HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-01, Page 7H WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, M0 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ver.stocked! AL c/ SA` "SAY WHEREVER FOLKS MfE� LL HEAR T/lEAF { ENT/?7N,THEY 6✓YE TOP VALUE PLUS ,( PERSOAAL. ATTENTION, AT 'Bedroom ON Chesterfields; Chairs,. Bedroom Suites,. Dinette Sets Drop ,'in: ° and see 'our large .selection of furniture Jhttoie ccxd 9#t 529-3013 HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPLIANCES' LEGROVE Miss Dianne Dore was visiting in this neighbourhood :during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don •Robe.rtson • attended a' wedd-in on Sunda•y�. Mrs. Wayne Nixon entertained• friends and neighbours' at a ` • Tu_pperware.`party. on Thursday evening... • Earl Elliott is spending. holidays at his farm home in Purple Grove • Ralph' Hill .accompanied .Russe" Collins to Toronto on Wednesday:. Jim .to of •London is' holi- _da ying_w:ith�ML -and-Mrs.-Ra 1pti� Hill. •• Delmar 'Snaith of, California is. visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley.. • The Intermediate Ball Team the " 'Wiljacs held a haying bee .for Bob Emerson on .Sat relay.,; :M and Mrs.:. Don; M cosh and Mrs. 'Ardill Mason visited -with lvlr. and..Mrs. Leonard Smith .on Sunday:, The _Purple_-..Gro_v_e_.Cs mmunityT fa '' ily--of Bluevale Cent°r.e was.the scene of the St. Andrews. United, Church Sunday School.picnic on Tuesday. Ali enjoyed games; races, barbecue,. and bonfire-, The Purple Grove •Women's • -Institute .had -as their guests a bus load of. folks' from the Bruce - lea Haven in 'Walkerton on Wed nes. ay, Dianna "Dope is holidaying here at her home. Surprrnnq •WHITECHURCH NEWS . On: Friday evening relatives and, friends gathered in a.surprise.• party at the home of rs. usse•Foss , to _assist_them in celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Their family presented:them with a pole lamp. maid the party present ed thein with a card•,table and 4 chairs along with several other gifts. Lunch and the decorated wedding cake ,which the party brought., was enjoyed by .all. Miss Edna Carr of Winghan/1 was a week end visitor with M'r. and Mrs. Russel Ross and Doris and on 'Sunday. accompanied them to Kitchener , where they .visited with Jiru Ross and with Mrs. Ross in St "Mary's Mary's Hospital ,•• Kitchener. Mr, -and -Mrs. Dawson Craig Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig, Mr. and .Mr`s; .Harvey Craig of Wing ha•m were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.' Wm.. Peacock. and ♦I Mr. and Mrs. Don Dore and r. and Mrs. Fred Clipperton and family of ,London, Robert' Mullis and Stephen Faw of Thorn- hill were week end visitors with WiI or ipperton an M.rs , .Bes- sie Mullis who returned on. Mon - WI Robert onthRobe.rt to -visit with her..• sis er Mrs.: Neil Faw and Mr. Faw. Huron Native DIed Ire Kincardine • GEORGE' MCGILLIVRAT George Alexander McGillivray_ of Kincardine., formerly of . Huron and Ashfield', passed away in Kincardine General Hospital on. Saturday June.l3th. He was 84. Born in Huron Township"on March 17th, .1886 he -was. -a son of Corneilius Mvic'Gillivray and Mary 'Nicholson_..' On November 29th., 1912•he married Eliza Magill of, Huron.. Her death occurred. in. April 1966 in Kincardine. . Mr. .McGillivray lived all his active farm life.on the 4th con- cession of Huron Township mov- ing to 'London, where he ran a • .store for two years and later had a butcher