HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-07-01, Page 4it � . • ,7. PAG* :POUR . a s>rM. ice. it"lfir�f�iifrr�r�il��+�►���;�;1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' WEDNESDAY, .JULY ,1st, 1970: I.9' / 1st, 1 • 1017 cb:• drilii g,'e a ••IMeEwiv. A . k" 5911 Urr slrcl4 lariL f o3 IA roc f1 E 4 •C4SHIER• HECKER•' Nal whew PA{ EST: AR HillGEE. 49 1W CLERICALS•ACCTG $70;85 • H,,.. 10497' $AKAkE'A90 J. LTU W Ail CLERK 'awaking •• •. iaing.,wNlg n t eshmalm I .GL s} MMN N 1 L cave 111~. ncN Alamo, .SO9 sm. AA RI7 Y KIW�•E .• CLERICi 9,1r17. I.rrll 575 77090 AM CLERKS. N al ilei. _Mum A Inc C G4►4TTills.. 6,1HA0Y CLKsf f101G�il-,.,�1� COFFEE 511 MOW 1175 Xao/S. D -Truk 11193. AOener 11 W 17 • ' OF •,fi• •rNk�rlplf;;;ili t..oN 3 9rla A Mr. '1�2. W @. �1!- r/ M11�7, 717{0 4. DISPLA11 777., rtilVg li +PI 7..1100 91, AMMf ojs► .1eMP1•• LO 3.4331. EO19 .071. eltD° nwMc rm ?It; ELECL "►..n. 111199.n. '.e.. NRfs EG KM R-7777 SWlf1 A F740 5095 ORIIFTSMAM.57 R U„TCURl. Sf11 • FOR SALE FOR SALE CAMPING TRAILERS. FOR SALE .THE TEESWATER NEWS is -- or rentr..See-the_new.Y pachu- • b- -' at The. Lucknow Sentinel, per p r copy. If youare interested in the .ews of Teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up a copy. . solid state' camper. Book your. ren- tals 'early for the summer season. Bumstead Metal Fabricating, Wing- ham 357-2272. FOR SALE - '21" Philco con, ,sole.. T.V., reconditioned. Greer T.V,, and Electric, phone 528-3112. FOR SALE • George White bale elevator, 36 feet, . $350.00. _ Apply Bob Bregman, 392-6272. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday: -and -Thursday_ _ Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday in by 1 p.m. BILL'S • MEAT MARKET FOR' SALE - a 250' • Suzuki. motor- ' ,cycle.. Contact Bruce Colwell, phone-528=6232:----- FOR SALE. Star 8 can spray type milk cooler, one year old. Wil- Liam : McCann, R.R. 6 Goderich, phone 524-6387, • •FOR SALE - 16 foot boat; 60 H.P. o t ins,. R.R. 6 Goderich, .phone 529- 7592. • • ` VACUUM CLEANERS, • Sales and Service •forall makes. t. K. Peck, Varna, Phone 262- 5748. SILVER LAKEGENERAL STORE KINL'OSS,/ONTARIO • Open 7 Days and Evenings - Closed Sundaya.m. and ,. �-z . Toes ay .7 p.m. 'Shop For Our Week -end Specials NEW LOW, PRICES ON ALL. FEED DEAD STOCK • Fresh dead cows over 1,000. pounds, $12.00 •each; dead horses, $20.00 each;' over 500 'pounds ac- ,cording to size. LORENZ REMOVAL • DURHAM Call. Collect 369-2410 �►, -_-T_ SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED -a _ - if tie 'Septic. 'tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, . manu- facturer • of -cement septic tanks and .well tile. • .;MQiSTURE a MEANS, HUMTD-'1T' Remove .the excess moisture from the air with in Electrohome dehumidifier. Greer T V. and El- ectric, phone 528-3112..: CEMENT GRAVEL - , pit run gravel, top soil and fill. `Burying or removing stone piles. Phone. Symes Bros. 528-5203. ' BERG STABLE/ EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston, ,R.It, 3 Holyrood, • phone 395-51W. WHY BREATHE POLLUTED AIR IN YOUR HOME? Try an •Electrohoine , "Precipi taire" Air Purifier. •It traps dirt, smoke and odour to let youbreathe easier: - Available at "Ireer T.V. and Electric, . phone `r r3112., , SIDEBOARD . FOR SALE - phone. 