HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-24, Page 18`PAGE ' EIGHTEEN THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE', 24th, 1970 RIPLEY ABATTOIR Gutting and Wrapping. --7.Sausage. Making — East Freezing Custom Butchering Curing and: Smoking ° HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS With, Two Big Coolers, We Ar�. Able 'To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks — Whatever Your Requirements Are .For Home, Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, / Pork and Lamb ,In Any Quantity 'At, Lowest Marketing. Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT ;INSPECTED: FOR YOUR. • PROTECTION / . CHAS,. HOOISMA, PROP. -" ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 • Bridal Shower'For Barbara..Hayter LANGSIDE NEWS Relatives and neighbours gath- ered at Langside Community Hall on Wednesday evening for a,' bridal shower for Barbara .Hayter of Hanover' bride=elect of next- — 'month. Mrs. Gordon Wall >was chairman for the program. Read ings were given by Mrs. Frank Milled -,Mrs. Clifford-Youngand 'Mrs. 13111 Brooks. Contests were • conducted 'by Mrs. Jim, Young, TST. ori' --W l -and Mrs. • ` • ald• Huffman. • ,Mrs.; Wm. 'Scott. led In a sing. -song. Mrs., Bob' Bregman, in Dutch costume sang Eating a hamburger envel- oped in somebody else'scloud of cigarette smoke is no fun for anyone.: ' A: little consideration for the nonsmoker �is a -trend -starting to take shape. Smokers : are getting ;themessage that their smoke pollutes . the atmos- phere of. ,those around them. Especially in crowded places. The . social pressure on smok- ers is building fast. Some air- lines are '•sensjuglhe trend a flying With it. ' Action on Smok- ing and Health -.(ASH). has ed petitions with ' appropriate government agencies to re- quire .airlines • to establish ' no- smoking.:areas-in planes --John-- Banzhaf, .the \prime mover nt ASH; also plans •' to push for. curbs on smoking in restaur- ants, meeting rooms and ele- vators;, plus enforcement:-..of- violated `• 'no -smoking rules yin sections of trains: One tactic- Banzhaf ' may en- courage is lawsuits on behalf of persons. claiming their pri- vac-3 -or- ealtlriS-affected smoke. National' legislation to res- trict' smoking aboard public - transportation has already been, introduced,' Similar pro- posals',' are pending in some. state . legislatures: And t _ ssion. rockey teams have even banned smoking during games _ at their home rinks. 'The District of Colum- bia Medical Society .has asked its 3,000 . members to ban smoking in their offices. Allis month 'Christmas . Seal. associations across the country are making' . united effort to rg ue, smokers to kick the .habit ng the habit is the Ultim- ate expression ; of considera- tion for the' nonsmokers.. And for the smoker's own lungs' and. health. • If you still smoke; •ask your. local. Ct stmas. Seal= ssod `-tion for two leaflets, ME QUIT SMOKING, WH ? and ME QUYT SMOKING HOW. y Getin. touch with Huron - Perth- Tuberculosis &, Respiratory Disease. • • Association l2i . Wellington Street . Stratford, Ont. ' a song in Dutch. Barbara. was asked to come to the. decorated chair and was accompanied by-• Mrs. Eugene Gardner and Mrs: ' George Young.: Mrs. Jim Young ,reas.-_a.n .address-of-best=wishes=•to---. 