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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-24, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th, 1970
Everyone Is Invited To Attend
8;.30•P.M. Laying Of Wreath At Cenotaph, Court House
Square, Goderich.
9:00 P.M. Dedication Of Fountain (Corner Of Hamilton
St. And Nelson: St.).
All Dutch -Canadian Citizens Are ..
Requested To Attend
• 19445 1970
This fountain has •been' donated by. ' the
Dutch -Canadians of Goderich and surrounding area to
:commemorate .the 25th anniversary •of the liberation
of the Netherlands during the Second 'World War.
• Thank you Canada. ,
• Several families from this
community attended- the Annual
Webster re -union at Harbour Park,
Goderich on Sunday. •
Mrs. Dynes Campbell spent a
fewdays last week in. Leaming-
ton, She attended the funeral
of her brother-in-law George
Bancroft.; who passed away at
the age of 54.years after a short
illness.. '
Treated At Wingham District Hospital:
Alex Baird , R. R. 3', • Wingham
received painful injuries on June
Aaron ' Weber , ` Neustadt , had •
an unfortunate accident .while
Mrs •Verna. Culbert and Tom
Hallam visited Mr., and Mrs.
Thos.'. Park ,: Sunday..
Mr..and Mrs'. Roy Ashton of
Goderich. visited .Mr: and Mrs.
Wm: Park and family on Sunday.
On Sunday the Orangemen
paraded from their ha1lto the
Anglican church., where there
was a, large: attendance for their
service. '
tree. The injured had to be
pried out of the .car by the .hospit.
al ambulance crew . The car
was" drivenBarry McKay , age
.19, son of Mr-. and Mrs, John
1vicKay of Wtngha'm. His passers-
ger -was Miss Christine Ciernia
•wski,'age 2U, Of Wingha.m,
daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Czerniawski of innerkip, ,Ontario.
.. n
en you Fxry'
gallons of
17th when heOwas moving furni-
ture .wales. One slipped -and-
•'struck: him on the head.' He sus. -
rained lacerations to scalp and
- H rhe -bridge of his; nose:: _
Gordon Leggatt ,•Wingham ,
lacerated his• first finger -of his.
left hand on a saw at his home.
Charles Robinson; R. R. 2,
Lucknow was, on a ladder which
. gave way and.he fell'approximat
ely ib Leet .to the ground -"Fie - .
'received a"fractured, right knee
cap, abrasions:to•bothleg's.; fac-
ial' contusions. He was;:admit-=
ted to hospital. al.
•'Chad, Mann,. age 3 ,' R: ,R. 2,
Teeswater, son' of Mr. and Mrs.
the; ba•rn with other children and
received a ,pitchfork laceration
to his right leg.
Connie: Haugh, age.8', ,R. R. 1,
Mrs. Raymondd'Haugh, punctured.
her left foot when she stepped on .
a nail at her. home. '.
Terrance Anger. ; age 12,, Wing-.
ham.;... son -of: Mr.:..and. Mrs.'Bruce,
Angerstepped on' a nail at the
kriver, puncturing his left,foot.::
1 ■ .
installing cupboards at .CKNX , •
-wlren d cupboard fell mins .fie -,a -d..
He was given first aid , treated
and' released toreturnto his own
doctor .in Hafover` .
Leslie Greenaway , 'Blu'evale
fell 'off a :ladder approximately
12 feet inuring his left knee and.
arm; and suffering contusions..
• ' Robert Currie,: age: 8, R. -R. 3,
Wingharn' son of Mr.. and. Mrs,
John A. Currie, received painful,
injuries when a calf bit' his . .
right first' finger..
Dennis Ducharme ,• R. R...2, •
Brussels, receivedpainful.i jur-
les when he was trampled by a •
steer. ;. He. received contusions and
rrr - nd-a n =i-n'---=-P-au•1. - ° -
et London was thrown off his
motor cycle on the farm of Gord-
on Smith•of Blyth. :He received
facial lacerations and abrasion to
-the face •
Stanley 'Guthrie , .229 Winfield.
.Street Waterloo :Ontario was
playing ball in Brussels when a
team mate accidentally .
stepped on.his foot with his spiked.
ball shoes•„causing a' puncture,.
wound on his,instep
Aired left leg..:
Allan Breckenridge ,.R.' R. 2,
Bluevale was digging post.holes •
and caught.h'is left arm in.the.
powert-•ke--off . 'H-e=reee-rved
a,large '.laceration to -the inner
portion of his .left arra.,' He was
admitted to hospital.
