HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-24, Page 22• PA$It 'TW • .TWI THE :L(IC:KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ FtjiI4¼'inches4hick (SELF STORING SCREENS) Standard Sizes 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. '6 in. 2 ft. 8.in. x'6 ft. 8 in. 2 ft 10 in. x 6. ft. 8 in. 2' ft. 10 in. x .6 ' ft. 10 in AVAILABLE' IN' ANY, SIZE .1.1..ania. win* valiP• 41111. vimairwellliw wigs" vellow,vone. 4.11givegnia: win. vallev PHONE_528-3 LLs_ ___ LUCK I4�7V Kingsbridge School Places Second=ln . Track& ie ,; KINGSBRIDGE :NEWS On, Wednesday ;,' June'17th., i s o Tr -a -c k.. • and Field Day was held at the. Sacred Heart Separate School, W:ingharn . Winners ifrom this area;were; • in the .Ju.nior girls- Anita Doherty ;.'w ifl I rayne second place; for the Junior boys Tom O'Keefe; .Inter.rnedia•te boys John Crawford and; second place'Eddie Sinnet Kings•62. bridge- School came in second, • • place on y our points e an l -ie first plac,e winners. ' On Friday , June 1.9th an'invita- ti'onal Field.Day was held at the Witigliam HHigh.Schoolr:•. Winners fromthis school,J g_ Anita• Doherty , Donna' Frayne; Junior. boys Tom .O'Keefe , Hen- ry VanDiepenbeek;• Senior girls'- „ma rt• 1,,0u se�(:).:1e11,"Marianne., MacDONALD - On June 16, 'in Woodstock General Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs,. Gleti hlacDona'ld' (nee Beverley Gaunt) a son • Andrew. Glen, a first grandson, for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaunt, • HALLAM,.- to. Mr.,. and Mrs, Ross Hallana_of Loderich on Sunclay _ June 21st in Goderich Hospital, a son;, Bruce Arnold.... JAMIESON - At the Wingham an District Hospital, on Tuesday; June 16, 1970,.to Mr..•and Mrs. John Jamieson, Whitechurch; 'a son.. BOAK - At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich on June 15; 1970, . to Mr. and. Mrs. Wm.: Boak,• God- erich , a daughter ,4 Debbie D.on! nanne. GLENN At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich on June 12, 1970, to Mr.. and Mrs; Vernon Glenn, R1 R. 4, Goderich, a' daughter. AMePELL Donald and Judi' r d p ( ge) Campbell of Kitchen• •..er are happy to .announce the birth of their daughter. Kimberly • Dawn, on Tuesday,..June''16, .1970 at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. West Wawanosh Council Minutes West Wawanosh Township Coun- cil met in the Hall' on Tuesday June 2, for the regular session. The minutes: of the May meet- ing were read aid adopted on mo- tion of Councillors. Foran and Ait- chison... • A motion toproclaim the week. of June 13-20 "'Conservation. • Week" in West Wawanosh %•as . . -r-eques-.te.d he Maitianc Valley Conservation `Authority, was mov- ed, and •.sejonded by Councillors ' Foran and •McDonald., On„Motion Of Councillors,Foran and -Rutherford, the Clerk was,;. instructed to advertise. for tenders for the construction'of the Boyle Drainage Works in one issue of ' , the London Free Press. The Tile: Drainage.1nspector attended the meeting., with resp- •ect to one of the ;drains under` construction The Warble. Fly Inspector .also was.'inattendance to present his' accounts to Connell for the 197.0 'campaign. ,• ,The road accounts were ordered aid nn motion of ouncillors .Rutherford: and' McDonald . The following` general accounts were ordered paid 'on motion of • • Niiltenburg. Once again Kings bridge remained in'second;pl`ace. Congratulations Kingsbridge and keep up the good''w•ork t Mr, and Mrs.' Ambrose 'Heifer- nen and Father Vincent .He fkr- •nan of Arthur visited'on .Wednes- day of•iast'week with Mr. and. Mrs.; Ormond Heffernan and Mr.. -and• M•rs; A-ntone.,Va Osoh-. . Mrs.' Julia .Longevine of Toron- to has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and family.' •• Johnnie V.an'Osch, little son of. Mr, 'and Mrs, J'oe Van:Osch', is a patient in the . Wingham and ntarrii•t, Hospital since': last Tuesday. . Pete Van' Osch was adniitted'to the Wingham Hospital on Sunday.:evening and transferred to St;. were . union iris• Josep1t'--s=Hospital;=iondof-r.an Monday.. Faye Hogan of 'Toronto was a wee-kend visitor with yr`: and ; Ws. Con. Hogan: • Mr, and Mrs. Arnold