',Lucknow Fall.' Fair" was the ,tq c for a,e public meeting which was held in the Lucknow Town Halton Mon- day night of 'last week. The Lucknow Agricultural Society called the meeting 'to attempt to determine' how much piibhc support there was for the Fat Fair continuing and:to try to'. determine ways and means of. • raising more funds. and -obtaining more workers who w iu d�ss-istt-the, present Fair board . • The."present • CONTINUED ON' PAGE '8 Lurknow. 'ativ�e Will ead Medical Team onesia •$iratford Grad ANNABELLI RITCHIF •Miss Annabelle Ritchie., a 'graduate of Stratford Teactiess'-. oI .g, comtneilce teach ing Grade'4 at Brookside Public School, south of Lucknow, in September.• Slee is the .daughter of Mr. and Mrs .: Lorne Ritchie of R. R. , ° Ripley and granddaughter of Mrs. Gordon Ritchie and Mr: and Mrs. Dan Nicholson of Lucknow. ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ • ..... �._..... e e wit Dr. John Mowbray; : 45, former associate piofessor-.oLrnedic:ine at the University of Saskatchewan; `. . le -awes -this week to take up .the:. .. leadership of Care's first full-time medical team to, Indonesia. Dr. Mowbray'is a native of: this .community and .w ell n, to ymost-a-r-ea-res end- t"s ; Hetes thy'. son of Alex Mow bray of Lucknow and, was raised .in this community.: Mrs-. Mowbray is the former Cath erine Johnston, daughter of .Dr. W. V'. Johnston. of Toronto and formerly of Lucknow. Dr. Mowbray:,, a, specialist in internal medicine , said the tears • will consist initially of himself and • Dr. Peter• Hopper.. of Williams Lake , B. C: , who is a specialist in surgery and •obstetrics:,•• plus a laboratory technician; a nurs=. '. ing instructor and an operating room nurse. The team was invited by the Indonesian ministry of health to work at the three hospitals ° :in Solo, a central city on the 'island of Java. His role will be to_teachand ractiseinedicine_ Another doctor'menber of the. 'ea'rn, Dr. B. E. Tothier of Dalhousie , .N. B, already is in Indonesia and will spend six months in Solo conducting a: ' course for general practioners, g The restofthe team is under ' ONTINUED ON PAGE 2