528-3211. FOR SALE BP-ltty automatic feed ' and manus . . candling equip- ment, stabling and pressure . sys- tems. Contact` Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561: FOR SALE.. - Fri' idaire• 24. inch white, electric stove w • mmu e minder,- .clock pid_ oven with win- dow and .light;' 71 cubic foot. West-' inghouse White ' refrigerator; :. 21 inch • Admiral console television All ; in good :working • condition. Phone Goderich 524-7760: STANDING HAY FOR SALE phone 529-7161. • • FOR SALE COMING EVENTS FOR SALE - repossessed~ Singer automatic Sewing Machine for less Than 1/2 price. r ayments only $7 per,,month. 'Phone: 3641070 or write to 'Box 1048, Hanover, Ont. FARMS FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE. ARDA. has farms to lease to' full. time, farmers at reasonable rates. ARDA is still buying farm lance for the Farm Consolidation Pro- gram and for alternate' land use:. Talk. to ARDA about your • :plans for, retirement, • relocation, retrain- ing or Community Development programs. , ARDA _ programs • are helping programs: 'Write, phone, or visit your nearest ARibA Office. for more. information -- . Offices . in Elmvale, Markdale and Walker- ton. ARDA Branch, Ontario 'De- partment of; Agriculture and Food. FOR' SALE • 300 bales of mixed -hay- in -the milking' machine, pipe -line and pump. Wm. ' G. Hunter, •'phone 529-- 7186.. FOR SALE • windmill and belt - drive washing machine with. .over- size stainless steeltub, both for $100; also standing hay: Phone 357-3039. .: PICTURE FRAMING our spec- ialty, wood and metal. • Maxwell Photo -Studio; -Wingham.•---James- Snyder; proprietor, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE - in Ripley, furniture, fridge, washing machine, _ other. small articles, no 'phone, Mel Hut- chinson, Malcom St., Ripley. COMET WELDERS (180 aind 300 am 9. I I I 1 • 1 1 !A I I • fer- ti lizer augers,power bin;,, cleaners, rods and ; accessories. George Mes- senger, area representative, R.R.' 1 Ripley, Phone 395-2815. . Smith Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon. Try et-before-you-buy.----,-- r SILO AND 'ROOF EXTENSFONS Anyone wishing to have exten- sions ,on.their silos or roofs, please call or write. This • can be: done now. • George .Wraith, Box 95, Goderich. Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop •5246511. - • SINGER SERVICE. Repairs to all makes and models; • Sales and Service on new products;. SINGER CO. OF. •CANADA -7-Phone-357-3730-wafter 6`j% n. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed :service to all 'types Complete appliance repairs at BU RKE:=ELE CT RIC for sale at Mel Stanley's Supertest in Lucknow. :pick up 'an extra copy 'froth Mel. • - DUMONT ALUMINUM - ►III A .I,•, . doors. awnings, sidings; ',For free estimate. call Roy Emberlin; • your local dealer. PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks from- 1ri9 up as well as double decks and' euchre decks (euchre cards. only). Drop in . at The Lucknow Sentinel. . • • • BARN EQUIPMENT Acorn ma unbeaten for hog barns; chain • cleaner, bunk feeders; silo 'unload- ers, hog. equipment:, ' fans. bulk tanks • Hawke.: a cast iron hog �' , g feeder and heated' cattle wafers; Westeel-Rosco Steel Granaries; Al- so handle complete' line of clay Pushbutton Farm Equipment. Lynn Lowry. Amberl'ey, phone Ripley 395-5206, Wingharn 357-2450 ' Electrical Contractors' Appliances • -=• Motor Rewind 24 Hour Emergency. Service GRAIN STORAGE