'the bride-to-be. Gifts• were car= ried . by Sandra Gardner and Karen Young. Barbara thanked all for the gifts. Lunch:was served;. On .Friday evening Mr.. and Mrs, Bdb�Bregrnan-attended-a-recep= tion for Mr. and Mrs;. Hank Boss :at Belmore , and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall and faintly attended. a reception for Mr. and Mrs: Eric Hewitt at Bervie. • . . scar .-o mes• o Wingham .visited on. Tuesday with. •Mr, and Mrs. Gordon; Wall and family.; Joh , t a week -end visitor•with Mr.•and Mrs. George Young and family. • Mr, and Mrs Dave Moffat. attended 'the benefit dance .at Wingham on Saturday, evening for Mc; and Mts. Normarr, Ross., who -1os-t4lie-ir barn reeentay. '. Rev. Horace'Braden. of London' conducted church service at Lang - side on Sunday. . His daughter . . Linda and a friend Wendy assist- ed. with. several songs with.suitar ttccompan.irnent, • Mr. and Mrs, Don Nickel of Weston, Mr. and 'Mrs. Doug Mac - Leod'and Dawn of Toronto., Gloria Culbert and Peter, Newfelt• of Niag• ,ara Falls were week end' visitors LOCHALSH Building continues in the area. Tom Farrell is putting a new sun- porch on his horne and -the -Dave - Elphick farm isreceiving a. Cem- ent pavement in the barn yard. Mrs.. Tom MaQDonald has gone to London, where she is receiving 'treatment in hospital there. Mr,; and: Mrs, David Todd visit- ed With friends in Galt recently., Mr. •and Mrs. Lorne Luther. were guests at a wedding in Ridge town recently:: ' A-niong -those-attending the Hereford breeders picnic on<Satm urday, at Pinkerton: Were Mr,'and Mrs. Oliver McCharles. HonouredOn 25th Anniversary WHITECHURCH' NEWS On Thursday evening a group of -neighbours -arrived- r ng rrg cow bells at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibb to help them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Corsages were presented to: Mr. and Mrs. Gibb by Mrs. Albert Coultes on theparty's • arrival., The evening was spent playing cards and ended up' with a programme During the card playing Mrs. Ezra Scholtz with • the violin, and: John Gibb accom on the piano en1I a the. evening with'°ni-usic, The .programme included Mrs;, Scholtz and John Gibb a musical s„Robert Ross gave-' : • readings;, John . Gibb a piano solo; Mrs.. Victor Emerson" readings. • Mrs. Ezra Scholtz read an address to Mr. and Mrs: 'Gibb and. fired Tiffin presented the couple .with a very. large box -pa-e-ked-with-many papers which— •required time to unpack and,dis- cover the gifts ,. a silver dish and, wool blanket, Mr. .and Mrs .Gibb, replied • thanking their neighbours for their gifts and kindness in remember-. • Tug tlteui uii this special occasion. ; A11 sang for they .are Jolly. Good'. Fellows, with John Gibb accampan- ying on the piano: -• During the.evening a. 3tier with Mr_. and r,s-:Dic1zl4_ Quil— y ed}ing=ca-ke was received from lin:. and Ronnie Mrs.' Claude DoreJr.. returned from Kincardine Hospital last •• Thursday where she had been a patieiat_ following. surgery. . Lou ;Anne Brooks is a patient in Wingham and; District Hospital. We wish 'her a. speedy recovery. relatives and also•several gifts which were along with the neigh- bours gifts. The wedd:ing_cakemwdth all its trimmings ,;arid spring •flowers adorned the table for :thebount- eous lunch brought acid served by. the visiting party. HITECHURCH INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK • On Thursday evening White,- church Jr. Intermediates.'played 'at Tees. a 'th i he Tnr • iates ; the, score being8 - 1 for . • Teeswater;. • . Monday evening Whitechurch and Be:lgrave Pee Wee teams were toplay'. at '`Whitechurch.:: Owing to a heavy rain the teams went to Belgrave to play with a score 12 - 4 in 'favor. of Belgrave . On Monday 4r. and • 1rs, Victor :Emerson were at Purple .Grove,•Victor visitedwith Don �1cCosh and Mrs. Emerson attended the Standing Committee Conveners Workshp for Bruce. South,.