tvlarsman BERG .COW -SAVER STALLS loutiasts others by 3 .to 4 tunes because of hot dipped :galvanized steel tube., 'construction Require' Less bedding' thar loose housing—keeps cows drier and more comfortable. Bell-shaped arches take Up chain slack end. pre• • vent tangling .,end choking Provides more head room when cows Re down. WHY . LET YOUR INVESTMENTS WAND -ER - AROUND' LOOSE? Berg cow -Saver Stalls and Berg Lever Stales were designed for the dairyman who wants to han- dle an-dle his.dai ry cattle as Individuals. Successful dairymen profit. by individualized' management by challenging each cow, Pracs tices,• that pay! • They pay with increased milk production ,from every lactation. By lengthening• each cow'sproductive life.. Sy. assuring .you of :positive indtr vidualized nutrition and 'disease • control. F$ut Serg stalls towork increasing your dairy profits. Berg provides a free complete barn-planningservice.•:• • • I' erggsai�* $ 1 LLOYD JOHNSTON. Everything I tt@t.»» i 61 R.R. 3 HOLYROOD Phone 3.. 95.5390. • , and family, of Lond'on• were week-: end. visitors with Mrs: Dennis.' • Dalton; rianne:O' Keefe_ and,_Kattty Hogan; are employed at .Kintaii General Store 'for the surnmer• • • Congratulations to Morris Vai Osch , Who •made his first. Holy Cornmiujion on.Sttnday• rnQgiing Mr. ands Mrs.. Albert Heffernan and family of Brantford, Mr., and airs, John Sheardow•n of London, Ray Heffernan of Wallac- eburg and'Je>fy Heffernan. of Stratford were week end visitors. with Mr. .and Mrs. Ormond i-ieffer nan.• • G.RADIXES _.• Congratulations toMaureen • Daltonwho graduated from St. Joseph's School Of Nursing,; Lon- don on Friday, • . Mt. and Mrs. 1-1' ray Menard ' • ai e i iib ri D<.aG G .ai3.iGum®- GRD Des Moines , .loiaa visited' with Mrs. Marie Austin.during the past week. Mr, 'and- Mrs, Jack McConvei and boys of Scarborough spent the. 'weekend with Mrs, 'Austin. Mrs, McCbnvei and Jerry • remained a few days longer, , Mrs, Jim O'Neil is a patient thc Goderich Hespital, , 74,7 WEDNESDAY,. JUNE; 24th, 1970 Councillors McDonald and Aitchi son; A Debenture payment , 407,61; Wm. S . Reed , bond premium, 15.00,; Howard 'Sproul, 1 'fox' , bounty, 2.00; Omar Brooks, Warble Fly Inspector's fees, 423, 45; Deller's Tile ltd., Rntoul Drain, 2,116.76,,; Welfare .Accoun- •ts, 14.9,00; Ken Weber,, warble fly spraying , 1,100.00; Huron County Board of Education, 5U° �' 197'0 levy , 22,454.50; Joan Arm- strong, partial salary, 3-00.U0; _ G. C. Greer , partial salary, .30U,. ROAD• ACCOUNTS: Harvey Culbert., salary , 260.74; G. Humphrey, operator, 380.27; Ontario Culvert Multi -plate ;;pipe, 1,330.00; N. -McDonald, hauling,•gravel,. 154,`00; J, Moss,' hauling. gravel, 367.50; J. Moss, B gravel, 139.30; G. Smyth, steel and welding, 16.00; Yundt Bros. gravel ,.14.60;. Imperial Oil Ltd..', fuel and'.t.ax; 186.40; D. R M,Co . Ltd . , supply parts , 25..90;. Radford's Garage, Tire's and tubes, 1,167.60; Bank of ' Commerce,.C.P.P, and; income tax97.03;' Receiver General., U.I. Stamps; 12. 50 • ,Council adjou.r.ned.to meet My 77., at .the Hain. " JOAN ARMSTRONG Clerk. •it miIINIiI■IIINII INi11NI11NIII11111 IEIIIUf1INIIISIIINIIINI1111IUI1111'lllll IEII INII:INII!Bll How do you want your • At your Co-op you can have•your• Nitrogen any way you want it. Just talk to the Crop Product` Specialist, and discuss'your• . . requirements with,hini. \He'll advise;,you. Aqua Ammonia for corn side dress, or pre•plant..With 3" to 4'' depth of . application Nitrogen is available when needed in the -early Stages growth. Convenient to use. Custom application services • available. , • • Anhydrous Ammonia forside-dress-•or'pre=plaht on corn Apply it yourself, or • asket your Co=operative •about• custom application •: ' to meet your. requirements Dry Nitrogen '• for top dressing fall wheat, hay, pasture, corn, and corn stover: CO.OP spreaders • • • "available for either „own tise or custom spFeadi ng;. CO.OP now fl stric Phone .528-2125 .• CROP PRODUCTS , 'everything" yoii' need for !"evver'ythin" you grow • 11111 111 til/tllNtIIN111 111�L1I lilNUlE1iIN111rIIlEIIIEI)l�fl1 IIIEiiIN111Sf1f%1116111/III /11