PROBLEMS? Here's the answer `{Westeel rani' -Bins. Prl from $321 to '$936' phis freight. LUCKNOW ' DISTRICT 'CO.OP'. F SUPER CASH BINGO Legion gall,; Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 --pan :-Pot-of=Gold- game - winner take all, 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack - -pot • $25 consolation pr �, oh 57•calls or L.O.L. CHURCH SERVICE The County Orange Lodge of West Bruce will hold their annual. Church Service in the Kincardine Baptist Church on Sunday, July 5th at eleven ' o'clock. Members will meet . at the town /hall ' at 10:30 sharp and march to • Church: Rev. C. Miller will be the speaker. Visit- ors ' are welcome. Ed. Wilson, County Master; Harvey Ritchie, Sec. ' GARDEN TOUR The Lueknow •Horticulture . Gar- _den..sour-.' w il..be._h d Thursday, July 2nd:. Cars. wiU; `aeave' Legion Hall at 6`30 p.m. . FOR RENT 3 bedroom -farm- house, completely remodelled, oil furnace, new bathroom, cupboards; near Silver 'Lake. Apply phone 392-6197, .Teeswater: TENDERS WANTED TENDERS'. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6;; p.m. Monday, July .6th, 1970 for loading and haul- m _ 'a 1 F roximatel 8000 cu. ; ds. of pit -run gravel. State price per cu. yd., minimum of 700 cu: yds. per day. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Certified: cheque for .10%of contract to ac o`mpany--each tender Harvey Culbert R.R. 6 Goderich• • HACKETT PICNIC . The. annual. Hackett Picnic will. be held on Sunday, July 12 -at Ashfield Park. VACATION -BIBLE SCHOOL= The Lucknow Vacation .Bible School wi11 be held at • Brookside School the: week of July 6 - July 10 from 9 a.m. to 1130 a.m. LIONS CARNIVAL Lucknow and District ° •Lions Club Carnibal in the Lucknow. Arena on Thursday, July 16; talent'; contest, starts at 8'p.m., $125 in,prizes;ear- rival--games,>�bingo;_dancing._to_ Dixieland Brass for . young and old at 10 p.m. Prize draw for $175 patio set; admission $1 for talentshow and dancing; proceeds for welfare work and in aid of minor sports. ` RECEPTION ' A reception will be held for Mr. 35T LOST -- -yearling heifer,.. 500 - 600 pounds, brand pm right. hip. Contact Leo 1Vlurray;-:RRe 3 :Holyrood- phone 395-2821. NOTICE CUSTOM BUTCHERING ' • Pigs. Tuesday . - Beef - Wednesday & Friday By Appointment Only RETAIL MEATS RETTINGER'S MEAT MARKET R.R..1 Formosa . DIAL 392=6346 HILRAY FARMS LTD., ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The.•best in Home Grown,'Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef: Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom kil- ling by appointment. . Phone • 528-2f32 . BRUCE •COUNTY .BARLEY 'SWEEPSTAKES 2 Tons Ter : acre on 10 acres Prize money .$160.00 plus • $5.00 entry fees on3-2-1.basis Enter by sending $5:00, to - ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. AND FOOD Box 300' Walkerton.• By Friday, • July. lOthi, 1970. -- an ,yrs: , , ayne o . • nee a ryn Duch'arrne) in the. Whitechurch Community Hall on Friday, .July 3rd. Tiffins Orchestra. Lunch will. be served.. Everyone welcome. rY PAINTING TENDERS Plainly- . .marked sealed tenders will be received-by-the•undersigned- up- ,to 12:00 noon. D:S.T.. Friday, July. 17, 1970, for exterior painting of certain schools in Huron County: Specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the offices of The Huron County Soar of • Edu- cation, 97 Shipley .Street, ' Clinton, Ontario. Lowest ' or any tender not •nec- essarily. . accepted. MR. ROY B. DUNLOP, SUPERINTENDENT OF'• B-USI•NGS�S-AFFAIRS , THE HURON. COUNTY BOARD• OF EDUCATION • 94''s0 FOR. SALE good hard or soft wood slabs in 10 cord loads: We deliver. Apply Borden Litt phone. 