HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-01, Page 12• . tasrr I i!W'i ► as04711 ' Oat# 7,1144.1AWIlig 441, I'AYi UPI UMW THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, Luuniri Ai vii.....n,..... w nsw..., w.. ow, 17/1 • ZION , ' Congratulations to� successful"" students along the line, Nancy .. Y Kirkland coinpleted grade 13, Successful in. passingtheir first Universit Year were Donna RitcM Y y • ie;, Western University, London,; 'Marion Reid.; University of Guelph; Wanda. Hunter, Univer- . sity of W%ndsor. The following ° students. will enter the grades: � .e)E fisted next term. Mel Ritchie',ititchl Ritchie, 11 family of Wroxeter visited Mr* and Mrs, Harvey Ritchie on Sun-. day. Mrs. Gordon, Kirkland, Mrs.. Frank Ritchie, Mrs. Jim Hunter and Wanda attended the trousseau tea on Saturday for Karla Rieg- lin at her home in Ashfield. $ Mrs... Frank Ritchie , Mrs Isaac Cranston. and. Mrs'. Cameron • ' . McAu1�y of Ripley visited. • Mrs., �� MaryMcAuley on Thursda in ' . . y y, h General Hospital: Mrs. P .... p Ivi+cAuiey s_ omewhat improved.• objected to the importation of :Produce of Republic of Ireland. P : Several families Froin the community attended the• picnic y of the. Federation of .Ag riculture held on Sunday at Ashfield Park.. Students were resented with .SundayMand p certificates for completingthe.. 17' mile Amazon walk some tw.o ' weeks ago. which took place in ' Ashfield starting from Brookside . School., Those who received. certificates in this communit .: were•Donald. and.Mel Ritchie ; Bill,Barbara , Larry , Jackie and Janet Wilkins. Brenda and Kenny- birthday party. • Wanda Hunter. is spending this weekhome after completing. at an extension summer course at University of Windsor. . Alex Leaver of Wtnghar visited with. Mr. a Nrs:.• D. A. Hackett and family. Harry Hackett has moved into one of the Stanley apartments •in Lucknow after spending several . months, with Mr.• and Mrs. D. A. .Hackett: Mr: and Mrs. J'. Keane Hied and=Mit 1iVVrr3 „ • LUCKNOW t 4 t — grade=B., ,Brian grade Elva Ritchie grade 12; Brenda : Rit hiegrade 1 • Donald! . Farmers from .this area. , f;YL members of the National Farmers' "'. Ritchie', grade 10; Bill Wilkins: rad 9• Barbara Wilkins,.grade 8 . , 12; • rray Reed grade 11 - Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLean ark. 'Union were in Ingersol on' Sunday night and Mondaytakin,, rt in g . , g pa the "mass picket against the, Borden Co: •Ltd...plant. Farmers , Rit-Ote Ricky Cra n ion;. T'ornmymm , Pa ti Barger• Hunter Sunday Hunner on to Point Clark Janet Wilkins entertained: herone friends on Tuesday at her..eighth where theyvisited Mr. and Mrs., • • Bob Moffat at their cottage, e owl ' mayeat 1000 fiel mice each year. • • n Starting July 1st, the widespread coverage and health benefits provided'; by the Ontario Health Services Insurance -Plan -will be f urtker extended• Subscribers will be covered For the services: of three more health-care groups of practitioners Chiropractors, Osteopaths Benefit rates -for practic treatment: • Initial Treatment, in the pra.ctitioner's office' or in an institution:.. • .OHSIP will pay $ ' 7.00 Subsequent Treatment, . • • office or institution, ...... .OHSIP will pay 5.00 Tieatrnent in the patient's home .OHSIP will'pay 7.00 Radiographic Examination= . maximum for each. service.... OHSIP will: pa'y . 10.00 total allowed per person in a twelve-month: period....OHSIP wil.pay ..._2.5.09_'..... MAXIMUM •OHSIP PAYMENT' per person in a twelve-month period ,' • (excluding radiograph'ic examinations), . , . icncfit rate op-athlc-tr atr‘en Initial Treatment; in the practitioner's office or in an. institution Subsequent Treatment, in office or institution,R ...•.,..OH..SIP wi'II pay 5.00 Treatment in 'the patient's home.'OHSIP:wiII; pay 7.00' Radiographic Examination— Maximum for: each service. ,'.. OHSIP will pay . 10...00 , total. allowed•per person in OHSIP will pay $ .7.P0 MAXIMUM OHSIP. PAYMENTQ per person in a twelve-month' period. 100.00 (excluding radiographic examinations).• . 100.00. .:Hon. Thomas L. Wells, .Minister • • • • Treatment, in the practitioner's office or in an:ins'titution • or in.the patient s home.'..... O ;SIP' will pay $ . 5.00 Radiographic Examination -- maximum for each service. 4 , ,OHSIP will pay 10.00 total allowed per person. in twelve-month period. period.....OHSIP wial pay 25,00 Independent Minor Procedute,. ' which may be extra to the visit _and will include Fo .low -u ,care OH�SIP'wiII ay_-___ 9.00 . ,__..__....._ Bilateral or multipleprocedures performed at one stage —for second procedure OHSIP will pay . 4.50 —for third procedure . :OHSIP will pay • 2.25 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person in a twelve-month period',X100.00 adi " ,'c. ex ttnutattons-. , �.: .