The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-01, Page 17' WEDNESDAY, JULY lst, 197*
Noble Thoughts and Nicholls' Notions
her recognition importance and
self-esteem .from a, 300 hp motor
or some senseless. destructive
prank•.rather than the hone and
community. Its a great pity .
when anyone , and 'especially
young 'people .don't have the
init atrve-�ty.-f nd sarnernhxng to
do., but More so when the intel--
ligence doesn'gt go any further
than pushing a gas pedal.
It is the ' opinion of some in
Lucltnow that the reason we no
longer have our own police protec-
tion is, that •some citizens felt
that their children should/ be ex-
emptfrom the law and used their
influence to get them off.. To be
,caught and chargedwith activity
which is dangerous is one thing, ,
but to have parents fight to get
you out from under the law 'is
complete madness. Weteach
that the law is to be ignored and
that Borrie should expect special
.privilege, .After the incident •
of the Red .Car• reported in the
London Free Press, where threev
young fellows .were killed , the
reaciio.n seemed to be that the .
police were at fault for chasing
Our community, along with
many others; seems to be the
victim of children and young
people who .have parents, who
• couldn't care less; about their
whereabouts or their activity in
the late hours Of the night arid the
—early hours -.o -f -th- e-rnor-ning, • '
Many Lucknow residents have had
their sleep` interrupted by squeal-
ing, tires, roaring motors, both
car and motorcycle , in the small
hours of the .morning.
If parents care -so little about
their children as to allow themie
wander around at all hours ofthe
day or night, the obvious gUes-
tion seems to be , why do they
Italie them at all? Or are the .
•children in: such complete con-
=• trol-of the situation that adults
• can do nothing about it?, A.
drive down the main street about
1:30 a.m. :it likea drive through
.tornado -country.
it's a:•sad state of affairs when
a young person has to gain his or,
It's p
Matter of
i'#e an .
Carbon monoxide is ,a . gases
that escapes every tithe a cig-
arette is lighted. ' .If you in -
n. hale cigarette smoke, there is
do way to block the gas from
enteringyour bloodstream.
Filters -cannot -trap -the --gas..
The; police are maybe partially
responsible for lack of co -opera - .
-t ort, Bu .hen they e --pa d -b r—
society to. protect and .try to do a.
job ,'only to be faced ,by opposi7
rizfrom the people who pay..
them/, is it any wonder that they
get discouraged and cynical?,
The problem of course begins
long before any incident of, ,
squealing tires. It begins ,in, the
individual, in the.ho.ine and in
society., when a. child :gets no •
What happens when. carbon • assurance 'of his worth- as a per-
nionoxide gets into your. blood- son and as part of a family. It
'•stream? A team of Danis .re- begins' when we thi:nk'his little.
searchers at the 'University of . stunts are cute and applaud him
Copenhage: :have .found out.• for:his pranks. •It' begins when. We
•C on monoxide rapidly' de- tryto buyhim off with things.; 'd'
. plebe the oxygen =. carrying • . g;
cap city-of=the=blood, Y.ur ging h-im-a�l-the things we,
never' had. It begins -when we
ridicule him. and refuse to treat
him as a person.•
A .young fellow was 'berated •;
by-hir1 to r r�because he adrfor-
gotten to bring. a,screw diver .�:.
when•going some•distance to
Mow `.sortie grass:. His lather had,
brought him, but of course he had
no responsibility to.reinember
the screw driver;' it was the :stupid
kid. How. many of these unfor-
�tunate circurnstances would be
ayi.ded iLadults wauld-grow up?
lun . , heart, and .brain, need.
plenty of oxygen to survive.
The dangerous fact about
carbon monoxide ' is that it
bines rapidly, with._.herno
globin: The 'resulting combo
is called . carboxyhemoglobin.
Normal : level of ' this in
the body is about • one-half
of one percent. When this level
rises to 5 to .10 :percent, there
is outright. interference with
oxygen. transport. : Heavy cig-
igarette . smokers often have lev-
els up to 20 percent.
The Danis investigators tried
to figure out he* .carboxyhem-
oglobin,does , . its damage by
using • animal. models. They
found that cigarette smoke
makes.blood vessels more per- . •
meable, thus allowingg an in-
ow o. a ough.
vessel walls: Some of this fat
is deposited, leading to athero
• .sclerosis. '
Smoking, of , course, has
other disastrous effec +^
tit the minute you stop smok-
ing, your body goes,: to work to
repair the damage: You with
breath easier and feel less
_::.: _liked. Your-circulationwill-im
prove. And your heart and
lungs will have .a ' chance to
defend themselves. •
Your Christmas Seal assoc-
iation is conducting a month
Ion - .eainpaign4this- wnthLto--. --- A t its
.convince anyone who. ' . still
London Bus Trig--.
On Friday , June 19 Grades 3,
4 and 5 Cif Kinloss •Central. Public
School went to London. for' a bus'
trip. The children were accom-
panied• by Mrs: Murray and Mrs.
• 1 2
At Storybook Gardens, we. saw.
m�nq=f•airy=ta:les-a-nd-an-irnals- --
We toured through Kellogg's and
saw. how the cereals and '.packag.=
ing is done.
smokes to kick the habit. Your
association knows it's .a matter
with life and , breath. Get in • touch
Huron Perth Tuberculosis gz
Respiratory Disease
121 Wellington Street
Stratford, Ontario
we saw inany`old.log .pioneer
buiid'inis. • Oui' .host at. Fanshawe
Dajn showed 'its the underwater'
tunnel and how the valves and
darty worked,
Thank you Parents, for iiving
us a lovely trip.