392-6895. FOR SALE 15 acres of mixed hay Sack McGuire,; FIR. 5 Luck - now ,... ...... _ pho_ _..._395-2827 .,.....u- ... _ ...�.-..�.:._:._ • MOBILE HOMES THINKING OF A MOBILE HOME' OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE? Manx makes and models to choose_ • r , . _,_ • ` . .. a line or telept,one• RUSTON MOBILE HOMES LTD: 547 PLAINS RD., EAST. • "BURLINGTON . TeL (Code 416) 632-8400 CRYSTA=L -L MOBILE HOME SALE •c At ,• THE MENESET MOBILE HOME. COURT ROAD, :GODERI Agents For GLENDALE MOBILE HO] :S GOLD FALCON TRAVEL TRAILERS AND TRUCK CAMPERS Phone 524-6638 or 524-9895 ATTENTION . - BALL .PLAYERS.' Anyone in Ashfield or West Waw- anosh in. Brookside School Area'. on or north of 9th Concession, inter- ested in playing ball in Ashfield Group, contact Warren Zinn or•- -Russel Ir' -vin by :July -4. -Must be44---- years• of age or over. • LEGAL NOTICE I will not be responsible ,for any Debts contractedin my name, other than by myself, after this date, • June. 26, , 1970.:. • Mrs. Millicent . L. Carter:, Atlenford Ontario • RECEPTION • • A reception will be held in Ripley Huron -Township . Hall on.. Friday, July2rd in, honour of Mr and Mrs. Bill: McKay (nee . Dianne: Miller). 1GllusiebrAiu'eI' Armstrongry Ladies • please bring lunch. Everyone welcome:: • CARD- Alley:Cath. y WANT ADS GET RESULTS TIGER DUNLOP 'INN CELEBRAT_LNG THEIR 1Sth' ANNIVERSARY - THURSDAY' JULY 9th With a buffet dinner• ' 5 - ` 7 p.m First come First served Mrs., Gordon . Keating '. BUS TOUR ' -Luc no _ Horticultural o'ciety Bus Tour, . Friday; July, 10 to 'Bot- anical Bot-anical 'Gardens, Hamilton. Bus leaves Legion Hall ` at 8;30 Members wishing to go notify Mrs. 0. Richards or Miss, Ada Webster -beforeDont--1Une.. Bus ticket $2.50. . • INKS We wish• to ` expressour sincere thanks for the Benefit Dance -for us' following' our fire:' Speciar thanks to Gordon Brooks and Allan Maclntyre. It was allAdeeply preciated. • -Agnes and Dan Thomson Sincerest .thanks. to' the. student body of ' Kinesbridge School for the parting ' gift of an electric lade. shall cherish ` it along with • the memories of the rewarding. years; I've :enjoyed, working with you. Donna Hayden. h; Mr. nd- irs:---Wm- H•urn M- and • Sandra wish to thank neigh- bours. and friends: of St. Helens for the beautiful Kenwood :wool. blan- ket that, was presented •to them on Thursday evening an to 11; ' brought card tables and a bounti ful lunch. .Thanks again. 41,.14,yror."ftgrow, 491 AIM fN MEMQRIAM Jack Ritchie who passed'. away July: 3rd,. 1961, " There's a road we Call remem- ' brance . Where thoughts and wishes meet We take that roa'l in. thought, to -day For those we' cannot greet. Always ':remembered by husband and. Kenneth, • Jackampbell wishes to express thanksifor cards, . visits and treats,. while he was in hos • ital. Thanks 0 p and nursing staff. All was 'deeply appreciated. - Gail Hackett would like to thank everyone who • remembered her with cards, gifts and visits while. in Children's `Hospital in London, Special. thanks to Dr. Valentine, Dr. Coles and • Dr, Li, the t W SeS. and her classmates.