shop in Ripley. In 1950 he retired. and they moved ° to Kincardine, later' buying the former Cameron- Fa -r -r -n --on high- way 8.6. The MacGillivr iys lived here for seven years., and then returned to .Kincardine. ' Mr..McGillivray:spent She past two years in hospital, in Kincar- . . dine where he was.a .very patient su=f-ferer--w-th-sl-ehronie°- un-g-condi= tion. :.He was wefl. known for his generous nature and the welfare of others ;always ready. to give a helping hand and a word of 1 1 encouragcrricnt to t The •McGillivrays celebrated ; • their 50th wedding anniversary in 1962at home of their daughter/ Marion and Oliver M.cCharles.._• Mr. McGillivray is•survived by.; four.daughters'Mrs. Oliver (Mar- ion.).McCharles of Ashfield Mrs: `.Hartley': (Marjorie) McIntosh of Toronto, Mrs. Tillie Smith of Kincardine, Mrs: Lloyd ,(Jean) � yids f Ripley] -nine grandc-li ld ren and.; eleven great grandchild ren; three brothers and one Siker, Rev,. Charles'McGillivray of Victoria B.C. ,.Mrs.. Myrtle ;Ash- ley of Wiarton, Clarence'McGil- livray of New •Y.ork City ; -McGillivray of San Jose, Califor- pia... Besides his.'wife he was predeceased'by. t.wo sons and a• daughter', John,. Donald and Elizabeth;d PAGE .$ R1PL1EY A'B.ATTOIR Custom Butchering Curing .and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping.— -Sausage Making 'Fast.Free:ing HOGS AND. CATTLE.,ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON: WEDNESDAYS With 'Two Big Coolers, We Are .Able To Hang Your Beef From • 1. To.3, Weeks Whatever Your Requirements Are For .Home Freezers, We SellCCboice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb- -InAny -Quantity-At4owest Marketing Prices ALL, MEATS ARE GOVPE�RONTMBECNrT INSPECTED FOR'. YOt/R CHAS. HOOISMA, ' PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 • • STORE 395-2961 • LQCHALSH Congratulations are in order_ for Jackie Collinson and David' Farrish, who were two of the award winners at Broo1 ide School. annual banquet on Thursday eV -ening. Fun *day was held at''North Ash- field Schopl on Tuesday when teachers and pupils enjoyed a'special'day of games and fun. Mr. and Mrs. Henry'MacKen- •zie ,were completely taken, by -surprise-when they read- he -an- nourlce'ment that all were invited to celebrate their, 30th wedding anniversary -at the home `of their daughter on Sunday at Port • Albert are....Misses Jeari_Webstet_.ai t _._ Sharon MacNay., to the: Huntsville - Bracebtidge Districts.' • Over 500 attended the -Ashfield 'Federation of Agriculture picnic akiatAshfield .Park, on Sunday. Several area residents,were . priviledged to visit.the Salt' mine' `at .Goderich, among those who did`were Mrs. Doug Henry Mrs.' Doug ars yn . rs. :i arris Mrs. Robt. Simpson is a pat - dent in Hospital in. Wingham . ' Mrs. Oliver McChaffes and Mrs'.' Cecil Hollands' were in Lions Head- on Saturday judging at their Flower;Show. Sympathy of ill 'comm -unity is extended Mrs. Lorne Luther . in the passing of her father Mr:'• Pa:rney at. Ridgetown. • Several from this'area were. . two sisters. an .two . .4(1a -of -the pi_oket 1i,P_in Inger- • .brothers, .Mrs., Annie .Taylor, • • . ,sol on the'week_en'd :ome Mac- He1:en , Dr: Donald'and' John ;,- Donald •and -Lorne --Luther were. Funeral service was held at,the two, of them. These represent MacLennan' McCreath Funeral the Farmers .Union.' famiIy. and Miss Dianne Dore of .Teeswater.spent.Sunday at the Palace Gardens in Formosa DON'T MISS TELEVISION'S •PIG AND