HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-24, Page 19WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th, 1970 THE LUCKNOW ONTARIO. PAGE NINETEEN. 1 Starting Ju:Iy 1st, the widespread coverage and health :benefits provided by the -Ontario Health Services -Insurance Plan will be further -ext=ended. Subscribers will be covered For the services of three more health-care groups of practitioners Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Chiropodists,. Benefit rate- ofi-Clvire-act+-treanen-t: �en-e Initial Treatment,. ' in the practitioner's -office or- in an institution.'.... r OHSIP will. pay. $ Subsequent Treatment, in 'office o.r institution , ...OHSIP will pay Treatment in thepatient`s home. OHSIP will pay Radiographic Examination— maximum Examination maximum for each service... OHSIP will pay 10.00 total allowed per person in .. • ,a twelve-month :period .,,._• • OHSIP wiI l pay 25.00 Initial Treatment,. in,_the practition.er's:,office ' 7.00• or in an institution......... • • :... OHSIP,wiI pay $. 7..06 Subsequent Treatment.; ` t 5.00 in :office or institution ' OHSIP will pay 5..00 7,.00 • Treatment in the patient's omen P wail pay Radiographic Exaniination-- ' maximum for each service, . , . OHSIP will pay 10.00 total allowed per person in . • : a twelve-month period. :•.•.OHSIP'will pay 25,00 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per persbn in a twelve-month period'. • ' (excluding radiographic examinations), . ..,.. • 100,00 'MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person r9 a twelve-month period (excluding radiographic examinations).. ,., .. 1'00.00. 0 D-EPAR I - Hon.Thoma$ L"WeIIs Minister n-efit--rates-Farhrap•ody • 2t Treatment, in the practitioner's office or in an institution. or in the patient's home • .OHSIP will pay $ ' 5.00' Radiographic Examination— ' maximum for each service... •QHSIp wial.pay „1d.00 tar aiiowed-"per palmi h1 a;twelve:-month period.....OHSIP will, pay. 25.00 ' lhdepeiident Minor Procedure, which may be ,extra to the visit and will include follow-up care.OHSIP will pay Biiateral .or multiple procedures • 9.00 ' • performed at one stage,. • • —for second procedure. •OHSIP will pay 4,50. =for third procedure OHSIP will pay • 2,25 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person in, a,twelve-month period . , . (excluding radiographic examm�tions) ...'. • ... 100,0.0 • • • Friday, of action Day and.runiners-up . respectively;'Girls: ' r Bha _ -was n o _ MacPherson Field , June 1 2 at Brookside held. • The are Pollock -18 .., k 9 points; 21 .n -Day was the when champions -as follows Primar _ oints. p Junior, points, , sceneand Field ,,, YP Joyce J y .Marg- Patric- . Gammie 15 points; 16 mediate,Philip David Dave ,Henn Boys: primary, p Donald Junior,' points, Wayne Graham ' __: _ Drennan Fairish 17 15 p .Elliott Hugh _- _ •oints. oints. DannyMartn P 10 Wayne $nrgsma 11 points;. Black � .. • - Points; 16 points, 24 points, The :,... . , it a perfect day, F. - a day had r for = on at. Mrs. students. uz -such rips - . • divided•into. groups and, were to pay special attention,to an• article than had been. assigned .xo them re theyle On the way ho home , thestopped. at the on a walking field:' trip with the• ir • eacher, Mrs. Caesar. They . went to a gravel pit a short dis - Lance• from the•sohool. This was in with thei,ticieace,_.. MacPherson MacDonald and Inter- •28 �oints . P Senior., . Donnie first and :• ' ROOM FOUR f our enjoyed Zoological Park There were many .and; birds they The librarian; companied the p fine Weather- _ ,tional and enjoyable Ione16 Room at Qntaro • Wasaga Beach.. strange animals never seen.. Blake ac- • !was s. It�..� -an _- '..._teiev educa trip., WY -Ranch Restconnection aurant where the Y p Y y could spend twenty-five centsm. They returned to: the school Just at bus time.. •1 . ROOM SEVEN - On Tuesday , , ' June 16 Room Seven went on a field, trip . o the OKNX radio and sioxLsiatiohin._W .n ham g The pupils. were led' in a guided' F P• ': g .tou.r•through the station: They ' then went to Riversi a ar t0 eat their lunch and returned to • • the school shortly afterwards. On June 18•, Room Seven went .. . Theyare stud .in aoubt rocks., studying . ROOM EIGHT OBITUARY . Last week the gerbils in Mr. Finlayson's room. had seven babies. When he came in the ' . _morning rw::,• ' .-e_onshe floor. o- r 'a d the•rest were. scattered.. ' . n, ; throughout•t'he cage.,. By. night there were Only four left.' The • next morning they had eaten the `nest of them. We hope for more the future:. -• • k ., Dougherty aret • ^ ia. Petrie Heather bie Judy 13 points; Intermediate , Stevenson 15 points; Deb- P Errington 14 points; Senior, Wintemute points ,• Loree second place winners of each event advanced to .. '. , ., Brussels: on ,June 19 against four other schools , Everyone to make' Y participated .'n ROOM SIX -- Mrs, Bere ; Mr, ,Errington and Room six went, on a g field trip to Goderich Museum on ' Thursday , June lb,• They were ' 1 Starting Ju:Iy 1st, the widespread coverage and health :benefits provided by the -Ontario Health Services -Insurance Plan will be further -ext=ended. Subscribers will be covered For the services of three more health-care groups of practitioners Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Chiropodists,. Benefit rate- ofi-Clvire-act+-treanen-t: �en-e Initial Treatment,. ' in the practitioner's -office or- in an institution.'.... r OHSIP will. pay. $ Subsequent Treatment, in 'office o.r institution , ...OHSIP will pay Treatment in thepatient`s home. OHSIP will pay Radiographic Examination— maximum Examination maximum for each service... OHSIP will pay 10.00 total allowed per person in .. • ,a twelve-month :period .,,._• • OHSIP wiI l pay 25.00 Initial Treatment,. in,_the practition.er's:,office ' 7.00• or in an institution......... • • :... OHSIP,wiI pay $. 7..06 Subsequent Treatment.; ` t 5.00 in :office or institution ' OHSIP will pay 5..00 7,.00 • Treatment in the patient's omen P wail pay Radiographic Exaniination-- ' maximum for each service, . , . OHSIP will pay 10.00 total allowed per person in . • : a twelve-month period. :•.•.OHSIP'will pay 25,00 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per persbn in a twelve-month period'. • ' (excluding radiographic examinations), . ..,.. • 100,00 'MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person r9 a twelve-month period (excluding radiographic examinations).. ,., .. 1'00.00. 0 D-EPAR I - Hon.Thoma$ L"WeIIs Minister n-efit--rates-Farhrap•ody • 2t Treatment, in the practitioner's office or in an institution. or in the patient's home • .OHSIP will pay $ ' 5.00' Radiographic Examination— ' maximum for each service... •QHSIp wial.pay „1d.00 tar aiiowed-"per palmi h1 a;twelve:-month period.....OHSIP will, pay. 25.00 ' lhdepeiident Minor Procedure, which may be ,extra to the visit and will include follow-up care.OHSIP will pay Biiateral .or multiple procedures • 9.00 ' • performed at one stage,. • • —for second procedure. •OHSIP will pay 4,50. =for third procedure OHSIP will pay • 2,25 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person in, a,twelve-month period . , . (excluding radiographic examm�tions) ...'. • ... 100,0.0 •