-ri-- — Mr.. and ,Mrs . Clarence, Ritchie and family of 2nd Concession Kinloss. • Mrs, •Lebla'Chadwick,,Phillp earned- Chadwick and Mrs. Goodall, ,all • ° of•Lond'on, Miss Velma ,Naylor 'of Blyth, .Wilbert Naylor of B.C. •• were Sunday; afternoon callers on Mr. and Mrs. V ictbr Emerson. .I rs - .• Conveners, Mrs. Wrr1:.Arnold Bruce .South bistrict:'Pres,ident and Mr1'. Arthur Teasdale , P•rovin- cia'I Board Director, were in charge. ,Mr.,and Mrs•. Stewart, Smith:, 'Kitchener and Mr. arid Mr`s. Ger- shorn Johnston.,. Wingharfi: Calle°d Sunday evening, at' the horne of HonourParent&OrL. 40th .Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Stewart were taken.cdr pletely by sur - know and. District re.ditOnIon WISH TO CONGRATULATE MISS VALERIE.MORNING5TAR: CHOSEN AS THEIR QUEEN FOR THE COMING SCF,AR, . .r THEY W1SH. TO cCNVEY THEIR ThANKS TO THE FOLLOWING ANTSTOR SPONSOR1NG SPONSORING - GIRLS BILL'S MEAT MARKET ` • ART HELM 'WELDING ' TRELEAVEN'S LUCKNOW FEED . MILL' . McDONAGH :• NSURANCE . -•- HALL'S RED BUD HAMILTON FUELS LUCKNOW PRO HARDWARE .LOG CABIN RESTAURANTL BILL JOHNSTONE • .FURNITURE • RATHWEL-L 'SHOES - LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL McKENZIE • FURNITURE • • k$IN�REETHANK1CU1SALSOT EXTENDED TO THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS AND FRIENDS FOR CAS_DONAtIONS--AND--GIFT •SANDERSON'S LADIES and MENS WEAR ROY .EINLAYS. SEPOY, S,TORE'.y BRUCE McMILLAN: • • JOHNSTON. MOBILE FEED MACHAN _•HARDWARE SCHMID'•S •JEWELRY HAROLD RITCHIE•. GORDON .FISHER DECORATORS ' ALEX :ANDREW DAIRY CHISHOLM'S 'IMPERIAL -; ESSO HACKE.TT'S. FARM MACHINERY BARBARA WHITBY • ASHTON'S DEPARTMENT .'STORE H B :B.. DISCOUNT • McTAVISH FINA • GE SHOPPE RON FORSTER MARY LOU P,RI'ESTAP C. &.M. TRANSPORT JACK MCDONALD'S' • . 'GARAGE' DR BROCK CLELAND MARIE BROOKS; AVEN'S-PLUMBING ELLIOTT SEED,MILL MONTGOMERYMOTORS MOTORS .' JAMES BOYLE . FASHIONS BY JANETTE E ,CTRIC. HENDERSON LUMBER CLINTON' CREDIT UNION, WE APPRECIATE THE LOAN OF' CARS AND ALL. OTHER DEEDS . OF KINDNESS THAT MADE OUR SECOND ANNUAL @LEE 1'` -CONTEST UCI A;N OUTSTANDING SUCCESS. Mary Park daughter of the late (r. and Mrs. Richard.of them to a turkey dinner'at their Port Albert home on Saturday, June•20th The dinner was corn-: piece with a wedding cake which had been decor&ted.by their daughter-in-law Mrs. Norman Stewart.of Larnbeth. The even- ing was spent at• cards. Mrs, Stewart is the :former ungannon. Mr. Stewart is the son of the late'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart.of Dungannon, The couple were.'married on June 8th 1930, . Mr.. and Mrs,. Stewart have a family of four Mrs, Paul (Joyce) Caesar of Dungannon; Mrs, icon,. (Edna) Alton of Lucknow , Notni an of Lambeth, Richard of North Bair and eight grandchildren. Ric and and his wi e Leslee were unable to be present. • Mt, and Mts. Stewart's family presented them with a dozen red roses and two ntiahogany'.la,mp , tables, ,Their: grandchildren pre'se.nted them with a set of bathroom, scafes'.and a bottle of larrtp,•oil or' 'in a fuby shade.