WHISTLE !t' IN TEESWATER. ARENA . ON ThtSd�yj ,Horne -in Riple-y on, June -.15th. Rev. ' Wilkinsop•'of'Kincardine and' Rev Bali of ,Ripley. were In charge of the service. Miss Cor..; ane' MacDonald :was organist., _ ..._ 1 11trt1art i WeT ...Six,.gra-ird Trousseau;Tea For Karla Riegling A trousseau. tea was held on • Saturday , June] 27 at the horne of Mrs. Carl Riegling in honour•of -her-daughter Karla The tea table was decorated with a lace cloth made by the • great grandmother of the bride - elect, . A beautiful centrepiece of roses' in shades of pink and white .was' flanked by white. • ica =es eddzng:rrng-centre /';piece decorated the buffet. Guests were greeted at the Door. by the - bride's mother .Mrs. Carl Riegling,' the groom's'. mother, Mrs. Dennis Hogan and the bride -elect. Little Miss.. -Mary-Luanne-Clare-w-as--charge n charge' Df the guest book. • ,..Pouring tea ill, the 'afternoon were Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Mrs. Frank Ritchie'., who were also responsible for a11'the beauti ful flower arrangements and. corsages; 'Mrs.. Beverly Simpson. of .Rid getown and Mrs): -John- Rie.gling, mints of_the ibride. Mrs. Frank Ritchie , Mrs. Norman Siegrist and. Mrs.' William,•Hogan, both=aunts -of the groom poured in ,the evening.. They were assis-. .ted by'Mrs.''. Walter Clare,. Miss Irene Hasty, •Mrs ..Con . Ho'gan , Mrs...Lorne Hasty , Mrs., im Gilmore', Mrs. 'Frank. Ritchie, Mrs.. Leo, Courtney , Mrs . John. Howard ,. Mrs. Mark Dalt'on.; Mrs Warren Zinn; and Mrs .Cliff Iclenary'.. • Showing the gifts_and_the' •' bride's trousseau were Barbara Riegling, Mrs.,. Frank Riegling, Roseinary Hogan,` Dianne Zinn and Irene Hasty. ' Allan, Donald and John Mc Char- les, David McTaVish, .Br•ia'n• Wy.lds , John Neprawa ' ' Interment'was in Ripley Cemetery, Local Couple At Island Folk School SPONSORED BY 'TEESWATER LIONS CLUB ' r SHOW. •Commencing at 8:30 p.m. Bruce -County was well represent, ed at the Regional' Folk School.. held this past week -end at Manit- owaning Lodge on Manitoulin Is land. ..Kepresentatives frorn tlruce, Grey , Wellington, Wateroo ` Counties, Cape, Crocker, Res- erve and two'Scottish girls who are spending a year.in Canada all gathered at Tobermory.on the. evening. of June 18th., While wait- ing for the. Norisle ,' a get-acquain l ted weiner roast was held at • Dunk's•Bay -' one of Bruce County's beauty spots._ A trip by boat to South Bay Mouth, on the '19th, was a new experience -for Mt* delegates. , ' CONTISIPED dW PAGE 18 • • ., . WHY LET., YOUR INVESTMENTS WANDER AROUND LOOSE? Berg Cow -Saver Stalls and Berg 'Lever Stalls were designed for the: dairyman who wants•to ban-. dle his dairy cattle as individuals: Successful dairymen profit' by individualized management' • by challen •'in . each c tires• that pay! They pay with - increased milk production from . every lactation. By lengthening . each cow's, productive fife. By, .. assuring you of positive indi- vidualized nutrition .andsdisease ndi-vidualized'.nutrition.arld'disease control. Put Bergstalls to work reasing your Dairy profits. :Berg provides a free complete barn -planning service. BERG .COW.SAVE-R-STALL-S--• - Outlasts others b i.3 to 4 times•because of hot dipped galvanited steel tube construction, Require, less bedding thah loose housing—keeps cows drier and more • comfortable, Bell-shaped • arches take up chain slack and pre- vent, tangling and choking. Provides more head room when cows liedown. -g- 41, ImieiVVe