A single car ,accident occurred
on the ..-B" line of Turnberry-
opposite the cernetery ;: A :car •
went out of control and struck a
Injuries -Barry McKay exten-
sive-sc 1p-la-ce rations ; fa'eia 1
lacerations compound fracture of .
right femur , deep laceration of . Stay dry in the fields and.
-right leg, ci ushing chesi iu jurieb , sa e-$7 O0 -too Get`one-of
multiple lacerations and epntu�- '�
sions. Condition critical. ' Miss
Christine Czerniawski -.extensive:
scalp laceration's,' fractured left
femur , '.chesi injuries, multiple
lacerations and contusions: Con-.
mit on critical:. Both were trans-
.ferrel to Victoria.Hospital, Satur-
day morning. on Monday condi-
,,tion of both was still critical.
The accident was investigated gg ted by
Cpl; Croskill and Constable Wit -
tick ,: Wingham
„these, PVC (polyvinyl '
chloride)` waterproof' rain
suits that are made'to.
really last, Pants have wide
attached suspenderswith •
elastic insert. Jackethas
*for -quick, easy fastening,' • •
sure protection against the
weather. Yellow only, in ;
small,mediim'and large.' ”
sizes.' Come' in and discuss
' your'gasoline or,. diesel..
requirements and see this
�$1 .
Value 6 95
Pa $.9.95
(With purchase of 100 gals.
'CO-OP gasoline/Diesel fuel)
Save $LOO
ucknow District Co -o
• . PHONE 357
69 CHEV 2 door, 8. automatic
HEV -4 -door- sedan4=aut at
with radio
67 FORD 2 door,: 6 automatic, •radio'
67 9 CHRYSLER 2 door .hardtop,
CORONET stationwagon, . 8 ' aut
uratic- with- radio •
6. CHEV, 2 door hardtop, console,.
bucket seats and radio ,
07-00•0.3..00.1 a o - 0. .M
67 FORD, 4 door sedan, 8 automatic 65
with radio
66 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic
with radio
70' 7 DODGE W100 ><
. , /2 torn sno-frter,
equipped `
PLYMOUTH Sport Fury, 2 door
hardtoe,.8 cylinder, 4 speed''
8 cylinder,
speed transmission
411 Idk.t
Petroleum Products
tudents; Spee
An Enjoyable Dayl
Contr.ibuted•by Sandra ,Finlay.'
Friday, June l t , ;15 a.m.
found 39 Grade 6 students'and •
their teachers, 'Miss Helen
Thompson and/ Mrs.' Cheryl
Cronin on.a bus headed for Owen
'Mr. Harvey Webster drove our
bus first to Sun Valley Wildlife
Park, where we;saw creatures of
eve-ry shape ;: size., celou-r-and
=obse�:rved w-itlr�i n terest ,s :lie
dernonstrated the art of making
these shingles.:
• Each class •receiv
ed;a'handmade,shingl.e as a souv--
1v1r. Landen the
cradle, Tom. Thompson. used as a
baby and part of a•set of dishes
• he had given• his .sister' for..her
wedding gift. Displays •of dresses.
tools ,'and household items used
in days gone, by ,.were shown
also, One of t reaate attray
tionswas a log cabin used until,
ten:years ago.;
„_:... _ Ot ttrtfie=Tar Yro- pson
description: Turtles, groundhogs;
, pheasants foxes, deer, bears, •
and mules greeted us as we strol-
led through the grounds.
After such an exciting morning
Memorial Gallery. ! A collection
of paintings done by Tom Thornp- .
son and members of the Group .
of Seven as well as paintings done
b other well-known artists were
_ - ..
explore Harrison Park.
Next on our schedule was a
trip to the County of Grey/Owen
Sound Museurn. • •
Mr. John Lander), the' curator
there, made our vYsit'4uite
enjoyable by explaining tock
paintings, Indian life, and how
shingles..were made by, hand. We
on ex t•rt t ere. • orin romp-
sons palette and clay pip' were
shown ns also.
Everyone shopped in Towers
before leaving for home., 1n
Port Elgin , we: stopped fora light
supper at the Traveller, ,
We arrived home at 1/:30, 'tired
but very happy.